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Early History Of Masonry In New York.
I intended . I may renew the subject at some future time . — American Voice of Masonry .
A Defence Of Masonic Secrecy.
AA ' rc are condemned for keeping the essentials of our institution from the knowledge of those ivho arc not members of it ; ivhich , it is said , must sufficiently prove them to be of a bad nature and tendency , else why arc they not made public for the satisfaction of mankind . If secrecy be a virtue—a thing never yet denied—can that be imputed to us as a crime , which has been considered an excellence in all ages ? Does not Solomon , the wisest of men , tell us , " He that discovers secrets is a traitor , but a . man of a faithful spirit , concealeth tbe matter , "
In conducting all worldly affairs , secrecy is not only essential , but absolutely necessary ; and was ever esteemed a quality of the greatest worth . Thus ire find the great Fenelon makes Ul ysses , in the system ofthe education which he delivers to his friends for his son ' Telemachus , particularly enjoin them , above all , to render him just , beneficent , sincere , and faithful in keeping secrets ; a precept ' that afterwards
produced the best of consequences to tbe youno- prince , of whom it is recorded , that with this great excellence of ° taciturnity , he not only divested himself of that close mysterious air , so common to the reserved , but also constantly avoided tellin" - the least untruth in support of this part of his character . A conduct highly worthy the imitation of every one to whom secrets are intrustedaffording them a pattern of easeand sin
, openness , , - cerity ; for while he seemed to carry his whole heart upon his lips , communicating what was of no importance , yet he knew howto stop just in the proper moment , without proceeding to those things which might raise any suspicion , or furnish even a hint to discover the purposes of his mind . If we turn our eyes back to antiquity , we shall find the old Egyptians had so great a regard for silence and secrecy in the of their reliion
mysteries g , that they set up the god Harpocrates ( vid . imagines deorian a vic . enlio cltartario ) , to whom they paid peculiar honour and veneration , who was represented with his right hand placed near the heart , and the left down by bis side covered ivith a skm before , full of eyes ancl ears , to signify that of many things to be seen and heard , few are to be published . And among the same letheir great goddess Isisthe
peop , , Minerva of the Greeks , bad always an image of a Sphynx placed at the entrance of her temples , to denote that secrets were there preserved under sacred coverings , that they might be kept from the knoivledge of the vulgar , as much as the riddles of that
creature . Jamblicus , iti bis life of P ythagoras , confirms the above opinion by observing , that from the mysterious knowled ge ofthe Eo-yptians that philosopher drew the system of bis symbolical , learnim- ami instructive tenets , seeing that the princi ples ancl wise doctrines ol this nation ivere ever kept secret among themselves , and were delivered down , not in writing , but onl y ' by oral tradition 'And indeed cautious and th
so prudent were ey in these matters that every disciple admitted to their wise and scientific mysteries was bound m the most solemn manner to conceal such mysteries from the vulgar , or those whose ideas were not sufficiently exalted to receive them . As a proof of this , we need onl y recollect the story of Ilipparcbus a P ythagorean , who , having out of spleen and resentment , violated and broke through the several ennao-c-ments of the held
society , was in the utmost detestation , expelled the school as one most infamous and abandoned , anel as he was dead to the principles of virtue ancl philosophy , had a tomb erected for him according to their custom , as though he had been natnralhclcad Ihe shame ami disgrace that justly attended so rrrcata breach of truth ancl fidelit y drove the unhappy wretch to such despair that he proved his own executioner and abhorred
; so was even Ins memory , that be was denied the rights ancl ceremonies of burial used to the dead in those times ; instead of which , his body was suHcrcd to he upon tbe shore of the isle of Samos Among the Greek nations , the Athenians bad a statue of brass , winch they awfully revered ; this fi gure was Avithout a tongue by winch secrecy was intimated .
Ihe Romans had a goddess of silence , named Angcroiia , represented with her forefinger on her lips . n . symbol of ' prudence anil taciturnity . ' ' Aiinaxarchu . s ivho , according to Pliny , was apprehended in order to extort his secrets from him , bit bis tongue in the midst ami afterwards spit it in the tyrant ' s face , rather choosiim- to lose that organ than to discover those things ivhich he had nronii « ed to conceal . L
A Defence Of Masonic Secrecy.
AVe read likewise thai C ; ito , the Censor , often said to his friends , of three things ivhich be had good reason to repent , the principal was , divulging a secret . The Druids in our OAVU nation—who were the only priests among the Ancient Britons—committed nothing to writing . And Cir-sar observes that they had a head or chief , who exercised a sort of excommunication , attended with dreadful penalties , on those
who cither published or profaned their mysteries . Therefore , since it evidently appears from the foregoing instances —among many other—that there ever ivere secrets amongst mankind , as well respecting societies as individuals , and that the keeping those inviolable ivas always reputed an indispensable dut y , and attended with an honourable estimation , it must be very difficult to assign a sufficient reason why the same practice
should be at all wondered at or less approved in the Free and Accepted Masons of the present age , than they were among the wisest men and greatest philosophers of antiquity . The general practice and constant applause of the ancients , as well as the customs of the moderns , one would naturally imagine should be sufficient to justify Masons against any charge of singularity or innovation on this account ; for how can this be thought
singular , or neiv , I 13 ' any one who will but calmly allow himself the smallest time for reflection . Do not all incorporated bodies amongst us enjoy this liberty without impeachment or censure ? An apprentice is bound to keep the secrets of his master ; a free man is obliged to consult the interests of his company , and not prostitute in common the mysteries of his profession ; secret committees and privy councils
are solemnly enjoined not to publish abroad their debates and resolutions . In courts martial , the members are bound to secrecy ; and in many cases for more effectual security an oath is administered .
As in society in general , ire are united together b 3 ' our indigencies and infirmities , ancl a vast variety of circumstances contributing to our mutual and necessary dependence on each other ¦ —ivhich lays a grand foundation for terrestrial happiness , by securing general amity and the reciprocation of good offices in the world—so , iu all particular societies , of whatever denomination , they are all conjoined by a sort of cement ; by bonds and
laws that are peculiar to each of them , from the highest assemblies to the loAvest . Consequently the injunctions of secrecy among Freemasons , can be no more unwarrantable than in the societies and cases already pointed out ; and to report , or even to insinuate , that they are , must argue a want of candour , a want of reason , and a want of charity . For by the laws of nature , and of nations , every individual and every society has a ri ght to be supposed
innocent till proved otherwise . Yet , notwithstanding the mysteries of our profession are kept inviolable , none are excluded from a full knowledge of them , hi due time and manner , upon proper application , and being found capable and worthy of tbe trust . To form other designs and expectations , is building on a sandy foundation , and ivill only serve to testify , that like a rash man , their discretion is always out ofthe way when they have most occasion to make use of it . — Wellins Calcoll , 1709 .
Interesting Reminiscence.
[ W F . copy the following from an address delivered before the Grand Lodge of Virginia , 011 the 10 th of December , 1815 , by M . AV . Robert G . Scott , P . G . M . ] In peace and in war , in the camp or tbe peaceful village , among civilized man or with the untamed spirits of the ivilderness , Masonry , genuine , true Masonry , will be found to qualify us the better to render service to our ' fellow man or grateful obedience
to our God . Valued and venerated for its nnticpiity , as well as the great moral doctrines it inculcates , Masonry has provided and furnished to its followers a common language—one that is intelligible to Masons alone—one by which intercourse can be held and wants be made known in safety and in secrecy from the rest of mankind . By ivhich the Egyptian and tlie Englishman , the Frenchman and the Otahitian may communicate without speaking
or understanding a word of the language of their respective nations . Through this common language ' the most deadl y strife is quieted—brother embraces brother , oi- rushes to his relief at . the most imminent hazard of his own life or safety . The arm that is raised against a prostrate brother , which in another instant ivould drive the deadly steel to his heart , falls subdued and palsied , by the mystic influence of a single r-vy . Blessed , glorious institution , that can thus tame the mad passions of men . even in the bloody battle strife . Yes , my friends and brothers , this is no fancy sketch , no idle
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Early History Of Masonry In New York.
I intended . I may renew the subject at some future time . — American Voice of Masonry .
A Defence Of Masonic Secrecy.
AA ' rc are condemned for keeping the essentials of our institution from the knowledge of those ivho arc not members of it ; ivhich , it is said , must sufficiently prove them to be of a bad nature and tendency , else why arc they not made public for the satisfaction of mankind . If secrecy be a virtue—a thing never yet denied—can that be imputed to us as a crime , which has been considered an excellence in all ages ? Does not Solomon , the wisest of men , tell us , " He that discovers secrets is a traitor , but a . man of a faithful spirit , concealeth tbe matter , "
In conducting all worldly affairs , secrecy is not only essential , but absolutely necessary ; and was ever esteemed a quality of the greatest worth . Thus ire find the great Fenelon makes Ul ysses , in the system ofthe education which he delivers to his friends for his son ' Telemachus , particularly enjoin them , above all , to render him just , beneficent , sincere , and faithful in keeping secrets ; a precept ' that afterwards
produced the best of consequences to tbe youno- prince , of whom it is recorded , that with this great excellence of ° taciturnity , he not only divested himself of that close mysterious air , so common to the reserved , but also constantly avoided tellin" - the least untruth in support of this part of his character . A conduct highly worthy the imitation of every one to whom secrets are intrustedaffording them a pattern of easeand sin
, openness , , - cerity ; for while he seemed to carry his whole heart upon his lips , communicating what was of no importance , yet he knew howto stop just in the proper moment , without proceeding to those things which might raise any suspicion , or furnish even a hint to discover the purposes of his mind . If we turn our eyes back to antiquity , we shall find the old Egyptians had so great a regard for silence and secrecy in the of their reliion
mysteries g , that they set up the god Harpocrates ( vid . imagines deorian a vic . enlio cltartario ) , to whom they paid peculiar honour and veneration , who was represented with his right hand placed near the heart , and the left down by bis side covered ivith a skm before , full of eyes ancl ears , to signify that of many things to be seen and heard , few are to be published . And among the same letheir great goddess Isisthe
peop , , Minerva of the Greeks , bad always an image of a Sphynx placed at the entrance of her temples , to denote that secrets were there preserved under sacred coverings , that they might be kept from the knoivledge of the vulgar , as much as the riddles of that
creature . Jamblicus , iti bis life of P ythagoras , confirms the above opinion by observing , that from the mysterious knowled ge ofthe Eo-yptians that philosopher drew the system of bis symbolical , learnim- ami instructive tenets , seeing that the princi ples ancl wise doctrines ol this nation ivere ever kept secret among themselves , and were delivered down , not in writing , but onl y ' by oral tradition 'And indeed cautious and th
so prudent were ey in these matters that every disciple admitted to their wise and scientific mysteries was bound m the most solemn manner to conceal such mysteries from the vulgar , or those whose ideas were not sufficiently exalted to receive them . As a proof of this , we need onl y recollect the story of Ilipparcbus a P ythagorean , who , having out of spleen and resentment , violated and broke through the several ennao-c-ments of the held
society , was in the utmost detestation , expelled the school as one most infamous and abandoned , anel as he was dead to the principles of virtue ancl philosophy , had a tomb erected for him according to their custom , as though he had been natnralhclcad Ihe shame ami disgrace that justly attended so rrrcata breach of truth ancl fidelit y drove the unhappy wretch to such despair that he proved his own executioner and abhorred
; so was even Ins memory , that be was denied the rights ancl ceremonies of burial used to the dead in those times ; instead of which , his body was suHcrcd to he upon tbe shore of the isle of Samos Among the Greek nations , the Athenians bad a statue of brass , winch they awfully revered ; this fi gure was Avithout a tongue by winch secrecy was intimated .
Ihe Romans had a goddess of silence , named Angcroiia , represented with her forefinger on her lips . n . symbol of ' prudence anil taciturnity . ' ' Aiinaxarchu . s ivho , according to Pliny , was apprehended in order to extort his secrets from him , bit bis tongue in the midst ami afterwards spit it in the tyrant ' s face , rather choosiim- to lose that organ than to discover those things ivhich he had nronii « ed to conceal . L
A Defence Of Masonic Secrecy.
AVe read likewise thai C ; ito , the Censor , often said to his friends , of three things ivhich be had good reason to repent , the principal was , divulging a secret . The Druids in our OAVU nation—who were the only priests among the Ancient Britons—committed nothing to writing . And Cir-sar observes that they had a head or chief , who exercised a sort of excommunication , attended with dreadful penalties , on those
who cither published or profaned their mysteries . Therefore , since it evidently appears from the foregoing instances —among many other—that there ever ivere secrets amongst mankind , as well respecting societies as individuals , and that the keeping those inviolable ivas always reputed an indispensable dut y , and attended with an honourable estimation , it must be very difficult to assign a sufficient reason why the same practice
should be at all wondered at or less approved in the Free and Accepted Masons of the present age , than they were among the wisest men and greatest philosophers of antiquity . The general practice and constant applause of the ancients , as well as the customs of the moderns , one would naturally imagine should be sufficient to justify Masons against any charge of singularity or innovation on this account ; for how can this be thought
singular , or neiv , I 13 ' any one who will but calmly allow himself the smallest time for reflection . Do not all incorporated bodies amongst us enjoy this liberty without impeachment or censure ? An apprentice is bound to keep the secrets of his master ; a free man is obliged to consult the interests of his company , and not prostitute in common the mysteries of his profession ; secret committees and privy councils
are solemnly enjoined not to publish abroad their debates and resolutions . In courts martial , the members are bound to secrecy ; and in many cases for more effectual security an oath is administered .
As in society in general , ire are united together b 3 ' our indigencies and infirmities , ancl a vast variety of circumstances contributing to our mutual and necessary dependence on each other ¦ —ivhich lays a grand foundation for terrestrial happiness , by securing general amity and the reciprocation of good offices in the world—so , iu all particular societies , of whatever denomination , they are all conjoined by a sort of cement ; by bonds and
laws that are peculiar to each of them , from the highest assemblies to the loAvest . Consequently the injunctions of secrecy among Freemasons , can be no more unwarrantable than in the societies and cases already pointed out ; and to report , or even to insinuate , that they are , must argue a want of candour , a want of reason , and a want of charity . For by the laws of nature , and of nations , every individual and every society has a ri ght to be supposed
innocent till proved otherwise . Yet , notwithstanding the mysteries of our profession are kept inviolable , none are excluded from a full knowledge of them , hi due time and manner , upon proper application , and being found capable and worthy of tbe trust . To form other designs and expectations , is building on a sandy foundation , and ivill only serve to testify , that like a rash man , their discretion is always out ofthe way when they have most occasion to make use of it . — Wellins Calcoll , 1709 .
Interesting Reminiscence.
[ W F . copy the following from an address delivered before the Grand Lodge of Virginia , 011 the 10 th of December , 1815 , by M . AV . Robert G . Scott , P . G . M . ] In peace and in war , in the camp or tbe peaceful village , among civilized man or with the untamed spirits of the ivilderness , Masonry , genuine , true Masonry , will be found to qualify us the better to render service to our ' fellow man or grateful obedience
to our God . Valued and venerated for its nnticpiity , as well as the great moral doctrines it inculcates , Masonry has provided and furnished to its followers a common language—one that is intelligible to Masons alone—one by which intercourse can be held and wants be made known in safety and in secrecy from the rest of mankind . By ivhich the Egyptian and tlie Englishman , the Frenchman and the Otahitian may communicate without speaking
or understanding a word of the language of their respective nations . Through this common language ' the most deadl y strife is quieted—brother embraces brother , oi- rushes to his relief at . the most imminent hazard of his own life or safety . The arm that is raised against a prostrate brother , which in another instant ivould drive the deadly steel to his heart , falls subdued and palsied , by the mystic influence of a single r-vy . Blessed , glorious institution , that can thus tame the mad passions of men . even in the bloody battle strife . Yes , my friends and brothers , this is no fancy sketch , no idle