Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . - * * All communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , ' . Strand , London , AV . C .
WE hope to he able to give a report of the consecration of the Eoyal Denbigh Lodge ( No . 1 , 143 ) in our next number . AYE have great pleasure in referring our readers , and more especially London brethren , to the announcement in our report of the " Metropolitan Lodgo of Instruction , " at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , that the ceremony of consecration will bo
• worked by Bro . I ? . W . Little on the 22 nd inst ., assisted by other able Past Masters , after which the installation ceremony will be rehearsed by Bro . J . Brett . There are many brethren anxious to witness the solemn rite of consecration , and an admirable opportunity will thus be afforded them of seeing it efficiently rendered .
TnE Rosierucian Society will meet at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Thursday the 22 nd inst ., under the presidency of the Master-General , Bro . Little , who will deliver an address on medimval philosophy with especinl reference to the psychological teachings of the ancient Eosicrucians . A large muster of brethren is expected .
IT is with deep regret wo announce the sudden demise ol Bro . Plowman , of tho Apollo University Lodgo , Oxford . AVo have received an account of tho sarno from a worthy brother , which wo intend inserting in our next .
PEEEECT ASHLAR LODGE ( No . 1 , 172 ) . —At the regular meeting held—after the consecration on the 3 rd ult . —at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , on the 7 th inst ., Bro . Dr . Dixon I' . AI . and Treas ., presided in the chair of K . S . as the W . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . J . Donlcin , W . M . A letter was read from the J . W , Bro . J . AV . Avery , P . M ., regretting his absence , which was caused by a severe attack of illness . The greatest regret and sympathwas expressed for
y this most popular and highly respected brother ' s absence , and if good wishes could possibly restore anyone ' s health , ho hud them expressed for him by all present . The disappointment of the absence of two such popular brethren us the AV . AL and J . W . was , in a measure , somewhat modified by the members who did duty for them . The following members were officers for the evening , and all doing their dutin an admirable manner made the
cerey mony of initiation a still greater success than what the most sanguine could have even hoped for , viz .: —Bros . P . H . Ebsworth , S . W . ; J . Green , S . D . as J . AV .: P . Walters , P . AL , Sec . ; T . Blakeley , F . M . as S . D . ; II . Bartlett , J . V . ; 1 ) . Rose , I . G . ; . G . J . Grace , D . C . ; J . W . Dudley , Wine Steward ; S . S . Huntley , A . D . Steel , and others were present during the course of the evening . The lodge being opened , the minutes of the previous
lodge meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Messrs . Milner , Sneesby , Harmsworth , White , Fudge , AA'est , Ruse , Butcher , and Cross , who had in open lodge at the previous meeting been proposed as candidates for Freemasonry , wero each balloted for separately , and in every instance declared to be unanimously elected as members . Messrs . Pudge , West , Harmsworth , Butcher , and Buse being attendance were each
introtroduced separately , and in a superior manner—both for earnestness , impressiveness , and dignity—were duly and regularly initiated into the mysteries and the privileges of ancient . Freemasonry . The ballots having been taken separately for the three joining members , they were , on each occasion , declared to be in favour of their admission . The superior manner in which Bro . Dr . Dixon , P . AI . 73 and 871 , P . Z . 73 , did the alli-mportant ceremony of the live initiations proves him to be one of the foremost brethren amongst the lirst-c-1-. iss workers of Freemasonry who abound ou the Surrey side of the Thames , and of
which the South Eastern district abounds in numbers . The younger members of the Alount Lebanon Lodge , No . 73 , who were the principle founders of this lodge were loud in their commendations of the excellent work they had witnessed . It was the first time they had ever seen Dr . Dixon ' s working , for since he occupied the chair and installed Bro . P . Walters , P . ALtherehe has not had any chance of doing any of the
| , , work of that lodge , as his successors , viz ., Bros . H . G . Baker , II . Sladc , P . Waiters , E . N . Licvy , 11 . Moore , J . C . Gooddy , and G . Morris ( the present Alasters ) , have attained such proficiency that no brother has had to do the work for them , I not even the installations ; hence it was unknown to the ' members of No . 73 who were members of this lodge
younger , what a really proficient worker the lodge possessed in Bro . Dr . Dixon . No doubt a similar proficiency will be attained by the members of this lodge , for amongst the junior officers are some who have worked the fifteen sections , tnd the P . M . ' s , members of the lodgo have already iu their own lodges installed their successors , so for the future working of this lodge there are lenty of good workers . There cannot be any necessity to
p go elsewhere for any brother to do any ceremony for them . One brother was proposed for a joining member at the next lodge meeting . The by-Jaws were read and agreed to . Business being ended the lodge was closed and the meeting adjourned until Thursday , December 5 th . The usual good banquet followed ; after a few hours spent in an agreeable social intercourse the brethren separated .
INSTRUCTION . NEW CON -CORD LODGE . Seventh Anniversary Festival . Tho Seventh Anniversary Festival of the Now Concord Lodgo of Instruction took place on AVednesday , tho 13 th inst ., at Bro . Gahli ' s , tho 'Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . Bro . Emmons , tho indefatigable P . M . , Sl ( i , presided . There was a numerous
attendance of tho brothron : in all fifty wore present . The instillation ceremony was impressively delivered by Bro . Emmens , after which ho delivered tho after addresses , which wore listened to with wrapt attention , and much applauded at tho close . Other business—which , for want ol space , wo are compelled to leave out—was gone through , and tho brothron adjourned to refreshment . After tho cloth bad boon removed—Bro . Emmons said ho had no doubt it would increase tho ardour
tho public , particularly Freemasons , to make tho toast Jro was about to give them a Alasonic toast : ho would give them " Tho Ciueon and tho Craft . " Tho toast was well-received . Tho AV . AI . said tho next toast ho had tho propose ho was quite * sure they would do great justice to . They had a monarch of their own wbo ruled them in a manner which caused him to bo looked up to with tho greatest respect , for ho was over ready to give tlioin any advice thoy wanted , aud promote tho interests of Frooniasom-y in every respect . Tho M . AV . G-. AI . had boon pleased to appoint him ( Bro . Emmons ) a Grand OJlicor , aud ho could not refrain from saving that ho never mot with anything but tho
greatest kindness « ' his hands . Ho , thorotoro , asked thorn to join with him in drinking to their monarch in Freemasonry , " Tho M . W . G . M ., tho Earl of Zetland . " Tho toast was received enthusiastically . Bro . Purdy proposed " Tho Health of the AVAL , Bro . Emmous , " to which all honour was done . Tho AV . AI ., in rising to respond to tho toast , said ho heartily thanked them for tho kind manner iu which thoy had responded
to tho toast , and Bro . Purdy for proposing it . Ho folt indobtod to them all for tho zealous manner iu which thoy had responded to tho toast . Ho could not but feel a deep interest iu tho Now Concord Lodgo of Instruction , having boou tho founder of tho mother lodgo aud tho promoter of this—tho Lodgo of Instruction . At tho same timo ho had not been in tho habit of attending so frequently as ho ought to have clone , for it so liapponod that tho Board of 13 onovolonco hold its meotiugs usually on tho same night .
Ho also thought , as au old friend had said to him tho other day , that , as thoy wore getting older , tho younger members ought to tako their places , llo was glad to iiud that tho younger members had eomo forward aud exerted themselves as thoy had dono . It reflected groat credit upon thorn , for it augured well lor the prosperity of the lodge . When they came to consider the many excellent lodges which held their meetings in the city of Loudon , and were attended by some of the first
men in the Craft , it was surprising that so many should be found to attend the New Concord . He was proud to say that the lodge , which had only been established since the latter par
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . - * * All communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , ' . Strand , London , AV . C .
WE hope to he able to give a report of the consecration of the Eoyal Denbigh Lodge ( No . 1 , 143 ) in our next number . AYE have great pleasure in referring our readers , and more especially London brethren , to the announcement in our report of the " Metropolitan Lodgo of Instruction , " at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , that the ceremony of consecration will bo
• worked by Bro . I ? . W . Little on the 22 nd inst ., assisted by other able Past Masters , after which the installation ceremony will be rehearsed by Bro . J . Brett . There are many brethren anxious to witness the solemn rite of consecration , and an admirable opportunity will thus be afforded them of seeing it efficiently rendered .
TnE Rosierucian Society will meet at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Thursday the 22 nd inst ., under the presidency of the Master-General , Bro . Little , who will deliver an address on medimval philosophy with especinl reference to the psychological teachings of the ancient Eosicrucians . A large muster of brethren is expected .
IT is with deep regret wo announce the sudden demise ol Bro . Plowman , of tho Apollo University Lodgo , Oxford . AVo have received an account of tho sarno from a worthy brother , which wo intend inserting in our next .
PEEEECT ASHLAR LODGE ( No . 1 , 172 ) . —At the regular meeting held—after the consecration on the 3 rd ult . —at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , on the 7 th inst ., Bro . Dr . Dixon I' . AI . and Treas ., presided in the chair of K . S . as the W . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . J . Donlcin , W . M . A letter was read from the J . W , Bro . J . AV . Avery , P . M ., regretting his absence , which was caused by a severe attack of illness . The greatest regret and sympathwas expressed for
y this most popular and highly respected brother ' s absence , and if good wishes could possibly restore anyone ' s health , ho hud them expressed for him by all present . The disappointment of the absence of two such popular brethren us the AV . AL and J . W . was , in a measure , somewhat modified by the members who did duty for them . The following members were officers for the evening , and all doing their dutin an admirable manner made the
cerey mony of initiation a still greater success than what the most sanguine could have even hoped for , viz .: —Bros . P . H . Ebsworth , S . W . ; J . Green , S . D . as J . AV .: P . Walters , P . AL , Sec . ; T . Blakeley , F . M . as S . D . ; II . Bartlett , J . V . ; 1 ) . Rose , I . G . ; . G . J . Grace , D . C . ; J . W . Dudley , Wine Steward ; S . S . Huntley , A . D . Steel , and others were present during the course of the evening . The lodge being opened , the minutes of the previous
lodge meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Messrs . Milner , Sneesby , Harmsworth , White , Fudge , AA'est , Ruse , Butcher , and Cross , who had in open lodge at the previous meeting been proposed as candidates for Freemasonry , wero each balloted for separately , and in every instance declared to be unanimously elected as members . Messrs . Pudge , West , Harmsworth , Butcher , and Buse being attendance were each
introtroduced separately , and in a superior manner—both for earnestness , impressiveness , and dignity—were duly and regularly initiated into the mysteries and the privileges of ancient . Freemasonry . The ballots having been taken separately for the three joining members , they were , on each occasion , declared to be in favour of their admission . The superior manner in which Bro . Dr . Dixon , P . AI . 73 and 871 , P . Z . 73 , did the alli-mportant ceremony of the live initiations proves him to be one of the foremost brethren amongst the lirst-c-1-. iss workers of Freemasonry who abound ou the Surrey side of the Thames , and of
which the South Eastern district abounds in numbers . The younger members of the Alount Lebanon Lodge , No . 73 , who were the principle founders of this lodge were loud in their commendations of the excellent work they had witnessed . It was the first time they had ever seen Dr . Dixon ' s working , for since he occupied the chair and installed Bro . P . Walters , P . ALtherehe has not had any chance of doing any of the
| , , work of that lodge , as his successors , viz ., Bros . H . G . Baker , II . Sladc , P . Waiters , E . N . Licvy , 11 . Moore , J . C . Gooddy , and G . Morris ( the present Alasters ) , have attained such proficiency that no brother has had to do the work for them , I not even the installations ; hence it was unknown to the ' members of No . 73 who were members of this lodge
younger , what a really proficient worker the lodge possessed in Bro . Dr . Dixon . No doubt a similar proficiency will be attained by the members of this lodge , for amongst the junior officers are some who have worked the fifteen sections , tnd the P . M . ' s , members of the lodgo have already iu their own lodges installed their successors , so for the future working of this lodge there are lenty of good workers . There cannot be any necessity to
p go elsewhere for any brother to do any ceremony for them . One brother was proposed for a joining member at the next lodge meeting . The by-Jaws were read and agreed to . Business being ended the lodge was closed and the meeting adjourned until Thursday , December 5 th . The usual good banquet followed ; after a few hours spent in an agreeable social intercourse the brethren separated .
INSTRUCTION . NEW CON -CORD LODGE . Seventh Anniversary Festival . Tho Seventh Anniversary Festival of the Now Concord Lodgo of Instruction took place on AVednesday , tho 13 th inst ., at Bro . Gahli ' s , tho 'Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . Bro . Emmons , tho indefatigable P . M . , Sl ( i , presided . There was a numerous
attendance of tho brothron : in all fifty wore present . The instillation ceremony was impressively delivered by Bro . Emmens , after which ho delivered tho after addresses , which wore listened to with wrapt attention , and much applauded at tho close . Other business—which , for want ol space , wo are compelled to leave out—was gone through , and tho brothron adjourned to refreshment . After tho cloth bad boon removed—Bro . Emmons said ho had no doubt it would increase tho ardour
tho public , particularly Freemasons , to make tho toast Jro was about to give them a Alasonic toast : ho would give them " Tho Ciueon and tho Craft . " Tho toast was well-received . Tho AV . AI . said tho next toast ho had tho propose ho was quite * sure they would do great justice to . They had a monarch of their own wbo ruled them in a manner which caused him to bo looked up to with tho greatest respect , for ho was over ready to give tlioin any advice thoy wanted , aud promote tho interests of Frooniasom-y in every respect . Tho M . AV . G-. AI . had boon pleased to appoint him ( Bro . Emmons ) a Grand OJlicor , aud ho could not refrain from saving that ho never mot with anything but tho
greatest kindness « ' his hands . Ho , thorotoro , asked thorn to join with him in drinking to their monarch in Freemasonry , " Tho M . W . G . M ., tho Earl of Zetland . " Tho toast was received enthusiastically . Bro . Purdy proposed " Tho Health of the AVAL , Bro . Emmous , " to which all honour was done . Tho AV . AI ., in rising to respond to tho toast , said ho heartily thanked them for tho kind manner iu which thoy had responded
to tho toast , and Bro . Purdy for proposing it . Ho folt indobtod to them all for tho zealous manner iu which thoy had responded to tho toast . Ho could not but feel a deep interest iu tho Now Concord Lodgo of Instruction , having boou tho founder of tho mother lodgo aud tho promoter of this—tho Lodgo of Instruction . At tho same timo ho had not been in tho habit of attending so frequently as ho ought to have clone , for it so liapponod that tho Board of 13 onovolonco hold its meotiugs usually on tho same night .
Ho also thought , as au old friend had said to him tho other day , that , as thoy wore getting older , tho younger members ought to tako their places , llo was glad to iiud that tho younger members had eomo forward aud exerted themselves as thoy had dono . It reflected groat credit upon thorn , for it augured well lor the prosperity of the lodge . When they came to consider the many excellent lodges which held their meetings in the city of Loudon , and were attended by some of the first
men in the Craft , it was surprising that so many should be found to attend the New Concord . He was proud to say that the lodge , which had only been established since the latter par