Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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on the minutes . The lodge was then closed . The meeting wa well supported , there being more than a dozen Installed Master present , ancl a large number of visitors . At the conclusion o business , the brethren adjourned to Bro . Morris's , Globe Tavern ' Royal Hill , Greenwich , to refreshment .
CHANNEL ISLES . . CONSECRATION OF ST . AUBIN ' S LODGE ( NO . 1260 ); INSTALLATION OF THE W . M ., & c , AT ST . AUIIIN ' S , JERSEY , ON ' WEDNESDAY , MAX , 6 IH , 1863 . [ The following account is in part extracted from The Jersey Morning ' Express , and the remainder , being unsuitable for that journalhas been written exclusively for the FREEMASONS '
, MAGAZINE , but we are indebted to tlie same brother for th whole , as he undertook to write the notice for the local pape named , as well as for our pages . ] The intimation previously given in our columns of the proposed proceedings of St . Aubin ' s , on Wednesday last , in connection with the Freemasons , naturally created great interest , ancl certainly this event forms a new era in the history of St .
Aubin ' s , a town which is ordinarily so quiet and free from excitement . The inhabitants ought , therefore , to be , as they no doubt are , grateful to the gentlemen who have taken the load in introducing among them the benefits to be derived from the Masonic Craft . We trust , therefore , that tne inhabitants will continue to afford every facility for the prosecution of the plans so happily and successfullinaugurated .
y As the hour of eleven approached , all seemed bustle and excitement , groups of people formed in tho vicinity of the marketplace to greet the vehicles as they arrived with tho brethren from SI . Heller . Private conveyances , cabs , waggonettes , the half-hourly omnibuses crowded with wcll-dreesod gentlemen , and last , but not least , Mr . Fallow's handsome four-horse excursion omnibusarrived in rapid succession ; those whom they
, brought rapidly disappearing to take their respective parts in the ceremonies , conducted with tyleel doors , with their personal paraphernalia , their banners , ancl other articles required for the procession at a later part of the day . Among the arrivals we especially noticed His Excellency the Lieut .-Governor and Bro . J . J . Hammond , Prov . G . M . A little delay occurred in commencing proceedings , for which
eleven o ' clock had been fixed . This was unfortunate , for so , closely had every part of the arrangements been calculated , that the time thus lost could not be recovered , though it was not farther encroached upon during the day . Tho temporary lodge room at Couelray's Hotel , for which one in a private building will in all probability be shortly substituted , had been prepared in the usual manner , excepting that the warrant , jewelstoolstracing-boardsancl all other portions of the
, , , apparatus , ivere placed on a platform iu the centre , covered with a white cloth , anel encompassed with three lights , while the consecrating elements , the cornucopia of corn , the chalice of wine , tht ewer of oil , the salver containing salt , and the censer , stood on a table in front of the W . M . 's pedestal . We give the ceremony as it was intended to be performed , although in one or two instances a sliht accidental deviation occurred .
g The visitors and members of No . 12 G 0 having assembled in the lodge room , the following formed in order in an adjoining apartment , the Prov . G . M ., and his deputy , His Excellency Bro . Sir R . P . Douglas , Lieut .-Governor of Jersey , the Prov . G . Chaplain , Wardens , and Secretary , the W . M . elect and Wardens of St . Aubin ' s Lodge . These entered the lodge room in procession , and having marched slowly round it thrice to solemn
music , the Prov . G . M . and Wardens took the chairs of their respective offices . On the right of the Prov . G . M . were his Deputy and the Lieut .-Governor . and on his left the W . M . elect , wearing his academic robes , iu addition to bis insignia as P . M . of St . Paul's Lodge ( No . 51 ) P . Prov . G . S . W . for Warwickshire , etc . The lodge having been opened in tbe three degrees , the Rev . the Chaplain opened the proceedings by prayer . The W . M . elect
then addressed the Prov . G . M . as follows : — ' Right Worshipful Sir , —Assembled as we are on solemn occasion , surrounded with emblems of our Masonic art , crude from the hands ofthe operative workmen , and not yet devoted to the purposes lor which they are designed , it falls to my lot to inform you that the Masonic brethren resident in the
western part of the island of Jersey , have , with some assistance from those of St . Helier , made arrangements for the opening a new lodge in the town of St . Aubin , with a view to revive and extend the benefits of the Craft in a district where they once existed , though they have long fallen into decay . To this end , all necessary preliminaries having been complied with , a charter of constitution , now present , has been obtained from the M . W . the G . M . of Englandof whichhoweverthe brethren feel that
, , , they ought not to avail themselves , until certain ancient ancl time-honoured ceremonies have been duly celebrated . On their behalf , therefore , I now solicit at your hands the benefit of consecration , according to the primitive and accustomed form from the earliest ages . The Prov . G . M . having given his assent , called on the Prov G . Chaplain to offer up a prayer , at the conclusion of which
he read from First Book of Kings , Chap . S , verse 22 to 39 . The following anthem was sung by the choir and brethren to the tune of " God save tbe Queen , " Bro . C . Johnson , Prov . G . W ., presiding at the harmonium .
Hail ! universal Lord By Heaven and earth adored , All hail ! Great Gocl . Before thy name we bend , To us thy grace extend , And to our prayer attend , All hail ! Great God !
Prayer by the Prov . G . Chaplain , and musical response , " So mote it be , " succeeded by the following anthem : Behold , how good a thing it is , And how becoming well , For brethren , such as Masons are , In unity to dwell . Oh ! ' tis like ointment on the head , Or dew on Zion ' s hill , For then the Lord of Host's hath said , " Peace shall be with vou still . "
The seven brethren named in the warrant now stood round the platform in the centre of the lodge , the W . M . elect at the east ; his wardens at the west , two brethren at the north anel two at the north side . The petition and warrant having been read by the Prov . G . Sec , the Prov . G . M . asked the brethren present if they approved of tho brethren named in the warrant to preside over them , an affirmitive reply having been giventhe Prov . G . M . proceeded
, to consecrate the lodge . The Prov . G . Chaplain , having perfumed the lodge with the censer , read Exodus , Chap . 30 , verso 7 ancl S . The Prov . Grand Officers formed in procession , the elements of consecration , handed to them by the Dir . of Cers ., being carried by the D . Prov . G . M ., the Prov . G . Wardens , and the W . M . elect of No . 12 G 0 . During the procession solemn music was
layedexcepp , ting only at the intervals of dedication . The circuit of the loelge having been made , and the Prov . G . M . having reached the east , the Prov . G . J . W . presented the cornucopia to the Prov . G . M ., who sprinkled the lodge with corn , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Psalm 72 , verse 1 G . The Prov . G . M . then said "In the name ofthe Great Jehovah
to whom be all honour and glory , I do solemnly dedicate this lodge to Masonry . " Musical response by the choir and brethren , " Glory be to God on High , " with grand honours . After the second circuit , the Prov . G . S . W . presented the chalice to the Prov . G . M ., who sprinkled the lodge with wine , the Prov . G . Chap , reading Numbers , chap . 15 , v . 7 . The Prov . G . M . then said" In the name of the Great Jehovah
, , to whom be all honour and glory , I do solemnly dedicate this lodge to virtue . " Musical response as before . After the third circuit the D . Prov . G . M . presented the ewer to the Prov . G . M ., who anointed the lodge with oil , the Prov . G . Chap , reading Exodus , chap . 30 , v . 35 , 20 . The Prov . G . M . then said" In the name of the Great Jehovah ,
, to whom be all honour and glory , I do solemnly dedicate this lodge to universal benevolence . " Musical responses as before . After the fourth circuit , the W . M . elect of No . 1260 , presented the salver to the Prov . G . M ., who seasoned the lodge with salt , the Prov . G . Chap , reading Leviticus , chap . 2 , v . 13 . The Prov . G . M . then said , " In the name of the Great Jehovah ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
on the minutes . The lodge was then closed . The meeting wa well supported , there being more than a dozen Installed Master present , ancl a large number of visitors . At the conclusion o business , the brethren adjourned to Bro . Morris's , Globe Tavern ' Royal Hill , Greenwich , to refreshment .
CHANNEL ISLES . . CONSECRATION OF ST . AUBIN ' S LODGE ( NO . 1260 ); INSTALLATION OF THE W . M ., & c , AT ST . AUIIIN ' S , JERSEY , ON ' WEDNESDAY , MAX , 6 IH , 1863 . [ The following account is in part extracted from The Jersey Morning ' Express , and the remainder , being unsuitable for that journalhas been written exclusively for the FREEMASONS '
, MAGAZINE , but we are indebted to tlie same brother for th whole , as he undertook to write the notice for the local pape named , as well as for our pages . ] The intimation previously given in our columns of the proposed proceedings of St . Aubin ' s , on Wednesday last , in connection with the Freemasons , naturally created great interest , ancl certainly this event forms a new era in the history of St .
Aubin ' s , a town which is ordinarily so quiet and free from excitement . The inhabitants ought , therefore , to be , as they no doubt are , grateful to the gentlemen who have taken the load in introducing among them the benefits to be derived from the Masonic Craft . We trust , therefore , that tne inhabitants will continue to afford every facility for the prosecution of the plans so happily and successfullinaugurated .
y As the hour of eleven approached , all seemed bustle and excitement , groups of people formed in tho vicinity of the marketplace to greet the vehicles as they arrived with tho brethren from SI . Heller . Private conveyances , cabs , waggonettes , the half-hourly omnibuses crowded with wcll-dreesod gentlemen , and last , but not least , Mr . Fallow's handsome four-horse excursion omnibusarrived in rapid succession ; those whom they
, brought rapidly disappearing to take their respective parts in the ceremonies , conducted with tyleel doors , with their personal paraphernalia , their banners , ancl other articles required for the procession at a later part of the day . Among the arrivals we especially noticed His Excellency the Lieut .-Governor and Bro . J . J . Hammond , Prov . G . M . A little delay occurred in commencing proceedings , for which
eleven o ' clock had been fixed . This was unfortunate , for so , closely had every part of the arrangements been calculated , that the time thus lost could not be recovered , though it was not farther encroached upon during the day . Tho temporary lodge room at Couelray's Hotel , for which one in a private building will in all probability be shortly substituted , had been prepared in the usual manner , excepting that the warrant , jewelstoolstracing-boardsancl all other portions of the
, , , apparatus , ivere placed on a platform iu the centre , covered with a white cloth , anel encompassed with three lights , while the consecrating elements , the cornucopia of corn , the chalice of wine , tht ewer of oil , the salver containing salt , and the censer , stood on a table in front of the W . M . 's pedestal . We give the ceremony as it was intended to be performed , although in one or two instances a sliht accidental deviation occurred .
g The visitors and members of No . 12 G 0 having assembled in the lodge room , the following formed in order in an adjoining apartment , the Prov . G . M ., and his deputy , His Excellency Bro . Sir R . P . Douglas , Lieut .-Governor of Jersey , the Prov . G . Chaplain , Wardens , and Secretary , the W . M . elect and Wardens of St . Aubin ' s Lodge . These entered the lodge room in procession , and having marched slowly round it thrice to solemn
music , the Prov . G . M . and Wardens took the chairs of their respective offices . On the right of the Prov . G . M . were his Deputy and the Lieut .-Governor . and on his left the W . M . elect , wearing his academic robes , iu addition to bis insignia as P . M . of St . Paul's Lodge ( No . 51 ) P . Prov . G . S . W . for Warwickshire , etc . The lodge having been opened in tbe three degrees , the Rev . the Chaplain opened the proceedings by prayer . The W . M . elect
then addressed the Prov . G . M . as follows : — ' Right Worshipful Sir , —Assembled as we are on solemn occasion , surrounded with emblems of our Masonic art , crude from the hands ofthe operative workmen , and not yet devoted to the purposes lor which they are designed , it falls to my lot to inform you that the Masonic brethren resident in the
western part of the island of Jersey , have , with some assistance from those of St . Helier , made arrangements for the opening a new lodge in the town of St . Aubin , with a view to revive and extend the benefits of the Craft in a district where they once existed , though they have long fallen into decay . To this end , all necessary preliminaries having been complied with , a charter of constitution , now present , has been obtained from the M . W . the G . M . of Englandof whichhoweverthe brethren feel that
, , , they ought not to avail themselves , until certain ancient ancl time-honoured ceremonies have been duly celebrated . On their behalf , therefore , I now solicit at your hands the benefit of consecration , according to the primitive and accustomed form from the earliest ages . The Prov . G . M . having given his assent , called on the Prov G . Chaplain to offer up a prayer , at the conclusion of which
he read from First Book of Kings , Chap . S , verse 22 to 39 . The following anthem was sung by the choir and brethren to the tune of " God save tbe Queen , " Bro . C . Johnson , Prov . G . W ., presiding at the harmonium .
Hail ! universal Lord By Heaven and earth adored , All hail ! Great Gocl . Before thy name we bend , To us thy grace extend , And to our prayer attend , All hail ! Great God !
Prayer by the Prov . G . Chaplain , and musical response , " So mote it be , " succeeded by the following anthem : Behold , how good a thing it is , And how becoming well , For brethren , such as Masons are , In unity to dwell . Oh ! ' tis like ointment on the head , Or dew on Zion ' s hill , For then the Lord of Host's hath said , " Peace shall be with vou still . "
The seven brethren named in the warrant now stood round the platform in the centre of the lodge , the W . M . elect at the east ; his wardens at the west , two brethren at the north anel two at the north side . The petition and warrant having been read by the Prov . G . Sec , the Prov . G . M . asked the brethren present if they approved of tho brethren named in the warrant to preside over them , an affirmitive reply having been giventhe Prov . G . M . proceeded
, to consecrate the lodge . The Prov . G . Chaplain , having perfumed the lodge with the censer , read Exodus , Chap . 30 , verso 7 ancl S . The Prov . Grand Officers formed in procession , the elements of consecration , handed to them by the Dir . of Cers ., being carried by the D . Prov . G . M ., the Prov . G . Wardens , and the W . M . elect of No . 12 G 0 . During the procession solemn music was
layedexcepp , ting only at the intervals of dedication . The circuit of the loelge having been made , and the Prov . G . M . having reached the east , the Prov . G . J . W . presented the cornucopia to the Prov . G . M ., who sprinkled the lodge with corn , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Psalm 72 , verse 1 G . The Prov . G . M . then said "In the name ofthe Great Jehovah
to whom be all honour and glory , I do solemnly dedicate this lodge to Masonry . " Musical response by the choir and brethren , " Glory be to God on High , " with grand honours . After the second circuit , the Prov . G . S . W . presented the chalice to the Prov . G . M ., who sprinkled the lodge with wine , the Prov . G . Chap , reading Numbers , chap . 15 , v . 7 . The Prov . G . M . then said" In the name of the Great Jehovah
, , to whom be all honour and glory , I do solemnly dedicate this lodge to virtue . " Musical response as before . After the third circuit the D . Prov . G . M . presented the ewer to the Prov . G . M ., who anointed the lodge with oil , the Prov . G . Chap , reading Exodus , chap . 30 , v . 35 , 20 . The Prov . G . M . then said" In the name of the Great Jehovah ,
, to whom be all honour and glory , I do solemnly dedicate this lodge to universal benevolence . " Musical responses as before . After the fourth circuit , the W . M . elect of No . 1260 , presented the salver to the Prov . G . M ., who seasoned the lodge with salt , the Prov . G . Chap , reading Leviticus , chap . 2 , v . 13 . The Prov . G . M . then said , " In the name of the Great Jehovah ,