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Ears Of Wheat From A Cornucopia,
To the glory of the Great Architect of the Universe . GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE . Supreme Council for France and the French
Colonies and Orient of Paris , 1 st of March , 1867 ( Y . E . ) L . S . To the Foreign Masonic Powers ;
'To the Lodges placed under the direction thereof ; 'To the Lodges corresponding Avith the Grand Orient of France ; GREETING .
Most beloved Brethren , —The Grand Orient of France will celebrate this year ' s summer solstice hy a feast aud banquet , to take place on the 15 th -of June next .
Upon that day the W . M / s , or delegates , of all lodges in correspondence with the Grand Orient will meet in Paris in a general assembly , and the Universal Exhibition will doubtless bring there a great number of Freemasons from all parts of the
globe . The Grand Orient of France has seen in this exceptional circumstance a happy opportunity of drawing closer the ties that bind together the outlying branches of the Masonic family , and has thought that , by the side of the great feast of
industry . Freemasonry should celebrate the feast of fraternity . It therefore requests the Freemasons of all casts and provinces to co-operate in giving to this feast an universal character . It Avill indeed be a sight worthy of the attention of
such a gathering of men coming from all parts of the world , speaking different languages , having - different customs and manners , but all actuated by the same feeling , A iz ., the feeling cf fraternity .
I doubt not , most beloved brethren , that the idea of the Grand Orient of France will be understood , and the Freemasons will hasten to answer to its appeal . The greater the concourse , the more numerous will be the links of that chain of union , ancl the greater will be also the splendour of the feast .
All our efforts are devoted to the endeavour of rendering it worthy of our great Institution . Please , I pray you , most beloved brethren , to give this communication the greatest possible publicity .
Ears Of Wheat From A Cornucopia,
Receive , most beloved brethren , the assurance of my feelings of esteem and fraternal affection . The Grand Master of the Masonic Order in France , ( Signed ) MELLINET .
Countersigned for the Grand Master , The Deputy Grand Master , LENGLE .
General Arrangements . The festive lodge to open at 2 p . m ., and the banquet at 6 p . m . Subscriptions received at the office of the Secretary to the Grand Orient of France , 16 , Rue
Cadet , Paris . Subscription fee , 20 francs ( 16 s . ) Subscriptions received down to the 1 st of May from members of Continental and Algerian lodges , and to the 15 th of May from Transatlantic lodges .
The Committee are under the necessity of fixing these terms Avith a vieAV to know the approximate number of subscribers , previous to organising the festival . Civil ( evening ) dress compulsory .
N . B . —One of the rooms of the Grand Orient Avill be at the disposal of foreign Masons during - the progress of the Exhibition ; and proper arrangements have been made with a view to furnish all requisite information to these brethren . Cabinet of the Grand Address—The Grand Orient of Master of the Order . - France , 16 , Eue Cadet , Paris .
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
By BRO . A . OSEAL HAYE , KM ., K . Gal ., Corresponding Member of the German Society ; Leipzig ; Knight Templar , Scot ; Author of '" The History of the Knights Templars " " Vara Queer ; " " Gatherings in Wanderings ; " " Songs and Ballads ; " " Poemata ; " " Legends of Edinburgh ? §•& ., Sfo ., Src . ; Poet Laureate of the Canongate , Kilwinning ; P . M . St . Stephens ; P . P . Z . of St . Andrews , B . A .
Chap . ; Sfc . ; fyc . ( Continued from page 184 . ) CHAPTEE XXV . . THE HEATHEN PHILOSOPHER AND THE CHRISTIAN . " Coming events cast their shadows hefore . " —Campbell .
The gardens of Murtius , although in reality small , yet , by the consummate skill with which they Avere laid out , appeared very extensive . Fountains bubbled up at every turn , ancl rare statuary peeped out upon the beholder from odd nooks . The finest flowers Avere planted along the Avalks , and though winter ivas about to set in , their rare per-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ears Of Wheat From A Cornucopia,
To the glory of the Great Architect of the Universe . GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE . Supreme Council for France and the French
Colonies and Orient of Paris , 1 st of March , 1867 ( Y . E . ) L . S . To the Foreign Masonic Powers ;
'To the Lodges placed under the direction thereof ; 'To the Lodges corresponding Avith the Grand Orient of France ; GREETING .
Most beloved Brethren , —The Grand Orient of France will celebrate this year ' s summer solstice hy a feast aud banquet , to take place on the 15 th -of June next .
Upon that day the W . M / s , or delegates , of all lodges in correspondence with the Grand Orient will meet in Paris in a general assembly , and the Universal Exhibition will doubtless bring there a great number of Freemasons from all parts of the
globe . The Grand Orient of France has seen in this exceptional circumstance a happy opportunity of drawing closer the ties that bind together the outlying branches of the Masonic family , and has thought that , by the side of the great feast of
industry . Freemasonry should celebrate the feast of fraternity . It therefore requests the Freemasons of all casts and provinces to co-operate in giving to this feast an universal character . It Avill indeed be a sight worthy of the attention of
such a gathering of men coming from all parts of the world , speaking different languages , having - different customs and manners , but all actuated by the same feeling , A iz ., the feeling cf fraternity .
I doubt not , most beloved brethren , that the idea of the Grand Orient of France will be understood , and the Freemasons will hasten to answer to its appeal . The greater the concourse , the more numerous will be the links of that chain of union , ancl the greater will be also the splendour of the feast .
All our efforts are devoted to the endeavour of rendering it worthy of our great Institution . Please , I pray you , most beloved brethren , to give this communication the greatest possible publicity .
Ears Of Wheat From A Cornucopia,
Receive , most beloved brethren , the assurance of my feelings of esteem and fraternal affection . The Grand Master of the Masonic Order in France , ( Signed ) MELLINET .
Countersigned for the Grand Master , The Deputy Grand Master , LENGLE .
General Arrangements . The festive lodge to open at 2 p . m ., and the banquet at 6 p . m . Subscriptions received at the office of the Secretary to the Grand Orient of France , 16 , Rue
Cadet , Paris . Subscription fee , 20 francs ( 16 s . ) Subscriptions received down to the 1 st of May from members of Continental and Algerian lodges , and to the 15 th of May from Transatlantic lodges .
The Committee are under the necessity of fixing these terms Avith a vieAV to know the approximate number of subscribers , previous to organising the festival . Civil ( evening ) dress compulsory .
N . B . —One of the rooms of the Grand Orient Avill be at the disposal of foreign Masons during - the progress of the Exhibition ; and proper arrangements have been made with a view to furnish all requisite information to these brethren . Cabinet of the Grand Address—The Grand Orient of Master of the Order . - France , 16 , Eue Cadet , Paris .
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
By BRO . A . OSEAL HAYE , KM ., K . Gal ., Corresponding Member of the German Society ; Leipzig ; Knight Templar , Scot ; Author of '" The History of the Knights Templars " " Vara Queer ; " " Gatherings in Wanderings ; " " Songs and Ballads ; " " Poemata ; " " Legends of Edinburgh ? §•& ., Sfo ., Src . ; Poet Laureate of the Canongate , Kilwinning ; P . M . St . Stephens ; P . P . Z . of St . Andrews , B . A .
Chap . ; Sfc . ; fyc . ( Continued from page 184 . ) CHAPTEE XXV . . THE HEATHEN PHILOSOPHER AND THE CHRISTIAN . " Coming events cast their shadows hefore . " —Campbell .
The gardens of Murtius , although in reality small , yet , by the consummate skill with which they Avere laid out , appeared very extensive . Fountains bubbled up at every turn , ancl rare statuary peeped out upon the beholder from odd nooks . The finest flowers Avere planted along the Avalks , and though winter ivas about to set in , their rare per-