Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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of I 860 , had become governors of nearly all the Charities , and had been paid from the funds of the lodge . As they well knew , all the monies collected , after the expenses were paid , were devoted to the Charities . The lodge had been in existence since October , I 860 , and during that time tho sum of £ 32 2 s ., had been given to their Alasonic Charities . He believed before the year had expired they would be able to increase their subscriptions to tho Girls' Schooland they would then have become
, governors of all the Alasonic Charities , If they were to go on as they had done , if thoy were to have such largo attendances as they had that evening , they would soon become doublegovernors of all the Institutions . He was very glad to see so many brethren present that evening , and he begged to thank them for the manner in which his name had been received and the way in which they had responded to the toast , so kindly
proposed by Bro . Pnrdey . Before lie sat down he begged to propose , what he would call the toast of the evening , " Prosperity to the New Concord Lodge of Instruction . " The brethren would agree with him that there was one amongst them who deserved their praise . They had met him frequently in that lodge when there was scarcely sufficient to form a lodge , and he was always ready and willing to lend his able
assistance as Secretary to this N ' ew Concord Lodge of Instruction . Everyone must agree with him that Bro . Spratt , their Secretary , deserved their best thanks . He gave them " The New Concord Lodge of Instruction , " coupled with the name of Bro . Spratt . A really good fire was given . Bro . Spratt returned thanks in suitable terms . The AA . M . said there was one other toast he should bo doing
wrong to forget , viz ., "The Visiting- Brethren , " those brethren who were not members of the lodge ; and he would allude more particularly to the brethren of the Athelstan Lodge . He trusted they would receive a good fire . He gave " The Visiting Brethren , " coupled with the name of Bro . Coleman , of the Athelstan Lodge . The toast was most warmly received , and afterwards acknowledged . Other toasts and songs wore given , after which the brethren separated .
METROPOLITAN LODGE OE INSTRUCTION — On Friday , the 1 st inst ., the fifteen sections were worked at tiie above lodge , held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , under the presidency of J 3 ro . ; Tames Brett , P . AL , the able preceptor of the lodge , and supported by some of tho most efficient Alasons in London , amongst whom we may mention the veteran Bros . John Thomas , P . AL , T . H . Foulger , Latrielle , Pedler , Jaquin , & c , who rendered the various sections assigned to them in such a correct ancl impressive
manner as to elicit the heartiest applause from the crowded assembly of brethren . After cordial votes of thanks had been awarded to the President and the sectionists , special mention was made of the great assistance rendered by Bro . Theodore Foulger since this highly successful school of Alasonic instruction was first formed . It was announced that on Friday , the 22 nd insfc . at seven o'clock . m . tiie chair o ! the lodwould be taken
, p , ge by Bro . Robert AVentworth Little , P . AL 975 , for the purpose of working the ceremony of consecration , after which Bro . Brett is to perform the installation ceremony , and , from the high estimation in which both these brethren are held by the Craft generally , an immense gathering of the brethren is confidentl y expected . It was further announced that the annual banquet would be held on Thursday , the Sth Dec .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —At the ordinary monthly meeting on Thursday , the 7 th inst ., the attendance was very 'limited , as is frequently the caso when there are no ceremonies to he gone through , for though a candidate for the third degree had been expected , he had sent an intimation that business matters which required his presence in London would prevent his attendance . On a former occasion it was stated that
arrangements were made for the appropriate decoration of the lodge room recently consecrated , which has now been done in a most effective manner , simply , hut thoroughly , and in good taste , under the superintendence of Bro . M'Culloch , of Torquay . The ventilation , too , which was very defective , lias been greatiy improved . The lodge may be congratulated on the possession
of so convenient and suitable a temple , which , without any external pretensions , nevertheless contains within all the essentials to promote the comfort of the brethren , and to give effect and solemnity to the due performance of Alasonic rites . The lodge was opened at half-past six by Bro . Heath , AV . M ., assisted hy Bros . Cooke , S . W . ; AVatson , P . M ., acting as J . AV . ; Rev . J . Powning , P . AI ., Chaplain ; and Dr . Hopkins , acting as I . P . M . The minutes of the . previous meeting were read and confirmed .
The secretary read the report of the decorating and furnishing committee , and an order was given for payment of £ 20 , the cost of painting . The report of the audit committee not being forthcoming , on the proposition of Bros . Cooke and Dr . Hopkins , a time was fixed for that body to meet so that the report may lie presented on the next lodgo night . Owing to the expenses incurred in decorating and furnishing , the consideration of a
grant of money to complete the preparations for re-opening the Royal Arch Chapter was deferred . A letter from Bro . Aletham , D . Prov . G . M . was read , announcing that he had accepted the office of Steward at the next anniversary meeting in connection with the Alasonic Girls' Schools , and soliciting pecuniary assistance in aid of tho charity . For the same reasons as in the former ease , the discussion of this was
postponed . Bro . Dr . Hopkins advocated the claims of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE to support , on many grounds which he detailed , and strongly urged that it should be taken by the lodge , and circulated anions : the brethren , in order that they
be kept an , courant in matters connected with Hie Craft . As a new member he was unwilling to enforce his desire by a definite proposition , but recommended it to the favourable consideration , of those who had been long connected with the lodge ; the result of which was that on the proposition of Bro . Owen , P . AL , seconded by Bro . Powning , Chaplain , and supported by the AA \ AI . and Secretary , a resolution was passed that the Secretary be requested to procure the MAGAZINE regularly for the use of
the members from the commencement of the current volume in July last . The AV . AL stated that as tliere was no work to be done , it was desirable to make the meeting profitable to the brethren ; he , therefore , called upon Bro . Dr . Hopkins to give one of the lectures on the tracing-board , if he felt able to do so without previous notice . This request was , of course , complied with , and the first lecture was chosen . On the proposition of the Chaplainseconded by the S . W . a vote of thanks for the
, , instruction thus afforded was passed and ordered to be entered on the minutes . In acknowledging the compliment , Bro . Dr . Hopkins said that when a visitor gave assistance of this kind it was desirable thus to recognise it , at the same time he reminded the brethren that he was now admitted a member of the lodge and that as such he had merely done what was the duty of everyone who had pledged himself to give assistancs and
instruction to those in the inferior degrees , and should be happy at all times to respond to any call when it may be in his power . The lodge was closed at a quarter past eight in perfect harmony and with solemn prayer .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . SAI . FORJD . — Neioall Lodge ( No . 1 , 134 ) . —This lodge held its meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , the Sth inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Barker , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . Eccleston as S . AV ., AA . AI . 935 ; Toulson , J . AA " . ; Jones , Treasurer ; Collard , S . D . ; Thompson , J . D . ; Robinson , as I . G , ; Sly , Tyler ; AVilkinson , P . AL ; Nichols , Prov . G . Purst . ; Roberts , P . Prov .
G . Purst . ; Hodson , W . M . 44 ; Robinson , P . AL 815 ; Grovos , W . AI . 815 ; Hammond , P . AI . 992 . The minutes of the previous meeting wore read and confirmed . The balance-sheet for the last twelve months was read , and , having elicited several euconiums from the brethren , was unanimously passed . The ballot was taken for Air . John Toulson and declared favourable . The lodge was ouened in the second and third degrees , and also a Board of Installed Alasters , in due form , when Bro . Toulson ,
J . W . —the AV . AI . elect—was installed by Bro . Barker , W . M . The following officers were invested by Bro . Roberts , P . Prov . G . P . E . Z . —viz ., Bros . Collard , S . W ; Thompson , J . W . ; Edelsten , Secretary ; Jenkinson , S . D . ; Keeble , J . D . ; Robinson , I . G . ; Siddall , Steward ; Sly , O . G-. The charges were delivered by Bros . Nichols , Prov . G . Purst ., and Jones , P . AI . Bro . Toulson , W . AL , initiated his brother Mr . J . Toulson in a very impressive and highly satisfactory manner . The lodge was closed at eight
p . m ., when the brethren adjourned to the banquet table , which was furnished by the hallkeeper ( Airs . Bailey ) in her well-known style . The brethren separated at eleven o ' cloclc after spending a pleasant and agreeable evening .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of I 860 , had become governors of nearly all the Charities , and had been paid from the funds of the lodge . As they well knew , all the monies collected , after the expenses were paid , were devoted to the Charities . The lodge had been in existence since October , I 860 , and during that time tho sum of £ 32 2 s ., had been given to their Alasonic Charities . He believed before the year had expired they would be able to increase their subscriptions to tho Girls' Schooland they would then have become
, governors of all the Alasonic Charities , If they were to go on as they had done , if thoy were to have such largo attendances as they had that evening , they would soon become doublegovernors of all the Institutions . He was very glad to see so many brethren present that evening , and he begged to thank them for the manner in which his name had been received and the way in which they had responded to the toast , so kindly
proposed by Bro . Pnrdey . Before lie sat down he begged to propose , what he would call the toast of the evening , " Prosperity to the New Concord Lodge of Instruction . " The brethren would agree with him that there was one amongst them who deserved their praise . They had met him frequently in that lodge when there was scarcely sufficient to form a lodge , and he was always ready and willing to lend his able
assistance as Secretary to this N ' ew Concord Lodge of Instruction . Everyone must agree with him that Bro . Spratt , their Secretary , deserved their best thanks . He gave them " The New Concord Lodge of Instruction , " coupled with the name of Bro . Spratt . A really good fire was given . Bro . Spratt returned thanks in suitable terms . The AA . M . said there was one other toast he should bo doing
wrong to forget , viz ., "The Visiting- Brethren , " those brethren who were not members of the lodge ; and he would allude more particularly to the brethren of the Athelstan Lodge . He trusted they would receive a good fire . He gave " The Visiting Brethren , " coupled with the name of Bro . Coleman , of the Athelstan Lodge . The toast was most warmly received , and afterwards acknowledged . Other toasts and songs wore given , after which the brethren separated .
METROPOLITAN LODGE OE INSTRUCTION — On Friday , the 1 st inst ., the fifteen sections were worked at tiie above lodge , held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , under the presidency of J 3 ro . ; Tames Brett , P . AL , the able preceptor of the lodge , and supported by some of tho most efficient Alasons in London , amongst whom we may mention the veteran Bros . John Thomas , P . AL , T . H . Foulger , Latrielle , Pedler , Jaquin , & c , who rendered the various sections assigned to them in such a correct ancl impressive
manner as to elicit the heartiest applause from the crowded assembly of brethren . After cordial votes of thanks had been awarded to the President and the sectionists , special mention was made of the great assistance rendered by Bro . Theodore Foulger since this highly successful school of Alasonic instruction was first formed . It was announced that on Friday , the 22 nd insfc . at seven o'clock . m . tiie chair o ! the lodwould be taken
, p , ge by Bro . Robert AVentworth Little , P . AL 975 , for the purpose of working the ceremony of consecration , after which Bro . Brett is to perform the installation ceremony , and , from the high estimation in which both these brethren are held by the Craft generally , an immense gathering of the brethren is confidentl y expected . It was further announced that the annual banquet would be held on Thursday , the Sth Dec .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —At the ordinary monthly meeting on Thursday , the 7 th inst ., the attendance was very 'limited , as is frequently the caso when there are no ceremonies to he gone through , for though a candidate for the third degree had been expected , he had sent an intimation that business matters which required his presence in London would prevent his attendance . On a former occasion it was stated that
arrangements were made for the appropriate decoration of the lodge room recently consecrated , which has now been done in a most effective manner , simply , hut thoroughly , and in good taste , under the superintendence of Bro . M'Culloch , of Torquay . The ventilation , too , which was very defective , lias been greatiy improved . The lodge may be congratulated on the possession
of so convenient and suitable a temple , which , without any external pretensions , nevertheless contains within all the essentials to promote the comfort of the brethren , and to give effect and solemnity to the due performance of Alasonic rites . The lodge was opened at half-past six by Bro . Heath , AV . M ., assisted hy Bros . Cooke , S . W . ; AVatson , P . M ., acting as J . AV . ; Rev . J . Powning , P . AI ., Chaplain ; and Dr . Hopkins , acting as I . P . M . The minutes of the . previous meeting were read and confirmed .
The secretary read the report of the decorating and furnishing committee , and an order was given for payment of £ 20 , the cost of painting . The report of the audit committee not being forthcoming , on the proposition of Bros . Cooke and Dr . Hopkins , a time was fixed for that body to meet so that the report may lie presented on the next lodgo night . Owing to the expenses incurred in decorating and furnishing , the consideration of a
grant of money to complete the preparations for re-opening the Royal Arch Chapter was deferred . A letter from Bro . Aletham , D . Prov . G . M . was read , announcing that he had accepted the office of Steward at the next anniversary meeting in connection with the Alasonic Girls' Schools , and soliciting pecuniary assistance in aid of tho charity . For the same reasons as in the former ease , the discussion of this was
postponed . Bro . Dr . Hopkins advocated the claims of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE to support , on many grounds which he detailed , and strongly urged that it should be taken by the lodge , and circulated anions : the brethren , in order that they
be kept an , courant in matters connected with Hie Craft . As a new member he was unwilling to enforce his desire by a definite proposition , but recommended it to the favourable consideration , of those who had been long connected with the lodge ; the result of which was that on the proposition of Bro . Owen , P . AL , seconded by Bro . Powning , Chaplain , and supported by the AA \ AI . and Secretary , a resolution was passed that the Secretary be requested to procure the MAGAZINE regularly for the use of
the members from the commencement of the current volume in July last . The AV . AL stated that as tliere was no work to be done , it was desirable to make the meeting profitable to the brethren ; he , therefore , called upon Bro . Dr . Hopkins to give one of the lectures on the tracing-board , if he felt able to do so without previous notice . This request was , of course , complied with , and the first lecture was chosen . On the proposition of the Chaplainseconded by the S . W . a vote of thanks for the
, , instruction thus afforded was passed and ordered to be entered on the minutes . In acknowledging the compliment , Bro . Dr . Hopkins said that when a visitor gave assistance of this kind it was desirable thus to recognise it , at the same time he reminded the brethren that he was now admitted a member of the lodge and that as such he had merely done what was the duty of everyone who had pledged himself to give assistancs and
instruction to those in the inferior degrees , and should be happy at all times to respond to any call when it may be in his power . The lodge was closed at a quarter past eight in perfect harmony and with solemn prayer .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . SAI . FORJD . — Neioall Lodge ( No . 1 , 134 ) . —This lodge held its meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , the Sth inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Barker , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . Eccleston as S . AV ., AA . AI . 935 ; Toulson , J . AA " . ; Jones , Treasurer ; Collard , S . D . ; Thompson , J . D . ; Robinson , as I . G , ; Sly , Tyler ; AVilkinson , P . AL ; Nichols , Prov . G . Purst . ; Roberts , P . Prov .
G . Purst . ; Hodson , W . M . 44 ; Robinson , P . AL 815 ; Grovos , W . AI . 815 ; Hammond , P . AI . 992 . The minutes of the previous meeting wore read and confirmed . The balance-sheet for the last twelve months was read , and , having elicited several euconiums from the brethren , was unanimously passed . The ballot was taken for Air . John Toulson and declared favourable . The lodge was ouened in the second and third degrees , and also a Board of Installed Alasters , in due form , when Bro . Toulson ,
J . W . —the AV . AI . elect—was installed by Bro . Barker , W . M . The following officers were invested by Bro . Roberts , P . Prov . G . P . E . Z . —viz ., Bros . Collard , S . W ; Thompson , J . W . ; Edelsten , Secretary ; Jenkinson , S . D . ; Keeble , J . D . ; Robinson , I . G . ; Siddall , Steward ; Sly , O . G-. The charges were delivered by Bros . Nichols , Prov . G . Purst ., and Jones , P . AI . Bro . Toulson , W . AL , initiated his brother Mr . J . Toulson in a very impressive and highly satisfactory manner . The lodge was closed at eight
p . m ., when the brethren adjourned to the banquet table , which was furnished by the hallkeeper ( Airs . Bailey ) in her well-known style . The brethren separated at eleven o ' cloclc after spending a pleasant and agreeable evening .