Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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DORSETSHIRE . LYME REGIS . —Montague Lodge ( No . 903 ) . —This Lodge held its annual meeting on Wednesday , July 0 th , for the purpose of installing the AV . M ., Bro . Dr . Marder , by Bro . R . Collard , P . M ., Nos . 10 S and 209 . After ihe investment of the officers , a vote of thanks to Bro . Collard was carried and ordered to be inserted on the minutes for the readiness and truly Masonic courtesy he had acceded to the request of the brethren of the Montague Lodge to perform the ceremony of the day . The brethren afterwards dined together .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Mariner ' s Lodge ( No . 310 ) . — The brethren of this Lodge held their monthly meeting at the Masonic Temple , iu Hope-street , on Thursday , the Ith ' inst ., at half-past two o ' clock . Bro . Williams , AV . M ., commenced the labours of the day , and at the proper time , Bro . Henry Lumb , AA . M . elect , was presented for installation , which ceremony was performed by Bro . Pepper , P . M ., assisted by Bros . Hauler , Prov . G . Dir .
of Cers . ; Edwards , Prov . C . Reg . ; Maddox , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks and Treasurer of the Lodge ; Banister . Prov . G . See . and AV . M . No . 50 Young-husband , AV . M . No . 29 , 1 , and Phillips , AV . M . No . 9 ( 55 . The Worshipful Master theu anpointed and invested the following officers : — Bros . M . Pepper , jum , S . AV . ; Joseph Swift , J . AA * . ; A . H . Caldwell , S . W . ; A . Green , J . D .: AVm . Crane , I . G . Two gentlemen were initiated into the Order , and several , sums of money presented to applicants . The Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., Bro . Hauler , presented ( iu the name of the Lodge )
l . o Bro . Pepper , P . M ., a valuable gold jewel bearing the following inscription : — "To Bro . John Pepper , P . M ., P . G . S . AA est Lancashire , this jewel is most respectfully presented by the Master , AA ardens , Officers , and Brethren of tlie Mariners' Lodge , No . 3 . 10 , of Antient Free and Accepted Masons , in testimony of their warm regard toward him as a man and a Mason . Liverpool , June , A . L ., 5859 ; " and also an elegant silver tea pot inscribed as follows : — " Presented to Bro . John Pepper , P . M ., P . G . S ., by his brethren of the Mariners' Lodge , No . CCCX ., of
Free and Accepted Masons . Liverpool , June , MDCCCLIX . " Bro . Pepper having expressed his thanks in brief but feeling terms for the honour done him , the brethren were called ofi ^ and proceeded to the Queen's Hotel , AVaterloo , at which delightful resort Bro . Condliff had provided a very elegant dinner . The evening ' s pleasure was much enhanced by the . singing of Bros . AA ' ood , Graham , Haswell , Thomason , and Atherton . Bro . AVilberforce presiding at the pianoforte . All the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and the Lodge being duly closed , the brethren loft the health restoring breezes of AVaterloo for the more sombre atmosphere of Liverpool .
CARSTOK - . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —On Monday , the 1 th inst ., the installation of Bro . Aldrich , the AVorshipful Master elect of this Lodge , took place in the Lodge-room at the AVellington Hotel , Garston . The ceremony was attended by a large number of Prov . Grand Officers and members of the Lodge , as well as a goodly number of visiting brethren . After the installation , which was performed by Bro . J . Hamer , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., the AVorshipful Master appointed Bro . Fleetwood , S . AV ., Bro . Pierpoint . J . AV ., and invested them and the other officers .
After the initiation of Mr . Leach , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren dined . The AV . M . proposed , in succession , " The Queen , " " The Prince Consort , " "The M . W . G . M ., " the first and last of which were received with enthusiasm . Bro . Banister , Prov . G-. Sec . proposed " The health of Lord Panmure , R . AA" D . C-. M . with musical honours . " The AV . M . gave " Bro . Le Gendrc N . Starkie , R . AV . Prov . CM ., Lancashire , " and said , several of them knew him better than he did . but he had heard of him , aud he had every reason to hold him in the hihest admiration" Tho
g . health of Sir Thomas Hesketk , R . AV . G . D . M ., and the Prov . Grand Officers" was afterwards responded to by Bro . Edwards , Prov . G . Reg ., who . said , he was sure they would all allow that every effort was made by the Prov . Grand Lodge to extend the usefulness of the Order , and to further the interests of the various Lodges . Tho AV . M . gave " The West Lancashire Masonic Institution for the education and advancement in life of children of distressed Masons , " and with it ho would couple the name of their esteemed Bro . AValmsley , who had laboured so hard
for its establishment and success . Bro . AValmsley said , it gave him very great pleasure to state , that he had just received the names of two brethren as life members to the institution . Bro . Banister had contributed £ 5 os ., and the AA . M . had requested his name to be added to the list for a like sum . As to the usefulness of the institution , there was nothing approaching it in the provinces , aud lie would , therefore , call upon those present to follow the example set them , for they could not contribute to an institution possessing greater claims , or one entitled to greater
consideration . He had recently given up taking an active part in the institution's affairs , aud regretted the absence of Bros . Gambell and Brabuer , who could have furnished them with every information . The institution was worthy of Freemasonry ; it aided the offspring of their brethren in their advancement iu life , and when they had talent assisted them in the higher branches of the arts and sciences . " Bro . Holme , P . M ., proposed the health of the AV . M ., who returned thanks , aud said , his greatest desire was to see the Lod ge prosperous , and to promote working . There had certainly been some slight difference among them , but for the opposition which he met with he cherished no ill will against any of
them . He concluded by giving the health of the immediate P . M ., Bro . Holme , who in reply said , he would do all he could to assist the AV . M . Bro . Dr . Marder , in the work of the Lodge , aud in promoting its prosperity . The AVardens aud other Officers of the Lodge , and the visitingbrethren were afterwards toasted . The musical brethren lent their valuable aid iu enlivening the proceedings of the evening by singing several songs and glees .
LIVERPOOL . —SI . John ' s Lodge ( No . 971 ) . —The installation of the AYcrshipf ill Master of this flourishing Lodge took place on AVednesday evening , the 6 th instant , at the Caledonian Hotel , Duke-street . There was an unusually large number of the brethren present , and among the visiting brethren were Bros . John Hambleton , No . 350 ; David Smart . No . 1 , 026 ; James Hamer , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; G . AV . Phillips , AV . M ' ., No . 905 ; John Pepper , Prov . G . Sec ; Thomas Armstrong . P . M ., No . 36 'S ; AV . H . Martin , No . Ill ; Louis Reddick , No . 37 S . ^ Bro . Hamer
installed Bro . AV . T . May , and Messrs . Wm . Dabbs and George Gosvland were afterwards initiated into the mysteries of our noble Order by the AV . M ., Bro . May , after which the Lodge was called off from labour to refreshment . At the close of an excellent repast , the AV . M . gave the usual loval and patriotic toasts , which wero warmlv responded to . After the healths of the M . W . G . M ., the RAV . D . G . M ., and the Dukes of Athole and Leinster , the AV . M ., in giving the health of Bro . Le Geudre N . StarkieR . W . Prov . G-. M . of AVest Lancashirealluded to his deserved
, , popularity . Bro . AA'almsley said the AVest Lancashire Masonic Institution for the education of children of distressed Masons was going on very favourably , but the claims on its funds were now very largely increasing , and it behoved every brother to make an effort to assist its progress . The sum of five shillings per annum was all that was asked as a subscription to its funds , and the payment of that sum for three years entitled them to be a governor , which gave them the privilege of nominating a child to its funds . They had now a fund of between
£ 2 , 500 to £ 3 , 000 , which , with the continued subscriptions of every member of the province , would be ample to place the institution in a . good position for years to come . The health of the W . M . having been drunk , several other toasts followed , and tho brethren broke up at an early hour .
STAFFORDSHIRE . AVOLVEIUIAMPTOX . —Lodge of Honour ( No . 769 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge on Friday , July Sth , J . Eraser , Esq ., M . D ., aud C . B ' awley , Esq ., were initiated into tho mysteries of Freemasonry , the ceremony being correctly and impressively performed by the AV . M ., Bro . Gough ; after which , at the request of the W . M ., Bro . C . Matthews , S . D . delivered the charge of this degree . Bros . BeevesKitsonand Tud orwere
, , , passed to the second degree , the charge being given by Bro . F . Sollom , J . D . A proposition was made to subscribe to the Masonic charities , two pounds per annum to the Boys School , and the same amount to the Girls School . The AV . M . reminded the brethren that the next provincial meeting would be held at Stafford on the 2 nd of August , when he hoped as many brethren as possible would attend .
SURREY . PROVINCIAL GUAXD LODGE . Tin-annual Provincial Grand Lodge was held on Monday last , July 11 th , at the Angel Hotel , Guildford , under the presidency of the R . AA " . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Dobie , Prov . G . Reg . ; who was supported bv Bros . Dr . Harcourt , D . Prov . G . M . ; G . AVhite , Prov . S . G . AV . ; G . Price , Prov . G . Greenwood Secretary Beaumont Mevuotl
Treas ., , G . ; C . , S . CD . ; AV . J . . J . G . D . ; Francis , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; AA . H . White , P . Prov . G . ' See .: H . Evans , P . G . S . B . ; Snow , P . G . S . B ., Sussex ; D . Bruce , P . Prov . G . S . B .: John Symonds , P . G . Steward , & c , & c . The Lodge having been duly opened , the minutes of the last meetingwere confirmed ; after which the Treasurer ' s account was read , showing a balance in hand of £ 77 18 s . Sd ., out of which £ 20 was voted to tho widow of the late Bro . David Freeman of Croydon .
Bro . Price was re-elected Grand Treasurer ; aud the following officers appointed for the ensuing year : —Bros . Dr . Harcourt , D . Prov . G M . ; Elkins , S . G . AV . ; Moates . J . G . W . ; Greenwood , G . See . ; Rev . Lawrence AV . Till . G . Chaplain ; Meynott , S . G . D . ; Baillie , J . G . D . ; Masterman , G . Dir . of Cers . ; C . J . Smith , G . S . B . The recommendation of the committee on the propriety of establishing provincial committees , to aid the funds of the two Masonic schools , was agreed to , with tho addition that the committee should act on
behalf of all the Masonic charities , viz ., the Girls School , the Boys School , the Aged Masons' Annuity Fund , and the AVidows' Annuity Fund . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for about an hour , when they reassembled at a very elegant banquet , presided over by the R . AV . Prov . Grand Master , supported by the D . Prov . Grand Master , his officers , visitors , and other brethren . On the removal of the cloththe health of her Majesty was givenand
, , enthusiastically responded to . The R . AV . Prov . Grand Master said , that the next toast , like the former , was one of loyalty , and was sure to meet with a . cordial reception— - "The health of their M . AV . Grand Master . the Earl of Zetland . " ( Cheers ) . Tlie noble lord had assumed the office under some difficulties , having succeeded his late royal highness the Duke of Sussex , who had long enjoyed the confidence of the brethren . The noble lord had ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
DORSETSHIRE . LYME REGIS . —Montague Lodge ( No . 903 ) . —This Lodge held its annual meeting on Wednesday , July 0 th , for the purpose of installing the AV . M ., Bro . Dr . Marder , by Bro . R . Collard , P . M ., Nos . 10 S and 209 . After ihe investment of the officers , a vote of thanks to Bro . Collard was carried and ordered to be inserted on the minutes for the readiness and truly Masonic courtesy he had acceded to the request of the brethren of the Montague Lodge to perform the ceremony of the day . The brethren afterwards dined together .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Mariner ' s Lodge ( No . 310 ) . — The brethren of this Lodge held their monthly meeting at the Masonic Temple , iu Hope-street , on Thursday , the Ith ' inst ., at half-past two o ' clock . Bro . Williams , AV . M ., commenced the labours of the day , and at the proper time , Bro . Henry Lumb , AA . M . elect , was presented for installation , which ceremony was performed by Bro . Pepper , P . M ., assisted by Bros . Hauler , Prov . G . Dir .
of Cers . ; Edwards , Prov . C . Reg . ; Maddox , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks and Treasurer of the Lodge ; Banister . Prov . G . See . and AV . M . No . 50 Young-husband , AV . M . No . 29 , 1 , and Phillips , AV . M . No . 9 ( 55 . The Worshipful Master theu anpointed and invested the following officers : — Bros . M . Pepper , jum , S . AV . ; Joseph Swift , J . AA * . ; A . H . Caldwell , S . W . ; A . Green , J . D .: AVm . Crane , I . G . Two gentlemen were initiated into the Order , and several , sums of money presented to applicants . The Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., Bro . Hauler , presented ( iu the name of the Lodge )
l . o Bro . Pepper , P . M ., a valuable gold jewel bearing the following inscription : — "To Bro . John Pepper , P . M ., P . G . S . AA est Lancashire , this jewel is most respectfully presented by the Master , AA ardens , Officers , and Brethren of tlie Mariners' Lodge , No . 3 . 10 , of Antient Free and Accepted Masons , in testimony of their warm regard toward him as a man and a Mason . Liverpool , June , A . L ., 5859 ; " and also an elegant silver tea pot inscribed as follows : — " Presented to Bro . John Pepper , P . M ., P . G . S ., by his brethren of the Mariners' Lodge , No . CCCX ., of
Free and Accepted Masons . Liverpool , June , MDCCCLIX . " Bro . Pepper having expressed his thanks in brief but feeling terms for the honour done him , the brethren were called ofi ^ and proceeded to the Queen's Hotel , AVaterloo , at which delightful resort Bro . Condliff had provided a very elegant dinner . The evening ' s pleasure was much enhanced by the . singing of Bros . AA ' ood , Graham , Haswell , Thomason , and Atherton . Bro . AVilberforce presiding at the pianoforte . All the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and the Lodge being duly closed , the brethren loft the health restoring breezes of AVaterloo for the more sombre atmosphere of Liverpool .
CARSTOK - . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —On Monday , the 1 th inst ., the installation of Bro . Aldrich , the AVorshipful Master elect of this Lodge , took place in the Lodge-room at the AVellington Hotel , Garston . The ceremony was attended by a large number of Prov . Grand Officers and members of the Lodge , as well as a goodly number of visiting brethren . After the installation , which was performed by Bro . J . Hamer , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., the AVorshipful Master appointed Bro . Fleetwood , S . AV ., Bro . Pierpoint . J . AV ., and invested them and the other officers .
After the initiation of Mr . Leach , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren dined . The AV . M . proposed , in succession , " The Queen , " " The Prince Consort , " "The M . W . G . M ., " the first and last of which were received with enthusiasm . Bro . Banister , Prov . G-. Sec . proposed " The health of Lord Panmure , R . AA" D . C-. M . with musical honours . " The AV . M . gave " Bro . Le Gendrc N . Starkie , R . AV . Prov . CM ., Lancashire , " and said , several of them knew him better than he did . but he had heard of him , aud he had every reason to hold him in the hihest admiration" Tho
g . health of Sir Thomas Hesketk , R . AV . G . D . M ., and the Prov . Grand Officers" was afterwards responded to by Bro . Edwards , Prov . G . Reg ., who . said , he was sure they would all allow that every effort was made by the Prov . Grand Lodge to extend the usefulness of the Order , and to further the interests of the various Lodges . Tho AV . M . gave " The West Lancashire Masonic Institution for the education and advancement in life of children of distressed Masons , " and with it ho would couple the name of their esteemed Bro . AValmsley , who had laboured so hard
for its establishment and success . Bro . AValmsley said , it gave him very great pleasure to state , that he had just received the names of two brethren as life members to the institution . Bro . Banister had contributed £ 5 os ., and the AA . M . had requested his name to be added to the list for a like sum . As to the usefulness of the institution , there was nothing approaching it in the provinces , aud lie would , therefore , call upon those present to follow the example set them , for they could not contribute to an institution possessing greater claims , or one entitled to greater
consideration . He had recently given up taking an active part in the institution's affairs , aud regretted the absence of Bros . Gambell and Brabuer , who could have furnished them with every information . The institution was worthy of Freemasonry ; it aided the offspring of their brethren in their advancement iu life , and when they had talent assisted them in the higher branches of the arts and sciences . " Bro . Holme , P . M ., proposed the health of the AV . M ., who returned thanks , aud said , his greatest desire was to see the Lod ge prosperous , and to promote working . There had certainly been some slight difference among them , but for the opposition which he met with he cherished no ill will against any of
them . He concluded by giving the health of the immediate P . M ., Bro . Holme , who in reply said , he would do all he could to assist the AV . M . Bro . Dr . Marder , in the work of the Lodge , aud in promoting its prosperity . The AVardens aud other Officers of the Lodge , and the visitingbrethren were afterwards toasted . The musical brethren lent their valuable aid iu enlivening the proceedings of the evening by singing several songs and glees .
LIVERPOOL . —SI . John ' s Lodge ( No . 971 ) . —The installation of the AYcrshipf ill Master of this flourishing Lodge took place on AVednesday evening , the 6 th instant , at the Caledonian Hotel , Duke-street . There was an unusually large number of the brethren present , and among the visiting brethren were Bros . John Hambleton , No . 350 ; David Smart . No . 1 , 026 ; James Hamer , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; G . AV . Phillips , AV . M ' ., No . 905 ; John Pepper , Prov . G . Sec ; Thomas Armstrong . P . M ., No . 36 'S ; AV . H . Martin , No . Ill ; Louis Reddick , No . 37 S . ^ Bro . Hamer
installed Bro . AV . T . May , and Messrs . Wm . Dabbs and George Gosvland were afterwards initiated into the mysteries of our noble Order by the AV . M ., Bro . May , after which the Lodge was called off from labour to refreshment . At the close of an excellent repast , the AV . M . gave the usual loval and patriotic toasts , which wero warmlv responded to . After the healths of the M . W . G . M ., the RAV . D . G . M ., and the Dukes of Athole and Leinster , the AV . M ., in giving the health of Bro . Le Geudre N . StarkieR . W . Prov . G-. M . of AVest Lancashirealluded to his deserved
, , popularity . Bro . AA'almsley said the AVest Lancashire Masonic Institution for the education of children of distressed Masons was going on very favourably , but the claims on its funds were now very largely increasing , and it behoved every brother to make an effort to assist its progress . The sum of five shillings per annum was all that was asked as a subscription to its funds , and the payment of that sum for three years entitled them to be a governor , which gave them the privilege of nominating a child to its funds . They had now a fund of between
£ 2 , 500 to £ 3 , 000 , which , with the continued subscriptions of every member of the province , would be ample to place the institution in a . good position for years to come . The health of the W . M . having been drunk , several other toasts followed , and tho brethren broke up at an early hour .
STAFFORDSHIRE . AVOLVEIUIAMPTOX . —Lodge of Honour ( No . 769 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge on Friday , July Sth , J . Eraser , Esq ., M . D ., aud C . B ' awley , Esq ., were initiated into tho mysteries of Freemasonry , the ceremony being correctly and impressively performed by the AV . M ., Bro . Gough ; after which , at the request of the W . M ., Bro . C . Matthews , S . D . delivered the charge of this degree . Bros . BeevesKitsonand Tud orwere
, , , passed to the second degree , the charge being given by Bro . F . Sollom , J . D . A proposition was made to subscribe to the Masonic charities , two pounds per annum to the Boys School , and the same amount to the Girls School . The AV . M . reminded the brethren that the next provincial meeting would be held at Stafford on the 2 nd of August , when he hoped as many brethren as possible would attend .
SURREY . PROVINCIAL GUAXD LODGE . Tin-annual Provincial Grand Lodge was held on Monday last , July 11 th , at the Angel Hotel , Guildford , under the presidency of the R . AA " . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Dobie , Prov . G . Reg . ; who was supported bv Bros . Dr . Harcourt , D . Prov . G . M . ; G . AVhite , Prov . S . G . AV . ; G . Price , Prov . G . Greenwood Secretary Beaumont Mevuotl
Treas ., , G . ; C . , S . CD . ; AV . J . . J . G . D . ; Francis , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; AA . H . White , P . Prov . G . ' See .: H . Evans , P . G . S . B . ; Snow , P . G . S . B ., Sussex ; D . Bruce , P . Prov . G . S . B .: John Symonds , P . G . Steward , & c , & c . The Lodge having been duly opened , the minutes of the last meetingwere confirmed ; after which the Treasurer ' s account was read , showing a balance in hand of £ 77 18 s . Sd ., out of which £ 20 was voted to tho widow of the late Bro . David Freeman of Croydon .
Bro . Price was re-elected Grand Treasurer ; aud the following officers appointed for the ensuing year : —Bros . Dr . Harcourt , D . Prov . G M . ; Elkins , S . G . AV . ; Moates . J . G . W . ; Greenwood , G . See . ; Rev . Lawrence AV . Till . G . Chaplain ; Meynott , S . G . D . ; Baillie , J . G . D . ; Masterman , G . Dir . of Cers . ; C . J . Smith , G . S . B . The recommendation of the committee on the propriety of establishing provincial committees , to aid the funds of the two Masonic schools , was agreed to , with tho addition that the committee should act on
behalf of all the Masonic charities , viz ., the Girls School , the Boys School , the Aged Masons' Annuity Fund , and the AVidows' Annuity Fund . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for about an hour , when they reassembled at a very elegant banquet , presided over by the R . AV . Prov . Grand Master , supported by the D . Prov . Grand Master , his officers , visitors , and other brethren . On the removal of the cloththe health of her Majesty was givenand
, , enthusiastically responded to . The R . AV . Prov . Grand Master said , that the next toast , like the former , was one of loyalty , and was sure to meet with a . cordial reception— - "The health of their M . AV . Grand Master . the Earl of Zetland . " ( Cheers ) . Tlie noble lord had assumed the office under some difficulties , having succeeded his late royal highness the Duke of Sussex , who had long enjoyed the confidence of the brethren . The noble lord had ,