Article THE "WEEK. ← Page 3 of 3 Article SPECIAL NOTICE. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The "Week.
gal in 1855 . The Duke has already been proclaimed King , under the title of Fernando II . A Portuguese frigate , accompanied by an English and a French steamer , and having the Portuguese Minister of Marine on board , had left the Tagus to meet the vessel which bears the new King to Lisbon . The King of the Belgians has opened the Belgian Chambers in person . The Spanish cortes were opened by the Queen in person on the 8 th hist . Her Majesty , in her speech , informed the members that
measures for constitutional reform would be laid before them , and also made the gratifying announcement that the revenue covered the . expenditure . On the following day the ministerial candidate was elected . President of the Cortes by 214 votes against 89 given for the opposition- candidate . Unfavourable evidence of the discipline of the Italian army is afforded by the announcement that both , at Milan and Piacenza disorderly manifestations have been made by somo soldiers , who demanded that war should be
declared , or that they should be allowed to return to their homes . It is said , too , that in Modena and the Romagna considerable difficulty is experienced by the authorities in oilforcing the levy of recruits , and that thousands of refractory conscripts or deserters are scattered through the country . The health of the King of Prussia being restored , his . Majesty , the Queen , and the Crown Prince , intend to proceed to-day to Breslan . The Crown Princessbthe advice of her physicianswill not
ac-, y , company the Royal party . It is stated that some . 600 of the St . Petersburg students ore now . imprisoned . in the fortress , while the number at liberty , excluding some 300 Poles who have returned to AVarsaw , does not exceed 600 or 700 . At Moscow , the numbers arrested appear to have been smaller ; but some 20 or 30 students were severely wounded by the swords of the troopers , who dispersed them when they assembled near the governor's dwelling . ——The struggle between the Turks and the Montenegrins is pursued with
great rancour . The chief of the insurgents has set a price of a thousand sequins on the head of Omar Pacha . Funds are being supplied from various quarters to the insurgents , who are reported , to be very , sanguine and exultant . Letters from Ragusa deny the rumours of a defeat of the Turks by the insurgents at Piva . It is alleged at Constantinople that a secret treaty for an offensive and defensive alliance . has been concluded between Austria and Turkey , in : view of eventualities which may arise in Montenegro , Servia , and Dalmatia . By a despatch from Constantinople , we learn that . all differences in regard to the union of the Danubian
Principalities have been settled by the European . Conference assembled , in that city . AMEEICA . —By the arrival of the Arabia we have intelligence from New York to the 31 st nit , There , had been no movement in the forces on the Potomac , and the long-talked of battle there was still to come off . The great naval expedition sailed from Hanipton Roads on the 29 th October . On the day previous General Sherman issued . a general order , stating that the Federal armywould make a
, descent on the Southern , states under circumstances requiring great coolness , vigilance , and intrepidity . The same day the captains received their sealed orders . Two or three minor engagements are reported , in all , of which the Confederates were worsted . The most important appears to be an affair at Romney , in AA estern Alrginia , where General Killey routed the Southerners , capturing three cannon and all the camp eqaipage . In Missouri the body
guard of General Fremont had driven a force of 2000 Confederates from Springfield , and the general ' s advance guard was approaching the town . General Henderson , with 400 men , had also capitulated . In Kentucky the Federals were said to be gaining ground . intelligence confirms the rumour that General Fremont was to be superseded in his command in Missouri . The order was sent b y special messenger to General Curtiss , with directions to the latter to deliver it to General Fremont , unless he was actually in presence
of the enemy . Great doubts are entertained whether the latter will obey the order . Instructions have been issued to the commander of the naval expedition in regard to the disposition of the slaves . Their services are to he availed of whenever offered for military or other purposes ; but loyal masters of such slaves are informed that Congress will compensate them for any loss they may sustain thereby . APEICA . —The AVest Coast of Africa mail brings the gratifing
y intelligence of the safety of the long lost African explorer , Dr . Barkai . For two years nothing had been heard of him , but we now learn that during that time he has been sojourning among the natives ; that be is in good health and at the last accounts was at the confluence of the Niger .- The representations made to the King of Dahomey by the British Government against his diabolical maasacres have bad no effect on that monster , and he is now preparing another sacrifice , at which 2000 human beings are to be beheaded .
- A native plot had been discovered , and frustrated , for capturing the acting Governor of Lagos and massacreing the merchants . The dispute between the King of Bonny and his subjects had not been settled , and the country was in a very disturbed state .
Special Notice.
AA ith the MAGAZINE , of Nov . 2 , a beautiful Steel Engraving of the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . G ., P . D . G . M ., in full Masonic costume , was presented gratuitously to every subscriber to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . The Engraving has been executed in the highest style of art , by
Posselwhite , from a photograph by Mayall . A few copies for framing ( suitable for lodge and other presents ) may be had as follows ;—India Proofs , before letters ( which must be ordered immediately ) 7 6
India Proofs ( after letters ) 5 0 Large Plate Paper 3 0 A few proof impressions of the Right Hon . Earl of Zetland ,. G . Master , may still be had : Lidia paper , 5 s . ; ' large plate paper , 3 s ,
To Correspondents.
TO SUBSCRIBERS AND OTHERS . —All remittances by cheque , post , office orders , & c , are to be made payable to the Proprietor , Mr . AVilliam Smith , C . E ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . COMMUNICATIONS for the EDITOR to be addressed to H . G . Warren-Esq ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand .
ALL OEDEES or Communications with respect to the publishing department to be addressed to the Publisher , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . J . B . —There is much truth in what you say , but the rule must be drawn , somewhere , and wherever drawn , should he adhered to . AVe hold , notwithstanding it may not rank so high as that of Prov . G , Warden , that there is no office more honourable than that of Prov . G . Treasurer .
AV . D . P . —1 . A Senior Warden cannot be displaced and a successor appointed during his year of office because he has not been punctual in his attendance . . The bye-laws of a lodge cannot override the Book of Constitutions . Have the bye-laws been sanctioned by the Grand Master ? 2 . A brother is not a Past Master until he has completed his year of office . 3 . AVe consider the Corinthian pillar being third on the list hi the definition of Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty , its proper place is in the south .
It has no reference to the two great pillars supporting the lodge . 4 . If the Scribe E . does not give the proper notice of the meeting of a Chapter for the installation of the new officers , the first principal should see to it , the chapter being under his care and guidance ; but if the scribe E . has not give sufficiently long notice we do not know how the first principal can rectify the error without he appoints another day , which he will not be justified in doing if the bye-laws provide for the chapter meeting at a defined period for such installations .
II . N . —AVe must even rest under the imputation of " partisanship in throwing the shield of your Editorial protection over my opponent ( Bro . Tweddell ) , who set the 'ball a rolling , ' and when his two letters presented such an extensive fiefd for analysis that I have been i prevented from ' catawampously chawing him up . ' " —rather than reopen the correspondence—as we shall always deem it our duty at once . to close any correspondence when a brother taking part in it has evidently lost his temperno
, matter whom that brother , may be . G . B . — "Will see from our reply to H . N . that we are also compelled to decline inserting bis favour , as should we do so we might he provoking more " last words , " which had better be avoided . S . S . —Any day but Thursday .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The "Week.
gal in 1855 . The Duke has already been proclaimed King , under the title of Fernando II . A Portuguese frigate , accompanied by an English and a French steamer , and having the Portuguese Minister of Marine on board , had left the Tagus to meet the vessel which bears the new King to Lisbon . The King of the Belgians has opened the Belgian Chambers in person . The Spanish cortes were opened by the Queen in person on the 8 th hist . Her Majesty , in her speech , informed the members that
measures for constitutional reform would be laid before them , and also made the gratifying announcement that the revenue covered the . expenditure . On the following day the ministerial candidate was elected . President of the Cortes by 214 votes against 89 given for the opposition- candidate . Unfavourable evidence of the discipline of the Italian army is afforded by the announcement that both , at Milan and Piacenza disorderly manifestations have been made by somo soldiers , who demanded that war should be
declared , or that they should be allowed to return to their homes . It is said , too , that in Modena and the Romagna considerable difficulty is experienced by the authorities in oilforcing the levy of recruits , and that thousands of refractory conscripts or deserters are scattered through the country . The health of the King of Prussia being restored , his . Majesty , the Queen , and the Crown Prince , intend to proceed to-day to Breslan . The Crown Princessbthe advice of her physicianswill not
ac-, y , company the Royal party . It is stated that some . 600 of the St . Petersburg students ore now . imprisoned . in the fortress , while the number at liberty , excluding some 300 Poles who have returned to AVarsaw , does not exceed 600 or 700 . At Moscow , the numbers arrested appear to have been smaller ; but some 20 or 30 students were severely wounded by the swords of the troopers , who dispersed them when they assembled near the governor's dwelling . ——The struggle between the Turks and the Montenegrins is pursued with
great rancour . The chief of the insurgents has set a price of a thousand sequins on the head of Omar Pacha . Funds are being supplied from various quarters to the insurgents , who are reported , to be very , sanguine and exultant . Letters from Ragusa deny the rumours of a defeat of the Turks by the insurgents at Piva . It is alleged at Constantinople that a secret treaty for an offensive and defensive alliance . has been concluded between Austria and Turkey , in : view of eventualities which may arise in Montenegro , Servia , and Dalmatia . By a despatch from Constantinople , we learn that . all differences in regard to the union of the Danubian
Principalities have been settled by the European . Conference assembled , in that city . AMEEICA . —By the arrival of the Arabia we have intelligence from New York to the 31 st nit , There , had been no movement in the forces on the Potomac , and the long-talked of battle there was still to come off . The great naval expedition sailed from Hanipton Roads on the 29 th October . On the day previous General Sherman issued . a general order , stating that the Federal armywould make a
, descent on the Southern , states under circumstances requiring great coolness , vigilance , and intrepidity . The same day the captains received their sealed orders . Two or three minor engagements are reported , in all , of which the Confederates were worsted . The most important appears to be an affair at Romney , in AA estern Alrginia , where General Killey routed the Southerners , capturing three cannon and all the camp eqaipage . In Missouri the body
guard of General Fremont had driven a force of 2000 Confederates from Springfield , and the general ' s advance guard was approaching the town . General Henderson , with 400 men , had also capitulated . In Kentucky the Federals were said to be gaining ground . intelligence confirms the rumour that General Fremont was to be superseded in his command in Missouri . The order was sent b y special messenger to General Curtiss , with directions to the latter to deliver it to General Fremont , unless he was actually in presence
of the enemy . Great doubts are entertained whether the latter will obey the order . Instructions have been issued to the commander of the naval expedition in regard to the disposition of the slaves . Their services are to he availed of whenever offered for military or other purposes ; but loyal masters of such slaves are informed that Congress will compensate them for any loss they may sustain thereby . APEICA . —The AVest Coast of Africa mail brings the gratifing
y intelligence of the safety of the long lost African explorer , Dr . Barkai . For two years nothing had been heard of him , but we now learn that during that time he has been sojourning among the natives ; that be is in good health and at the last accounts was at the confluence of the Niger .- The representations made to the King of Dahomey by the British Government against his diabolical maasacres have bad no effect on that monster , and he is now preparing another sacrifice , at which 2000 human beings are to be beheaded .
- A native plot had been discovered , and frustrated , for capturing the acting Governor of Lagos and massacreing the merchants . The dispute between the King of Bonny and his subjects had not been settled , and the country was in a very disturbed state .
Special Notice.
AA ith the MAGAZINE , of Nov . 2 , a beautiful Steel Engraving of the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . G ., P . D . G . M ., in full Masonic costume , was presented gratuitously to every subscriber to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . The Engraving has been executed in the highest style of art , by
Posselwhite , from a photograph by Mayall . A few copies for framing ( suitable for lodge and other presents ) may be had as follows ;—India Proofs , before letters ( which must be ordered immediately ) 7 6
India Proofs ( after letters ) 5 0 Large Plate Paper 3 0 A few proof impressions of the Right Hon . Earl of Zetland ,. G . Master , may still be had : Lidia paper , 5 s . ; ' large plate paper , 3 s ,
To Correspondents.
TO SUBSCRIBERS AND OTHERS . —All remittances by cheque , post , office orders , & c , are to be made payable to the Proprietor , Mr . AVilliam Smith , C . E ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . COMMUNICATIONS for the EDITOR to be addressed to H . G . Warren-Esq ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand .
ALL OEDEES or Communications with respect to the publishing department to be addressed to the Publisher , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . J . B . —There is much truth in what you say , but the rule must be drawn , somewhere , and wherever drawn , should he adhered to . AVe hold , notwithstanding it may not rank so high as that of Prov . G , Warden , that there is no office more honourable than that of Prov . G . Treasurer .
AV . D . P . —1 . A Senior Warden cannot be displaced and a successor appointed during his year of office because he has not been punctual in his attendance . . The bye-laws of a lodge cannot override the Book of Constitutions . Have the bye-laws been sanctioned by the Grand Master ? 2 . A brother is not a Past Master until he has completed his year of office . 3 . AVe consider the Corinthian pillar being third on the list hi the definition of Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty , its proper place is in the south .
It has no reference to the two great pillars supporting the lodge . 4 . If the Scribe E . does not give the proper notice of the meeting of a Chapter for the installation of the new officers , the first principal should see to it , the chapter being under his care and guidance ; but if the scribe E . has not give sufficiently long notice we do not know how the first principal can rectify the error without he appoints another day , which he will not be justified in doing if the bye-laws provide for the chapter meeting at a defined period for such installations .
II . N . —AVe must even rest under the imputation of " partisanship in throwing the shield of your Editorial protection over my opponent ( Bro . Tweddell ) , who set the 'ball a rolling , ' and when his two letters presented such an extensive fiefd for analysis that I have been i prevented from ' catawampously chawing him up . ' " —rather than reopen the correspondence—as we shall always deem it our duty at once . to close any correspondence when a brother taking part in it has evidently lost his temperno
, matter whom that brother , may be . G . B . — "Will see from our reply to H . N . that we are also compelled to decline inserting bis favour , as should we do so we might he provoking more " last words , " which had better be avoided . S . S . —Any day but Thursday .