Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article SOUTH AMERICA. Page 1 of 2 →
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Bro . Aluggeridge afterwards proceeded to invest the following brethren with the insignia of their several offices : —Eros . AVm . Page , AV . M . ; G . B . Bunter , S . AV . ; G . F . Busbridge , J . AA . ; R . B . Stedman , Sec . ; AV alter Alonckton , S . D . ; Geo . Carstaivs , J . D . ; B . Norton , I . G . j Richard Pointer , Tyler . Bro . the Hon . Ralph Xevill , it was understood , was to be proposed as Treasurer ¦ on the next assembling of the lodge . At the conclusion of the business the Rev . J . H . Timins
, vicar of Alalling , invited the brethren , in the interim ot preparing the room for the banquet , to an inspection of the church , when , after pointing out various interesting remains ofthe original building , which was erected in fche time of Bishop Gundulph , he afterwards delivered from the pulpit a very learned address on tho employment of the earliest Masons , mentioning the occasional discovery of their works in every
part of the civilised world , bearing indubitable proofs and marks of a society in possession of the highest abilities in science and the fine arts . The rev . gentleman afterwards courteously conducted the brethren through his own very beautiful grounds to the remains
of the abbey , and by permission visiting the old cloisters and other ecclesiastical buildings in use at the time of the abbey's palmy days . After remaining a brief period in examining the venerable ruins , and admiring the picturesque and well-kept grounds , the brethren returned , extremely pleased with the treat which the vicar had so kindly afforded them . At six o'clock upwards of eighty of the brethren sat down to an excellent dinnerwhich had been prepared by the worth
, y landlord , Bro . Longhurst , and which was much needed by all who had been for many hours engaged without refreshment on one of the hottest days of the summer . The dessert and wmes corresponded in quality with the dinner , the whole being of the most reciierclie character . The D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Dobson , presided , and under his auspices a very delightful evening was spent . The usual loyal and complimentary toasts
were appropriately given and responded to , interspersed with some excellent singing ; and the brethren separated , after spending a most agreeable day in the celebrations incident to the establishment of the neiv lodge , and wifch " pleasant memories" of the town , the church , the abbey , and the friends who had assembled together at AVest Alalling .
AIOXAIOUTHSHIRE . XEAVPOBT . —Silurian Lodge ( Xo . 471 ) . —This lodge was opened , in due form on the 6 th inst . by Bro . John Griffiths , W . AL , and as the brethren have had their usual holidays ( the lodge having been closed during the three summer months ) , there was a large number of tbe brethren present . One gentleman , Air . John Price , was initiatedand arrangements made for holding a lod
, ge of instruction on the second Friday in every month , under the able management of Bros . R . B , Evans , P . M . ; AA . AAllliams , Sec ; and H . Hellier , as Treas . The AV . Af . announced that a Provincial Grand Lodge meeting would be held at Abegavenny on Thursday , the 26 th of October next , when a jewel valued at 100 guineas would be presented to their popular and worthy Provincial Grand Masterand that a large number of hih
-, gmag nates in Masonry would be present . AVe are happy to say that Alasonry flourishes well in Alonmouthsliire , a new lodge being about to be opened at Tredegar Ironworks . AVhat are our Chepstow brethren thinking about that they do not establish a lodge there ? It has been talked about for years .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOVST LEBAJWHT CHAPTER ( XO . 73 . )—An emergency meeting of this newly-established chapter was held on Monday , Soptember 11 th , at the Green Alan Tavern , Tooloy-street , Southivark ( Comp / C . A . Cathie's ) , John Dixon , M . D ., M . E . Z . ; Fredk . P . AValtevs , II ., and Edward X . Levy , J ., presided , assisted by Robert AVatts
Comps . , P . Z . ; 0 . A . Cottebrune , P . Z . ; A . Avery , S . X . ; A . D . Loewenstark , P . S . ; R . Thomson , C . A . Cathie ' Af . A . Loewenstark , and many others . Ballots were taken for Bros . G . R . Warren , C . C . Graham , and J . II . Spencer , which were declared to be unanimous in favour of their admission . Bros . G . Morris , G . R . AVarren , and C . L . Graham , being in attendance , were regularly advanced into the supreme degree
Royal Arch.
of Royal Arch Freemasonry . The ceremony was well rendered , as every official was versed in his duty , and the talented First Principal excelled in his position of the ceremony . The bylaws were agreed to . It was announced that Comp . Frederick Walters , II ., wifch his usual liberality , presented the chapter with their new five guinea floor-cloth . Business being ended by several propositions of candidates for the next regular meeting of the chapter on Thursday , October 12 th , the chapter was duly closed .
South America.
XEAV GRANADA . The . Wero York Cornier gives a translation of some important Masonic official documents , received from the Grand Orient of Xew Granada , addressed to Grand Lodges , & c , of the United States . AA e append copies of these documents , as the subject treated of is of grave importance , and should be thoroughly understood by every brother who desires to know something
more of Alasonic matters than he can pick up from his own daily observation . " Ad Universi Terrarum Orliis Simni ArcUtecli Gloriam . '' Grand Orient of Xeo Granadino , Cartagena , the 4 th day of the 1 st AI . : M . : Xisan 5865 , corresponding to tbe 31 st of March , A . D . 1865 . "To tbe MW
.. " By the documents whieh you will see published in the official Alasonic Register , Xo . 27 , which I have the honour to transmit herewith , you will be apprised of the disorder whieh has been introduced in this Grand Orient by a few erring Masons in the valley of Bogota , pretending , in open violation of our respected Constitution , to create a new Grand Orient in this Republic .
"By said documents yon will see the strict conduct which the Alosfc Serene Masonic Senate , the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General and myself have observed under such afflictive circumstances , and of tlie feeling- we entertain of exercising full discip line till we fell to the ground the simulacbre of such a new Alasonic power , created in the very face of the legitimate Alasonic government established heresaid spurious body
, not having found any countenance amongst the true Alasons under our jurisdiction . " I do not entertain the least doubt as to the speedy establishment of order in this Grand Orient , and I entertain the hope that these erring brothers will retrace their steps , giving a
public testimony of their repentance . " But in order to terminate as soon as possible such an unpleasant state of things , and to make a proper manifestation of high morality , striking a death-blow to such unlimited and unjustifiable proceedings of those who have brought scandal and discord to the sacred places where peace , harmony , and silence ought to reign , I think proper ancl necessary , illustrious and puissant brotherto ask of you to lend us without delay your co-operation
, by issuing an edict disapproving and condemning the unlawful acts of those at Bogota , and ordering that these erring brethren whom I have previously suspended be not admitted in the bodies under your jurisdiction , and that you will approve all our proceedings and resolutions , as being in accordance with the traditionary and constant practice of the Constitutions of the Order .
" AA'ith such proceedings you will perform an immense service to Alasonry , and the faithful and true Alasons of the Grand Orient of Xew Granada will always remember with pleasure your exalted feelings , and the solicitude with whieh you have guarded the sacred treasures which have been entrusted to you . With high consideration I salute you , puissant brother , with all the signs and tokens known to us .
" AsTomo A . TATES , 33 D . "The first representative in cliargeof the executive power , by absence of tbe Grand Grand Master . " JUAN UOKOS , 33 , Secretary General . " The following is a copy of the document alluded to in the above circular , as translated from the official Alasonic register . " Proclamation of the 28 th Alarch , 1865 condemning , the
, Alasonic rebellion initiated in the district of Bogota . " The M . S . Grand Alaster of the Order , by virtue of the resolution of the M . S . Grand Alasonic Senate , dated the 23 rd day of the Alasonic month Ve-Adar 5861 ( 25 th March , 1805 , E . V . ) condemning the Alasonic rebellion formed in Bogota , and which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . Aluggeridge afterwards proceeded to invest the following brethren with the insignia of their several offices : —Eros . AVm . Page , AV . M . ; G . B . Bunter , S . AV . ; G . F . Busbridge , J . AA . ; R . B . Stedman , Sec . ; AV alter Alonckton , S . D . ; Geo . Carstaivs , J . D . ; B . Norton , I . G . j Richard Pointer , Tyler . Bro . the Hon . Ralph Xevill , it was understood , was to be proposed as Treasurer ¦ on the next assembling of the lodge . At the conclusion of the business the Rev . J . H . Timins
, vicar of Alalling , invited the brethren , in the interim ot preparing the room for the banquet , to an inspection of the church , when , after pointing out various interesting remains ofthe original building , which was erected in fche time of Bishop Gundulph , he afterwards delivered from the pulpit a very learned address on tho employment of the earliest Masons , mentioning the occasional discovery of their works in every
part of the civilised world , bearing indubitable proofs and marks of a society in possession of the highest abilities in science and the fine arts . The rev . gentleman afterwards courteously conducted the brethren through his own very beautiful grounds to the remains
of the abbey , and by permission visiting the old cloisters and other ecclesiastical buildings in use at the time of the abbey's palmy days . After remaining a brief period in examining the venerable ruins , and admiring the picturesque and well-kept grounds , the brethren returned , extremely pleased with the treat which the vicar had so kindly afforded them . At six o'clock upwards of eighty of the brethren sat down to an excellent dinnerwhich had been prepared by the worth
, y landlord , Bro . Longhurst , and which was much needed by all who had been for many hours engaged without refreshment on one of the hottest days of the summer . The dessert and wmes corresponded in quality with the dinner , the whole being of the most reciierclie character . The D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Dobson , presided , and under his auspices a very delightful evening was spent . The usual loyal and complimentary toasts
were appropriately given and responded to , interspersed with some excellent singing ; and the brethren separated , after spending a most agreeable day in the celebrations incident to the establishment of the neiv lodge , and wifch " pleasant memories" of the town , the church , the abbey , and the friends who had assembled together at AVest Alalling .
AIOXAIOUTHSHIRE . XEAVPOBT . —Silurian Lodge ( Xo . 471 ) . —This lodge was opened , in due form on the 6 th inst . by Bro . John Griffiths , W . AL , and as the brethren have had their usual holidays ( the lodge having been closed during the three summer months ) , there was a large number of tbe brethren present . One gentleman , Air . John Price , was initiatedand arrangements made for holding a lod
, ge of instruction on the second Friday in every month , under the able management of Bros . R . B , Evans , P . M . ; AA . AAllliams , Sec ; and H . Hellier , as Treas . The AV . Af . announced that a Provincial Grand Lodge meeting would be held at Abegavenny on Thursday , the 26 th of October next , when a jewel valued at 100 guineas would be presented to their popular and worthy Provincial Grand Masterand that a large number of hih
-, gmag nates in Masonry would be present . AVe are happy to say that Alasonry flourishes well in Alonmouthsliire , a new lodge being about to be opened at Tredegar Ironworks . AVhat are our Chepstow brethren thinking about that they do not establish a lodge there ? It has been talked about for years .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOVST LEBAJWHT CHAPTER ( XO . 73 . )—An emergency meeting of this newly-established chapter was held on Monday , Soptember 11 th , at the Green Alan Tavern , Tooloy-street , Southivark ( Comp / C . A . Cathie's ) , John Dixon , M . D ., M . E . Z . ; Fredk . P . AValtevs , II ., and Edward X . Levy , J ., presided , assisted by Robert AVatts
Comps . , P . Z . ; 0 . A . Cottebrune , P . Z . ; A . Avery , S . X . ; A . D . Loewenstark , P . S . ; R . Thomson , C . A . Cathie ' Af . A . Loewenstark , and many others . Ballots were taken for Bros . G . R . Warren , C . C . Graham , and J . II . Spencer , which were declared to be unanimous in favour of their admission . Bros . G . Morris , G . R . AVarren , and C . L . Graham , being in attendance , were regularly advanced into the supreme degree
Royal Arch.
of Royal Arch Freemasonry . The ceremony was well rendered , as every official was versed in his duty , and the talented First Principal excelled in his position of the ceremony . The bylaws were agreed to . It was announced that Comp . Frederick Walters , II ., wifch his usual liberality , presented the chapter with their new five guinea floor-cloth . Business being ended by several propositions of candidates for the next regular meeting of the chapter on Thursday , October 12 th , the chapter was duly closed .
South America.
XEAV GRANADA . The . Wero York Cornier gives a translation of some important Masonic official documents , received from the Grand Orient of Xew Granada , addressed to Grand Lodges , & c , of the United States . AA e append copies of these documents , as the subject treated of is of grave importance , and should be thoroughly understood by every brother who desires to know something
more of Alasonic matters than he can pick up from his own daily observation . " Ad Universi Terrarum Orliis Simni ArcUtecli Gloriam . '' Grand Orient of Xeo Granadino , Cartagena , the 4 th day of the 1 st AI . : M . : Xisan 5865 , corresponding to tbe 31 st of March , A . D . 1865 . "To tbe MW
.. " By the documents whieh you will see published in the official Alasonic Register , Xo . 27 , which I have the honour to transmit herewith , you will be apprised of the disorder whieh has been introduced in this Grand Orient by a few erring Masons in the valley of Bogota , pretending , in open violation of our respected Constitution , to create a new Grand Orient in this Republic .
"By said documents yon will see the strict conduct which the Alosfc Serene Masonic Senate , the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General and myself have observed under such afflictive circumstances , and of tlie feeling- we entertain of exercising full discip line till we fell to the ground the simulacbre of such a new Alasonic power , created in the very face of the legitimate Alasonic government established heresaid spurious body
, not having found any countenance amongst the true Alasons under our jurisdiction . " I do not entertain the least doubt as to the speedy establishment of order in this Grand Orient , and I entertain the hope that these erring brothers will retrace their steps , giving a
public testimony of their repentance . " But in order to terminate as soon as possible such an unpleasant state of things , and to make a proper manifestation of high morality , striking a death-blow to such unlimited and unjustifiable proceedings of those who have brought scandal and discord to the sacred places where peace , harmony , and silence ought to reign , I think proper ancl necessary , illustrious and puissant brotherto ask of you to lend us without delay your co-operation
, by issuing an edict disapproving and condemning the unlawful acts of those at Bogota , and ordering that these erring brethren whom I have previously suspended be not admitted in the bodies under your jurisdiction , and that you will approve all our proceedings and resolutions , as being in accordance with the traditionary and constant practice of the Constitutions of the Order .
" AA'ith such proceedings you will perform an immense service to Alasonry , and the faithful and true Alasons of the Grand Orient of Xew Granada will always remember with pleasure your exalted feelings , and the solicitude with whieh you have guarded the sacred treasures which have been entrusted to you . With high consideration I salute you , puissant brother , with all the signs and tokens known to us .
" AsTomo A . TATES , 33 D . "The first representative in cliargeof the executive power , by absence of tbe Grand Grand Master . " JUAN UOKOS , 33 , Secretary General . " The following is a copy of the document alluded to in the above circular , as translated from the official Alasonic register . " Proclamation of the 28 th Alarch , 1865 condemning , the
, Alasonic rebellion initiated in the district of Bogota . " The M . S . Grand Alaster of the Order , by virtue of the resolution of the M . S . Grand Alasonic Senate , dated the 23 rd day of the Alasonic month Ve-Adar 5861 ( 25 th March , 1805 , E . V . ) condemning the Alasonic rebellion formed in Bogota , and which