Article OUR ARCHITECTURAL CHAPTER. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Our Architectural Chapter.
debt should be first paid off " , and then the non interest-bearing debt but efforts should be made to bring in HCAV free loans constantly , so fchat the old lenders should be paid off , aud no one be subject to being long kept out of his money . In case of need , an interest-bearing debt should be raised to pay off the free loans to avoid pressure . We are sorry to see a proposition at Leicester to pay dividends to
such subscribers as may desire it , for wo would rather see the capital paid off , whereas a considerable sum will be disbursed iu dividends , ancl the original debt remain . Our correspondent p laces the contribution of Bro . Millican , Provincial Grand Senior Warden , in its just light , and makes known the liberality of Bro . Morrislate Provincial Grand Registrarwho has
, , kindly afforded legal assistance gratis , besides giving a handsome donation . We are pleased with the proposition to send the Freemasons Magazine a p lan and engraving , for AA e may observe professional zeal
does not go so far as yet . We do not know whether the Freemasons ' Magazine , not being published , in Scotland , is considered a foreign publication , but Ave must say Ave Live been surprised tha , t Bro . David Brycc , Grand Architect of Scotland , has not thought proper to send us any design of the hall n , t Edinburgh , though lie has sent to fche Illustrated Times , as acknowledged by the editor in his number for
February 20 th , wherein appears the interior of fche UOAV hall . We regret this the more as the hall apjiears to be a structure of considerable interest from the view of the interior there given , though it does not do justice to ibi grandeur , for the dimensions are , eighty feefc long , thirty-eight feet wide , ancl thirty-six feel : high to fche centre ofthe coATtt coiling . The windows of stained glass are said to be very
beautiful , avid . aw . filled with emblematical designs , and over them is some good sculpture b y W . . 1 . Thomas , of London , representing St . Andrew , supported on either side liy the allegories of Faifcli , Hope , and Charity . In such a building there must bo many interesting details which the architect can best supply , and these AVO still await from "Bro . Biwee .
Among the additions Ave have to record to our architectural collections are a lew notes . Wc do not know that AVC have recurded the mime of Brother Robert Munn , junior , as Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works for East . Lancashire . Among the Masonic establishments at Cape TOAVII , South Africa , is
to be enumerated a . -Masonic ; hotel . By the bye , while speaking of Masonic hotels , AVC are glad AVO gave a list of them lately , because it shows IIOAV Avidely spread throughout the world arc these establishmcuts , iu which a Mason is sure to find a brotherly attention to his wants . To the brethren in a distant part , such a sign must be ahvays welcome . We may say a fow words about the floors of' Lodges , and of the adjacent rooms . Where Lodges arc held in rooms not belcuc'ln . " to
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Our Architectural Chapter.
debt should be first paid off " , and then the non interest-bearing debt but efforts should be made to bring in HCAV free loans constantly , so fchat the old lenders should be paid off , aud no one be subject to being long kept out of his money . In case of need , an interest-bearing debt should be raised to pay off the free loans to avoid pressure . We are sorry to see a proposition at Leicester to pay dividends to
such subscribers as may desire it , for wo would rather see the capital paid off , whereas a considerable sum will be disbursed iu dividends , ancl the original debt remain . Our correspondent p laces the contribution of Bro . Millican , Provincial Grand Senior Warden , in its just light , and makes known the liberality of Bro . Morrislate Provincial Grand Registrarwho has
, , kindly afforded legal assistance gratis , besides giving a handsome donation . We are pleased with the proposition to send the Freemasons Magazine a p lan and engraving , for AA e may observe professional zeal
does not go so far as yet . We do not know whether the Freemasons ' Magazine , not being published , in Scotland , is considered a foreign publication , but Ave must say Ave Live been surprised tha , t Bro . David Brycc , Grand Architect of Scotland , has not thought proper to send us any design of the hall n , t Edinburgh , though lie has sent to fche Illustrated Times , as acknowledged by the editor in his number for
February 20 th , wherein appears the interior of fche UOAV hall . We regret this the more as the hall apjiears to be a structure of considerable interest from the view of the interior there given , though it does not do justice to ibi grandeur , for the dimensions are , eighty feefc long , thirty-eight feet wide , ancl thirty-six feel : high to fche centre ofthe coATtt coiling . The windows of stained glass are said to be very
beautiful , avid . aw . filled with emblematical designs , and over them is some good sculpture b y W . . 1 . Thomas , of London , representing St . Andrew , supported on either side liy the allegories of Faifcli , Hope , and Charity . In such a building there must bo many interesting details which the architect can best supply , and these AVO still await from "Bro . Biwee .
Among the additions Ave have to record to our architectural collections are a lew notes . Wc do not know that AVC have recurded the mime of Brother Robert Munn , junior , as Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works for East . Lancashire . Among the Masonic establishments at Cape TOAVII , South Africa , is
to be enumerated a . -Masonic ; hotel . By the bye , while speaking of Masonic hotels , AVC are glad AVO gave a list of them lately , because it shows IIOAV Avidely spread throughout the world arc these establishmcuts , iu which a Mason is sure to find a brotherly attention to his wants . To the brethren in a distant part , such a sign must be ahvays welcome . We may say a fow words about the floors of' Lodges , and of the adjacent rooms . Where Lodges arc held in rooms not belcuc'ln . " to