Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article OPENING OF THE FREEMASONS' HALL AT LLANDUDNO. Page 1 of 5 →
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Royal Arch.
by Capt . Alott , P . Z . 241 , who was supported by Comps . Robinson , Z ., 241 ; John Bowes , II . ; Robert Stevenson , P . S . ; Horatio Syred , E . ; Maxfield , N . ; Rev . J . N . Porter , David Finney , AV . B . Spring , A . II . Beckett , AV . Richardson , Robert YVrig-bfc , Joseph Robinson , Baker , P . S . 241 ; Thomas Stone , and James Johnson , Janitor . The chapter was opened in due form , the companions admitted , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Thomas Stone and James Johnson , who had been
previously balloted for and approved were exalted in due and solemn form by the acting AI . E . Z . The lectures were given by the AI . E . Z ., Capt . Alott and Bowes . Business being ended the ampanions separated in perfect harmony .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . ST . JIAEK ' S LODGE OE AIAEK MASTERS ( Mo . 24 ) . —This old lodge—one of the first opened under the Scottish Constitution , when it was No . 1—held its third meeting on Monday , the 11 th inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . Bro . R . AV . Little , AA . M ., opened the lodge . The minutes of the previous odge meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were taken for three candidates and declared in each case to
be unanimous iu favour of their admission . Bros . Parker , Charlton , and McKiernan being in attendance , and having proved themselves properly qualified for advancement , withdrew . On their re-admission they were regularly advanced to the ancient degree of Mark Alaster Freemasons . One joining member was proposed , the Rev . J . J . Farnham , and his name was ordered to be inserted on the next lodge summonses that were issued . The lodge was then duly closed . Banquet followed and the usual happy evening was spent over the festive board . Visitors : —Bros . J . J . Farnham , W . M . 92 ; II . Massey , J . O . 22 ; & c .
CUMBERLAND AND AVESTMORELAND . CAELISLE . — Cumberland Lodge of Mark Masters . —This highly-esteemed and flourishing lodge held its second quarterly meeting on Tuesdav , the Sth inst ., the chair being occupied by Bro . C . J . Banister , ' P . AL , Prov . G . O ., supported by Bros . F . AV . Hayward , P . AL , Prov . S . G . D ., as S . W . ; W . Murray , P . M .. G . S ., as JAVAA CarrickAIOWJohnstonSOAWoodhouse
.. ; . , .. ; . , .. ; . , J . O . and acting Sec . : G . J . Hayward , AA . AL , acting S . D . ; w Court , J . D . ; T . Cock ' burn , I . G . ; J . Blacklock , unci others ; J . Barnes , Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form , and after the minutes were read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro , Thomas Richard Clapham , Austwick Hall , Lancaster , which proved in his favour . He being present , was duly prepared , admittedand advanced bBro . C . J . Banister . The
, y working tools were explained by Bro . G . G . Hayward . Tho lodge was then closed with prayer , and the brethren repaired to the refreshment room . Bro . C . J . Banister took the chair , and after tho usual loyrd toasts , he proposed a toast to the " Health of Grand Lodge and Oflicers , past and present , " coupled with that of Bro . W . Aim-ray , Grand Steward , who responded in a brief but feeling manner to the health af the candidate . Bro .
S . R . Clapham returned t ' aanks not only to the brethren , for the kind manner they had received him , hut also to the oflicers who conducted him through the ceremony . Bro . Woodhouse , in replying to his health , strongly exhorted tho brethren to support the " Masonic Lifeboat , " in contributing their mite , which they did nobly , considering the few brethren that remained . Bro . "Woodhouse also returned thanks on behalf of ( Tommy ) the charity box . which was always open to receive the smallest contribution , which would be thankfully received and faithfull y applied . The Tyler ' s toast brought the evening to a close at a -convenient hour .
Knights Templar.
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . ScAEDOliorGH . — Godfrey de Bouillion Encampment . — -The consecration of this encampment of Alasonic Kni ghts Templar took place at the Freemasons' Hall in this town , on Saturday , the 2 nd inst ., hy virtue of a warrant bearing date the 2 nd day of April , A . D . 1867 , under tho seal of Sir Knt . AVilliam Stewart ,
Knights Templar.
Most Eminefc Supreme Grand Alaster . The conclave took place at fonr o'clock in the afternoon , under the presidency of Sir I- ^ nt . W . Reynolds , P . E . C . 18 ° , assisted by Sir Knts . T . Jackson , AV . E . Dixon and Woodall , 18 ° , Ancient York Encampment ; W . H . Alarwood , P . G . Capt . of Lines , of the Royal Kent Encampment ; W . F . Rooke , 18 ° ; II . W . Garnett , 18 ° , & c . The ballot was then taken for Comp . James Frederick Spurr , M . E . Z . ; H . C . Martin , S . E . ; T . W . Farthing , and J . A ' erity , of the Old Globe
Chapter , all of whom were regularly admitted , received , constituted , and installed Knights of the Order , the ceremony being performed in a very able manner by Sir Knt . Reynolds , E . C . The election of officers for the ensuing year then took place , and the business of the encampment being concluded , the members sat down to an excellent repast , provided by Comp . Chapman , when the usual loyal toasts wero given , and a very agreeable evening spent .
Opening Of The Freemasons' Hall At Llandudno.
In our last week ' s number we gave a long and detailed account of the consecration and dedication of this new Alasonic Hall , with the excellent oration delivered on the occasion by Bro . T . C . Roden . This week we are enabled to render the account more complete , by presenting our readers with a longer report of the toasts , & c , which , from their length , we were unable to do in our number of the 9 th inst . The cloth being removedthe RWProvGMaster proposed
, .. . . " The Health of the Queen , " and said -. AA e , as Masons , are reminded in our lodges to he true and loyal subjects , and I think we cannot do better , at every convivial meeting , than to follow the precepts given in our lodges . I therefore give you the health of her most gracious Majesty the Queen . AVe know that she visited this principality in her early youth , aud again more latelyand we know how she has endeared herself to her
, subjects . National Anthem ( Alasonic version ) . The Prov . G . Alaster next proposed " The Health of the Prince and Princess of Wales . " He said : AA ' e trust the Prince of Wales will be as good a sovereign as his mother , and when he shall have reigned as long over us as she has , I hope he will be as much respected ; and may we see in the Freemasons' Hall his
portrait as a Mason , along with those of the Duke of Sussex and the Duke of York . As to the Princess of Wales , I am happy to say , from a letter which I saw lately , that it is perfectly wonderful how those German waters have acted , and what good they have done her . It must be a source of great pleasure to all to know that she can now do those duties which her high position calls upon her to do .
Song and chorus— " God bless the Prince of AVales . " The Prov . G . Alaster then proposed the toast of " Those who reign over the Craft . " Lord Zetland has now reigned over the Craft for twenty-three years , and he has done so to its great benefit . We see how the lodges have increased in numbers since lie has presided over it . Of course I do not talk here of his amiable manners , though knowing him privately andhavinoaccepted his hospitality ; we do not look to him in his private
, but in his public position . Having had the pleasure and the honour in the last twelve months to have consecrated so many lodges in this province , must prove to the Grand Oflicers hi London a source of much pleasure . We have an old Mason and a Past Grand Officer now here , who has come down from London , where everything is of the best , to see how we poor "Taffy ' s" do in our poor country , and I hope he will be able
to give a good report of us . Song—" " With a jolly full battle . " Bro . Herbert Lloyd , P . G . Deacon of England , said : On behalf of the present and past Grand Oflicers , I return sincere thanks . Your Alost Excellent and Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Alaster has spoken disparagingly of the working of the " Tafiys . " I have always found the Taffys men with hearts
warm , men of great energy , and men who get on in the world . My ancestors were Welsh , God-fearing and hard-working men . I have felt great pleasure to meet you upon these two occasions , and for which I am indebted to my nephew . I return you thanks for your kindness iu drinking the health of the present and past Grand Officers . Bro . William Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., Prov . G . Reg . ( whom we deeply regretted to observe wore a sling bandage , having met with a very severe accident about three weeks ago , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
by Capt . Alott , P . Z . 241 , who was supported by Comps . Robinson , Z ., 241 ; John Bowes , II . ; Robert Stevenson , P . S . ; Horatio Syred , E . ; Maxfield , N . ; Rev . J . N . Porter , David Finney , AV . B . Spring , A . II . Beckett , AV . Richardson , Robert YVrig-bfc , Joseph Robinson , Baker , P . S . 241 ; Thomas Stone , and James Johnson , Janitor . The chapter was opened in due form , the companions admitted , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Thomas Stone and James Johnson , who had been
previously balloted for and approved were exalted in due and solemn form by the acting AI . E . Z . The lectures were given by the AI . E . Z ., Capt . Alott and Bowes . Business being ended the ampanions separated in perfect harmony .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . ST . JIAEK ' S LODGE OE AIAEK MASTERS ( Mo . 24 ) . —This old lodge—one of the first opened under the Scottish Constitution , when it was No . 1—held its third meeting on Monday , the 11 th inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . Bro . R . AV . Little , AA . M ., opened the lodge . The minutes of the previous odge meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were taken for three candidates and declared in each case to
be unanimous iu favour of their admission . Bros . Parker , Charlton , and McKiernan being in attendance , and having proved themselves properly qualified for advancement , withdrew . On their re-admission they were regularly advanced to the ancient degree of Mark Alaster Freemasons . One joining member was proposed , the Rev . J . J . Farnham , and his name was ordered to be inserted on the next lodge summonses that were issued . The lodge was then duly closed . Banquet followed and the usual happy evening was spent over the festive board . Visitors : —Bros . J . J . Farnham , W . M . 92 ; II . Massey , J . O . 22 ; & c .
CUMBERLAND AND AVESTMORELAND . CAELISLE . — Cumberland Lodge of Mark Masters . —This highly-esteemed and flourishing lodge held its second quarterly meeting on Tuesdav , the Sth inst ., the chair being occupied by Bro . C . J . Banister , ' P . AL , Prov . G . O ., supported by Bros . F . AV . Hayward , P . AL , Prov . S . G . D ., as S . W . ; W . Murray , P . M .. G . S ., as JAVAA CarrickAIOWJohnstonSOAWoodhouse
.. ; . , .. ; . , .. ; . , J . O . and acting Sec . : G . J . Hayward , AA . AL , acting S . D . ; w Court , J . D . ; T . Cock ' burn , I . G . ; J . Blacklock , unci others ; J . Barnes , Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form , and after the minutes were read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro , Thomas Richard Clapham , Austwick Hall , Lancaster , which proved in his favour . He being present , was duly prepared , admittedand advanced bBro . C . J . Banister . The
, y working tools were explained by Bro . G . G . Hayward . Tho lodge was then closed with prayer , and the brethren repaired to the refreshment room . Bro . C . J . Banister took the chair , and after tho usual loyrd toasts , he proposed a toast to the " Health of Grand Lodge and Oflicers , past and present , " coupled with that of Bro . W . Aim-ray , Grand Steward , who responded in a brief but feeling manner to the health af the candidate . Bro .
S . R . Clapham returned t ' aanks not only to the brethren , for the kind manner they had received him , hut also to the oflicers who conducted him through the ceremony . Bro . Woodhouse , in replying to his health , strongly exhorted tho brethren to support the " Masonic Lifeboat , " in contributing their mite , which they did nobly , considering the few brethren that remained . Bro . "Woodhouse also returned thanks on behalf of ( Tommy ) the charity box . which was always open to receive the smallest contribution , which would be thankfully received and faithfull y applied . The Tyler ' s toast brought the evening to a close at a -convenient hour .
Knights Templar.
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . ScAEDOliorGH . — Godfrey de Bouillion Encampment . — -The consecration of this encampment of Alasonic Kni ghts Templar took place at the Freemasons' Hall in this town , on Saturday , the 2 nd inst ., hy virtue of a warrant bearing date the 2 nd day of April , A . D . 1867 , under tho seal of Sir Knt . AVilliam Stewart ,
Knights Templar.
Most Eminefc Supreme Grand Alaster . The conclave took place at fonr o'clock in the afternoon , under the presidency of Sir I- ^ nt . W . Reynolds , P . E . C . 18 ° , assisted by Sir Knts . T . Jackson , AV . E . Dixon and Woodall , 18 ° , Ancient York Encampment ; W . H . Alarwood , P . G . Capt . of Lines , of the Royal Kent Encampment ; W . F . Rooke , 18 ° ; II . W . Garnett , 18 ° , & c . The ballot was then taken for Comp . James Frederick Spurr , M . E . Z . ; H . C . Martin , S . E . ; T . W . Farthing , and J . A ' erity , of the Old Globe
Chapter , all of whom were regularly admitted , received , constituted , and installed Knights of the Order , the ceremony being performed in a very able manner by Sir Knt . Reynolds , E . C . The election of officers for the ensuing year then took place , and the business of the encampment being concluded , the members sat down to an excellent repast , provided by Comp . Chapman , when the usual loyal toasts wero given , and a very agreeable evening spent .
Opening Of The Freemasons' Hall At Llandudno.
In our last week ' s number we gave a long and detailed account of the consecration and dedication of this new Alasonic Hall , with the excellent oration delivered on the occasion by Bro . T . C . Roden . This week we are enabled to render the account more complete , by presenting our readers with a longer report of the toasts , & c , which , from their length , we were unable to do in our number of the 9 th inst . The cloth being removedthe RWProvGMaster proposed
, .. . . " The Health of the Queen , " and said -. AA e , as Masons , are reminded in our lodges to he true and loyal subjects , and I think we cannot do better , at every convivial meeting , than to follow the precepts given in our lodges . I therefore give you the health of her most gracious Majesty the Queen . AVe know that she visited this principality in her early youth , aud again more latelyand we know how she has endeared herself to her
, subjects . National Anthem ( Alasonic version ) . The Prov . G . Alaster next proposed " The Health of the Prince and Princess of Wales . " He said : AA ' e trust the Prince of Wales will be as good a sovereign as his mother , and when he shall have reigned as long over us as she has , I hope he will be as much respected ; and may we see in the Freemasons' Hall his
portrait as a Mason , along with those of the Duke of Sussex and the Duke of York . As to the Princess of Wales , I am happy to say , from a letter which I saw lately , that it is perfectly wonderful how those German waters have acted , and what good they have done her . It must be a source of great pleasure to all to know that she can now do those duties which her high position calls upon her to do .
Song and chorus— " God bless the Prince of AVales . " The Prov . G . Alaster then proposed the toast of " Those who reign over the Craft . " Lord Zetland has now reigned over the Craft for twenty-three years , and he has done so to its great benefit . We see how the lodges have increased in numbers since lie has presided over it . Of course I do not talk here of his amiable manners , though knowing him privately andhavinoaccepted his hospitality ; we do not look to him in his private
, but in his public position . Having had the pleasure and the honour in the last twelve months to have consecrated so many lodges in this province , must prove to the Grand Oflicers hi London a source of much pleasure . We have an old Mason and a Past Grand Officer now here , who has come down from London , where everything is of the best , to see how we poor "Taffy ' s" do in our poor country , and I hope he will be able
to give a good report of us . Song—" " With a jolly full battle . " Bro . Herbert Lloyd , P . G . Deacon of England , said : On behalf of the present and past Grand Oflicers , I return sincere thanks . Your Alost Excellent and Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Alaster has spoken disparagingly of the working of the " Tafiys . " I have always found the Taffys men with hearts
warm , men of great energy , and men who get on in the world . My ancestors were Welsh , God-fearing and hard-working men . I have felt great pleasure to meet you upon these two occasions , and for which I am indebted to my nephew . I return you thanks for your kindness iu drinking the health of the present and past Grand Officers . Bro . William Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., Prov . G . Reg . ( whom we deeply regretted to observe wore a sling bandage , having met with a very severe accident about three weeks ago , and