Article MASONIC MEM. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Masonic Mem.
and for ever , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell . The toast was most enthusiastically responded to . Bro . HEAD , in the absence of Bro . Benj . Cabbell , briefly returned thanks . Bro . BlKCKES , Secretary , then stated that the school prizes
were presented on Tuesday last at the school , but there were two prizes received for presentation by the Chairman at that festival , one being the prize for the boy who had distinguished himself for good conduct during the year . The prize was the gift of the Maybury Lodge to the boy who stood highest in the scale of merit , aud the other prize was the gift of Bro .
Cox , one of the House Committee , called the Canonbury Prize , of which lodge he was P . M . This prize was to be given to the boy who obtained the largest number of votes of his schoolfellows , and , indeed , it was given to the boy who made himself the most agreeable to his companions . AVith respect to the first prize , the silver medal given by the Maybury Lodge ,
lie begged to present to his lordship Frank Comb Osborne , who had attained his loth year , and who would leave the school on the 29 th of next month ; and he could- say that he would leave the school with great regret and the best feelings of regard and esteem of all . The CHAIEMAK then placed the riband to which the medal
was attached round the successful competitor's neck ; and in a few congratulatory words hoped the recollection of it would be a stimula to him and a guide to him in his future conduct through life . Bro . BIUCKES then presented Charles Day as the one who , by the suffrages of his schoolfellows , had gained the Canonbury Prize , and he remarked that had the veto of disposing of this prize rested with the head master , it would have bestowed on
the boy who , in the ballot-box , by a large majority of the unbiassed votes of his schoolfellows , had obtained it . The CHAIRMAN said he had great pleasure in presenting that valuable prize , and when he ( the Earl of Dalhousie ) was last at Wood-green he was much pleased with the manner in which that prize was obtained . It was a proof that he was not a boy given to selfish habits , or he would not have
received the votes of his schoolfellows . He was not what was common in his ( the Earl of Dalhousie ' s ) youth , given to bullying , and he was proud to see in him the seeds of future nobility ; and when he looked at that medal , in taking his first step in life , he trusted he would pursue tho same course that he would successfully follow , so that he might become a good man , and
, what was much more , a good Mason . The medal was then handed to Charles Day , who bowed to his lordship , and then saluted the whole assembly iu a similar manner as had been done by Frank Comb Osborne . Bro . BIXOKES , the Secretary , then read the list of subscriptions , amongst them being the following : —
Great Master ' s Lodge , £ 42 ; Lodge of Fidelity , £ 16 4 s . ; Somerset House and Inverness , £ 7 6 s . ; St . George's and Corner Stone , £ 146 Os . ; Friendship , £ 21 ; Royal York Lodgeof Perseverance , £ 14 3 s . ; British , £ 40 Ss . Gd . ; Albion , £ 40 Ss . 6 d . ; Westminster and Key Stone , £ 59 17 s . ; Enoch , £ 5 S 16 s . ; Fortitude and Old Cumberland , £ 18 ISs . ; Tuscan , £ 11 Us . ; Old
Dundee , £ 79 16 s . ; Royal Athelstan , £ 33 12 s . ; Emulation , £ 27 6 s . ; Neptune , £ 44 2 s . ; Globe , £ 27 6 s . ; Robert Burns ! £ 24 17 s . ; Castle Lodge of Harmony , £ 30 19 s . Gd . ; Old King ' s Arms , £ 25 4 s . ; St . Alban ' s , £ 29 Ss . ; Britannic , £ 16 4 s . Mount Moriah , £ 52 10 s . ; Strong Man , £ 43 6 s . ; Constitutional " , £ 100 Is . ; Royal Naval , £ 129 ; Peace and Harmony , £ 121 6 s . ; Mount Lebanon , £ 45 3 s . ; Regularity , £ 53 lis .: Eastern Star , £ 28 7 s . ; Temple , £ 123 7 s . ; London , £ 03 : Middlesex ,
£ 60 18 s . ; Temperance , £ -13 10 s . 6 d . ; Old Concord . £ 42 10 s . 6 d . ; Domatic , £ 88 14 s . ; Manchester , £ 23 12 s . ; St . James ' s Union , £ 17 17 s . ; Percy , £ 32 7 s . ; Jerusalem , £ 11 10 s . ; St . Andrew ' s , £ 38 17 s . ; Ionic , £ 25 4 s . ; Harmony , £ 25 4 s . ; Bank of England , £ 16 Os . 6 d . ; Salisbury , £ 28 17 s . Sd . ; Wellington , £ 10 10 s . 6 d . ; Yarborough , £ 47 5 s . ; Fitzroy ,
£ 158 lis . ; Panmure , £ 40 ; Victoria Rifles , £ 31 10 s . ; Royal Oak , £ 31 10 s . ; Hornsey , £ 106 Is . ; Province of Essex , £ 13 13 s . ; Province of Sussex , £ 39 16 s . ; Province of Hants , £ 97 15 s . 6 d . ; Province of Northumberland , £ 220 ; Province of Oxfordshire , £ 84 ; Province of Surrey , £ 26 6 s . ;— £ 27 10 s . ; Province of Warwickshire , £ 137 Os . 6 d . ; Province of North AVales ancl
Shropshire , £ 86 3 s . ; Province of Cumberland , £ 116 17 s . ; aud Province of Gloucestershire , £ 77 19 s . The total of these lists amounted to £ 4 , 133 . The largest London list , it will be seen , was that of the Fitzroy Lodge , held at the Head Quarters of the Hon . Artillery Company , Bro . I . P . M . AVatson becoming a Vice- President
for himself hy his own subscription of 50 guineas , in addition to his being Vice-President of the other Institution . It should he observed that , although an amount appears to the credit of some lodges , in some instances where a lodge does not send a Steward , the amount subscribed goes to swell the contribution of other lodges , but that distinction cannot readily
be given iu the above toast . The rest of the toasts were given , and the brethren separated at a late hour . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Kingsbury , assisted by Mdlle . Liebhart , Mrs . Julia Derby , Bros . George Perren and Thomas . Bro . Spencer , whom we were glad to see again in his old place , most efficiently discharged the duties of toastmaster .
The annual distribution of prizes to the boys who have distinguished themselves in various ways during the year took place on Friday , the Sth inst ., at the School House , Wood-green , when the Right Hon . Bro . the Earl of Dalhousie presided , surrounded by a large number of ladies , and , among others , the following brethren : —Algernon Perkins , P . G . W . ; . J . Udall , P . G . D . ; B . Head , George Cox , S . G . D . ; H . Empson , P . G . S . B . j
Henry Browse , P . M . 118 ; Dr . Goldsboro ' , Prov . G . W . North Wales ; AYilliam Paas , P . M . 28 ; Raynham Stuart , P . M . 108 ; E . Cos , A . P . of the Institution , P . M . 657 ; W . H . AVarr , G . S . and AA . M . 23 ; AVm . Young , P . G . S . B . and P . M . 60 ; S . May ( Bow-street ) , S . AV . 101 and 23 ; Benjamin Todd , P . AL 27 ; Rev . — AA ' oodward , Chaplain to the . Institution ; W . AVinn , V . P ., PM 657 JGChancellorPM 657 TTurnerPM 657
.. ; . . , .. ; . , .. ; and A . Pritchard , S . AA . 162 . The principal winners of the prizes were Charles Joseph Ridgway , Harry William Wildmaii , and William Hope Parkinson , ancl the total number of prizes taken was twenty-four . "When the prizes had been awarded ,
Tho Chairman said ho had had great pleasure in attending , and part of that pleasure was derived from seeing so large a company present , more- especially so many ladies , who coidd not , by any possibility , bo admitted to partake of tho knowledge of tho Masonic tie . Thoy had , however , a good opportunity of seeing tho practical results of Masomy , and ho ( the Chairman )' know no higher object than that of imparting a sound education to thosn whoso iinronts or friends , through misfortune , were
unable to educate them . Ho was particularly struck with the admirablo arrangements of tho entire establishment , with tho excellent appearance of tho scholars , and thoir good health . Ono matter had struck him as very remarkable , and that was that there should bo such a system in thoir school as marking out that boy as deserving of a prize who was doclarodjto bo so deserving by tho voice of his schoolfellows . Ho ( tho Chairman ) hoped that his own advocacy of tho claims of tho Institution at tho
festival next AVednesday would impress thoso whom ho would then address with tho same fooling as ho had experienced this prizo day : and , if ho succeeded , he had no doubt that tho debt with which tho building was encumbered would soon bo wiped away . The noble chairman then left , after inspecting the building
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Masonic Mem.
and for ever , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell . The toast was most enthusiastically responded to . Bro . HEAD , in the absence of Bro . Benj . Cabbell , briefly returned thanks . Bro . BlKCKES , Secretary , then stated that the school prizes
were presented on Tuesday last at the school , but there were two prizes received for presentation by the Chairman at that festival , one being the prize for the boy who had distinguished himself for good conduct during the year . The prize was the gift of the Maybury Lodge to the boy who stood highest in the scale of merit , aud the other prize was the gift of Bro .
Cox , one of the House Committee , called the Canonbury Prize , of which lodge he was P . M . This prize was to be given to the boy who obtained the largest number of votes of his schoolfellows , and , indeed , it was given to the boy who made himself the most agreeable to his companions . AVith respect to the first prize , the silver medal given by the Maybury Lodge ,
lie begged to present to his lordship Frank Comb Osborne , who had attained his loth year , and who would leave the school on the 29 th of next month ; and he could- say that he would leave the school with great regret and the best feelings of regard and esteem of all . The CHAIEMAK then placed the riband to which the medal
was attached round the successful competitor's neck ; and in a few congratulatory words hoped the recollection of it would be a stimula to him and a guide to him in his future conduct through life . Bro . BIUCKES then presented Charles Day as the one who , by the suffrages of his schoolfellows , had gained the Canonbury Prize , and he remarked that had the veto of disposing of this prize rested with the head master , it would have bestowed on
the boy who , in the ballot-box , by a large majority of the unbiassed votes of his schoolfellows , had obtained it . The CHAIRMAN said he had great pleasure in presenting that valuable prize , and when he ( the Earl of Dalhousie ) was last at Wood-green he was much pleased with the manner in which that prize was obtained . It was a proof that he was not a boy given to selfish habits , or he would not have
received the votes of his schoolfellows . He was not what was common in his ( the Earl of Dalhousie ' s ) youth , given to bullying , and he was proud to see in him the seeds of future nobility ; and when he looked at that medal , in taking his first step in life , he trusted he would pursue tho same course that he would successfully follow , so that he might become a good man , and
, what was much more , a good Mason . The medal was then handed to Charles Day , who bowed to his lordship , and then saluted the whole assembly iu a similar manner as had been done by Frank Comb Osborne . Bro . BIXOKES , the Secretary , then read the list of subscriptions , amongst them being the following : —
Great Master ' s Lodge , £ 42 ; Lodge of Fidelity , £ 16 4 s . ; Somerset House and Inverness , £ 7 6 s . ; St . George's and Corner Stone , £ 146 Os . ; Friendship , £ 21 ; Royal York Lodgeof Perseverance , £ 14 3 s . ; British , £ 40 Ss . Gd . ; Albion , £ 40 Ss . 6 d . ; Westminster and Key Stone , £ 59 17 s . ; Enoch , £ 5 S 16 s . ; Fortitude and Old Cumberland , £ 18 ISs . ; Tuscan , £ 11 Us . ; Old
Dundee , £ 79 16 s . ; Royal Athelstan , £ 33 12 s . ; Emulation , £ 27 6 s . ; Neptune , £ 44 2 s . ; Globe , £ 27 6 s . ; Robert Burns ! £ 24 17 s . ; Castle Lodge of Harmony , £ 30 19 s . Gd . ; Old King ' s Arms , £ 25 4 s . ; St . Alban ' s , £ 29 Ss . ; Britannic , £ 16 4 s . Mount Moriah , £ 52 10 s . ; Strong Man , £ 43 6 s . ; Constitutional " , £ 100 Is . ; Royal Naval , £ 129 ; Peace and Harmony , £ 121 6 s . ; Mount Lebanon , £ 45 3 s . ; Regularity , £ 53 lis .: Eastern Star , £ 28 7 s . ; Temple , £ 123 7 s . ; London , £ 03 : Middlesex ,
£ 60 18 s . ; Temperance , £ -13 10 s . 6 d . ; Old Concord . £ 42 10 s . 6 d . ; Domatic , £ 88 14 s . ; Manchester , £ 23 12 s . ; St . James ' s Union , £ 17 17 s . ; Percy , £ 32 7 s . ; Jerusalem , £ 11 10 s . ; St . Andrew ' s , £ 38 17 s . ; Ionic , £ 25 4 s . ; Harmony , £ 25 4 s . ; Bank of England , £ 16 Os . 6 d . ; Salisbury , £ 28 17 s . Sd . ; Wellington , £ 10 10 s . 6 d . ; Yarborough , £ 47 5 s . ; Fitzroy ,
£ 158 lis . ; Panmure , £ 40 ; Victoria Rifles , £ 31 10 s . ; Royal Oak , £ 31 10 s . ; Hornsey , £ 106 Is . ; Province of Essex , £ 13 13 s . ; Province of Sussex , £ 39 16 s . ; Province of Hants , £ 97 15 s . 6 d . ; Province of Northumberland , £ 220 ; Province of Oxfordshire , £ 84 ; Province of Surrey , £ 26 6 s . ;— £ 27 10 s . ; Province of Warwickshire , £ 137 Os . 6 d . ; Province of North AVales ancl
Shropshire , £ 86 3 s . ; Province of Cumberland , £ 116 17 s . ; aud Province of Gloucestershire , £ 77 19 s . The total of these lists amounted to £ 4 , 133 . The largest London list , it will be seen , was that of the Fitzroy Lodge , held at the Head Quarters of the Hon . Artillery Company , Bro . I . P . M . AVatson becoming a Vice- President
for himself hy his own subscription of 50 guineas , in addition to his being Vice-President of the other Institution . It should he observed that , although an amount appears to the credit of some lodges , in some instances where a lodge does not send a Steward , the amount subscribed goes to swell the contribution of other lodges , but that distinction cannot readily
be given iu the above toast . The rest of the toasts were given , and the brethren separated at a late hour . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Kingsbury , assisted by Mdlle . Liebhart , Mrs . Julia Derby , Bros . George Perren and Thomas . Bro . Spencer , whom we were glad to see again in his old place , most efficiently discharged the duties of toastmaster .
The annual distribution of prizes to the boys who have distinguished themselves in various ways during the year took place on Friday , the Sth inst ., at the School House , Wood-green , when the Right Hon . Bro . the Earl of Dalhousie presided , surrounded by a large number of ladies , and , among others , the following brethren : —Algernon Perkins , P . G . W . ; . J . Udall , P . G . D . ; B . Head , George Cox , S . G . D . ; H . Empson , P . G . S . B . j
Henry Browse , P . M . 118 ; Dr . Goldsboro ' , Prov . G . W . North Wales ; AYilliam Paas , P . M . 28 ; Raynham Stuart , P . M . 108 ; E . Cos , A . P . of the Institution , P . M . 657 ; W . H . AVarr , G . S . and AA . M . 23 ; AVm . Young , P . G . S . B . and P . M . 60 ; S . May ( Bow-street ) , S . AV . 101 and 23 ; Benjamin Todd , P . AL 27 ; Rev . — AA ' oodward , Chaplain to the . Institution ; W . AVinn , V . P ., PM 657 JGChancellorPM 657 TTurnerPM 657
.. ; . . , .. ; . , .. ; and A . Pritchard , S . AA . 162 . The principal winners of the prizes were Charles Joseph Ridgway , Harry William Wildmaii , and William Hope Parkinson , ancl the total number of prizes taken was twenty-four . "When the prizes had been awarded ,
Tho Chairman said ho had had great pleasure in attending , and part of that pleasure was derived from seeing so large a company present , more- especially so many ladies , who coidd not , by any possibility , bo admitted to partake of tho knowledge of tho Masonic tie . Thoy had , however , a good opportunity of seeing tho practical results of Masomy , and ho ( the Chairman )' know no higher object than that of imparting a sound education to thosn whoso iinronts or friends , through misfortune , were
unable to educate them . Ho was particularly struck with the admirablo arrangements of tho entire establishment , with tho excellent appearance of tho scholars , and thoir good health . Ono matter had struck him as very remarkable , and that was that there should bo such a system in thoir school as marking out that boy as deserving of a prize who was doclarodjto bo so deserving by tho voice of his schoolfellows . Ho ( tho Chairman ) hoped that his own advocacy of tho claims of tho Institution at tho
festival next AVednesday would impress thoso whom ho would then address with tho same fooling as ho had experienced this prizo day : and , if ho succeeded , he had no doubt that tho debt with which tho building was encumbered would soon bo wiped away . The noble chairman then left , after inspecting the building