Article INDIA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article LADY MASONRY IN SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1
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CHAPTER HOPE , CALCUTTA . Chapter Hope ( No . 126 ) , held a convocation on Saturday , Sept . 7 th , M . E . Comp . F . Jennings presiding , for the election of principals for the ensuing year , and the exaltation of the following brethren : —J . H . Llewelyn , Surgeon , H . M . ' s 8 th Hussars , recommended by V . E . C . Llewelyn ; Hugh McLardy , Secretary Ganges Steam Company , of Lodge No . 285 ; R . A . O'Brien , Surgeon P . and
0 . Company , of Lodge No . 279 ; and R . M . Wibrow , of Lodge No . 551 . The last three , and two others who were afterwards proposed , viz ., Bros . iEneas Perkins , of No . 265 , and R . W . Pearce , of No . 284 , were exalted . M . E . Comp . Jennings was re-elected to the first chair , providing a dispensation could be obtained , he having already filled the office for three years and a half . But as , inaclverdently , the names of all those eligible for the Chair were not published in the summonsthe question of election has been
de-, ferred . E . G . John AV . Brown was elected to the Chair of II ., and E . C . John Martin to that of J . ; Comp . AV . Clark , C . E ., was reelected Principal Sojourner ; and Comp . J . G . Bowerman , Scribe E and Treasurer . LUCKNOW LODGE .
A member of Lodge 771 of England has sent us the following account of a visit paid by him to the Lucknow Lodge : — " I was at a pretty large gathering of Lodge Morning Star ( No . 810 ) , on the 12 th instant ( August ) . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , and . after new members had been hallotted for , a craftsman was raised by Bro . Capt . AV . Young , who performed the ceremony right ably , with a greater degree of solemnity , in fact , than I have seen it performed in many lodges both
in Europe and India . A fiber the lodge had been closed , the brethren sat down to an excellent supper ; and the evening was wound up with some really good music . On the whole , I was highly pleased with my visit to Lodge Morning Star . "
ROY BAREILLY LODGE . The new Lodge , Faith , Hope , and Charity , at Roy Bareilly , was opened and consecrated on the 26 th August , with the assistance of -the Master and Past Master of the Lucknow Lodge , Bros . Young and Macgrennan , for whom dawks had been laid , and who , on arrival , received a cordial welcome from the Roy Bareilly brethren . The W . M . Elect of the new lodgeBro . J . Grantof H . M's . 48 th
, , Segt ., had been previously installed at Lucknow . A full report of the consecration will appear in our next issue . Bro . J . J . L . Hoff , Offg . P . G . M ., and the following brethren of Lodge Morning Star , have been elected honorary members of Lodge , Faith , Hope , and Charity : —Bros . T . N . Young and J . F . Macgrennan , J . Russell , P . H . Knight , and E . R . II .. Hoff .
Royal Arch.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND CIIAPTEE . The half-yearly meeting of the Prov . Grand Chapter of AVest Yorkshire was holden at Bradford , on Wednesday , November 6 , in the new Masonic Hall , under the banner of the Chapter of Charity No . 379 ) .
The Chapter having been duly opened by Comp . Wm . Mawson , Z ., Dr . Taylor , H ., and J . T . Robinson , J ., the Prov . Grand Chapter entered . In the absence of the Prov . G . Sup ., from indisposition , Comp . the Rev . A . F . A . AA oodford , Prov . M . E . II . and P . Z . 364 , presided , together with M . E . John Booth , P . Prov . S . J . and P . Z . 322 , as H . ; and M . E . Comp . Wm . Coekin , Prov . G . Steward , and P . Z . 342 , as J . ; also Comps . Fox , as S . E . ; Wm . Clark , S . N . ; D . SalmondP . Soj . ; Henry Smith 1 st As . ; Thos . Hill 2 nd As . ;
, , , Wm . Dixon , Treas . ; also J . Pickard ; Henry Berlon , 379 ; J . H . Buckley , Michael Rogerson , AA . Mawson , AVilliam Gath , P . Z . ' s , 379 ; Dr . Taylor , J . T . Robinson , L . C . Hill , J . Gaunt , James Lumb , A . Hunter , J . J . Holmes , Dewhirst , J . Seed , J . Hill , J . J . Scha > ppi , H . 0 . Mawson , R . H . Ward , of Charity , ( No . ' . 379 ); Thos . Perkinton , Isaac Booth , Hy . AVardle , 73 ; J . Ahrens , 874 ; as well as companions from various towns in the Province . _ Comp . J . Peace officiated as Prov . G . Organist .
The M . E . Z . read letters of apology from M . E . George Fearnley , Prov . G . Sup . of West Yorkshire , on account of bronchitis , as also from Comp . R . R . Nelson , S . E ., from serious indisposition , as well as from M . E . Comp . Dr . Senior , P . Prov . II . The formal business of the chapter having been concluded , the M . E . Comp . BOOTH proposed , and M . E . Comp . COCKIN , J ., seconded ,
Royal Arch.
a vote of congratulation on behalf of Prov . G . Chapter , to the M . E . Z . and Comps . of the Chapter of Charity , in respect of the beautiful rooms where they were for the first time assembled ; the proposition met with a hearty response ; and was unanimously agreed to by the companions present . The M . E . Z . then alluded in feeling terms to the absence of the Prov . Grand Sup . through severe indispositionwhereupon it was
, , moved by P . G . Soj ., David Salmond , P . Z . 379 , and seconded by Comp . Dr . Taylor , that the best wishes of the Prov . G . Chapter be tendered to the M . E . Prov . G . Sup . for a speedy restoration to health ; and that the S . E . ^ conimunicate the resolution . It was unanimously resolved that the next meeting of the Prov . Grand Chapter be held at Huddersfield , under the banner of the Chapter of Perseverance ( No . 342 ) . There being no further
business , the Prov . Grand Chapter retired , and the Chapter of Charity was closed in antient form . The companions then adjourned to refreshments in the banquet room , where a repast had been provided , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given ; the companions having spent an agreeable evening , finally separated at nine o'clock .
Lady Masonry In Scotland.
The Ayr Advertiser informs us that " Major Thornton , who is very popular in Masonic circles , both here and in Edinburgh , having accepted the office of Grand Superintendent of the Eastern Star Degree ( Adoptive or Lady Freemasonry ) there is every prospect of its being placed upon a satisfactory footing in the western district of Scotland . The major Jhas , we believe , instructed his Secretary to frame a code of bye-laws by which the patrons of the Order will henceforth be regulated in conferring the degree , which is
becoming quite a favourite among the ladies , whose relationship to the Craft entitles them to receive it . The Head of the Order , Dr . Morris , has been communicated with on the introduction of the ' step' into Scotland , and will , no doubt , approve of and confirm the appointments which have already been made hy his depute , Capt , T . Wilson . The following appointments have been made , the brethren named being authorised to confer the degree : —Major Thornton , Prov . G . M . for the Western District of Scotland ; D .
Murray Lyon , Mother Kilwinning , Sen . Patron and Sec . ; George Good , Patron in Ayr Kilwinning ; James Rowan , do . in Ayr Operative ; David Bingham , do . in Ayr Royal Arch ; William Chambers , do . in Ayr St . Paul . Capt . Gairdner , of 43 , Carrickfergus , was , along with eight others , last week initiated by the Mother Kilwining Patron ; and doubtless ere this the Eastern Star has deigned to emit its many-hued rays upon the fair ones in the northern parts of Erin's isle .
[ AVe trust that the nonsense ^ will not be allow ed to extend to England—though we have heard of the degree being conferred in Fleet-street . ]
NOVEMBER . —The flowers are withered , and we expatiate no more upon their many beauties ; speak we then of the fadeless glories of the holy men which bloom everlastingly in the memory of the church . It was a fine idea which caused the festival of All Saints to be appointed for the first of November . It comes not with the new-born year , ere the echo of the Christmas carol has died away , and whilst the star of the Epiphany yet shines above
the horizon . It comes not in the joyous spring time , when the earth is entwining herself with garlands , and the glorious Easter Hymn swells from a thousand throats ; not when we rejoice in the summer's brightness ; not when we gather the luscious fruits of autumn , or watch the waving of the golden corn . No ; but when the branches of the trees are bare , and the sky is blue no longer ; when the year , growing old , shrouds his shattered beauties in thick fogswhen our hearts well misgive us on account of the
; may transient nature of all things here below ; then our thoughts are directed to the never-ending joys of the better land ; and , whilst we are exhorted to " run with patience the race that is set before us , " bright examples of those who have entered into their rest are given unto us , and in the festival of " All Saints " we celebrate " the great cloud of witnesses" which compasses us about . —English Woman ' s Domestic Magazine ( November ) .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHAPTER HOPE , CALCUTTA . Chapter Hope ( No . 126 ) , held a convocation on Saturday , Sept . 7 th , M . E . Comp . F . Jennings presiding , for the election of principals for the ensuing year , and the exaltation of the following brethren : —J . H . Llewelyn , Surgeon , H . M . ' s 8 th Hussars , recommended by V . E . C . Llewelyn ; Hugh McLardy , Secretary Ganges Steam Company , of Lodge No . 285 ; R . A . O'Brien , Surgeon P . and
0 . Company , of Lodge No . 279 ; and R . M . Wibrow , of Lodge No . 551 . The last three , and two others who were afterwards proposed , viz ., Bros . iEneas Perkins , of No . 265 , and R . W . Pearce , of No . 284 , were exalted . M . E . Comp . Jennings was re-elected to the first chair , providing a dispensation could be obtained , he having already filled the office for three years and a half . But as , inaclverdently , the names of all those eligible for the Chair were not published in the summonsthe question of election has been
de-, ferred . E . G . John AV . Brown was elected to the Chair of II ., and E . C . John Martin to that of J . ; Comp . AV . Clark , C . E ., was reelected Principal Sojourner ; and Comp . J . G . Bowerman , Scribe E and Treasurer . LUCKNOW LODGE .
A member of Lodge 771 of England has sent us the following account of a visit paid by him to the Lucknow Lodge : — " I was at a pretty large gathering of Lodge Morning Star ( No . 810 ) , on the 12 th instant ( August ) . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , and . after new members had been hallotted for , a craftsman was raised by Bro . Capt . AV . Young , who performed the ceremony right ably , with a greater degree of solemnity , in fact , than I have seen it performed in many lodges both
in Europe and India . A fiber the lodge had been closed , the brethren sat down to an excellent supper ; and the evening was wound up with some really good music . On the whole , I was highly pleased with my visit to Lodge Morning Star . "
ROY BAREILLY LODGE . The new Lodge , Faith , Hope , and Charity , at Roy Bareilly , was opened and consecrated on the 26 th August , with the assistance of -the Master and Past Master of the Lucknow Lodge , Bros . Young and Macgrennan , for whom dawks had been laid , and who , on arrival , received a cordial welcome from the Roy Bareilly brethren . The W . M . Elect of the new lodgeBro . J . Grantof H . M's . 48 th
, , Segt ., had been previously installed at Lucknow . A full report of the consecration will appear in our next issue . Bro . J . J . L . Hoff , Offg . P . G . M ., and the following brethren of Lodge Morning Star , have been elected honorary members of Lodge , Faith , Hope , and Charity : —Bros . T . N . Young and J . F . Macgrennan , J . Russell , P . H . Knight , and E . R . II .. Hoff .
Royal Arch.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND CIIAPTEE . The half-yearly meeting of the Prov . Grand Chapter of AVest Yorkshire was holden at Bradford , on Wednesday , November 6 , in the new Masonic Hall , under the banner of the Chapter of Charity No . 379 ) .
The Chapter having been duly opened by Comp . Wm . Mawson , Z ., Dr . Taylor , H ., and J . T . Robinson , J ., the Prov . Grand Chapter entered . In the absence of the Prov . G . Sup ., from indisposition , Comp . the Rev . A . F . A . AA oodford , Prov . M . E . II . and P . Z . 364 , presided , together with M . E . John Booth , P . Prov . S . J . and P . Z . 322 , as H . ; and M . E . Comp . Wm . Coekin , Prov . G . Steward , and P . Z . 342 , as J . ; also Comps . Fox , as S . E . ; Wm . Clark , S . N . ; D . SalmondP . Soj . ; Henry Smith 1 st As . ; Thos . Hill 2 nd As . ;
, , , Wm . Dixon , Treas . ; also J . Pickard ; Henry Berlon , 379 ; J . H . Buckley , Michael Rogerson , AA . Mawson , AVilliam Gath , P . Z . ' s , 379 ; Dr . Taylor , J . T . Robinson , L . C . Hill , J . Gaunt , James Lumb , A . Hunter , J . J . Holmes , Dewhirst , J . Seed , J . Hill , J . J . Scha > ppi , H . 0 . Mawson , R . H . Ward , of Charity , ( No . ' . 379 ); Thos . Perkinton , Isaac Booth , Hy . AVardle , 73 ; J . Ahrens , 874 ; as well as companions from various towns in the Province . _ Comp . J . Peace officiated as Prov . G . Organist .
The M . E . Z . read letters of apology from M . E . George Fearnley , Prov . G . Sup . of West Yorkshire , on account of bronchitis , as also from Comp . R . R . Nelson , S . E ., from serious indisposition , as well as from M . E . Comp . Dr . Senior , P . Prov . II . The formal business of the chapter having been concluded , the M . E . Comp . BOOTH proposed , and M . E . Comp . COCKIN , J ., seconded ,
Royal Arch.
a vote of congratulation on behalf of Prov . G . Chapter , to the M . E . Z . and Comps . of the Chapter of Charity , in respect of the beautiful rooms where they were for the first time assembled ; the proposition met with a hearty response ; and was unanimously agreed to by the companions present . The M . E . Z . then alluded in feeling terms to the absence of the Prov . Grand Sup . through severe indispositionwhereupon it was
, , moved by P . G . Soj ., David Salmond , P . Z . 379 , and seconded by Comp . Dr . Taylor , that the best wishes of the Prov . G . Chapter be tendered to the M . E . Prov . G . Sup . for a speedy restoration to health ; and that the S . E . ^ conimunicate the resolution . It was unanimously resolved that the next meeting of the Prov . Grand Chapter be held at Huddersfield , under the banner of the Chapter of Perseverance ( No . 342 ) . There being no further
business , the Prov . Grand Chapter retired , and the Chapter of Charity was closed in antient form . The companions then adjourned to refreshments in the banquet room , where a repast had been provided , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given ; the companions having spent an agreeable evening , finally separated at nine o'clock .
Lady Masonry In Scotland.
The Ayr Advertiser informs us that " Major Thornton , who is very popular in Masonic circles , both here and in Edinburgh , having accepted the office of Grand Superintendent of the Eastern Star Degree ( Adoptive or Lady Freemasonry ) there is every prospect of its being placed upon a satisfactory footing in the western district of Scotland . The major Jhas , we believe , instructed his Secretary to frame a code of bye-laws by which the patrons of the Order will henceforth be regulated in conferring the degree , which is
becoming quite a favourite among the ladies , whose relationship to the Craft entitles them to receive it . The Head of the Order , Dr . Morris , has been communicated with on the introduction of the ' step' into Scotland , and will , no doubt , approve of and confirm the appointments which have already been made hy his depute , Capt , T . Wilson . The following appointments have been made , the brethren named being authorised to confer the degree : —Major Thornton , Prov . G . M . for the Western District of Scotland ; D .
Murray Lyon , Mother Kilwinning , Sen . Patron and Sec . ; George Good , Patron in Ayr Kilwinning ; James Rowan , do . in Ayr Operative ; David Bingham , do . in Ayr Royal Arch ; William Chambers , do . in Ayr St . Paul . Capt . Gairdner , of 43 , Carrickfergus , was , along with eight others , last week initiated by the Mother Kilwining Patron ; and doubtless ere this the Eastern Star has deigned to emit its many-hued rays upon the fair ones in the northern parts of Erin's isle .
[ AVe trust that the nonsense ^ will not be allow ed to extend to England—though we have heard of the degree being conferred in Fleet-street . ]
NOVEMBER . —The flowers are withered , and we expatiate no more upon their many beauties ; speak we then of the fadeless glories of the holy men which bloom everlastingly in the memory of the church . It was a fine idea which caused the festival of All Saints to be appointed for the first of November . It comes not with the new-born year , ere the echo of the Christmas carol has died away , and whilst the star of the Epiphany yet shines above
the horizon . It comes not in the joyous spring time , when the earth is entwining herself with garlands , and the glorious Easter Hymn swells from a thousand throats ; not when we rejoice in the summer's brightness ; not when we gather the luscious fruits of autumn , or watch the waving of the golden corn . No ; but when the branches of the trees are bare , and the sky is blue no longer ; when the year , growing old , shrouds his shattered beauties in thick fogswhen our hearts well misgive us on account of the
; may transient nature of all things here below ; then our thoughts are directed to the never-ending joys of the better land ; and , whilst we are exhorted to " run with patience the race that is set before us , " bright examples of those who have entered into their rest are given unto us , and in the festival of " All Saints " we celebrate " the great cloud of witnesses" which compasses us about . —English Woman ' s Domestic Magazine ( November ) .