Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article RED CROSS KNIGHTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Mark Masonry.
The lodge having been opened in dne form , the minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . The secretary then announced thafc since the last meeting in November he had made the annual return to Grand Lodge he had returned the name of 89 members , the dues from whom amounted to £ S 10 s . The ballot box was then prepared for Bros . J . Carr , Hy . A'ise , and Mr . Drury , ef the Minerva Craft Lodge . Bro . J . Sherwood , of fche Humber Craft Lodge , Hull , and Bro . F . AA ' atson ,
of the AA'iltham Craffc Lodge , Lincoln , all of whom were unanimously accepted . Three brethren , with Bro . AA m . Seaton , being in attendance , were then admitted and regularly advanced to this honourable degree by the AA 3 I ., the J . \ A . giving the working tools and charge . This being the meeting for installation ofthe AV-M . for the ensuing year , the S . G . W . presented the AV . M . elect . Bro . A \ . Reynolds , wlio was regularlinstalled by PMBroMCPe " ck The AA Mthen
y .. . .. . .. appointed his officers as follows : Bros . A \ . Reynolds , AA . M . ; AV . Scott , S . AV . ; X Linwood , J . W .: J . F . Holden , Treas . ; M . C . Peck , P . M . Sec ; AV . K . Brown . M . O . ; H . Haigh , S . O . ; X AValker , J . O . ; X G . AV . AVillows , Reg . ; S . R . Henson , S . D . ; R . T . Vivian , J . D . ; G . Hardy , Dir . of Cers . ; J . Carr , Org . ; J . Burn , Steward- ; AV . H . North , I . G . ; X Faulkner , and AV . JohnsonTlers . Two brethren were then proposed
, y for ballot at the next meeting , and the lodge was closed iu due form and with solemn prayer . LODGE SIETTS ( No . 90 ) . —Tbe regular quarterly meeting of this lodge w-as held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , December 13 , at six p . m . Present : AA . Bro . tbe Rev . J . J , 7
Farnham , AV . M . ; Bros . S . Trenn , S . AA . ; A . Swift , J . W . ; T . Mills , M . O . ; W . S . Wetherell , S . O . ; H . I . P . Thomson , . T . O . ; E . H . AVarren , S . D . ; Avron , J . D . ancl I . G . ; Seager , . Tyler . The lodge having been properly opened by Bight . AA . Bro . T . Gibbs , P . G . M ., tbe minutes of the last meeting and the circular convening the meeting were read . Minutes confirmed . The R . AA . Bro . the P . G . M ., then requested all brethren below tbe rank of Installed Master to retirewhen in the of AA BroH
, presence . . H . Avron , AA . M . of Holmesdale , he re-installed AA . Bro . Farnham in the Master's chair , aud invested those of the officers who were present . Ballot was then taken for Bro . C . Clifton , of Lodge Holmesdale in the East , as a joining member , and for Bros . Percy , E . Laurent , of Lodge Truth , C . A . Langley , of Lodge Star of India , and R . M . A . Branson , of Lodge Star of India , and was in each case clear . Bros . Laurent and Langley
were then , after proper preparation , admitted to the lodge , and advanced to the degree of M . M ., with all the appropriate rites and ceremonies . The lodge then proceeded to elect the following brethren to serve on the permanent committee for tbe ensuing year , Bros . E . H . AA arren , C . S . Craig , and II . H . G . Tippet , after which the lodge was closed about eight p . m ., and the'brethren adjourned to the banquet . The following are the officers for the vear : Brosthe RevJJFarnhamAVMA
, . . . , .. ; . C . Gumpert , S . W . ; A . Swift , XAA . ; AV . S . AVetherell , M . O . ; H . I . P . Thomson , S . O . ; E . H . AA arren , XO . ; H . II . Avron , Treas . ; E . P . Laurent , Sec . ; C . S . Craias , S , D . ; H . H . G . Tippett , J . D . ; T . R . Light , D . C . ; C . Clifton " , Org . I . G ., not yet appointed J . AA . Seaeer , Tyler .
Knights Templar.
CHESHIRE . DTJKIXEIELD . — lloyal Edward Encampment . — This encampment held its annual meeting on Wednesday , Jan . 30 , for the purpose of installing Sir Knight David Turner , as E . C . for tbe ensuing year , who , after his installation , performed the ceremony of installing as a Knight Comp . Michael Coffey , ofthe Royal Cheshire Chapter , No . 89 . The business of the encampment being concludedthe members sat down to an
ex-, cellent repast , provided by the host Sir Knight Ditchlield . AVhen the cloth was drawn the usual loyal toasts were given , after which Sir Knight Neale rose , and said thafc ho had great pleasure in proposing the health of the newly installed E . G ., who had that night entered upon his duties and discharged them in so able a manner , and ho felt certain that the ability and zeal evinced bhim augured ivell for the prosperitof tho
y y encampment . The E . C . then responded to the toast iu a very feeling manner , and touchingly expressed his gratitude for the high honour conferred upon him , that he trusted he should , and with the aid of the Most High , he would perform those duties efficiently and effectually , and that nothing should be
Knights Templar.
wanting on his part to render the encanpment a model of good working , for by such means we should make our meetings more attractive and pleasing , and our ceremonies more instructive and impressive , so that our principles may take deep root in the heart and affections , and by those means tho outer world shall find that we are both wiser and better men for being received within those sacred precincts , and that we have learned and should practice does not lie within its neglected and
suppressed to rise up in judgment against us at the great tribunal . May it not be so with us , but may we live to die , and die to live , 'fhe last regular toast was then given , and the brethren separated about two o'clock p . m .
Red Cross Knights.
ORIGINAL OR PREMIER CONCLAA E OF ENGLAND . The February meeting of this flourishing body was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Saturday , tho 9 th inst . The conclave was duly opened by Sir Knt . Marsh , M . P . S ., assisted by Sir Knts . G . Powell , Y . K . ; F . AValters , as S . G- ; T . AA escombe , J . G . ; Terry , as H . P . Little Recorder ; Turner , as Prefect ; Trickettas Standard Bearer : CharltonHeraldComp . Gilbert
, , ; , Sentinel , and other members . After the confirmation of the minutes , and the usual ballot having been taken , Bros . George AA ilkinson , of Lodge No . 34 , and Henry Parker , of Lodge No . 538 , were regularly admitted , received , constituted , and installed as Knights ofthe Order , when Sir Knt . Parker was appointed , A Grand Organist College of Viceroys was then opened , and Sir Knts . R . Thwaites , J . Bringloe , and AA " . Holman were duly
consecrated as Priest Masons . The college and conclave were then respectively closed , and the Knights Companions adjourned to the banquet-room , where a most pleasant evening was spent , under the presidency of the M . P . S . The health of " Her Majesty tbe Queen" was received with musical honours , and the newlyappointed Organist , Sir Knt , Parker , gained golden opinions by tbe brilliancy of his execution as a pianist , during the evening , thereby adding most materially to the harmonious character of
tbe evening . The " Health of his Lordship the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign , " was received with equal enthusiasm ; in short , all the toasts given were cordially received . Sir Knt . Thwaites , in responding for the new A iceroys , made some eloquent remarks on the principles of the Order , and expressed his deep sense of the importance and solemnity of the ceremony of consecration , which he had witnessed that day for the first time . The Sentinel ' s toast concluded the proceedings of this happy reunion .
TlieSritislt , Irish and Colonial Masonic Calendar , PocJcet BooTc , and Diary , for the Year 1867 , containing a list of lodges , R-A . Chapters , & c , in England , Scotland and Ireland , Canada and the other Colonies ; with lists of the Grand Orient de France , and a A idimus of the other foreign Grand Lodges , & c , compiled from authentic sources . Ninth annual publication . Glasgow : Davidson and Muir . 1867 . The success which has attended the progress of this annual
for the last eight years , is not likely to be wanting to its ninth issue . The late hour at which it makes its appearance this year , although in advance to previous years is Accounted for by a wish entertained by the editor to give it the greatest actuality , and which was trammeled by the backwardness of secretaries and others in forwarding notices of changes that had occurred during tho past year . However , this slight drawback is fully counterbalanced by the greater reliability of the data
and considerable improvements made in this year ' s publication , as compared to its predecessors . The "Masonic information " relating to the Craft lodges , E . A . Chapters , Iv . T . Encampments , Conclaves , & c , as well as to Mark Masonry in each of the three component parts of the United Kingdom and its Masonic dependencies , is perfectly exhaustive and sufficient for every kind of reference , and wc are glad to find that none of the changes known to have taken lace during the last twelve months
p have been omitted . The Calendar comprises the names , places , and days of meeting of 1 , 141 Craft lodges under the Grand Lodge of England , 465 under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and those under the Grand Lodge of Ireland , ranging from No . 1 to No . 1014 , but numbering only about 300 . The 300 and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
The lodge having been opened in dne form , the minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . The secretary then announced thafc since the last meeting in November he had made the annual return to Grand Lodge he had returned the name of 89 members , the dues from whom amounted to £ S 10 s . The ballot box was then prepared for Bros . J . Carr , Hy . A'ise , and Mr . Drury , ef the Minerva Craft Lodge . Bro . J . Sherwood , of fche Humber Craft Lodge , Hull , and Bro . F . AA ' atson ,
of the AA'iltham Craffc Lodge , Lincoln , all of whom were unanimously accepted . Three brethren , with Bro . AA m . Seaton , being in attendance , were then admitted and regularly advanced to this honourable degree by the AA 3 I ., the J . \ A . giving the working tools and charge . This being the meeting for installation ofthe AV-M . for the ensuing year , the S . G . W . presented the AV . M . elect . Bro . A \ . Reynolds , wlio was regularlinstalled by PMBroMCPe " ck The AA Mthen
y .. . .. . .. appointed his officers as follows : Bros . A \ . Reynolds , AA . M . ; AV . Scott , S . AV . ; X Linwood , J . W .: J . F . Holden , Treas . ; M . C . Peck , P . M . Sec ; AV . K . Brown . M . O . ; H . Haigh , S . O . ; X AValker , J . O . ; X G . AV . AVillows , Reg . ; S . R . Henson , S . D . ; R . T . Vivian , J . D . ; G . Hardy , Dir . of Cers . ; J . Carr , Org . ; J . Burn , Steward- ; AV . H . North , I . G . ; X Faulkner , and AV . JohnsonTlers . Two brethren were then proposed
, y for ballot at the next meeting , and the lodge was closed iu due form and with solemn prayer . LODGE SIETTS ( No . 90 ) . —Tbe regular quarterly meeting of this lodge w-as held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , December 13 , at six p . m . Present : AA . Bro . tbe Rev . J . J , 7
Farnham , AV . M . ; Bros . S . Trenn , S . AA . ; A . Swift , J . W . ; T . Mills , M . O . ; W . S . Wetherell , S . O . ; H . I . P . Thomson , . T . O . ; E . H . AVarren , S . D . ; Avron , J . D . ancl I . G . ; Seager , . Tyler . The lodge having been properly opened by Bight . AA . Bro . T . Gibbs , P . G . M ., tbe minutes of the last meeting and the circular convening the meeting were read . Minutes confirmed . The R . AA . Bro . the P . G . M ., then requested all brethren below tbe rank of Installed Master to retirewhen in the of AA BroH
, presence . . H . Avron , AA . M . of Holmesdale , he re-installed AA . Bro . Farnham in the Master's chair , aud invested those of the officers who were present . Ballot was then taken for Bro . C . Clifton , of Lodge Holmesdale in the East , as a joining member , and for Bros . Percy , E . Laurent , of Lodge Truth , C . A . Langley , of Lodge Star of India , and R . M . A . Branson , of Lodge Star of India , and was in each case clear . Bros . Laurent and Langley
were then , after proper preparation , admitted to the lodge , and advanced to the degree of M . M ., with all the appropriate rites and ceremonies . The lodge then proceeded to elect the following brethren to serve on the permanent committee for tbe ensuing year , Bros . E . H . AA arren , C . S . Craig , and II . H . G . Tippet , after which the lodge was closed about eight p . m ., and the'brethren adjourned to the banquet . The following are the officers for the vear : Brosthe RevJJFarnhamAVMA
, . . . , .. ; . C . Gumpert , S . W . ; A . Swift , XAA . ; AV . S . AVetherell , M . O . ; H . I . P . Thomson , S . O . ; E . H . AA arren , XO . ; H . II . Avron , Treas . ; E . P . Laurent , Sec . ; C . S . Craias , S , D . ; H . H . G . Tippett , J . D . ; T . R . Light , D . C . ; C . Clifton " , Org . I . G ., not yet appointed J . AA . Seaeer , Tyler .
Knights Templar.
CHESHIRE . DTJKIXEIELD . — lloyal Edward Encampment . — This encampment held its annual meeting on Wednesday , Jan . 30 , for the purpose of installing Sir Knight David Turner , as E . C . for tbe ensuing year , who , after his installation , performed the ceremony of installing as a Knight Comp . Michael Coffey , ofthe Royal Cheshire Chapter , No . 89 . The business of the encampment being concludedthe members sat down to an
ex-, cellent repast , provided by the host Sir Knight Ditchlield . AVhen the cloth was drawn the usual loyal toasts were given , after which Sir Knight Neale rose , and said thafc ho had great pleasure in proposing the health of the newly installed E . G ., who had that night entered upon his duties and discharged them in so able a manner , and ho felt certain that the ability and zeal evinced bhim augured ivell for the prosperitof tho
y y encampment . The E . C . then responded to the toast iu a very feeling manner , and touchingly expressed his gratitude for the high honour conferred upon him , that he trusted he should , and with the aid of the Most High , he would perform those duties efficiently and effectually , and that nothing should be
Knights Templar.
wanting on his part to render the encanpment a model of good working , for by such means we should make our meetings more attractive and pleasing , and our ceremonies more instructive and impressive , so that our principles may take deep root in the heart and affections , and by those means tho outer world shall find that we are both wiser and better men for being received within those sacred precincts , and that we have learned and should practice does not lie within its neglected and
suppressed to rise up in judgment against us at the great tribunal . May it not be so with us , but may we live to die , and die to live , 'fhe last regular toast was then given , and the brethren separated about two o'clock p . m .
Red Cross Knights.
ORIGINAL OR PREMIER CONCLAA E OF ENGLAND . The February meeting of this flourishing body was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Saturday , tho 9 th inst . The conclave was duly opened by Sir Knt . Marsh , M . P . S ., assisted by Sir Knts . G . Powell , Y . K . ; F . AValters , as S . G- ; T . AA escombe , J . G . ; Terry , as H . P . Little Recorder ; Turner , as Prefect ; Trickettas Standard Bearer : CharltonHeraldComp . Gilbert
, , ; , Sentinel , and other members . After the confirmation of the minutes , and the usual ballot having been taken , Bros . George AA ilkinson , of Lodge No . 34 , and Henry Parker , of Lodge No . 538 , were regularly admitted , received , constituted , and installed as Knights ofthe Order , when Sir Knt . Parker was appointed , A Grand Organist College of Viceroys was then opened , and Sir Knts . R . Thwaites , J . Bringloe , and AA " . Holman were duly
consecrated as Priest Masons . The college and conclave were then respectively closed , and the Knights Companions adjourned to the banquet-room , where a most pleasant evening was spent , under the presidency of the M . P . S . The health of " Her Majesty tbe Queen" was received with musical honours , and the newlyappointed Organist , Sir Knt , Parker , gained golden opinions by tbe brilliancy of his execution as a pianist , during the evening , thereby adding most materially to the harmonious character of
tbe evening . The " Health of his Lordship the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign , " was received with equal enthusiasm ; in short , all the toasts given were cordially received . Sir Knt . Thwaites , in responding for the new A iceroys , made some eloquent remarks on the principles of the Order , and expressed his deep sense of the importance and solemnity of the ceremony of consecration , which he had witnessed that day for the first time . The Sentinel ' s toast concluded the proceedings of this happy reunion .
TlieSritislt , Irish and Colonial Masonic Calendar , PocJcet BooTc , and Diary , for the Year 1867 , containing a list of lodges , R-A . Chapters , & c , in England , Scotland and Ireland , Canada and the other Colonies ; with lists of the Grand Orient de France , and a A idimus of the other foreign Grand Lodges , & c , compiled from authentic sources . Ninth annual publication . Glasgow : Davidson and Muir . 1867 . The success which has attended the progress of this annual
for the last eight years , is not likely to be wanting to its ninth issue . The late hour at which it makes its appearance this year , although in advance to previous years is Accounted for by a wish entertained by the editor to give it the greatest actuality , and which was trammeled by the backwardness of secretaries and others in forwarding notices of changes that had occurred during tho past year . However , this slight drawback is fully counterbalanced by the greater reliability of the data
and considerable improvements made in this year ' s publication , as compared to its predecessors . The "Masonic information " relating to the Craft lodges , E . A . Chapters , Iv . T . Encampments , Conclaves , & c , as well as to Mark Masonry in each of the three component parts of the United Kingdom and its Masonic dependencies , is perfectly exhaustive and sufficient for every kind of reference , and wc are glad to find that none of the changes known to have taken lace during the last twelve months
p have been omitted . The Calendar comprises the names , places , and days of meeting of 1 , 141 Craft lodges under the Grand Lodge of England , 465 under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and those under the Grand Lodge of Ireland , ranging from No . 1 to No . 1014 , but numbering only about 300 . The 300 and