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' VERMONT . —The Masonic celebration at the Lake House , Burlington , was emphatically a success . A large number of brethren were in attendance , and the exercises , from the elegant address of Bro . L . B . Englesby , Esq ., through the eloquent speeches delivered at the supper table by the distinguished gentlemen in response to the various sentiments , were characterised by a degree of good feeling we have hardly ever seen displayed on such occasions . The festival was opened about eiht o'clockin the large dancing-hall of
g , the Lake House , by an appropriate prayer by the Chaplain , Rev . Bro . T . F . Stewart , which was followed by a brief speech of welcome from Bro . Wm . G . Shaw , W . M . of Washington " Lodge . An excellent address was then delivered by P . M . L . B . Englesby , on the main tenets of Masonry , in which he laboured to express the true principles of the Order , eulogising its intellectual , moral , and social -virtues , ancl closing with a beautiful apostrophe to charity . The address was full of eloquent passages , and was received with general
satisfaction . After the conclusion ofthe address , the brethren , under the direction of the marshal of the festival , Bro . G . S . Blodgett , repaired to the supper table . INDIANA . —According to previous arrangement , Plymouth Lodge ( No . 149 ) of Free and Accepted Masons celebrated the anniversary of St . Jolm the Evangelist ' s birth-day with an appropriate festival , -at their hall , on the 27 th ult . A large number of the brethren were present , and were assisted in the festivities of the hour by a goodly number of ladies .
Obituary .
BRO . WILLIAM SKELTON . On the 20 th ult ., at his residence , Lincoln Villa , St . John ' s Wood , in his 56 th year , Bro . William Skelton . He was initiated in St . Mary ' s Loclge ( No . 76 ) in the year 1842 , and took the third degree , in the following March , on the same night as Bro . Albert Smith . He served the office of W . M . in 1854 . Our deceased brother was much beloved by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance ; his genial qualities endeared him to every member of his lod
ge , ivhich , meeting the clay following his decease , resolved to close without the usual banquet , in respect to his memory . Bro . Skelton has , we understand , bequeathed £ 100 to each ' the Boys' and Girls' Schools , and like sums to the Dramatic College ar . d . Commercial Travellers' Association .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Prince Consort , accompanied by the Princess Alice , Prince Arthur , Prince Leopold , the Princesses Helena , Louise , and Beatrice , left Osborne , Isle of Wight , ou Friday afternoon , March S , crossed in the Fairy , royal steam-yacht , from Osborne Pier to Portsmouth , and travelled by a special train on the South-Western Railway to London , ancl at once proceeded to Buckingham Palace .
On Saturday , the . Queen and Prince Consort , with the Princess Alice , honoured the performance at Her Majesty ' s Theatre with their presence . On Monday , Her Majesty and His Royal Highness the Prince Consort , accompanied by Prince Leopold and the Princess Beatrice , visited the Zoological Gardens , in the Regent ' s Park . In the evening , the Queen and Prince Consort , accompanied by the Princess Alice , went to the Olympic Theatre , and on Tuesday , Covent Garden Theatre , liaving visited the Duchess of
Kent , at Frogmore , in the morning . On Wednesday , Her Majesty held a levee at St . James ' s Palace . The Queen and Prince Consort , escorted by a detachment of Life Guards , arrived from Buckingham Palace at two o'clock , attended by the Ladies and Gentlemen iu Waiting . The Queen had a dinner party in the evening . IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —In the HOUSE or LORDS , on Thursday , March 7 th , in reply to a question from the Earl of Derby in reference to the Columbia Extradition Billthe Duke of
New-, castle said that the bill had been introduced by the instructions of the Government , and that it included only such offences as were contained in the Convention of 1843—namely , murder , forgery , and fraudulent practices . Political offences had been carefully excluded . The Statute Law Revision Bill was passed through committee . On Friday , the Trade Marks Bill passed through committee , and the Statute Law Revision Bill was read a third , time aud passed . On Mondaythe Lord Chancellor laid upon the table a bill to
re-, move the anomaly under which a marriage between a Roman Catholic and a Protestant , if performed by a clergyman of the Roman Catholic faith iu Ireland , is void . The bill was read a first time . He also moved for the appointment of a select committee to consider the law respecting the parties who are entitled , or ought to be entitled , to sue in the Divorce Court in England , ancl in the Court of Session in Scotland , for a dissolution of marriage . Agreed to . Tbe Earl of Derby moved that it be an instruction to the select
committee on the metropolitan railways to inquire into and report upon the number of houses and of inhabitants likely to be removed by the works of the respective railways ; ancl whether any provision has been made , or is required to be made , for diminishing the evils consequent on a large simultaneous displacement of the labouring population . After some conversation , chiefly with regard to the forms of the House , the motion was agreed to . ^—On Tuesday , the Admiralty Court Jurisdiction Bill , the Inclosure
Bill , and the Bank of England Payments Bill , were passed through committee . In the HOUSE OE COMMONS , on Thursday , March 7 , in reply to a question , Mr . T . G . Baring stated that Major Yelverton was suspended from the performance of all military duty until the result of any legal proceedings which might follow the action of Thelwall v . Yelverton , and that under these circumstances it was obvious the Secretary for War could not take any steps which miht prejudge the case . On Friday
g , Mr . Monckton Milnes moved for a select committee to inquire into the constitution and efficiency of the present diplomatic service of the country . Lord John Russell , in assenting to the motion , declined to pledge himself in any way that there should be an increase of expenditure upon the diplomatic corps , even should the committee embody any such recommendation in their report . Mr . H . B . Sheridan moved for leave to bring in a bill for the reduction of the duty on fire insurances . The hon . gentleman stated that his object
was to reduce the duty from 3 s . per cent , to Is . The motion was lost by 138 to 49 . On Monday , in committee of supply , Lord Clarence Paget , in moving the navy estimates , stated that the total sum required for the year 1861-2 , ivould be £ 12 , 029 , 475 , being a decrease , as compared with the current financial year , of £ 806 , 625 .
The number of men which he proposed to take for the coining year was 78 , 200 , which would include all classes in the service . The reduction of the number of men in the present estimate was 7300 , but there was no reason for supposing that the reserve would not be sufficient . . The latter consisted of—naval reserve , proper , 4000 men ; coast volunteers , 7000 ; coast guard , 4000 ; supernumeraries in home ports , 1500 ; marines on shore , 8000 ; boys ill training ships , 2000 ; making a force of upwards of 26 , 000 available at a moment's
notice to man a powerful fleet . The votes for the number of men , wages , and victuals were then agreed to , ancl the chairman reported progress . On Tuesday , Mr . T . Buncombe moved a resolution , in substance , that it was the duty of the House to lose no further time in giving such complete effect to the Act of the last reign , whereby reforms were made in the representative system , as should carry out the subsequent recommendations of the Crown , and fulfil the just expectations of the people . After some discussion the
motion was withdrawn . On the motion of Lord Palmerston , the order of the 5 th inst . for the appointment of a select committee to consider the present system of promotion ancl retirement in the royal navy , and the present pay and position of the several classes of naval officers , and to report what changes therein were desirable , with a view to the increased efficiency of the naval service , was react and discharged , and the matter referred to the Committee on the construction of the Admiralty Board . On Wednesdayin
, committee of ways and means , a resolution was passed that , towards making good the supply granted to Her Majesty , the sum of £ 4 , 000 , 000 be granted out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ancl Ireland : Leave was given to Mr . Bristow to bring in a bill to exempt the volunteer forces of Great Britain from the payment of tolls .
GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The Western Morning News ( Plymouth paper ) , of Wednesday , publishes the following : — " We have received information from a quarter which is entitled to respect , to the effect that the murder at Road House has been confessed by Miss Constance Kent , who , it is said , states that she drowned the child , and afterwards cut its throat , and opened the shutters of the house in order to avert suspicion from herself . The report adds that Miss Constance Kent has shown unmistakable evidence of
derangement , and is now in confinement .. " -As far as the conveyance is concerned , arrangements are completed for the proposed sham fight near Brighton on Easter Monday . The railway companies have made their preparations—it is for the volunteers now to make their ' s . -The Liberal party in South Lancashire intend inviting Mr . Gladstone to permit himself to be put in nomination for the new seat which will be conferred upon that division of the county when Sir Cornewali Lewis ' s bill for the appropriation ofthe
vacant seats has passed into law . A reform meeting was held at Halifax on Monday night in support of the two bills now before Parliament . The speeches anil resolutions were thoroughly up to the mark , and excited great enthusiasm . Mr . Crossley , M . P ., took part in the proceedings . An influential meeting of the wine trade lias been held , and resolutions passed against the present system of levying the duty by alcoholic strength , ar . d praying for the substitution of a uniform rate of duty . The annual meeting oftlie Repeal of the Taxes on Knowledge A-soci . itV-n was held on
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' VERMONT . —The Masonic celebration at the Lake House , Burlington , was emphatically a success . A large number of brethren were in attendance , and the exercises , from the elegant address of Bro . L . B . Englesby , Esq ., through the eloquent speeches delivered at the supper table by the distinguished gentlemen in response to the various sentiments , were characterised by a degree of good feeling we have hardly ever seen displayed on such occasions . The festival was opened about eiht o'clockin the large dancing-hall of
g , the Lake House , by an appropriate prayer by the Chaplain , Rev . Bro . T . F . Stewart , which was followed by a brief speech of welcome from Bro . Wm . G . Shaw , W . M . of Washington " Lodge . An excellent address was then delivered by P . M . L . B . Englesby , on the main tenets of Masonry , in which he laboured to express the true principles of the Order , eulogising its intellectual , moral , and social -virtues , ancl closing with a beautiful apostrophe to charity . The address was full of eloquent passages , and was received with general
satisfaction . After the conclusion ofthe address , the brethren , under the direction of the marshal of the festival , Bro . G . S . Blodgett , repaired to the supper table . INDIANA . —According to previous arrangement , Plymouth Lodge ( No . 149 ) of Free and Accepted Masons celebrated the anniversary of St . Jolm the Evangelist ' s birth-day with an appropriate festival , -at their hall , on the 27 th ult . A large number of the brethren were present , and were assisted in the festivities of the hour by a goodly number of ladies .
Obituary .
BRO . WILLIAM SKELTON . On the 20 th ult ., at his residence , Lincoln Villa , St . John ' s Wood , in his 56 th year , Bro . William Skelton . He was initiated in St . Mary ' s Loclge ( No . 76 ) in the year 1842 , and took the third degree , in the following March , on the same night as Bro . Albert Smith . He served the office of W . M . in 1854 . Our deceased brother was much beloved by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance ; his genial qualities endeared him to every member of his lod
ge , ivhich , meeting the clay following his decease , resolved to close without the usual banquet , in respect to his memory . Bro . Skelton has , we understand , bequeathed £ 100 to each ' the Boys' and Girls' Schools , and like sums to the Dramatic College ar . d . Commercial Travellers' Association .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Prince Consort , accompanied by the Princess Alice , Prince Arthur , Prince Leopold , the Princesses Helena , Louise , and Beatrice , left Osborne , Isle of Wight , ou Friday afternoon , March S , crossed in the Fairy , royal steam-yacht , from Osborne Pier to Portsmouth , and travelled by a special train on the South-Western Railway to London , ancl at once proceeded to Buckingham Palace .
On Saturday , the . Queen and Prince Consort , with the Princess Alice , honoured the performance at Her Majesty ' s Theatre with their presence . On Monday , Her Majesty and His Royal Highness the Prince Consort , accompanied by Prince Leopold and the Princess Beatrice , visited the Zoological Gardens , in the Regent ' s Park . In the evening , the Queen and Prince Consort , accompanied by the Princess Alice , went to the Olympic Theatre , and on Tuesday , Covent Garden Theatre , liaving visited the Duchess of
Kent , at Frogmore , in the morning . On Wednesday , Her Majesty held a levee at St . James ' s Palace . The Queen and Prince Consort , escorted by a detachment of Life Guards , arrived from Buckingham Palace at two o'clock , attended by the Ladies and Gentlemen iu Waiting . The Queen had a dinner party in the evening . IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —In the HOUSE or LORDS , on Thursday , March 7 th , in reply to a question from the Earl of Derby in reference to the Columbia Extradition Billthe Duke of
New-, castle said that the bill had been introduced by the instructions of the Government , and that it included only such offences as were contained in the Convention of 1843—namely , murder , forgery , and fraudulent practices . Political offences had been carefully excluded . The Statute Law Revision Bill was passed through committee . On Friday , the Trade Marks Bill passed through committee , and the Statute Law Revision Bill was read a third , time aud passed . On Mondaythe Lord Chancellor laid upon the table a bill to
re-, move the anomaly under which a marriage between a Roman Catholic and a Protestant , if performed by a clergyman of the Roman Catholic faith iu Ireland , is void . The bill was read a first time . He also moved for the appointment of a select committee to consider the law respecting the parties who are entitled , or ought to be entitled , to sue in the Divorce Court in England , ancl in the Court of Session in Scotland , for a dissolution of marriage . Agreed to . Tbe Earl of Derby moved that it be an instruction to the select
committee on the metropolitan railways to inquire into and report upon the number of houses and of inhabitants likely to be removed by the works of the respective railways ; ancl whether any provision has been made , or is required to be made , for diminishing the evils consequent on a large simultaneous displacement of the labouring population . After some conversation , chiefly with regard to the forms of the House , the motion was agreed to . ^—On Tuesday , the Admiralty Court Jurisdiction Bill , the Inclosure
Bill , and the Bank of England Payments Bill , were passed through committee . In the HOUSE OE COMMONS , on Thursday , March 7 , in reply to a question , Mr . T . G . Baring stated that Major Yelverton was suspended from the performance of all military duty until the result of any legal proceedings which might follow the action of Thelwall v . Yelverton , and that under these circumstances it was obvious the Secretary for War could not take any steps which miht prejudge the case . On Friday
g , Mr . Monckton Milnes moved for a select committee to inquire into the constitution and efficiency of the present diplomatic service of the country . Lord John Russell , in assenting to the motion , declined to pledge himself in any way that there should be an increase of expenditure upon the diplomatic corps , even should the committee embody any such recommendation in their report . Mr . H . B . Sheridan moved for leave to bring in a bill for the reduction of the duty on fire insurances . The hon . gentleman stated that his object
was to reduce the duty from 3 s . per cent , to Is . The motion was lost by 138 to 49 . On Monday , in committee of supply , Lord Clarence Paget , in moving the navy estimates , stated that the total sum required for the year 1861-2 , ivould be £ 12 , 029 , 475 , being a decrease , as compared with the current financial year , of £ 806 , 625 .
The number of men which he proposed to take for the coining year was 78 , 200 , which would include all classes in the service . The reduction of the number of men in the present estimate was 7300 , but there was no reason for supposing that the reserve would not be sufficient . . The latter consisted of—naval reserve , proper , 4000 men ; coast volunteers , 7000 ; coast guard , 4000 ; supernumeraries in home ports , 1500 ; marines on shore , 8000 ; boys ill training ships , 2000 ; making a force of upwards of 26 , 000 available at a moment's
notice to man a powerful fleet . The votes for the number of men , wages , and victuals were then agreed to , ancl the chairman reported progress . On Tuesday , Mr . T . Buncombe moved a resolution , in substance , that it was the duty of the House to lose no further time in giving such complete effect to the Act of the last reign , whereby reforms were made in the representative system , as should carry out the subsequent recommendations of the Crown , and fulfil the just expectations of the people . After some discussion the
motion was withdrawn . On the motion of Lord Palmerston , the order of the 5 th inst . for the appointment of a select committee to consider the present system of promotion ancl retirement in the royal navy , and the present pay and position of the several classes of naval officers , and to report what changes therein were desirable , with a view to the increased efficiency of the naval service , was react and discharged , and the matter referred to the Committee on the construction of the Admiralty Board . On Wednesdayin
, committee of ways and means , a resolution was passed that , towards making good the supply granted to Her Majesty , the sum of £ 4 , 000 , 000 be granted out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ancl Ireland : Leave was given to Mr . Bristow to bring in a bill to exempt the volunteer forces of Great Britain from the payment of tolls .
GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The Western Morning News ( Plymouth paper ) , of Wednesday , publishes the following : — " We have received information from a quarter which is entitled to respect , to the effect that the murder at Road House has been confessed by Miss Constance Kent , who , it is said , states that she drowned the child , and afterwards cut its throat , and opened the shutters of the house in order to avert suspicion from herself . The report adds that Miss Constance Kent has shown unmistakable evidence of
derangement , and is now in confinement .. " -As far as the conveyance is concerned , arrangements are completed for the proposed sham fight near Brighton on Easter Monday . The railway companies have made their preparations—it is for the volunteers now to make their ' s . -The Liberal party in South Lancashire intend inviting Mr . Gladstone to permit himself to be put in nomination for the new seat which will be conferred upon that division of the county when Sir Cornewali Lewis ' s bill for the appropriation ofthe
vacant seats has passed into law . A reform meeting was held at Halifax on Monday night in support of the two bills now before Parliament . The speeches anil resolutions were thoroughly up to the mark , and excited great enthusiasm . Mr . Crossley , M . P ., took part in the proceedings . An influential meeting of the wine trade lias been held , and resolutions passed against the present system of levying the duty by alcoholic strength , ar . d praying for the substitution of a uniform rate of duty . The annual meeting oftlie Repeal of the Taxes on Knowledge A-soci . itV-n was held on