Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Bro . Mann ' s proposition was seconded by Bro . Mackersey . Bro- J . T . Douglas , R . W . AI . Lodge Rifle ( No . 405 ) , moved as follows : — ' -That , with the view of avoiding a contest in tho Grand Lodge between Captain Speirs and Sheriff Strathern , for the office of Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow , and in order to afford to the brethren in the Glasgow province an opportunity of expressing their sentiments on the subject , the lodges in the Glasgow province be directed to meet within fourteen
days from this date for the purpose of taking a vote of their members in favour of either of the candidates , it being understood that on this question no brother should vote in more than one lodge ; and that the Secretary of each lodge send to the Grand Secretary the name of the candidate having the majority of votes ; the Grand Lodge thereafter appointing the brother -who ia ted bthe majority iu the Glasgow lodges . "
suppor y Bro . AV ' m . Officer said that such a course as that proposed by Bro . Douglas would be doing an injustice to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , which had already come to a majority in favour of Bro . Captain Speirs . A show of hands having been taken on the subject , it was decided by a very large majority to proceed with the election . The roll of members was then calledandwhen the recording
, , of the votes had been proceeded with tor a considerable time , before the whole roll had been exhausted , the numbers of votes in favour of the respective candidates were taken , aud , it being found that Bro . Captain Speirs had then a majority of 145 over his opponent , Bro . Mann , the proposer of Bro . Sheriff Strathern , agreed to accept the voting as being decisively in favour of Bro . Captain Speirs .
This course was agreed to on both sides , the great majority in favour of Bro . Captain Speirs leaving it quite clear that the few remaining votes to be taken could not affect the result of the contest as it now stood . Bro . Captain Speirs was therefore declared to have been duly elected as Provincial Grand Master , and Grand Lodge was shortly afterwards closed , Many ot the Glasgow brethren experienced a serious
disappointment and inconvenience in consequence of an announcement that a special ( rain for Glasgow would leave at ten o ' clock having turned out to be incorrect ; they had , therefore , to make themselves as much at home as they could in Edinburgh , until the time of starting of the early trains ou t .. e following morning .
GLASGOW . GLASGOW . —Lodge of St . John ( No . 3 his ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held in the Hall , 213 Buchanan-street , on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., Bro . Thomas Ramsay , R . W . AI ., in the chair . Bros . "VV . P . Buchan , S . AV . ; Osborne , J . W ., ancl a large number of brethren were present . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , Bro . J . C . Aliller , See , read the minutes , which were approved of . The R . W . AI . then formally intimated to
the brethren that he was happy to state that at the meeting of the Grand Lodge held on Monday , the 4-th inst ., Bro . Captain Spiers , M . P ., was elected Prov . G . AI . for the Glasgow province —an appointment which he was sure would give tho utmost satisfaction to great body of the Masons of Glasgow , Captain Spiers being a brother whose enthusiasm in the cause of Alasonry was well known , and one who , he felt convinced , would discharge
the duties of that high office to the satisfaction of the brethren of the AVest . Thereafter , the Senior Warden proposed "That , seeing this was the first meeting since our new Prov . G . AI . was elected , he considered that they would only be performing a graceful duty in electing Bro . Captain Spiers as an honorary member of this ancient and honourable lodge ; the fact of outdoing so would greatly tend to strengthen the hands of our now
Prov . G . AI . It would be an evidence of good feeling towards him , and would enable him to feel in some measure at home whenever he came amongst us . " The motion being seconded by Bro . Robert Gray , was put to the meeting and carried unanimously , with three cheers . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . A . Donby was passed into the degree of Fellow Craft , the Senior Warden officiating . The lodge was then raised to the Alaster degreewhen three Fellow
, Crafts were admitted and raised Alaster Alasons , the ceremony being performed by Bro . J . B . Walker , P . AL , and Bro . D . Walker officiating at the harmonium . The lodge being again opened in the first degree , the P . AI . tabled a motion anent revising the by-laws of the lodge . The brethren were then called from labour to refreshment and to harmonise in the light , the toast of " Our new Prov . G . Alaster " being given with all the honours . Shortly afterwards the lodge was closed .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . A quarterly convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter took place on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at eight o ' clock p . m ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street The following report of the Committee of General Purposes was read : —
To THE SUPEEJIE GBAND CHAPTER OE ROYAL AECH MASONS OE ENGLAND . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 17 th of July to the 15 th of October , 1867 , both inclusive , which they find to bo asfollows : —
£ s . d . To balance 17 th July 339 11 6 Subsequent Receipts ... 180 16 6 520 8 0 By Disbursements during the Quarter ... 107 4 6 Drawn from the Unappropriated Account 1 6 0-
108 10 6 Balance 441 17 6 520 8 0
which balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival , and Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The Committee have also to report that they have received , the following petitions : — 1 st . From Comps . John AA ordsworth , as Z . ; AVilliam Dixon , as II . ; John Scott Perkin , as J . ; and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Integrity ( No . 380 ) , Morley , tobe called the Chapter of Integrityand to meet at the Fountain
, Inn , Queen-street , Morley , Yorkshire , on the first Monday of every month . Granted . 2 nd . From Comps . Tom Turner , as Z . ; John Staniland , as-II . ; Charles George Bond , as J . ; and seven others , lor a chapter to be attached to the Camalodunum Lodge ( No . 660 ) , New Malton , to bo called the King Edward Chapter , and to meet at the Freemasons' HallNew MaltonYorkshireon the second
, , , Monday in January , April , July , and October . Granted . 3 rd . From Comps . Frederick Martin Williams , as Z . ; Frederick William Dabb , as II . ; Edward Henry Hawke , as J . ; and twelve others , for a chapter to be attached to the Tregullow Lodgo ( No . 1 , 006 ) , St . Day , to be called the Rose of Sharon Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Rooms , St . Day , Scorrieiy in the county of Cornwall , on the first Thursday in February ,
May , August , and November . Granted . The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively * granted . The Committee have also received a petition from the Principals and other members of the Chapter of Friendshi p ( No . 423 ) , Adelaide , South Australia , praying for a charter of confirmation . The original charter having been lostand
, every effort to find it having proved unsuccessful , the Committee recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted . Granted . ( Signed ) AV . u . PULTENEY SCOTT , President . Grand Chapter having been duly opened , the following were the officers and others present : —E . Comps . J . LI . Evans , as Z . ; G . W . K . Potter , as II . ; A . Perkins , as J . ; AV . Gray Clarke ,
E . ; A . W . AVoods , N . ; J . Udall , as P . S . ; JE . J . Mclntyre , as 1 st Assist . Soj . ; T . Gole , as 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; J . Smith , as Dir . of Cers . ; G . Cox , N . Bradford , E . J . Fraser , B . Head , E . S . Snell ,. A . M . Holman , and many present and past Principals of chapters . The minutes were read and confirmed , including a grant of £ 1 , 000 to the Boys' School , and all the above petitions were granted , as stated against each paragraph . The Grand Chapter was then closed in due form .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WAHEINGTON . — Chapter of JElias Ashmole ( No . 148 ) . —A . regular convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , the lltlr inst ., at the Chapter-rooms , Sankey-street . In the unavoidable absence of the AI . E . Z . Comp . H . B . White , he was represented'
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . Mann ' s proposition was seconded by Bro . Mackersey . Bro- J . T . Douglas , R . W . AI . Lodge Rifle ( No . 405 ) , moved as follows : — ' -That , with the view of avoiding a contest in tho Grand Lodge between Captain Speirs and Sheriff Strathern , for the office of Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow , and in order to afford to the brethren in the Glasgow province an opportunity of expressing their sentiments on the subject , the lodges in the Glasgow province be directed to meet within fourteen
days from this date for the purpose of taking a vote of their members in favour of either of the candidates , it being understood that on this question no brother should vote in more than one lodge ; and that the Secretary of each lodge send to the Grand Secretary the name of the candidate having the majority of votes ; the Grand Lodge thereafter appointing the brother -who ia ted bthe majority iu the Glasgow lodges . "
suppor y Bro . AV ' m . Officer said that such a course as that proposed by Bro . Douglas would be doing an injustice to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , which had already come to a majority in favour of Bro . Captain Speirs . A show of hands having been taken on the subject , it was decided by a very large majority to proceed with the election . The roll of members was then calledandwhen the recording
, , of the votes had been proceeded with tor a considerable time , before the whole roll had been exhausted , the numbers of votes in favour of the respective candidates were taken , aud , it being found that Bro . Captain Speirs had then a majority of 145 over his opponent , Bro . Mann , the proposer of Bro . Sheriff Strathern , agreed to accept the voting as being decisively in favour of Bro . Captain Speirs .
This course was agreed to on both sides , the great majority in favour of Bro . Captain Speirs leaving it quite clear that the few remaining votes to be taken could not affect the result of the contest as it now stood . Bro . Captain Speirs was therefore declared to have been duly elected as Provincial Grand Master , and Grand Lodge was shortly afterwards closed , Many ot the Glasgow brethren experienced a serious
disappointment and inconvenience in consequence of an announcement that a special ( rain for Glasgow would leave at ten o ' clock having turned out to be incorrect ; they had , therefore , to make themselves as much at home as they could in Edinburgh , until the time of starting of the early trains ou t .. e following morning .
GLASGOW . GLASGOW . —Lodge of St . John ( No . 3 his ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held in the Hall , 213 Buchanan-street , on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., Bro . Thomas Ramsay , R . W . AI ., in the chair . Bros . "VV . P . Buchan , S . AV . ; Osborne , J . W ., ancl a large number of brethren were present . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , Bro . J . C . Aliller , See , read the minutes , which were approved of . The R . W . AI . then formally intimated to
the brethren that he was happy to state that at the meeting of the Grand Lodge held on Monday , the 4-th inst ., Bro . Captain Spiers , M . P ., was elected Prov . G . AI . for the Glasgow province —an appointment which he was sure would give tho utmost satisfaction to great body of the Masons of Glasgow , Captain Spiers being a brother whose enthusiasm in the cause of Alasonry was well known , and one who , he felt convinced , would discharge
the duties of that high office to the satisfaction of the brethren of the AVest . Thereafter , the Senior Warden proposed "That , seeing this was the first meeting since our new Prov . G . AI . was elected , he considered that they would only be performing a graceful duty in electing Bro . Captain Spiers as an honorary member of this ancient and honourable lodge ; the fact of outdoing so would greatly tend to strengthen the hands of our now
Prov . G . AI . It would be an evidence of good feeling towards him , and would enable him to feel in some measure at home whenever he came amongst us . " The motion being seconded by Bro . Robert Gray , was put to the meeting and carried unanimously , with three cheers . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . A . Donby was passed into the degree of Fellow Craft , the Senior Warden officiating . The lodge was then raised to the Alaster degreewhen three Fellow
, Crafts were admitted and raised Alaster Alasons , the ceremony being performed by Bro . J . B . Walker , P . AL , and Bro . D . Walker officiating at the harmonium . The lodge being again opened in the first degree , the P . AI . tabled a motion anent revising the by-laws of the lodge . The brethren were then called from labour to refreshment and to harmonise in the light , the toast of " Our new Prov . G . Alaster " being given with all the honours . Shortly afterwards the lodge was closed .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . A quarterly convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter took place on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at eight o ' clock p . m ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street The following report of the Committee of General Purposes was read : —
To THE SUPEEJIE GBAND CHAPTER OE ROYAL AECH MASONS OE ENGLAND . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 17 th of July to the 15 th of October , 1867 , both inclusive , which they find to bo asfollows : —
£ s . d . To balance 17 th July 339 11 6 Subsequent Receipts ... 180 16 6 520 8 0 By Disbursements during the Quarter ... 107 4 6 Drawn from the Unappropriated Account 1 6 0-
108 10 6 Balance 441 17 6 520 8 0
which balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival , and Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The Committee have also to report that they have received , the following petitions : — 1 st . From Comps . John AA ordsworth , as Z . ; AVilliam Dixon , as II . ; John Scott Perkin , as J . ; and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Integrity ( No . 380 ) , Morley , tobe called the Chapter of Integrityand to meet at the Fountain
, Inn , Queen-street , Morley , Yorkshire , on the first Monday of every month . Granted . 2 nd . From Comps . Tom Turner , as Z . ; John Staniland , as-II . ; Charles George Bond , as J . ; and seven others , lor a chapter to be attached to the Camalodunum Lodge ( No . 660 ) , New Malton , to bo called the King Edward Chapter , and to meet at the Freemasons' HallNew MaltonYorkshireon the second
, , , Monday in January , April , July , and October . Granted . 3 rd . From Comps . Frederick Martin Williams , as Z . ; Frederick William Dabb , as II . ; Edward Henry Hawke , as J . ; and twelve others , for a chapter to be attached to the Tregullow Lodgo ( No . 1 , 006 ) , St . Day , to be called the Rose of Sharon Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Rooms , St . Day , Scorrieiy in the county of Cornwall , on the first Thursday in February ,
May , August , and November . Granted . The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively * granted . The Committee have also received a petition from the Principals and other members of the Chapter of Friendshi p ( No . 423 ) , Adelaide , South Australia , praying for a charter of confirmation . The original charter having been lostand
, every effort to find it having proved unsuccessful , the Committee recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted . Granted . ( Signed ) AV . u . PULTENEY SCOTT , President . Grand Chapter having been duly opened , the following were the officers and others present : —E . Comps . J . LI . Evans , as Z . ; G . W . K . Potter , as II . ; A . Perkins , as J . ; AV . Gray Clarke ,
E . ; A . W . AVoods , N . ; J . Udall , as P . S . ; JE . J . Mclntyre , as 1 st Assist . Soj . ; T . Gole , as 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; J . Smith , as Dir . of Cers . ; G . Cox , N . Bradford , E . J . Fraser , B . Head , E . S . Snell ,. A . M . Holman , and many present and past Principals of chapters . The minutes were read and confirmed , including a grant of £ 1 , 000 to the Boys' School , and all the above petitions were granted , as stated against each paragraph . The Grand Chapter was then closed in due form .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WAHEINGTON . — Chapter of JElias Ashmole ( No . 148 ) . —A . regular convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , the lltlr inst ., at the Chapter-rooms , Sankey-street . In the unavoidable absence of the AI . E . Z . Comp . H . B . White , he was represented'