Article MASONIC MEM. ← Page 5 of 5 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Mem.
and its arrangements , which are under the superintendence ot the matron , Miss Hall , and the company sat down to a beautiful cold collation . The prize alluded to by his lordship is the Canonbury prize—the annual gift of Bro- E . Cox , P . M . 657—and consists of a genuine spade guinea in a handsome setting , the manufacture of Bro . F . Pinches , of Oxendon-street . This year it bears the inscription , " Awarded to Charles Day , on
the votes of his schoolfellows , 1 SG 7 . " Various amusements took place during the evening , and among others was a stage play , consisting of a burlesque version of "The Maid and the Magpie , " which was admirably performed , in costume , by some of the scholars , and which gave the greatest satisfaction to a crowded audience . In reference to this play , and the performance of it , the bill informed us that , freely to translate the Latin lines , —
Ingenuas didicise fideliter artes , Emollit mores nee sinit esse feros , " To have learnt the art of playing a burlesque properly , and without vulgarity , softens the spirit , refines the manners , and affords a new means of pleasing your friends . " The principal characters were taken by Masters Charles Day , AV . T . Stauden , H- AV . AVildman , Edwin Gilpin , C . J . Ridgway ,
F . C . Osborne , ILL . Saunders , W . H . Parkinson , R . C . AVilson , and —Tetley . AYhen the performance was concluded , Bro . Binckes informed the company that , probably , they mig ht think all this display was an expense to the school , both as a sacrifice of the time that should have been devoted to studies , and in obtaining the magnificent costumes and stage properties which had helped to render
it so successful . But this was not so . The brethren might make themselves perfectly easy on that score , for the time which had been necessary to learn the different parts had not been stolen from more useful employments , and the whole of the dresses and stage properties had been gratuitously provided by that excellent friend to the Institution , Bro . Samuel May , of Bowstreet . Hethereforehoped that everyone would give
, , three cheers for that liberal brother , whom he would now call forward . Bro . S . May very briefly thanked the company , and hoped that , on many future occasions , he should have an opportunity of doing what he had done that day . There then followed a beautiful automaton performance , entitled "Two Small Children from the Country" which
very , made every one delighted , and three cheers were given for Bros . S . May , Lamb , and Glover . After some refreshments had been partaken of , the day ' s proceedings , which , as Paddy would say , extended far into the night , wound up with dancing . The music was under the direction of Bro . Charles Fowler , and Bro . Ringrose was principal cornet-a-piston .
LODGE CE JUSTICE ( No . 147 ) . —On AA ' cdnesday , tho loth mst ., at tho AA'hito Swan Tavern , High-stroot , Deptford , this old established and nourishing lodgo held its regular meeting ' . Tho mooting -was presided over by Bro . C . Chapman , AV . M ., and there wero present Bros . J . Patto , S . AV . ; AV . Andrews , J . AV . ; J . Ligktioot , P . M ., Troas ; J . Bavin , P . M ., Sec .: Batt , S . D . ; Percival , J . D . ; AVhiffen , I . G . ; H . Moore , P . M . ; C . Speight , P . M . ; F . AValters , P . M . ; Dilloy , Dalziol , Davies , and many others . Tho
minutes of tho last mooting -wero read and confirmed . Two gentlemen wore duly initiated , the work being dono , as usual there , in an admirable manner . Tho two sections of tho first dogreo wore worked iu an admiralilo manner by Bros . Patto and Dilloy , who 2 > ut tho necessary questions . Business being ended , tho lodgo was duly closed . As usual , thero wero very many visitors present . DOMATIC LODGE ( KO- 177 ) . —The usual meeting of this
numerous lodge was held on Friday evening , the 8 th inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , and was very fully attended . Bro- Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst . and P . M ., took the chair in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Frederick Smith , AV . M . Bro . Prior , S . AV . ; and the J . AV . ' s place was filled by Bro . Ferguson . The P . M . s present were : Bros . Simpson , I . P . M ., Thompson , Carpenter , Russen , Brett , Marshall , Elmes ( Sec ) , and Potter , AV . S . The lodge having been opened soon after four o'clock , the minutes of the preceding lodge were read and confirmed . The lodge was
then opened in the second degree , when Bros . Wallace , Bouts , Chudleigh , and Montague were questioned as to their proficiency in the science , and satisfactorily being returned , they retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and they were severally raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was resumed to the second degree , and Bros . Turpin and Boatrig ht were passed as F . C . s . The lodge was resumed to the first degreewhen Mr . R . Clarke and Mr . J . J . Pearce were
, introduced and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The next business was to receive the report of the committee appointed at the last lodge to revise the by-laws . The report was accordingly presented , but the consideration of the various alterations were deferred for a subsequent or special meeting-This being the last regular meeting for the season , the subject of the customary summer festival was brought under the notice
of the members of the lodge . As the last annual festival gave such general satisfaction , it was proposed that the forthcoming festival , to be held on the third Thursday in July , should again be celebrated at Bro . Teale ' s , the Rye House , Hoddesdon . It was also proposed that ladies should be invited to attend on that occasion , but the motion was negatived on a division . Some propositions for new members having been made , the lodge was
closed in due form and with solemn prayer . The brethren then returned to the banqueting room for refreshments , at which ,-upwards of 70 sat down , and on this occasion the catering of Bro . Clemon was more than usually satisfactory ; indeed , itwas all that could be desired . The cloth having been drawn , and the usual toasts given , the " Health of the Newly-initiated Brethren " was proposed , for which Bros . Clarke and Pearcereturned thanks iu very concise and appropriate terms . "The
Health of the absent AVorshipful Master " was next given , and the health of the respected W . M . was never drank move cordially . The following toast was that of " The Visitors , " for which Bros . Marsh , of the King's Arms ; Johnson , of the Globej and Bartleman , of the Royal Albert , severally returned thanks .. Bro . Sloman , of Robert Burns Lodge , then indulged the company with one of his extemporaneous poetical effusions , alluding to all the business of the evening and the principal membersof
the-^ lodge , in the most appropriate and felicitous terms , which was enthusiastically applauded . The " Health of the Past Masters of the Lodge " was then proposed and drunk with great cordiality ,, for which Bro . Simpson returned thanks . Several other toasts were given , and the evening was passed in a very happy manner . LODGE OE UNITED PIL & EI . US ( NO . 507 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 27 th ult . at the Horns
Tavern , Kennington . The lodge was opened by Bro . F . Lee , AV . M ., supported by Bros . E . AVorthington , S . W . -, S . Haddock ,, J . A \ . ; CM . Haddock , P . M . ancl Treas . ; J . Thomas , P . M . and Sec . ; H . Grellat , S . D . ; A . Pei-rot , J . D . ; audG . H . Hill , I . G . pro tern . ; also E . N . Levy . P . M ., H . C . Levander , P . M . ; J . Pratchell , P . M . ; Rev . AV . B . Church , M . A , ; Willock , AVale , Silver and other brethren . The visitors were Bros . H . Relph , J . AV .
of the Joppa Lodge , No . 1 SS ; J . Triest , of the Percy Lodge , No . 198 ; and J . Piatt . The business of the evening consisted in raising Bros . H . C . Overall and T . Blagden , the ceremony being performed hy Bro . J . Thomas , P . M ., in a very impressive manner , after which Bro . E . Wortbington , S . AV . was-unanimously elected AA . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . C . M . Haddock , P . M ., Treas . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment .
CUMBERLAND . AA ' niTEiiATE ' s . —Lewis Lodge ( No . 872)—The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemason ' s Hall , Collegestreet , on the evening of Monday , Feb . IS . Bro . Edward Gerard Hughes , W . AI ., occupied the chair in the early part of tho evening , and was ably supported by Bro . Morton , P . AI . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and
confirmed , Bro . Edward Wilson was tested as to his proficiency , and being found worthy , was passed , having been initiated at the January meeting of the lodge . Bro . R . Foster was set down in the programme of proceedings for being raised . He was next tested as to his proficiency in the F . C . degree , and being found worthy , retired . The lodge was then duly opened for the ceremony , and the candidate having been readmitted , was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by Bro . Alorton , P . AL , in the highly finished style for which he is so
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mem.
and its arrangements , which are under the superintendence ot the matron , Miss Hall , and the company sat down to a beautiful cold collation . The prize alluded to by his lordship is the Canonbury prize—the annual gift of Bro- E . Cox , P . M . 657—and consists of a genuine spade guinea in a handsome setting , the manufacture of Bro . F . Pinches , of Oxendon-street . This year it bears the inscription , " Awarded to Charles Day , on
the votes of his schoolfellows , 1 SG 7 . " Various amusements took place during the evening , and among others was a stage play , consisting of a burlesque version of "The Maid and the Magpie , " which was admirably performed , in costume , by some of the scholars , and which gave the greatest satisfaction to a crowded audience . In reference to this play , and the performance of it , the bill informed us that , freely to translate the Latin lines , —
Ingenuas didicise fideliter artes , Emollit mores nee sinit esse feros , " To have learnt the art of playing a burlesque properly , and without vulgarity , softens the spirit , refines the manners , and affords a new means of pleasing your friends . " The principal characters were taken by Masters Charles Day , AV . T . Stauden , H- AV . AVildman , Edwin Gilpin , C . J . Ridgway ,
F . C . Osborne , ILL . Saunders , W . H . Parkinson , R . C . AVilson , and —Tetley . AYhen the performance was concluded , Bro . Binckes informed the company that , probably , they mig ht think all this display was an expense to the school , both as a sacrifice of the time that should have been devoted to studies , and in obtaining the magnificent costumes and stage properties which had helped to render
it so successful . But this was not so . The brethren might make themselves perfectly easy on that score , for the time which had been necessary to learn the different parts had not been stolen from more useful employments , and the whole of the dresses and stage properties had been gratuitously provided by that excellent friend to the Institution , Bro . Samuel May , of Bowstreet . Hethereforehoped that everyone would give
, , three cheers for that liberal brother , whom he would now call forward . Bro . S . May very briefly thanked the company , and hoped that , on many future occasions , he should have an opportunity of doing what he had done that day . There then followed a beautiful automaton performance , entitled "Two Small Children from the Country" which
very , made every one delighted , and three cheers were given for Bros . S . May , Lamb , and Glover . After some refreshments had been partaken of , the day ' s proceedings , which , as Paddy would say , extended far into the night , wound up with dancing . The music was under the direction of Bro . Charles Fowler , and Bro . Ringrose was principal cornet-a-piston .
LODGE CE JUSTICE ( No . 147 ) . —On AA ' cdnesday , tho loth mst ., at tho AA'hito Swan Tavern , High-stroot , Deptford , this old established and nourishing lodgo held its regular meeting ' . Tho mooting -was presided over by Bro . C . Chapman , AV . M ., and there wero present Bros . J . Patto , S . AV . ; AV . Andrews , J . AV . ; J . Ligktioot , P . M ., Troas ; J . Bavin , P . M ., Sec .: Batt , S . D . ; Percival , J . D . ; AVhiffen , I . G . ; H . Moore , P . M . ; C . Speight , P . M . ; F . AValters , P . M . ; Dilloy , Dalziol , Davies , and many others . Tho
minutes of tho last mooting -wero read and confirmed . Two gentlemen wore duly initiated , the work being dono , as usual there , in an admirable manner . Tho two sections of tho first dogreo wore worked iu an admiralilo manner by Bros . Patto and Dilloy , who 2 > ut tho necessary questions . Business being ended , tho lodgo was duly closed . As usual , thero wero very many visitors present . DOMATIC LODGE ( KO- 177 ) . —The usual meeting of this
numerous lodge was held on Friday evening , the 8 th inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , and was very fully attended . Bro- Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst . and P . M ., took the chair in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Frederick Smith , AV . M . Bro . Prior , S . AV . ; and the J . AV . ' s place was filled by Bro . Ferguson . The P . M . s present were : Bros . Simpson , I . P . M ., Thompson , Carpenter , Russen , Brett , Marshall , Elmes ( Sec ) , and Potter , AV . S . The lodge having been opened soon after four o'clock , the minutes of the preceding lodge were read and confirmed . The lodge was
then opened in the second degree , when Bros . Wallace , Bouts , Chudleigh , and Montague were questioned as to their proficiency in the science , and satisfactorily being returned , they retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and they were severally raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was resumed to the second degree , and Bros . Turpin and Boatrig ht were passed as F . C . s . The lodge was resumed to the first degreewhen Mr . R . Clarke and Mr . J . J . Pearce were
, introduced and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The next business was to receive the report of the committee appointed at the last lodge to revise the by-laws . The report was accordingly presented , but the consideration of the various alterations were deferred for a subsequent or special meeting-This being the last regular meeting for the season , the subject of the customary summer festival was brought under the notice
of the members of the lodge . As the last annual festival gave such general satisfaction , it was proposed that the forthcoming festival , to be held on the third Thursday in July , should again be celebrated at Bro . Teale ' s , the Rye House , Hoddesdon . It was also proposed that ladies should be invited to attend on that occasion , but the motion was negatived on a division . Some propositions for new members having been made , the lodge was
closed in due form and with solemn prayer . The brethren then returned to the banqueting room for refreshments , at which ,-upwards of 70 sat down , and on this occasion the catering of Bro . Clemon was more than usually satisfactory ; indeed , itwas all that could be desired . The cloth having been drawn , and the usual toasts given , the " Health of the Newly-initiated Brethren " was proposed , for which Bros . Clarke and Pearcereturned thanks iu very concise and appropriate terms . "The
Health of the absent AVorshipful Master " was next given , and the health of the respected W . M . was never drank move cordially . The following toast was that of " The Visitors , " for which Bros . Marsh , of the King's Arms ; Johnson , of the Globej and Bartleman , of the Royal Albert , severally returned thanks .. Bro . Sloman , of Robert Burns Lodge , then indulged the company with one of his extemporaneous poetical effusions , alluding to all the business of the evening and the principal membersof
the-^ lodge , in the most appropriate and felicitous terms , which was enthusiastically applauded . The " Health of the Past Masters of the Lodge " was then proposed and drunk with great cordiality ,, for which Bro . Simpson returned thanks . Several other toasts were given , and the evening was passed in a very happy manner . LODGE OE UNITED PIL & EI . US ( NO . 507 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 27 th ult . at the Horns
Tavern , Kennington . The lodge was opened by Bro . F . Lee , AV . M ., supported by Bros . E . AVorthington , S . W . -, S . Haddock ,, J . A \ . ; CM . Haddock , P . M . ancl Treas . ; J . Thomas , P . M . and Sec . ; H . Grellat , S . D . ; A . Pei-rot , J . D . ; audG . H . Hill , I . G . pro tern . ; also E . N . Levy . P . M ., H . C . Levander , P . M . ; J . Pratchell , P . M . ; Rev . AV . B . Church , M . A , ; Willock , AVale , Silver and other brethren . The visitors were Bros . H . Relph , J . AV .
of the Joppa Lodge , No . 1 SS ; J . Triest , of the Percy Lodge , No . 198 ; and J . Piatt . The business of the evening consisted in raising Bros . H . C . Overall and T . Blagden , the ceremony being performed hy Bro . J . Thomas , P . M ., in a very impressive manner , after which Bro . E . Wortbington , S . AV . was-unanimously elected AA . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . C . M . Haddock , P . M ., Treas . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment .
CUMBERLAND . AA ' niTEiiATE ' s . —Lewis Lodge ( No . 872)—The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemason ' s Hall , Collegestreet , on the evening of Monday , Feb . IS . Bro . Edward Gerard Hughes , W . AI ., occupied the chair in the early part of tho evening , and was ably supported by Bro . Morton , P . AI . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and
confirmed , Bro . Edward Wilson was tested as to his proficiency , and being found worthy , was passed , having been initiated at the January meeting of the lodge . Bro . R . Foster was set down in the programme of proceedings for being raised . He was next tested as to his proficiency in the F . C . degree , and being found worthy , retired . The lodge was then duly opened for the ceremony , and the candidate having been readmitted , was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by Bro . Alorton , P . AL , in the highly finished style for which he is so