Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article TURKEY. Page 1 of 1 Article AMERICA. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
Lieut .-Col . James E . Western , J . After the minutes of the preceding convocation had been read and confirmed , a conclave of installed Principals was opened , and Comp . W . R . Wood was installed in the first chair , Comp . Western in the second , and Comp . Capt . J . Creaton in the third ; the other installed Principals present being , E . Comps . William Stuart , Prov . G . Sup . Herts ; Lieut .-Col . William Stuart , W . Pulteney Scott , J . How , ancl H . Muggeridge . Comps . Williams , N ., ancl S . T . Tompkins , P . S ., were
invested . The usual pleasant banquet followed the business , and Comp . Pulteney Scott , in proposing " The Health of the Principals , " expressed his happiness in seeing three esteemed friends presiding in the chapter , being well assured that nothing would be wanting on their parts to support its prestige . —Tiie toast was acknowledged in grateful terms by the M . E . Z ., who then proposed " The Past Principals , " to whose merits he feared he was unable to do justice . There were that clay but three of that distinguished body present ,
some , he regretted , were kept away by illness ; he therefore asked the Comps . to testify their gratitude for the services of Comps . Stuart , Scott , ancl Tulloch . —Comp . Stuart , in acknowledging the toast , said , although but few were then present , yet he was quite sure the same desire to support the chapter pervaded the breast of all the Past Principals , ancl that on no occasion were they all absent . He especially referred to the regular attendance of Comp . Scottancl the great interest that Comp . took in the affairs of the
, chapter . — "The Health of the Visitors" was acknowledged by Comp . Muggeridge . —The M . E . Z . then proposed " The Officers , " ancl feelingly alluded to the absence of their esteemed Scribe E ., whom , it was to be feared , they would never see again among them . He congratulated the chapter on the accession to office of Comp . Tomkins , who had already given proof of his ability , and who , he was satisfied , would be an honour to them . —The toast was
acknowledged by Comps . Tomkins and Scott , the latter saying that it was with extreme regret he had represented their absent Comp . Crew , who hacl so long and faithfully discharged the duties of his office . He might , however , say that , in so doing , he represented a good man ; a more worthy and excellent member the institution could not boast , and his place it would be found very difficult to fill . MOUNT SION CHAPTER ( NO 169 ) . —The Comps . met in convocation on Monday , March 11 , at Radley ' s Hotel , for the purpose of
installing the Third Principal . The chapter was opened by Comps . H . Muggeridge , as Z . ; R . Sharp , H . ; and J . How , J . After the minutes had been confirmed , Comp . Robert Farran was introduced and presented by Comp . Partridge , P . Z . ancl Treas ., and installed into the chair of Z . by E . Comp . Muggeridge . After the disposal of general business , the chapter was closed , and the Comps . adjourned , and partook of refreshment . Comps . R . Nelson , Prov . G . S . E . of West Yorkshireancl Thompsonof No . 812 were visitors .
, , , JERSEY . —Chapter of Harmony ( No . 302 ) . —The quarterly meeting of this chapter was held on Monday , March 11 th . It was opened by the most Ex . Comp . Schmitt , Z ., Comp . Baker taking the chair of H ., and Comp . Adams that of J . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . All who were not Principals having retired , Comp . Adams , P . Z ., undertook the ceremony of installing Comp . Donaldson in the office of J . Comp . Schmitt , Z ., also inducted Comp . Adams into the chair of H . both these duties
, liaving been necessarily omitted at the last meeting . On the return of the Comps ., the ballot was taken for Bros . Arthur and Snook , which proved unanimous in their favour . The chair' of J . was then taken by Comp . Hopkins , P . Z . of No . 857 , and the ceremony of exaltation was carefully and impressively performed by the most Ex . Comp . Schmitt . No other business offering , the chapter was closed , and the Comps . adjourned to the banquet .
Mark Masonry.
WoOLll'lCir . —Florence Nightingale Mark Lodge ( No . 10 ) . — Scotch Constitution ,. —The brethren of the Florence Nightingale Mark Lo . fge field a meeting at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , on the 9 th inst . The members present were , Dr . Hinxman , R . W . M .: Capt . Alderson , S . W . ; Bro . Hassan , J . W . ; Colonel Clerk , Bros . Carter , Bodily , Smythe , and several others . Colonel Tulloch , Lieut . Price , and another brother were advanced to the degree , which was performed with that regularity and
perfection for which the Woolwich Masons are celebrated . The ceremony being concluded , the brethren partook of refreshment at the Freemasons' Tavern , Woolwich ( Bro . De Grey ' s ) , where the usual proper toasts were given and various plans discussed for the good of Mark Masonry under every legitimate Grand Chapter , and it was determined to afford a warm support to St . Marks Lodge , No . 1 , both by joining members and subscriptions , in order that the Mark degree should be fully and efficiently carried on in London under the auspices of a regular , authorised , and earnest body of Mark Masters whose obligations remain unviolated . SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No . 55 ) . —Owing to the exertions
Mark Masonry.
of Bro . Win . White , jun ., W . M . of the Britannia Craft Lodge ( No . 162 ) , a warrant was obtained in January to hold a lodge of Mark Masters on the second Friday of every month . Bro . White , has been appointed W . M ., and Bros . E . Drury , S . W . ; G . Stuart , J . W . ; H . Webster , S . D . ; J . S . Brennan , J . D ., ' & c ; ancl they were duly installed on the second Friday in February , when the by-laws were prepared , and Bro . E . Wilkinson was advanced to this degree for the purpose of officiating as TlerThe second regular monthl
y . y meeting of this lodge took place on Friday , the Sth inst ., when the by-laws were confirmed . A number of brethren were balloted for , ancl Bros . Garnett , Naylor , and Moseley were duly advanced to this beautiful degree . The officers of the lodge , though young , aremost zealous Mascms , and performed their several duties in a very efficient manner .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held on Thursday , February 28 th , presided over hy Bro . Baudains , W . M . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl confirmed immediately after the opening in the first degree . Bro . Edward de la Perelle gave satisfactory proofs of proficiency , and was passed to that of Fellow Craft . A very favourable report having been presented as to the eligibility of Mr . Philip le Gros for the privileges of Freemasonry , the ballot was taken , which
proved unanimous . He was then introduced , and received the benefit of initiation . A letter was read from the manager of the theatre , requesting the patronage of the loclge for a performance for the benefit of the aged father of his wife , a member of the Craft . After some discussion and ample testimony to the worthiness ofthe object , under circumstances which rendered it desirable to comply , it was determined to do so , and the W . M . was requested to take measures with the view of securing the co-operation of the other lodges in the province . Some routine business was then transacted , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony , and thebrethren adjourned , to partake of tiie usual frugal repast .
SMYRNA . —Homer Lodge ( No . 1108 ) . —At the monthly meeting on the first Tuesday in February , Bro . Hyde Clarke , W . M ., in the chair , one of the late Smyrna Masons was regularised in the first degree , one in the second , and five in the third . Two new members were proposed . The W . M . reported his proceedings in the case of the spurious lodge lately detected in Alexandria , ancl was authorised to take further steps . The House Committee was authorised to select and take a suitable building . W . Bro . George LaurieP . M .
, No . 988 , hon . member No . 1108 , was elected Representative , of the Loclge at Constantinople , ancl W . Bro . Spencer Herapath , W . M . No . 32 , as Representative in London . The W . M . was received as Representative in the Homer Loclge of the Oriental Lodge No . 988 . A committee on the by-laws was appointed , ancl the returns to Grand Lodge directed to be prepared .
( From the Voice of Masonry . ) NEW * JERSEY . —The Grand Lodge , which is composed of delegates from fifty-seven subordinate lodges of this State , assembled , Jan . 16 , at ten o ' clock , a . m ., in the Grand Lodge-room at Odd Fellows' Hall , in Trenton , M . W . G . M . Isaac Van Wagoner presiding . The lodge was opened in due ancl ancient form , and by prayer from Rev . Bro . J . L . Janeway , G . Chap . pro . tern . The report ofthe G . M ., a very
able document , was presented ancl read , after which the reports of the other Grand Officers ivere presented . Pending the reports of the committees appointed to report on them , the Grand Lodge adjourned until three o ' clock , at which time it re-assembled , and proceeded to business , which consisted in the election of Grand Officers for the ensuing year . After the election , the Grand Lodge adjourned until half-past eight o ' clock , when they again assembled , and the officers elect were duly installed .
RHODE ISLAND . —At Providence , the formation of Calvary Commandery , No . 13 , and installation of its officers , occurred on Friday , Jan . 2 , accompanied with solemn and attractive ceremonies . The Asylum , in Ionic Hall , was filled with full delegations from the St .. John ' s and Holy Sepulchre Encampments , "in full armour clad , " and a large number of ladies and gentlemen as invited guests . The hall was quite full , but the necessary movements were executed with good order and precision ; the address was eloquent and most happily appropriate , the ceremonies were interesting and impressive , the officiating Grand Officers were bright and skilful , ancl the exorcises passed so smoothly , that . there was no tedium except such as .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Lieut .-Col . James E . Western , J . After the minutes of the preceding convocation had been read and confirmed , a conclave of installed Principals was opened , and Comp . W . R . Wood was installed in the first chair , Comp . Western in the second , and Comp . Capt . J . Creaton in the third ; the other installed Principals present being , E . Comps . William Stuart , Prov . G . Sup . Herts ; Lieut .-Col . William Stuart , W . Pulteney Scott , J . How , ancl H . Muggeridge . Comps . Williams , N ., ancl S . T . Tompkins , P . S ., were
invested . The usual pleasant banquet followed the business , and Comp . Pulteney Scott , in proposing " The Health of the Principals , " expressed his happiness in seeing three esteemed friends presiding in the chapter , being well assured that nothing would be wanting on their parts to support its prestige . —Tiie toast was acknowledged in grateful terms by the M . E . Z ., who then proposed " The Past Principals , " to whose merits he feared he was unable to do justice . There were that clay but three of that distinguished body present ,
some , he regretted , were kept away by illness ; he therefore asked the Comps . to testify their gratitude for the services of Comps . Stuart , Scott , ancl Tulloch . —Comp . Stuart , in acknowledging the toast , said , although but few were then present , yet he was quite sure the same desire to support the chapter pervaded the breast of all the Past Principals , ancl that on no occasion were they all absent . He especially referred to the regular attendance of Comp . Scottancl the great interest that Comp . took in the affairs of the
, chapter . — "The Health of the Visitors" was acknowledged by Comp . Muggeridge . —The M . E . Z . then proposed " The Officers , " ancl feelingly alluded to the absence of their esteemed Scribe E ., whom , it was to be feared , they would never see again among them . He congratulated the chapter on the accession to office of Comp . Tomkins , who had already given proof of his ability , and who , he was satisfied , would be an honour to them . —The toast was
acknowledged by Comps . Tomkins and Scott , the latter saying that it was with extreme regret he had represented their absent Comp . Crew , who hacl so long and faithfully discharged the duties of his office . He might , however , say that , in so doing , he represented a good man ; a more worthy and excellent member the institution could not boast , and his place it would be found very difficult to fill . MOUNT SION CHAPTER ( NO 169 ) . —The Comps . met in convocation on Monday , March 11 , at Radley ' s Hotel , for the purpose of
installing the Third Principal . The chapter was opened by Comps . H . Muggeridge , as Z . ; R . Sharp , H . ; and J . How , J . After the minutes had been confirmed , Comp . Robert Farran was introduced and presented by Comp . Partridge , P . Z . ancl Treas ., and installed into the chair of Z . by E . Comp . Muggeridge . After the disposal of general business , the chapter was closed , and the Comps . adjourned , and partook of refreshment . Comps . R . Nelson , Prov . G . S . E . of West Yorkshireancl Thompsonof No . 812 were visitors .
, , , JERSEY . —Chapter of Harmony ( No . 302 ) . —The quarterly meeting of this chapter was held on Monday , March 11 th . It was opened by the most Ex . Comp . Schmitt , Z ., Comp . Baker taking the chair of H ., and Comp . Adams that of J . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . All who were not Principals having retired , Comp . Adams , P . Z ., undertook the ceremony of installing Comp . Donaldson in the office of J . Comp . Schmitt , Z ., also inducted Comp . Adams into the chair of H . both these duties
, liaving been necessarily omitted at the last meeting . On the return of the Comps ., the ballot was taken for Bros . Arthur and Snook , which proved unanimous in their favour . The chair' of J . was then taken by Comp . Hopkins , P . Z . of No . 857 , and the ceremony of exaltation was carefully and impressively performed by the most Ex . Comp . Schmitt . No other business offering , the chapter was closed , and the Comps . adjourned to the banquet .
Mark Masonry.
WoOLll'lCir . —Florence Nightingale Mark Lodge ( No . 10 ) . — Scotch Constitution ,. —The brethren of the Florence Nightingale Mark Lo . fge field a meeting at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , on the 9 th inst . The members present were , Dr . Hinxman , R . W . M .: Capt . Alderson , S . W . ; Bro . Hassan , J . W . ; Colonel Clerk , Bros . Carter , Bodily , Smythe , and several others . Colonel Tulloch , Lieut . Price , and another brother were advanced to the degree , which was performed with that regularity and
perfection for which the Woolwich Masons are celebrated . The ceremony being concluded , the brethren partook of refreshment at the Freemasons' Tavern , Woolwich ( Bro . De Grey ' s ) , where the usual proper toasts were given and various plans discussed for the good of Mark Masonry under every legitimate Grand Chapter , and it was determined to afford a warm support to St . Marks Lodge , No . 1 , both by joining members and subscriptions , in order that the Mark degree should be fully and efficiently carried on in London under the auspices of a regular , authorised , and earnest body of Mark Masters whose obligations remain unviolated . SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No . 55 ) . —Owing to the exertions
Mark Masonry.
of Bro . Win . White , jun ., W . M . of the Britannia Craft Lodge ( No . 162 ) , a warrant was obtained in January to hold a lodge of Mark Masters on the second Friday of every month . Bro . White , has been appointed W . M ., and Bros . E . Drury , S . W . ; G . Stuart , J . W . ; H . Webster , S . D . ; J . S . Brennan , J . D ., ' & c ; ancl they were duly installed on the second Friday in February , when the by-laws were prepared , and Bro . E . Wilkinson was advanced to this degree for the purpose of officiating as TlerThe second regular monthl
y . y meeting of this lodge took place on Friday , the Sth inst ., when the by-laws were confirmed . A number of brethren were balloted for , ancl Bros . Garnett , Naylor , and Moseley were duly advanced to this beautiful degree . The officers of the lodge , though young , aremost zealous Mascms , and performed their several duties in a very efficient manner .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held on Thursday , February 28 th , presided over hy Bro . Baudains , W . M . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl confirmed immediately after the opening in the first degree . Bro . Edward de la Perelle gave satisfactory proofs of proficiency , and was passed to that of Fellow Craft . A very favourable report having been presented as to the eligibility of Mr . Philip le Gros for the privileges of Freemasonry , the ballot was taken , which
proved unanimous . He was then introduced , and received the benefit of initiation . A letter was read from the manager of the theatre , requesting the patronage of the loclge for a performance for the benefit of the aged father of his wife , a member of the Craft . After some discussion and ample testimony to the worthiness ofthe object , under circumstances which rendered it desirable to comply , it was determined to do so , and the W . M . was requested to take measures with the view of securing the co-operation of the other lodges in the province . Some routine business was then transacted , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony , and thebrethren adjourned , to partake of tiie usual frugal repast .
SMYRNA . —Homer Lodge ( No . 1108 ) . —At the monthly meeting on the first Tuesday in February , Bro . Hyde Clarke , W . M ., in the chair , one of the late Smyrna Masons was regularised in the first degree , one in the second , and five in the third . Two new members were proposed . The W . M . reported his proceedings in the case of the spurious lodge lately detected in Alexandria , ancl was authorised to take further steps . The House Committee was authorised to select and take a suitable building . W . Bro . George LaurieP . M .
, No . 988 , hon . member No . 1108 , was elected Representative , of the Loclge at Constantinople , ancl W . Bro . Spencer Herapath , W . M . No . 32 , as Representative in London . The W . M . was received as Representative in the Homer Loclge of the Oriental Lodge No . 988 . A committee on the by-laws was appointed , ancl the returns to Grand Lodge directed to be prepared .
( From the Voice of Masonry . ) NEW * JERSEY . —The Grand Lodge , which is composed of delegates from fifty-seven subordinate lodges of this State , assembled , Jan . 16 , at ten o ' clock , a . m ., in the Grand Lodge-room at Odd Fellows' Hall , in Trenton , M . W . G . M . Isaac Van Wagoner presiding . The lodge was opened in due ancl ancient form , and by prayer from Rev . Bro . J . L . Janeway , G . Chap . pro . tern . The report ofthe G . M ., a very
able document , was presented ancl read , after which the reports of the other Grand Officers ivere presented . Pending the reports of the committees appointed to report on them , the Grand Lodge adjourned until three o ' clock , at which time it re-assembled , and proceeded to business , which consisted in the election of Grand Officers for the ensuing year . After the election , the Grand Lodge adjourned until half-past eight o ' clock , when they again assembled , and the officers elect were duly installed .
RHODE ISLAND . —At Providence , the formation of Calvary Commandery , No . 13 , and installation of its officers , occurred on Friday , Jan . 2 , accompanied with solemn and attractive ceremonies . The Asylum , in Ionic Hall , was filled with full delegations from the St .. John ' s and Holy Sepulchre Encampments , "in full armour clad , " and a large number of ladies and gentlemen as invited guests . The hall was quite full , but the necessary movements were executed with good order and precision ; the address was eloquent and most happily appropriate , the ceremonies were interesting and impressive , the officiating Grand Officers were bright and skilful , ancl the exorcises passed so smoothly , that . there was no tedium except such as .