Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
addressing the Government to demand the execution of the laAvs of 1848 , the passing of a new electoral law , and the establishment of a separate constitution in Transylvania , and its representation in a Diet of its own . The project for the union of Transylvania Avith Hungary received the most determined opposition . According to the official Gazette of Vienna , the Council of Ministers have adopted the statute concerning the organisation of the Council of the Empire . The legislative powers of the Reichsrath
Avill extend to the economical questions and the taxation of the whole- empire ; but , as regards all other subjects , only to those which concern provinces not Hungarian . Correspondences from Alenna state that new troops have been sent into the principal toAvns of Hungary to reinforce those already there . The garrisons of Pesth , Arad , and other places are said to have been doubled , and the orders to have been sent to the commanders of fortresses to augment their forces . The Porte continues to refuse its assent to
a prolongation of the French occupation of Syria . ——Prince Couza has addressed a note to the agent of Principalities at the Ottoman Court , and forwarded a copy to the representatives of the Great Powers which signed the treaty of Paris . The object of the note is to appeal against the suspicions ivhich the Turkish Government entertain with regard to the good faith of the Principalities , and which Prince Couza declares to be wholly unjust . Especially he lains of being suspected of connivance as regards the recent
comp entry of vessels , laden with arms , into Galatz , and to the seizure of which he was urged by the British agents . No one , he declares , had so great an interest as he in causing the neutrality of the territory to be respected . He hopes that henceforth his relations with the Sublime Porte may be placed on a footing of mutual confidence . The advanced party in Spain have received a check . The proposal renewed by them in the Congress in favour of constitutional reform has been rejected by a majority of 134 voices against 35 .
The negotiations for a treaty of commerce between France and the Zollverein are actively proceeding , and promise , it is stated , a satisfactory result . It is said that the basis of the treaty will not be as broad as that of the convention ivhich is about to be signed with Belgium , unless the Conference ' of the Zollverein offer to make certain concessions towards commercial freedom .- It is believed in Paris that the negociations for a new treaty of commerce between France and Prussia are proceeding so successfully that the termination will be made known towards the middle of March . The Ministerial organ of Denmark , the Lagbladet , denies that
there is any truth in the statement made by several papers which affirmed that the Great Powers , not German , had declared to Denmark that they would not recognise a blockade of the German ports if , in the event of Federal troops' entering Holstein , the Danish Government should have recourse to such a measure . A deputation of students from Schleswig ivaited upon the Danish AA ' ar Minister to present an address , in Avhich they offered to place themselves at his disposal in the event of ivar breaking out . The
Minister expressed his thanks for the offer , and observed that the occupation of Holstein by Federal troops would possibly cause a war with Germany , in which , perhaps , all Europe would be involved . The news from Gaeta is of a somewhat more important character than for some time past . The besiegers had blown up three powder magazines belonging to the fortress , and had destroyed the side-curtain of the citadel . The garrison sought for an armistice of forty-eiht hoursin order to bury the dead
g , . Cialdini not only granted" the request , but , it is added , sent up to the place various necessaries for the wounded . Two steamers were on the point of leaving to fetch away some of the wounded , when Cialdini learned that the terms of the armistice were being broken by the garrison endeavouring to repair the breaches and work the batteries . He at once broke off all communication with the place , declaring that he would make no more concessions , but that the bombardment should be resumed on the following day .
Later accounts state that Cialdini had blown up another -powdermagazine in the fortress , destroying the whole of tho Transylvania bastion , and that in consequence of these events the negotiations for the surrender of the garrison have been resumed . A telegram , dated AA ednesday night , direct from Gaeta , tells us that the fortress has capitulated , that General Cialdini is about to occupy the town , that the King and Queen were then embarking , and that the garrison remain prisoners of war till the surrender of
Messina and Civitella del Fronte . A French corvette has by this time received the Royal fugitives . The committee formed at Rome for the purpose of forwarding annexation with Sardinia have published a circular in ivhich they invite the citizens to participate in the gaieties of the carnival season , on the ground that tidings had heen received by them which are exceedingly gratifying . The Russian Minister at Rome , M . de AA'olkousky , being detained there by illness , another Russian diplomatic agent was about to start as Envoy , for the purpose of convey , ing to Gaeta the Grand Cordon of the ' Ordcr of the AVhite Eagieeonferrcd by the Emperor , " of Russia upon Francis II . and the
The Week.
Bourbon Princes . It is not very easy to understand , however , by what process the Envoy is to obtain an entrance into Gaeta during the blockade ivhich Persano's fleet is maintaining . AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND . —Intelligence has been received from Australia , the most remarkable features of which are the formation of a new Ministry in Victoria , and the discovery of several new gold-fields in the same colony . Hostilities against the chief , William King , had not been resumed . The weather had
been unfavourable for fighting in the bush—a mode of ivarfare which , under the most favourable circumstances , is extremely harassing to the soldiers , and at the same time full of danger . But the chief reason AAIIV warlike operations were suspended was that a portion of General Pratt ' s troops were required at Aucklandan apprehension existing that the defeat of the AVaikatos at the battle of Mahoetahi would lead to a general rising of that tribe . Reinforcements , amounting to 500 men , had arrived at Auckland ,
and ivould , no doubt , be despatched to the seat of war . AMERICA . —AA e are in receipt of intelligence from the United States to the 30 th ult . A irginia , it appears , had assumed the position of mediator , and by her influence the President had ordered the commander ofthe vessel which he had despatched to Pensacola , in Florida , to act strictly on the defensive . Texas was likely to go for immediate secession . As she is peopled so largely by emigrants from the cotton States , and as she must naturally be overawed by
her powerful neighbours , this result ivas to be expected . It is stated that the Republicans have taken active measures for an adjustment on the basis of Mr . Crittenden's propositions . A deputation of New York merchants and bankers had arrived at AA ashington , to try their hand at the work of compromise . CANADA . —Additional information has been received concerning the Extradition case , ivhich has so largely excited the interest of the British public . The judges , it appears , have decided that there is no power of appeal from the Court of Queen ' s Bench , before which the case was first brought , to the Court of Error . Anderson has ,
therefore , been simply returned to the prison in which he was first confined , where he would await the action ofthe Canadian executive . A great deal of feeling on the subject existed in Canada , a great meeting having been held at Montreal for the purpose of protesting against the proposed surrender of the fugitive , and of recommending an appeal to the Priry Council . At Toronto , Mr . Gerritt Smith had delivered an eloquent address , in the course of which he gave the substance of a conversation he had held with Lord
Ashburton on the subject of the treaty . He said that his lordship had distinctly assured him that the treaty was not intended to apply to anything which a fugive slave might do in the attempt to effect his escape . CHINA AND JAPAN . —The Overland Mail has arrived with later news from India and China . From China AA-e learn that the Yangtsze was to be opened to trade , a British Admiral being deputed to sail up the river . Lord Elin was at Shanghai . The second
instalg ment of the indemnity had been paid . The China Mail informs us that the difficulties in Japan continue to increase , and that Admiral Hope had gone thither , no doubt to make a demonstration . In the meanwhile we are without information as to the real nature of the disputes which have assumed so threatening an aspect in Japan . AERICA . —A considerable immigration of free coloured persons from the United States to Hayti is taking place under the super-- , vision and at the expense of the Government of the latter republic .
Not only is tho expense of the passage of the immigrants defrayed by the authorities , but on their arrival iu the country they are presented with free grants of land in a fertile district , and are provided with board and lodging until they are suitably located . In this way the Government , as rapidly as their means will admit , are giving to Hayti that increase of population which will enable her to cultivate , on a larger scale , the lich productions of her soil . It is worthy of remark that all the immigrants are being planted in the plains of the Atribonite , a country which is said to be capable of producing two millions of bales of cotton per annum .
Public Amusements.
ROYAL ENGLISH OPERA , COA ENT GARDEN . A bolder experiment upon public taste , and one more deserving of sympathy , has seldom been made than in the production on the English lyric stage of the poem of " Hiawatha , " set to music , without the ordinary accessories of the opera . Such experiments are in the right direction , as indicating a high estimate of the influences which render tho lyric drama so attractive . But it should be made under conditions in tho hihest
g degree favourable to success ; and these , we regret to say , are not furnished by the composition of Mr . Robert Stoepel . Tho music of Mendelssohn to " ( Edipus , " with the admirable declamation of Miss Edith Heraud , did not draw such crowds to the Crystal Palace concert-room as did the lady ' s performance of "Medea" at a minor theatre . " Hiawatha " appears to have been a great sue-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
addressing the Government to demand the execution of the laAvs of 1848 , the passing of a new electoral law , and the establishment of a separate constitution in Transylvania , and its representation in a Diet of its own . The project for the union of Transylvania Avith Hungary received the most determined opposition . According to the official Gazette of Vienna , the Council of Ministers have adopted the statute concerning the organisation of the Council of the Empire . The legislative powers of the Reichsrath
Avill extend to the economical questions and the taxation of the whole- empire ; but , as regards all other subjects , only to those which concern provinces not Hungarian . Correspondences from Alenna state that new troops have been sent into the principal toAvns of Hungary to reinforce those already there . The garrisons of Pesth , Arad , and other places are said to have been doubled , and the orders to have been sent to the commanders of fortresses to augment their forces . The Porte continues to refuse its assent to
a prolongation of the French occupation of Syria . ——Prince Couza has addressed a note to the agent of Principalities at the Ottoman Court , and forwarded a copy to the representatives of the Great Powers which signed the treaty of Paris . The object of the note is to appeal against the suspicions ivhich the Turkish Government entertain with regard to the good faith of the Principalities , and which Prince Couza declares to be wholly unjust . Especially he lains of being suspected of connivance as regards the recent
comp entry of vessels , laden with arms , into Galatz , and to the seizure of which he was urged by the British agents . No one , he declares , had so great an interest as he in causing the neutrality of the territory to be respected . He hopes that henceforth his relations with the Sublime Porte may be placed on a footing of mutual confidence . The advanced party in Spain have received a check . The proposal renewed by them in the Congress in favour of constitutional reform has been rejected by a majority of 134 voices against 35 .
The negotiations for a treaty of commerce between France and the Zollverein are actively proceeding , and promise , it is stated , a satisfactory result . It is said that the basis of the treaty will not be as broad as that of the convention ivhich is about to be signed with Belgium , unless the Conference ' of the Zollverein offer to make certain concessions towards commercial freedom .- It is believed in Paris that the negociations for a new treaty of commerce between France and Prussia are proceeding so successfully that the termination will be made known towards the middle of March . The Ministerial organ of Denmark , the Lagbladet , denies that
there is any truth in the statement made by several papers which affirmed that the Great Powers , not German , had declared to Denmark that they would not recognise a blockade of the German ports if , in the event of Federal troops' entering Holstein , the Danish Government should have recourse to such a measure . A deputation of students from Schleswig ivaited upon the Danish AA ' ar Minister to present an address , in Avhich they offered to place themselves at his disposal in the event of ivar breaking out . The
Minister expressed his thanks for the offer , and observed that the occupation of Holstein by Federal troops would possibly cause a war with Germany , in which , perhaps , all Europe would be involved . The news from Gaeta is of a somewhat more important character than for some time past . The besiegers had blown up three powder magazines belonging to the fortress , and had destroyed the side-curtain of the citadel . The garrison sought for an armistice of forty-eiht hoursin order to bury the dead
g , . Cialdini not only granted" the request , but , it is added , sent up to the place various necessaries for the wounded . Two steamers were on the point of leaving to fetch away some of the wounded , when Cialdini learned that the terms of the armistice were being broken by the garrison endeavouring to repair the breaches and work the batteries . He at once broke off all communication with the place , declaring that he would make no more concessions , but that the bombardment should be resumed on the following day .
Later accounts state that Cialdini had blown up another -powdermagazine in the fortress , destroying the whole of tho Transylvania bastion , and that in consequence of these events the negotiations for the surrender of the garrison have been resumed . A telegram , dated AA ednesday night , direct from Gaeta , tells us that the fortress has capitulated , that General Cialdini is about to occupy the town , that the King and Queen were then embarking , and that the garrison remain prisoners of war till the surrender of
Messina and Civitella del Fronte . A French corvette has by this time received the Royal fugitives . The committee formed at Rome for the purpose of forwarding annexation with Sardinia have published a circular in ivhich they invite the citizens to participate in the gaieties of the carnival season , on the ground that tidings had heen received by them which are exceedingly gratifying . The Russian Minister at Rome , M . de AA'olkousky , being detained there by illness , another Russian diplomatic agent was about to start as Envoy , for the purpose of convey , ing to Gaeta the Grand Cordon of the ' Ordcr of the AVhite Eagieeonferrcd by the Emperor , " of Russia upon Francis II . and the
The Week.
Bourbon Princes . It is not very easy to understand , however , by what process the Envoy is to obtain an entrance into Gaeta during the blockade ivhich Persano's fleet is maintaining . AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND . —Intelligence has been received from Australia , the most remarkable features of which are the formation of a new Ministry in Victoria , and the discovery of several new gold-fields in the same colony . Hostilities against the chief , William King , had not been resumed . The weather had
been unfavourable for fighting in the bush—a mode of ivarfare which , under the most favourable circumstances , is extremely harassing to the soldiers , and at the same time full of danger . But the chief reason AAIIV warlike operations were suspended was that a portion of General Pratt ' s troops were required at Aucklandan apprehension existing that the defeat of the AVaikatos at the battle of Mahoetahi would lead to a general rising of that tribe . Reinforcements , amounting to 500 men , had arrived at Auckland ,
and ivould , no doubt , be despatched to the seat of war . AMERICA . —AA e are in receipt of intelligence from the United States to the 30 th ult . A irginia , it appears , had assumed the position of mediator , and by her influence the President had ordered the commander ofthe vessel which he had despatched to Pensacola , in Florida , to act strictly on the defensive . Texas was likely to go for immediate secession . As she is peopled so largely by emigrants from the cotton States , and as she must naturally be overawed by
her powerful neighbours , this result ivas to be expected . It is stated that the Republicans have taken active measures for an adjustment on the basis of Mr . Crittenden's propositions . A deputation of New York merchants and bankers had arrived at AA ashington , to try their hand at the work of compromise . CANADA . —Additional information has been received concerning the Extradition case , ivhich has so largely excited the interest of the British public . The judges , it appears , have decided that there is no power of appeal from the Court of Queen ' s Bench , before which the case was first brought , to the Court of Error . Anderson has ,
therefore , been simply returned to the prison in which he was first confined , where he would await the action ofthe Canadian executive . A great deal of feeling on the subject existed in Canada , a great meeting having been held at Montreal for the purpose of protesting against the proposed surrender of the fugitive , and of recommending an appeal to the Priry Council . At Toronto , Mr . Gerritt Smith had delivered an eloquent address , in the course of which he gave the substance of a conversation he had held with Lord
Ashburton on the subject of the treaty . He said that his lordship had distinctly assured him that the treaty was not intended to apply to anything which a fugive slave might do in the attempt to effect his escape . CHINA AND JAPAN . —The Overland Mail has arrived with later news from India and China . From China AA-e learn that the Yangtsze was to be opened to trade , a British Admiral being deputed to sail up the river . Lord Elin was at Shanghai . The second
instalg ment of the indemnity had been paid . The China Mail informs us that the difficulties in Japan continue to increase , and that Admiral Hope had gone thither , no doubt to make a demonstration . In the meanwhile we are without information as to the real nature of the disputes which have assumed so threatening an aspect in Japan . AERICA . —A considerable immigration of free coloured persons from the United States to Hayti is taking place under the super-- , vision and at the expense of the Government of the latter republic .
Not only is tho expense of the passage of the immigrants defrayed by the authorities , but on their arrival iu the country they are presented with free grants of land in a fertile district , and are provided with board and lodging until they are suitably located . In this way the Government , as rapidly as their means will admit , are giving to Hayti that increase of population which will enable her to cultivate , on a larger scale , the lich productions of her soil . It is worthy of remark that all the immigrants are being planted in the plains of the Atribonite , a country which is said to be capable of producing two millions of bales of cotton per annum .
Public Amusements.
ROYAL ENGLISH OPERA , COA ENT GARDEN . A bolder experiment upon public taste , and one more deserving of sympathy , has seldom been made than in the production on the English lyric stage of the poem of " Hiawatha , " set to music , without the ordinary accessories of the opera . Such experiments are in the right direction , as indicating a high estimate of the influences which render tho lyric drama so attractive . But it should be made under conditions in tho hihest
g degree favourable to success ; and these , we regret to say , are not furnished by the composition of Mr . Robert Stoepel . Tho music of Mendelssohn to " ( Edipus , " with the admirable declamation of Miss Edith Heraud , did not draw such crowds to the Crystal Palace concert-room as did the lady ' s performance of "Medea" at a minor theatre . " Hiawatha " appears to have been a great sue-