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N0tes On Literature, Science, Music, Drama, And The Fine Arts.
the verses for Gunpowder Treason , King Charles the Martyr , ancl the [ Restoration of the Eoyal Family . A literary marriage is talked of—Miss Thackeray , whose stories in the Cornliill are so justly admired , with Mr . Leslie Stephen , second son of the late Sir James Stephen , who is himself a fine writer and scholar .
On the 1 st of March a new monthly , to be called the Churchman s Shilling Magazine , will appear . The editor will be the Eev . E . II . Baynes , editor of "Lyra Anglicana . " & c . Mr . James Eoutledge , the late editor of the Kendal Mercury , has been presented with a
testimonialcon-, sisting of an address signed on his retirement b y 250 persons , a massive signet ring with a suitable inscription , and a purse of gold . Messrs . Watts and Armitage have been elected associates ofthe Eoyal Academy . The election excited unusual interest on account of its being the
first under a new rule , by which Associates are allowed to vote in the election of Associates . Mr . Linnell was invited to become a candidate , but declined to stand . Bibliomaniacs , bibliographers , and others interested in old bookswoodcutsancient printerstheir lives
, , , , works , and marks , may be served by our quaint and wonderfully erudite , but exceedingly whimsical , contemporary "The Book-Worm , " which is published in Brydges-street , Covent Garden . " The most valuable portion of the first volume now before us consists of a series of fac-simile copies of printers' marks and
signs , also the memoirs of deceased worthies that are attached to these . The drawings are admirable . Many of the bibliographical notices are extremely interesting . I
Theatre Royal Haymarket.
The chief attractions here during the past week have consisted in Mr . Sothern ' s appearance in the comedy of " A Lesson for Life , " and the revival of the popular Haymarket comedy "The Serious Family . " Mr . Buckstone appears to great advantage in his original character of Mr . Aminadab Sleek .
THEATRE EOYAL COYEST GAEDFN . There has been no alteration in the attractions here for the past week , which have consisted of " Terrible Hymen , " followed by the pantomime of " Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves . EOYAL PBIJSTCESS'S THEATEE .
During the past week Mr . Yining has catered well for an appreciative audience in the piece put upon the stage , entitled "His Last Legs , " followed by Mr . T . W . Robertson , entitled " Shadow Tree Shaft . ' " a new drama by Mr . Eobertson will be known to our readers , doubtless , as the author of " Ours "
"Society , " etc . THEATRE EOYAL DEUEY LANE . The bill of fare for the past week has consisted in the performance of Colman ' s tragedy of "John Bull , " Macklin ' s comedy of "The Man of the World , " concluding each evening with the pantomime
Theatre Royal Haymarket.
"Number Nip . " As an additional attraction for Monday nest , Colman ' s eotnedy of "The Jealous "Wife" is announced . We must not omit to add that Mr . F . B . Chatterton has generously placed this theatre at the disposal of a committee formed for the arrangement of a grand morning performance on Thursday , the 21 st inst ., for the benefit of the
fiveyoung children of the late Mr . Henry B . Webb , many years manager of the Queen ' s Theatre , Dublin , and late of Drury Lane Theatre . The leading stars of all the metropolitan theatres have kindly volunteered their services upon the occasion referred to .
EOYAL GALLEEY OE ILLTJSTBATIOJNT . The popular and pleasing entertainers Mr . and Mrs . German Eeed , with Mr . John Parry , by general request , are giving a limited number of representations of Tom Taylor ' s romantic entertainment , entitled " The Family Legend . " Miss Susan Galton
, as the Welch Girl , sings with marked effect the legend of " Sir Gryffyths of the Eed Hand . " The evening ' s entertainment is bound up with "The Wedding Breakfast , " by Mr . John Parry .
Poetry .
BEFLECTIOXS OP A FREEMASON ON BEHOLDING IN HIS GARDEN THE FIRST SNOWDROP OP THE . SEASON . By . T . J . SWAIN . Sweet flow'ret springing from the earth , Pale as the snow which gave thee birth , Dear emblem of the wintry days , Thy fragile bloom attracts my gaze .
No zephyr's breeze hath nurs'd thy form , Reared ' midst the biting blast and storm , No summer sun its rays hath shed Upon thy fair aud lowly head . Yet still thou might ' st have claim ' cl a place , Thy loveliness seem'd form'd to grace ; But God thy lot hath fix'd to be A more ennobling destiny .
Proof of His great Creator hand , Here art thou found—at His command Sent as a messenger to bring Earliest tidings of the Spring . So , like this flow ' r an angel mind Proves iu adversity more kind , Braving life's storms and trials , to share Some fellow-creature's load of care .
Ever delighted to impart Solace into the suff ' ring heart ; Soothing distress in sorrow ' s hour , Calming sad thoughts with Heaven-sent power . Such minds resemble this sweet bloom , Fairer amidst affliction ' s gloom , Doing their Master ' s work of love , Fixing their trusting hopes above .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending Feb.
23 iu > , 1867 . Wednesday , Feb . 15 th . —UNITED SEUVICE INSTITUTION - , at 3 . Monday , Feb . 18 th . —UNITED SERVICE INSTITUION . at 8 . 30 . Tuesday , Feb . 19 th . —INSTITUTION OP CIVIL EXGINEEES , at 8 . Wednesday , Feb . 20 th . —SOCIETY OF ACTS , at 8 . Wednesday , Feb . 20 th .- —GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY , at 8 . Thursday , Feb . 21 st . —CHEMICAL SOCIETY , at 8 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
N0tes On Literature, Science, Music, Drama, And The Fine Arts.
the verses for Gunpowder Treason , King Charles the Martyr , ancl the [ Restoration of the Eoyal Family . A literary marriage is talked of—Miss Thackeray , whose stories in the Cornliill are so justly admired , with Mr . Leslie Stephen , second son of the late Sir James Stephen , who is himself a fine writer and scholar .
On the 1 st of March a new monthly , to be called the Churchman s Shilling Magazine , will appear . The editor will be the Eev . E . II . Baynes , editor of "Lyra Anglicana . " & c . Mr . James Eoutledge , the late editor of the Kendal Mercury , has been presented with a
testimonialcon-, sisting of an address signed on his retirement b y 250 persons , a massive signet ring with a suitable inscription , and a purse of gold . Messrs . Watts and Armitage have been elected associates ofthe Eoyal Academy . The election excited unusual interest on account of its being the
first under a new rule , by which Associates are allowed to vote in the election of Associates . Mr . Linnell was invited to become a candidate , but declined to stand . Bibliomaniacs , bibliographers , and others interested in old bookswoodcutsancient printerstheir lives
, , , , works , and marks , may be served by our quaint and wonderfully erudite , but exceedingly whimsical , contemporary "The Book-Worm , " which is published in Brydges-street , Covent Garden . " The most valuable portion of the first volume now before us consists of a series of fac-simile copies of printers' marks and
signs , also the memoirs of deceased worthies that are attached to these . The drawings are admirable . Many of the bibliographical notices are extremely interesting . I
Theatre Royal Haymarket.
The chief attractions here during the past week have consisted in Mr . Sothern ' s appearance in the comedy of " A Lesson for Life , " and the revival of the popular Haymarket comedy "The Serious Family . " Mr . Buckstone appears to great advantage in his original character of Mr . Aminadab Sleek .
THEATRE EOYAL COYEST GAEDFN . There has been no alteration in the attractions here for the past week , which have consisted of " Terrible Hymen , " followed by the pantomime of " Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves . EOYAL PBIJSTCESS'S THEATEE .
During the past week Mr . Yining has catered well for an appreciative audience in the piece put upon the stage , entitled "His Last Legs , " followed by Mr . T . W . Robertson , entitled " Shadow Tree Shaft . ' " a new drama by Mr . Eobertson will be known to our readers , doubtless , as the author of " Ours "
"Society , " etc . THEATRE EOYAL DEUEY LANE . The bill of fare for the past week has consisted in the performance of Colman ' s tragedy of "John Bull , " Macklin ' s comedy of "The Man of the World , " concluding each evening with the pantomime
Theatre Royal Haymarket.
"Number Nip . " As an additional attraction for Monday nest , Colman ' s eotnedy of "The Jealous "Wife" is announced . We must not omit to add that Mr . F . B . Chatterton has generously placed this theatre at the disposal of a committee formed for the arrangement of a grand morning performance on Thursday , the 21 st inst ., for the benefit of the
fiveyoung children of the late Mr . Henry B . Webb , many years manager of the Queen ' s Theatre , Dublin , and late of Drury Lane Theatre . The leading stars of all the metropolitan theatres have kindly volunteered their services upon the occasion referred to .
EOYAL GALLEEY OE ILLTJSTBATIOJNT . The popular and pleasing entertainers Mr . and Mrs . German Eeed , with Mr . John Parry , by general request , are giving a limited number of representations of Tom Taylor ' s romantic entertainment , entitled " The Family Legend . " Miss Susan Galton
, as the Welch Girl , sings with marked effect the legend of " Sir Gryffyths of the Eed Hand . " The evening ' s entertainment is bound up with "The Wedding Breakfast , " by Mr . John Parry .
Poetry .
BEFLECTIOXS OP A FREEMASON ON BEHOLDING IN HIS GARDEN THE FIRST SNOWDROP OP THE . SEASON . By . T . J . SWAIN . Sweet flow'ret springing from the earth , Pale as the snow which gave thee birth , Dear emblem of the wintry days , Thy fragile bloom attracts my gaze .
No zephyr's breeze hath nurs'd thy form , Reared ' midst the biting blast and storm , No summer sun its rays hath shed Upon thy fair aud lowly head . Yet still thou might ' st have claim ' cl a place , Thy loveliness seem'd form'd to grace ; But God thy lot hath fix'd to be A more ennobling destiny .
Proof of His great Creator hand , Here art thou found—at His command Sent as a messenger to bring Earliest tidings of the Spring . So , like this flow ' r an angel mind Proves iu adversity more kind , Braving life's storms and trials , to share Some fellow-creature's load of care .
Ever delighted to impart Solace into the suff ' ring heart ; Soothing distress in sorrow ' s hour , Calming sad thoughts with Heaven-sent power . Such minds resemble this sweet bloom , Fairer amidst affliction ' s gloom , Doing their Master ' s work of love , Fixing their trusting hopes above .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending Feb.
23 iu > , 1867 . Wednesday , Feb . 15 th . —UNITED SEUVICE INSTITUTION - , at 3 . Monday , Feb . 18 th . —UNITED SERVICE INSTITUION . at 8 . 30 . Tuesday , Feb . 19 th . —INSTITUTION OP CIVIL EXGINEEES , at 8 . Wednesday , Feb . 20 th . —SOCIETY OF ACTS , at 8 . Wednesday , Feb . 20 th .- —GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY , at 8 . Thursday , Feb . 21 st . —CHEMICAL SOCIETY , at 8 .