Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
Giuistiniani could perpetuate the dignity ; and , therefore , some further information would be desirable as to the existence in England of any Chapter of the orig inal Order of Constantine at any time . As the sketch stops thus short , I turn to other Avell recognised authorities for information . The
candidates were originally bound to pt-OA e their noble descent through four generations , but after the repulse of the Comneni by the Turks , they began to traffic with the Order of Constantine for pecuniary purposes , granting it to any one willing to pay for it , ¦ without regard to birth , rankor station , until 1 G 99
, , when the last scion of the race , who lived at Parma and was childless , sold the dignity of Grand Master to Duke Prancis I . of Parma , of the House of Parnese . The purchased title was confirmed by Popes Innocent XV . and Clement XLaud the new
, Grand Master raised tho Order of Constantine again into consideration and respect by the judicious bestowal of its honours and the wealth Avith which he endowed the Order . After the extinction of the Parnese family in 1713 , the Infante Don Carlos , heir of the Duchy of Parma , declared himself Grand
Master of the Order aud transferred its seat to Naples . He took Avith him the Archives and established the Order in his new kingdom , despite the declamations of the Infante Don Phili p , who had succeeded his brother upon the throne of Parma . The original Order of Constantine thus remained in
full force until 1 S 0 G , when Joseph Buonaparte abolished it , together with all tho Orders of the Kingdom . The-Order then followed the expelled King to Sicily , where it remained until after the Peace of Paris in 1 S 14 , when the Empress Marie Louise became heiress to the dominions of the
Parnese . On the 13 th February , 1 S 16 , she declared herself Grand Mistress of the Order in right of her mother , Maria Theresa , of Sicily , who was a descendant of the Parnese family . Thus both the Bourbon King of Nanles and the Archduchess of Parma considered
themselves its legitimate heads . The Order in Parma is divided into Senators of the Grand Cross , Commanders , Knights , Serving Brothers , and Squires . The Order was restored again to the Sicilies in ISl-i , Avith the King as Grand Master ; it is HOAV divided into three classes : Kni ghts Grand Cross , Knights ,
and Serving Companions . I refrain from taking up your space with descriptions of the costume , or uniform , of the Order , as it would be beside the question of whether the Masonic Order treated of in the sketch , has any affinity with the two branches of the Order of
Constantine now in existence as public Orders of foreign States . The sale referred to clearly was not " pretended , " and the implication that the Order is " restricted to Freemasons" is not accurate . The Masonic Order has appropriated the regalia of the public Orders , but I find no reference to this subject
except at page 40 of the sketch , Avhere it is recorded that in 1813 a committee was appointed " to consider the proper costume aud regalia of the Order . " Did this committee decide upon using the regalia of the public foreign Orders , or has the appropriation been recent ? I have seen a venerable and distinguished brother wear a gold cross ( of the Greek form ) enamelled red , as a decoration of the Masonic Bed v ^ ross Order .
The sketch treats of tho Order of the Holy Sepulchre with the very short notice , —¦ " About this period the Order of the Holy Sepulchre flourished . " Tho date previously mentioned in the sketch is 1788 ; I conclude , therefore , that this is the period referred to . I am inclined to think so venerable an Order as
that of the Holy Sepulchre Avas entitled to a some-Avhat more extended notice than the announcement that it "flourished" about the year 1783 . Some writers fix its foundation at as remote a period as the year G 9 , but others assign it more recent dates , and probably historic proofs Avill not carry it farther
back than 1-196 , during the Papacy of Alexander VI ., who sought to be considered its founder , aud by moans of the Order to stimulate zeal for religion and pilgrimages . Tho Grand Mastership , and tho right of nominating-Knights , AA'ere originally vested in Holy Seethough
, the Pope subsequently ceded those rights to the Guardian Father of the Sacred Tomb . The duties imposed upon the Knights were very arduous , but the privileges they enjoyed were remarkably extensive . The Order , which became widely spread , Avas rccon
structed on the 19 th of August , 181-1 , by Louis XVIII ., as a royal institution , and was also similarly remodelled in Poland . In the latter country it expired at the Kevolution ' of 1 S 30 . In 1 S 17 a Latin patriarch was once more established at Jerusalem , and the Koman Propaganda then transferred to him the right of conferring the Order of the Holy
Sepulchre . This right is now exercised , and the Order is sparingly conferred amongst the most distinguished of the pilgrims to Jerusalem . During the fluctuations of this Order , it was at one time ( about the year 1500 ) united Avith the Sovereign Order of St . John ' of Jerusalem , and consequently would
( except for its subsequent independent reviA'als ) haA'e belonged to the latter Order , the scattered branches of which are now represented by an establishment in Home , by the Eoyal Prussian Order of St . John , two Grand Priorities in Ilttssia , an establishment in Poland , the Spanish lloyal Orderand the Order of St .
, John Aoglia , of which latter branch the Chancery is at St . Martin ' s-place , Trafalgar-square . I observe by the sketch that the regalia of the public foreign Order of the Holy Sepulchre is also appropriated as that of the Masonic Order .
I trouble you with these notes in no captious spirit , and Avith no desire to prejudice the Masonic Orders to which the sketch relates , but in a spirit of fair inquiry , and of Archaeological interest . I would giva every consideration to the Masonic Orders which they can demand or deserve ; but I feel that something is due to the public Orderswhich they cither
, properl y represent or improperly imitate , and in paying that due the Masonic Orders will certainly lose no respect . I think justice to both requires the explanations of the sketch should be enlarged , and I trust those brethren who may be able to explain more in detail the claims of these Masonic Orders
will not Avithhold the information , — . LUPUS . SCOT ' PEOEICIES'CT . Surely Crux knows that Scotsmen , ever since the modern Solomon heired the English throne , have looked upon themselves as the wisest folks alive . Why should not a rich , although inexperienced brother ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Giuistiniani could perpetuate the dignity ; and , therefore , some further information would be desirable as to the existence in England of any Chapter of the orig inal Order of Constantine at any time . As the sketch stops thus short , I turn to other Avell recognised authorities for information . The
candidates were originally bound to pt-OA e their noble descent through four generations , but after the repulse of the Comneni by the Turks , they began to traffic with the Order of Constantine for pecuniary purposes , granting it to any one willing to pay for it , ¦ without regard to birth , rankor station , until 1 G 99
, , when the last scion of the race , who lived at Parma and was childless , sold the dignity of Grand Master to Duke Prancis I . of Parma , of the House of Parnese . The purchased title was confirmed by Popes Innocent XV . and Clement XLaud the new
, Grand Master raised tho Order of Constantine again into consideration and respect by the judicious bestowal of its honours and the wealth Avith which he endowed the Order . After the extinction of the Parnese family in 1713 , the Infante Don Carlos , heir of the Duchy of Parma , declared himself Grand
Master of the Order aud transferred its seat to Naples . He took Avith him the Archives and established the Order in his new kingdom , despite the declamations of the Infante Don Phili p , who had succeeded his brother upon the throne of Parma . The original Order of Constantine thus remained in
full force until 1 S 0 G , when Joseph Buonaparte abolished it , together with all tho Orders of the Kingdom . The-Order then followed the expelled King to Sicily , where it remained until after the Peace of Paris in 1 S 14 , when the Empress Marie Louise became heiress to the dominions of the
Parnese . On the 13 th February , 1 S 16 , she declared herself Grand Mistress of the Order in right of her mother , Maria Theresa , of Sicily , who was a descendant of the Parnese family . Thus both the Bourbon King of Nanles and the Archduchess of Parma considered
themselves its legitimate heads . The Order in Parma is divided into Senators of the Grand Cross , Commanders , Knights , Serving Brothers , and Squires . The Order was restored again to the Sicilies in ISl-i , Avith the King as Grand Master ; it is HOAV divided into three classes : Kni ghts Grand Cross , Knights ,
and Serving Companions . I refrain from taking up your space with descriptions of the costume , or uniform , of the Order , as it would be beside the question of whether the Masonic Order treated of in the sketch , has any affinity with the two branches of the Order of
Constantine now in existence as public Orders of foreign States . The sale referred to clearly was not " pretended , " and the implication that the Order is " restricted to Freemasons" is not accurate . The Masonic Order has appropriated the regalia of the public Orders , but I find no reference to this subject
except at page 40 of the sketch , Avhere it is recorded that in 1813 a committee was appointed " to consider the proper costume aud regalia of the Order . " Did this committee decide upon using the regalia of the public foreign Orders , or has the appropriation been recent ? I have seen a venerable and distinguished brother wear a gold cross ( of the Greek form ) enamelled red , as a decoration of the Masonic Bed v ^ ross Order .
The sketch treats of tho Order of the Holy Sepulchre with the very short notice , —¦ " About this period the Order of the Holy Sepulchre flourished . " Tho date previously mentioned in the sketch is 1788 ; I conclude , therefore , that this is the period referred to . I am inclined to think so venerable an Order as
that of the Holy Sepulchre Avas entitled to a some-Avhat more extended notice than the announcement that it "flourished" about the year 1783 . Some writers fix its foundation at as remote a period as the year G 9 , but others assign it more recent dates , and probably historic proofs Avill not carry it farther
back than 1-196 , during the Papacy of Alexander VI ., who sought to be considered its founder , aud by moans of the Order to stimulate zeal for religion and pilgrimages . Tho Grand Mastership , and tho right of nominating-Knights , AA'ere originally vested in Holy Seethough
, the Pope subsequently ceded those rights to the Guardian Father of the Sacred Tomb . The duties imposed upon the Knights were very arduous , but the privileges they enjoyed were remarkably extensive . The Order , which became widely spread , Avas rccon
structed on the 19 th of August , 181-1 , by Louis XVIII ., as a royal institution , and was also similarly remodelled in Poland . In the latter country it expired at the Kevolution ' of 1 S 30 . In 1 S 17 a Latin patriarch was once more established at Jerusalem , and the Koman Propaganda then transferred to him the right of conferring the Order of the Holy
Sepulchre . This right is now exercised , and the Order is sparingly conferred amongst the most distinguished of the pilgrims to Jerusalem . During the fluctuations of this Order , it was at one time ( about the year 1500 ) united Avith the Sovereign Order of St . John ' of Jerusalem , and consequently would
( except for its subsequent independent reviA'als ) haA'e belonged to the latter Order , the scattered branches of which are now represented by an establishment in Home , by the Eoyal Prussian Order of St . John , two Grand Priorities in Ilttssia , an establishment in Poland , the Spanish lloyal Orderand the Order of St .
, John Aoglia , of which latter branch the Chancery is at St . Martin ' s-place , Trafalgar-square . I observe by the sketch that the regalia of the public foreign Order of the Holy Sepulchre is also appropriated as that of the Masonic Order .
I trouble you with these notes in no captious spirit , and Avith no desire to prejudice the Masonic Orders to which the sketch relates , but in a spirit of fair inquiry , and of Archaeological interest . I would giva every consideration to the Masonic Orders which they can demand or deserve ; but I feel that something is due to the public Orderswhich they cither
, properl y represent or improperly imitate , and in paying that due the Masonic Orders will certainly lose no respect . I think justice to both requires the explanations of the sketch should be enlarged , and I trust those brethren who may be able to explain more in detail the claims of these Masonic Orders
will not Avithhold the information , — . LUPUS . SCOT ' PEOEICIES'CT . Surely Crux knows that Scotsmen , ever since the modern Solomon heired the English throne , have looked upon themselves as the wisest folks alive . Why should not a rich , although inexperienced brother ,