Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 4 of 4 Article MASONRY IN INDIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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as a synagogue , lately rendered vacant by the removal of the Jews to a new and handsome edifice . I am told that the brethren of No . S 8 have thus obtained possession of a hall admirably adapted for the purpose . Yours faithfully and fraternally . If . II .
Masonry In India.
TO TIT 1 ? EDITOR OP THE 1 'REJfllASOXS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR Slit AXD BROTHEI :, —HOAV is it that the nomination of Provincial Grand Masters is not published in your periodica ! ? Colonel William Pitt Macdonald has just been appointed Provincial Grand Master for Coromandel , consequent on the resignation of Worshipful Bro . II . Williamson , his lordship the Grand Master ' s brother-in-law . Many in England ivould be
glad to know this , for his lordship could not possibly have made a better selection than this really popular man , and first rate Mason ; and his having recommended this officer for the high honour , speaks well for our ex-Prov . Grand Master . Colonel Macdonald is very much respected and beloved by all who knoiv him , and particularly so by his brother Masons ; he is most kind , affable , and ready and Avilling at all times to assist any one , and to go out of
his Avayto do so , 'be they Masons or not , HOAV many arc there who owe him more than thanks . Who has ever been to Madras , and not known " good old Pitt Macdonald ? " I can assure you , that the Masons in this distant land hail the colonel as their head with , very great satisfaction . May our Grand Master above spare him long to us in his high office , and bless him with every blessing . " Colonel Macdonald , who by the by , is the godson of the celebrated statesman after " whom he is named , is no ordinary Mason ; his ivhole life
has been spent in the advancement of Masonry : indeed , all his family appear to have devoted themselves to the Craft—one brother , formerly of the Royal Sussex Lodge , so exerted himself in the cause , that his Royal Highness the late Duke of Sussex presented him with a gold medal , and our Prov . Grand Master has sei'eral sons in this country , all Masons . The gallant old officer has been thirty-nine years in India , without once leaving it , except for the Avar in China , for which Lord Gough recommended
him for brevet rank , and C . B . ship ; but unfortunately his papers ivere lost in the Avreck of the steamer Memium , going home , and by tbe time copies could he forwarded , his grace the late Duke of Wellington , then Commanderin-Chief , had closed his hooks against any more honours for China . In his present office of paymaster at Madras , he has more than ever shown a kindness to all , and a readiness to oblige ; it is quite a comfort having such a one to deal with ; Ave indeed hail his appointment with joy , and trust , that ,
miller so good a man and Mason , tbe interests ol the Craft in Coromandel , long stagnant , will revive . We are glad to find he is also Grand Superintendent of Eoyal Arch Masonry . There is , however , a custom in this province , which I trust he "will break through . All Provincial Grand Officers are selected from the Masons of the head quarter Lodges , as if all ' Masons of Southampton only ivere Provincial Grand Officers for Hampshire , instead of selecting from all in the province . Again , our Lodges are neglected in many ways . No up-country Lodge , Avorkiug under this Provincial Grand Lodge , has had the least intimation that the Provincial Grand 2 K 2
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as a synagogue , lately rendered vacant by the removal of the Jews to a new and handsome edifice . I am told that the brethren of No . S 8 have thus obtained possession of a hall admirably adapted for the purpose . Yours faithfully and fraternally . If . II .
Masonry In India.
TO TIT 1 ? EDITOR OP THE 1 'REJfllASOXS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR Slit AXD BROTHEI :, —HOAV is it that the nomination of Provincial Grand Masters is not published in your periodica ! ? Colonel William Pitt Macdonald has just been appointed Provincial Grand Master for Coromandel , consequent on the resignation of Worshipful Bro . II . Williamson , his lordship the Grand Master ' s brother-in-law . Many in England ivould be
glad to know this , for his lordship could not possibly have made a better selection than this really popular man , and first rate Mason ; and his having recommended this officer for the high honour , speaks well for our ex-Prov . Grand Master . Colonel Macdonald is very much respected and beloved by all who knoiv him , and particularly so by his brother Masons ; he is most kind , affable , and ready and Avilling at all times to assist any one , and to go out of
his Avayto do so , 'be they Masons or not , HOAV many arc there who owe him more than thanks . Who has ever been to Madras , and not known " good old Pitt Macdonald ? " I can assure you , that the Masons in this distant land hail the colonel as their head with , very great satisfaction . May our Grand Master above spare him long to us in his high office , and bless him with every blessing . " Colonel Macdonald , who by the by , is the godson of the celebrated statesman after " whom he is named , is no ordinary Mason ; his ivhole life
has been spent in the advancement of Masonry : indeed , all his family appear to have devoted themselves to the Craft—one brother , formerly of the Royal Sussex Lodge , so exerted himself in the cause , that his Royal Highness the late Duke of Sussex presented him with a gold medal , and our Prov . Grand Master has sei'eral sons in this country , all Masons . The gallant old officer has been thirty-nine years in India , without once leaving it , except for the Avar in China , for which Lord Gough recommended
him for brevet rank , and C . B . ship ; but unfortunately his papers ivere lost in the Avreck of the steamer Memium , going home , and by tbe time copies could he forwarded , his grace the late Duke of Wellington , then Commanderin-Chief , had closed his hooks against any more honours for China . In his present office of paymaster at Madras , he has more than ever shown a kindness to all , and a readiness to oblige ; it is quite a comfort having such a one to deal with ; Ave indeed hail his appointment with joy , and trust , that ,
miller so good a man and Mason , tbe interests ol the Craft in Coromandel , long stagnant , will revive . We are glad to find he is also Grand Superintendent of Eoyal Arch Masonry . There is , however , a custom in this province , which I trust he "will break through . All Provincial Grand Officers are selected from the Masons of the head quarter Lodges , as if all ' Masons of Southampton only ivere Provincial Grand Officers for Hampshire , instead of selecting from all in the province . Again , our Lodges are neglected in many ways . No up-country Lodge , Avorkiug under this Provincial Grand Lodge , has had the least intimation that the Provincial Grand 2 K 2