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Ears Of Wheat From A Cornucopia.
lodges ( see MAGAZINE , vol . ix ., p . 453 ) , Ave need not recapitulate what is there said in regard to its . connection Avith Coila ' s bard . Here is a fac-simile . of its seal : —
The most familiar of the Craft's emblems typify the duties Ave OAve to our brother and to ourselves —the plant is to the Master Mason a figure of tragical import , in Avhich also he discovers an emblem of the immortality that aAvaits him beyond
the grave , Avhile in the heart pierced by two darts he may find lessons of brotherly love , relief , and charity . ( To he continued . )
Our American Correspondence.
. Monthly Scries from EGBERT MORRIS , LL . D ., of La Grange , Kentnchy , U . S ., Past Grand Master , and Writer -MJIOU Masonic History , J ) -c . ( Continued from page 267 . ) The English custom of publishing an annual
calendar , under Grand Lodge authority , with names , locations , meetings of lodges , ancl current intelligence does not obtain with us . With the exception of a series of Masonic almanacs , published by myself in I 860 , and continued two years
later by other parties , nothing resembling the British Grand Lodge Calendar has been issued in this country for thirty years or move . In place of this , many of our Grand Lodges publish , through their Committees on Foreign Correspondence ( as
we term them ) , synopses from the printed documents committed to their hands of all matters of Masonic interest occurring the year preceding These are termed " Reports on Foreign Correspondence , " and are often documents of real
"historical value . In preparing " The History of Freemasonry in Kentucky , 1785-1859 , " I was often greatly indebted to these richly-charged reports for the intelligence I needed , ancl whoever writes up the history of Freemasonry in the United States ( a herculean task ) will find his best ¦ materials there .
Our American Correspondence.
Such a report upon foreign correspondence is noAv before me . It will equally serve for matter for the present paper , and , as an example of this valuable class of Masonic documenta , this one is prepared by Professor Edward A . Guilbert , M . D .,
of Dubergne , Java , to whom , as chairman of the aforesaid committee , all the Masonic correspondence printed and Avritten between the Grand Lodge of Java and other Grand Lodges Avas entrusted . Having twelvemonths time to prepare this report ,
having been for several times Grand Master of the State , being a most expert and experienced Avriter , and a gentleman withal of the highest literary standing , this report may be considered a model document of its class . In length it covers
157 large pages printed closely iu brevier type . Think of this for an auuual expose of the Masonic proceedings of the United States ! Nor is this large surface covered by mere extracts ; the professor ' s own handiwork made up the larger part
of the report . As a " specimen brick" of the Avhole , turn to page 120 , where the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Canada are subjected to
critical review . This opens Avith reference to the time and place of meeting , name of presiding officer , and number of lodges represented . This is followed by a friendly sketch of the Grand Master ' s ( Simpson ' s ) address ; this by allusions
to the reports of the Deputies ; a sarcastic showingup of the Board of General Purposes ( which in his republican ivay of thinking - is as un-Masonic as it is cumbrous and unwieldy ); and this by references terse and pointed to the miscellaneous
proceedings of the Grand Lodge . The Avhole is contained Avithin four closely-printed pages , and is just such a historical summary as a man will read fifty years hence . In style it is courteous and gentlemanly , as the character of its Avriter Avould indicate , yet
no errors of work or record are overlooked , and no opportunity is lost in which a word of counsel can be communicated . The professor can wield a sharp pen Avhen he pleases , for , in referring to the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of
Missouri , he finds them obnoxious to criticism , in that a private pique Avas therein gratified through official means . This was in the celebrated Conservators' quarrel , of whose merits your readers doubtless are informed . Professor Guilbert ( who
speaks for the Conservators ) charges boldly upon .the Grand Lodge of Missouri that the ancient landmarks of Masonry were violated in its action , in 1863 , against the Conservators , and says
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ears Of Wheat From A Cornucopia.
lodges ( see MAGAZINE , vol . ix ., p . 453 ) , Ave need not recapitulate what is there said in regard to its . connection Avith Coila ' s bard . Here is a fac-simile . of its seal : —
The most familiar of the Craft's emblems typify the duties Ave OAve to our brother and to ourselves —the plant is to the Master Mason a figure of tragical import , in Avhich also he discovers an emblem of the immortality that aAvaits him beyond
the grave , Avhile in the heart pierced by two darts he may find lessons of brotherly love , relief , and charity . ( To he continued . )
Our American Correspondence.
. Monthly Scries from EGBERT MORRIS , LL . D ., of La Grange , Kentnchy , U . S ., Past Grand Master , and Writer -MJIOU Masonic History , J ) -c . ( Continued from page 267 . ) The English custom of publishing an annual
calendar , under Grand Lodge authority , with names , locations , meetings of lodges , ancl current intelligence does not obtain with us . With the exception of a series of Masonic almanacs , published by myself in I 860 , and continued two years
later by other parties , nothing resembling the British Grand Lodge Calendar has been issued in this country for thirty years or move . In place of this , many of our Grand Lodges publish , through their Committees on Foreign Correspondence ( as
we term them ) , synopses from the printed documents committed to their hands of all matters of Masonic interest occurring the year preceding These are termed " Reports on Foreign Correspondence , " and are often documents of real
"historical value . In preparing " The History of Freemasonry in Kentucky , 1785-1859 , " I was often greatly indebted to these richly-charged reports for the intelligence I needed , ancl whoever writes up the history of Freemasonry in the United States ( a herculean task ) will find his best ¦ materials there .
Our American Correspondence.
Such a report upon foreign correspondence is noAv before me . It will equally serve for matter for the present paper , and , as an example of this valuable class of Masonic documenta , this one is prepared by Professor Edward A . Guilbert , M . D .,
of Dubergne , Java , to whom , as chairman of the aforesaid committee , all the Masonic correspondence printed and Avritten between the Grand Lodge of Java and other Grand Lodges Avas entrusted . Having twelvemonths time to prepare this report ,
having been for several times Grand Master of the State , being a most expert and experienced Avriter , and a gentleman withal of the highest literary standing , this report may be considered a model document of its class . In length it covers
157 large pages printed closely iu brevier type . Think of this for an auuual expose of the Masonic proceedings of the United States ! Nor is this large surface covered by mere extracts ; the professor ' s own handiwork made up the larger part
of the report . As a " specimen brick" of the Avhole , turn to page 120 , where the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Canada are subjected to
critical review . This opens Avith reference to the time and place of meeting , name of presiding officer , and number of lodges represented . This is followed by a friendly sketch of the Grand Master ' s ( Simpson ' s ) address ; this by allusions
to the reports of the Deputies ; a sarcastic showingup of the Board of General Purposes ( which in his republican ivay of thinking - is as un-Masonic as it is cumbrous and unwieldy ); and this by references terse and pointed to the miscellaneous
proceedings of the Grand Lodge . The Avhole is contained Avithin four closely-printed pages , and is just such a historical summary as a man will read fifty years hence . In style it is courteous and gentlemanly , as the character of its Avriter Avould indicate , yet
no errors of work or record are overlooked , and no opportunity is lost in which a word of counsel can be communicated . The professor can wield a sharp pen Avhen he pleases , for , in referring to the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of
Missouri , he finds them obnoxious to criticism , in that a private pique Avas therein gratified through official means . This was in the celebrated Conservators' quarrel , of whose merits your readers doubtless are informed . Professor Guilbert ( who
speaks for the Conservators ) charges boldly upon .the Grand Lodge of Missouri that the ancient landmarks of Masonry were violated in its action , in 1863 , against the Conservators , and says