Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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NORTHUMBERLAND . ^¦ E ^ C \ STLV .-vvo-s-T ! CST .. —NorlhnniberlanclLodge ( No . GS 5 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the Sth inst ., in the Assembly Rooms , Westgate-street . The ceremony was most efficientl y ' performed by Bi-o . F . B . Davis , P . AI . Tbe following is a list of the officers appointed : —Bros . AVilliam DaggettWALDoddsIPM BanningSW
, . ; , ... ; , .. ; Britton , J . W ; Challoner , Treas . ; Cockeroft , Sec .: Richardson , S . D . ; Joel , J . D . ; Dove , I . G .: ChaUonev and Hoyle , Stewards ; Trotter , Tyler . At the dinner subsequently , the brethren were honoured with the presence of Bro . Alark L . Joblina-, D . Prov . G . AI .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE or TIIE NORTH AND EAST RIDINGS . At a Provincial Grand Lodge holden by special appointment , in the Lion Lodge , at AVhitby , on AVednesday , the 23 rd ult ., there were present : —Bros , the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . of Englandand R . AA ProvGMof this provinceon
, . . .. , the throne ; John Pearson Bell , M . D ., 57 , D . Prov . G . AI . ; Robert H . Bower , GGO , Prov . S . G . AA . ; John Stevenson , 313 , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Rev . James Davidson , M . A ., 1 , 040 , Prov . G . Chap . ; AVilliam Cowling-, 236 , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., as Prov . G . Treas . ; Michael Charles Peck , 1 , 040 , Prov . G . Sec : Thomas Turnhull , 312 , as Prov . S . G . D . ; Richard Coates , 602 , Prov . J . G . D . ; AA illiam AVood , 312 , as Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; . lames Miller
C . , 312 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; John Galloway , 561 , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Richard Bradley , 312 , Prov . G . Org . ; John AVard , 236 , as Prov . G . Purst . ; and William Johnson , 57 , Prov . 0 . Tyler . Prov . G . Stewards .- Bros . Mark Scott , S 66 ; M . Malvin , 602 ; AVilliam Banks , 630 : AA . T . Farthing , P . M . 6-13 ; John Marshall , W . AL 660 ; John Kennard , 734-, together with many P . Prov . G . Officers , and the AA ' . M . ' s , P . Af . s , and Wardens of tiie various lodges in the province . The following visitors were also present -. —Bros . A'ictor A . AVillinmson , P . G . AV . of England ; and F . Binckes , P . AL , Sec . Royal Alasonic Boys ' School .
The following is the official report of the proceedings : — The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , and with solemn prayer , the Prov . G . Secretary read the minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge held at Richmond , on the 3 rd October , 1 S 6 G , which were confirmed . The Prov . G . Treiis . then read his animal financial report , showing a balance of £ 21 0 s , Id . in favour of the Provincial Grand Lodgewhichhaving been audited bthe AVM ' of the
, , y .. s Hiunber and Lennox Lodges , and found correct , was unanimously adopted . The Prov . G . Secretary then read tho report of the Board of Benevolence , recommending that an Assistant Secretary be appointed for the Benevolent Fund , at a salary of £ 5 per annum , together with five per cent , on the money collected by him for the Masonic Charitiesand also that BroRJChafferPAL
, . , . , . of the Ilnmbcr Lodge ( No . 57 ) , be so appointed . Also that the Prov . Grand Lod ge be recommended to increase its annual subscription to each of the three Alasonic charities from two guineas to ten guineas annually , in accordance with tho motion of which notice had been given by tho Prov . G . Registrar . The report also stated that a petition for relief had been presented from the widow of the kite Bro . Tate , of the North York Lodge at Hiddlesln which
-o' , was properly recommended ; and the Board expressed their regret that , in consequence of the W . AL of that lodgohaving failed to attend to support the case , they were , according to their rules , unable to grant relief to the petitioner . It was also resolved that the support of the province he given , and tho votes of tbe brethren be solicited in behalf of the daughter of the late Bro . Flintoft , of the Lion Lodge , who was a candidate for the Girls' School . Donations of £ 25 to each of the three charities were also voted from the Fund of Benevolence .
The report of the Board of Benevolence was then adopted and confirmed . The Prov . G . Alaster expressed his regret that tiie Board of Benevolence had been reluctantly compelled to dismiss a petition for relief on account of tho absence of the W . Alaster of the lodge recommending , and stated that he should instruct tho Prov . G . Sec . to write to him upon the subject ; upon which the S . AV . of that lodge expressed his belief that some sudden emergency had prevented the W . Ahister ' s attendance . lie having expressed his positive intention to be present .
Tho annual returns and payments were then made hy the various lodges in the province , all of which were represented . The returns showed a total of 1 , 154 subscribing members . Bro . Cowling , P . Prov . S . G . W ., then proposed the following motion , ot which due notice hud been given by Bro . Lawton , Prov . G . Reg .: — " That the subscription of two guineas hitherto paid annually to each of the three Alasonic Charities , he increased to ten guineas , " which was seconded by Bro . Rooke , P . Prov .
J . G . W , and carried unanimously . Bro . Cowling , P . Prov . S . G . W ., then proposed the following motion , of which due notice had been given by Bro . Hollon , Prov . G . Treas .: — "That a donation of £ 100 be voted to the Alasonic Boys' School , and £ 100 to the Masonic Girls' School , " which was seconded by Bro . Handyside , P . Prov . J . G . W . Bro . Smurthwaite , P . Prov . J . G . AV ., then moved the following amendmentof which he had iven notice : — "That donations
, g of fifty guineas be voted to the Boy ' s School , and fifty guineas to the Girls' School , " which was duly seconded . The Prov . G . Alaster observed that there was a Fund of Benevolence attached to this Provincial Grand Lodge , and that at present its Board had hut a small amount at their disposal . He thought it most desirable that the Board should have the power of dispensing relief to unfortunate brethren in the province ; and that as the Board had that day voted donations of
£ 25 each to the three Alasonic charities , his lordship believed the amendment more suitable to the present circumstances of the Benevolent Fund . The membei-s then divided upon the question , when the amendment was put and carried , the original motion being lost . The R . W . Prov . G . AI . then appointed the following brethren as Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing yearwith the
, exception of the Prov . G . Treas ., who was elected by the Provincial Grand Lodge : —Bros . John Pearson Bell , M . D ., 57 ,. D . Prov . G . AI .: Christopher Sykes , M . P ., 1 , 040 , Prov . SGAT . ; D . R . AV . Pfirritt , 734 , Prov . J . & . W . ; Henry Blane , M . J .., 200 , Prov . G . Chap . ; William Cowling , 236 , Prov . G . Treas . ; John
Smith , 23 S , Prov . G . Reg . ; Alichael Charles Peck , 1 , 040 , Prov . G . Sec ; Thomas Dale , C . E ., 250 , Prov . S . G . D . ; Alichael W . Clarke , 57 , Prov . J . G . D . ; Wm . Day Key-worth , 57 , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; AValter Reynolds , 250 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ; . Charles Copland , 1 , 010 , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Geo . Balmforth , 236 , Prov . G . Org . ; John Ward , 236 , Prov . G . Purst . ; and AA'illiam Johnson , 57 , Prov . G . Tyler . Six Provincial Grand Stewards to be nominated by the following lodges , viz ., the
Kingston , Sykes , Humber , Lennox , Globe , and Union . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Hollon , for his long and valuable services as Prov . G . Treasurer . The Prov . G . AI . expressed his deep regret at the death of Bro ., John Booker , the late Prov . G . Purst ., who had most efficiently discharged the duties of that office for twenty-three years . The Piov . G . AI . then addressed the brethren , making some valuable siig-gestioiis for materially increasing the usefulness of
the Prov . G . Fund of Benevolence . His lordship thought it desirable that the Board of Benevolence should sit periodically , at least once a quarter , to receive petitions , and to transact general business ; and that a sum of money for immediately relieving tho necessitous , without waiting for the annual meetings of the Prov . G . Lodge , should bo placed at the absolute disposal of the committee , who would of course account for its properdistribution . His lordship further stated that Bro . Dr . Bell ,
I ) . Prov . G . AI ., had boon at tho trouble of preparing- a short historical account of the Prov . G . Lodge , which he regretted time would not allow of being read , but which would be printed and appended to the now edition of the by-laws . Having received au invitation from the Alinerva Lodge , his lordship stated his intention of holding tbe next Provincial Grand Lodge at Hull , where he trusted to meet many of the brethren . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form
, and with solemn prayer . Tho animal banquet , at whicli the Prov . G . Alaster presided , was lield the same evening in St . Hilda ' s Hall . Upwards of two hundred brethren dined , and tho greatest harmony and concord prevailed .
TniE wears slippers of list , and his tread is noiseless . The days conic , softly dawning one after another ; they creep in at the windows ; tbe fresh morning air is grateful to the lips as they pant for it ; their music is sweet to those who listen to it - ¦ until , before we know it , a whole life of days has possession of the citadel , and time has taken us for its own .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NORTHUMBERLAND . ^¦ E ^ C \ STLV .-vvo-s-T ! CST .. —NorlhnniberlanclLodge ( No . GS 5 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the Sth inst ., in the Assembly Rooms , Westgate-street . The ceremony was most efficientl y ' performed by Bi-o . F . B . Davis , P . AI . Tbe following is a list of the officers appointed : —Bros . AVilliam DaggettWALDoddsIPM BanningSW
, . ; , ... ; , .. ; Britton , J . W ; Challoner , Treas . ; Cockeroft , Sec .: Richardson , S . D . ; Joel , J . D . ; Dove , I . G .: ChaUonev and Hoyle , Stewards ; Trotter , Tyler . At the dinner subsequently , the brethren were honoured with the presence of Bro . Alark L . Joblina-, D . Prov . G . AI .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE or TIIE NORTH AND EAST RIDINGS . At a Provincial Grand Lodge holden by special appointment , in the Lion Lodge , at AVhitby , on AVednesday , the 23 rd ult ., there were present : —Bros , the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . of Englandand R . AA ProvGMof this provinceon
, . . .. , the throne ; John Pearson Bell , M . D ., 57 , D . Prov . G . AI . ; Robert H . Bower , GGO , Prov . S . G . AA . ; John Stevenson , 313 , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Rev . James Davidson , M . A ., 1 , 040 , Prov . G . Chap . ; AVilliam Cowling-, 236 , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., as Prov . G . Treas . ; Michael Charles Peck , 1 , 040 , Prov . G . Sec : Thomas Turnhull , 312 , as Prov . S . G . D . ; Richard Coates , 602 , Prov . J . G . D . ; AA illiam AVood , 312 , as Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; . lames Miller
C . , 312 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; John Galloway , 561 , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Richard Bradley , 312 , Prov . G . Org . ; John AVard , 236 , as Prov . G . Purst . ; and William Johnson , 57 , Prov . 0 . Tyler . Prov . G . Stewards .- Bros . Mark Scott , S 66 ; M . Malvin , 602 ; AVilliam Banks , 630 : AA . T . Farthing , P . M . 6-13 ; John Marshall , W . AL 660 ; John Kennard , 734-, together with many P . Prov . G . Officers , and the AA ' . M . ' s , P . Af . s , and Wardens of tiie various lodges in the province . The following visitors were also present -. —Bros . A'ictor A . AVillinmson , P . G . AV . of England ; and F . Binckes , P . AL , Sec . Royal Alasonic Boys ' School .
The following is the official report of the proceedings : — The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , and with solemn prayer , the Prov . G . Secretary read the minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge held at Richmond , on the 3 rd October , 1 S 6 G , which were confirmed . The Prov . G . Treiis . then read his animal financial report , showing a balance of £ 21 0 s , Id . in favour of the Provincial Grand Lodgewhichhaving been audited bthe AVM ' of the
, , y .. s Hiunber and Lennox Lodges , and found correct , was unanimously adopted . The Prov . G . Secretary then read tho report of the Board of Benevolence , recommending that an Assistant Secretary be appointed for the Benevolent Fund , at a salary of £ 5 per annum , together with five per cent , on the money collected by him for the Masonic Charitiesand also that BroRJChafferPAL
, . , . , . of the Ilnmbcr Lodge ( No . 57 ) , be so appointed . Also that the Prov . Grand Lod ge be recommended to increase its annual subscription to each of the three Alasonic charities from two guineas to ten guineas annually , in accordance with tho motion of which notice had been given by tho Prov . G . Registrar . The report also stated that a petition for relief had been presented from the widow of the kite Bro . Tate , of the North York Lodge at Hiddlesln which
-o' , was properly recommended ; and the Board expressed their regret that , in consequence of the W . AL of that lodgohaving failed to attend to support the case , they were , according to their rules , unable to grant relief to the petitioner . It was also resolved that the support of the province he given , and tho votes of tbe brethren be solicited in behalf of the daughter of the late Bro . Flintoft , of the Lion Lodge , who was a candidate for the Girls' School . Donations of £ 25 to each of the three charities were also voted from the Fund of Benevolence .
The report of the Board of Benevolence was then adopted and confirmed . The Prov . G . Alaster expressed his regret that tiie Board of Benevolence had been reluctantly compelled to dismiss a petition for relief on account of tho absence of the W . Alaster of the lodge recommending , and stated that he should instruct tho Prov . G . Sec . to write to him upon the subject ; upon which the S . AV . of that lodge expressed his belief that some sudden emergency had prevented the W . Ahister ' s attendance . lie having expressed his positive intention to be present .
Tho annual returns and payments were then made hy the various lodges in the province , all of which were represented . The returns showed a total of 1 , 154 subscribing members . Bro . Cowling , P . Prov . S . G . W ., then proposed the following motion , ot which due notice hud been given by Bro . Lawton , Prov . G . Reg .: — " That the subscription of two guineas hitherto paid annually to each of the three Alasonic Charities , he increased to ten guineas , " which was seconded by Bro . Rooke , P . Prov .
J . G . W , and carried unanimously . Bro . Cowling , P . Prov . S . G . W ., then proposed the following motion , of which due notice had been given by Bro . Hollon , Prov . G . Treas .: — "That a donation of £ 100 be voted to the Alasonic Boys' School , and £ 100 to the Masonic Girls' School , " which was seconded by Bro . Handyside , P . Prov . J . G . W . Bro . Smurthwaite , P . Prov . J . G . AV ., then moved the following amendmentof which he had iven notice : — "That donations
, g of fifty guineas be voted to the Boy ' s School , and fifty guineas to the Girls' School , " which was duly seconded . The Prov . G . Alaster observed that there was a Fund of Benevolence attached to this Provincial Grand Lodge , and that at present its Board had hut a small amount at their disposal . He thought it most desirable that the Board should have the power of dispensing relief to unfortunate brethren in the province ; and that as the Board had that day voted donations of
£ 25 each to the three Alasonic charities , his lordship believed the amendment more suitable to the present circumstances of the Benevolent Fund . The membei-s then divided upon the question , when the amendment was put and carried , the original motion being lost . The R . W . Prov . G . AI . then appointed the following brethren as Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing yearwith the
, exception of the Prov . G . Treas ., who was elected by the Provincial Grand Lodge : —Bros . John Pearson Bell , M . D ., 57 ,. D . Prov . G . AI .: Christopher Sykes , M . P ., 1 , 040 , Prov . SGAT . ; D . R . AV . Pfirritt , 734 , Prov . J . & . W . ; Henry Blane , M . J .., 200 , Prov . G . Chap . ; William Cowling , 236 , Prov . G . Treas . ; John
Smith , 23 S , Prov . G . Reg . ; Alichael Charles Peck , 1 , 040 , Prov . G . Sec ; Thomas Dale , C . E ., 250 , Prov . S . G . D . ; Alichael W . Clarke , 57 , Prov . J . G . D . ; Wm . Day Key-worth , 57 , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; AValter Reynolds , 250 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ; . Charles Copland , 1 , 010 , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Geo . Balmforth , 236 , Prov . G . Org . ; John Ward , 236 , Prov . G . Purst . ; and AA'illiam Johnson , 57 , Prov . G . Tyler . Six Provincial Grand Stewards to be nominated by the following lodges , viz ., the
Kingston , Sykes , Humber , Lennox , Globe , and Union . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Hollon , for his long and valuable services as Prov . G . Treasurer . The Prov . G . AI . expressed his deep regret at the death of Bro ., John Booker , the late Prov . G . Purst ., who had most efficiently discharged the duties of that office for twenty-three years . The Piov . G . AI . then addressed the brethren , making some valuable siig-gestioiis for materially increasing the usefulness of
the Prov . G . Fund of Benevolence . His lordship thought it desirable that the Board of Benevolence should sit periodically , at least once a quarter , to receive petitions , and to transact general business ; and that a sum of money for immediately relieving tho necessitous , without waiting for the annual meetings of the Prov . G . Lodge , should bo placed at the absolute disposal of the committee , who would of course account for its properdistribution . His lordship further stated that Bro . Dr . Bell ,
I ) . Prov . G . AI ., had boon at tho trouble of preparing- a short historical account of the Prov . G . Lodge , which he regretted time would not allow of being read , but which would be printed and appended to the now edition of the by-laws . Having received au invitation from the Alinerva Lodge , his lordship stated his intention of holding tbe next Provincial Grand Lodge at Hull , where he trusted to meet many of the brethren . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form
, and with solemn prayer . Tho animal banquet , at whicli the Prov . G . Alaster presided , was lield the same evening in St . Hilda ' s Hall . Upwards of two hundred brethren dined , and tho greatest harmony and concord prevailed .
TniE wears slippers of list , and his tread is noiseless . The days conic , softly dawning one after another ; they creep in at the windows ; tbe fresh morning air is grateful to the lips as they pant for it ; their music is sweet to those who listen to it - ¦ until , before we know it , a whole life of days has possession of the citadel , and time has taken us for its own .