Article FREEMASONRY AND THE POPE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Freemasonry And The Pope.
We continue onr extracts from the articles given by onr contemporaries upon tlie above subject . [ Masonic Hecord of Western India . ' ] INTOLEBANCE . " Where ignorance is bliss , 'tis folly to bo wise . " " "
The Bombay Catholic Examiner of the 28 th October has the following * tirade against Ereemasonry . As the Pope has fulminated his Bull against Freemasons at Rome , so the editor has followed suit by raising * his feeble voice at Bombay : —
"Half the battle is won , when a just appreciation has been gained , of the weakness of the enemy on the one hand , and of one ' s own resources on the other . Acting on this principle , it is always our desire to bring forward into our columns all the information we can procure , that can serve to show the increase of Catholicity in tho different quarters of the world , and the weakness of its
opponents in their efforts to check its progress . Not that we look upon everything under a sunshine view ; on the contrary , wo carefully present at times very gloomy pictures , such as , this very day , that of the state of Spain . Of Belgium , too , we very often state facts which sadden the heart , and make one fear the true faith is on the decline in that country , which , from our earliest
recollection , has always been represented as a very Paradise of Catholicity . " But neither in Spain nor in Belgium is there serious canse of alarm for tho triumph of religion . In both countries religion has its enemies , and where could there be a victory or a triumph , except where there are those -who oppose ? Mowthe opponents of reliion in these
, g countries are by no means so numerous ancl strong as they are represented . Let us look at Belgium , ancl compare the strength of the rival camps in that part of the battle-field . There are the Freemasons , or , as they are there called , the solidaircs on the ono side , ancl , oppescd to them , on the other , are the Jesuits . These
Belgian Masons are indeed a bad set , and wc find them most aptly styled the fanatics of irreligion . As to their numbers , however , we learn on good authority that we are not to believe all that thoy put into circulation about themselves . According to the ministerial Belgian papers we should havo to believe that they make up a large host , numbering not fewer than 13 , 500 men ; whereas
those who know them well maintain that there are not more than 3 , 000 of them . This , however , is a dark mass of beings , sworn together , not only as frce-thinhers , but also as free-doers . To captivate the public eye , thoy carry before them the former of those titles , but they do so only to succeed in their desire to act and do as they like ; the perversion of their mind walks generallside
y by side with the perversion of their heart . Even wicked priests serve for recruits to their ranks ; for instance , one joined them lately at Brussels , and the unhappyman , before dying without tho last sacraments , appointecl , as his universal legatee , the secretary of this shameless society . Even women arc among them . Lately a woman free-thinker died at Ixelles ( near Brussels ) ancl
, her last moments wero so frightful that tho solidaircs themselves who stood around her bed fled with horror . Sho blasphemed , gnawed at her arm , tore out her hair ; it was the repetition of the death of Voltaire . Tho Masonic lodges that govern Belgium havo another object in view besides tho anti-religious one—thoy aim at emancipating women . Fourier could not succeed in this ,
and his phalansterc provokes disgust ; they have another sort of system now . They establish schools from ivhich they banish every religious symbol , practice , and teaching ; an American importation this . A certain Miss Gattide Gamond ( escaped from phalanstere ) has entered upon this business with all seriousness , and she-works ' at it as though it were a social mission . One
remarkable thing about tho institution is this , that its founder , M . Anspach , the Mayor of Brussels , who has a daughter almost grown up , has taken good caro not to entrust her to Miss Gatti . He remembers that his duty as a father comes before that which he holds as burgomaster . But enough of this view of the solidaircs ; wo will mention but one fact more connected with them . A Belgian
paper has unblushingly announced that a reward of 30 , 000 francs will be given to whosoever shall be able to find a Jesuit guilty of a breach of morals ; some crime of this kind is alone needed for drawing forth a decree for the expulsion of the Order from the kingdom . And to show that the promise is not an cnipt 3 > - one , they have already tried by base calumnies to realise this abominable manouvre . "
The noble Order of Freemasonry has always been feared by the Roman Catholic priesthood , because they have rarely been able to obtain any information of its secret arts and hidden mysteries , even by means of the Confessional . They have also invariably found that the most intelligent of their flock , when once thev have entered into the
Order , have become more independent , and less easy to be coerced by spiritual restraint . Masonry expands the intellect , and opens the heart to consider the wrongs and to alleviate the sorrows of mankind . It leads those who embrace it to act
with firmness and decision upon questions wherein once they had been dependent and perhaps subservient . This , is antagonistic to the Roman Catholic system , and although neither politics nor religion—as is well known anion" * Masons—are
ever permitted to be discussed within the recesses of the tyled lodge , yet the Roman Catholic priesthood will not believe this , and tremble lest means should be devised in these localities to crush their
power aud destroy their influence . It is no matter that Roman Catholics when they have become Freemasons , attend as regularly as formerly to their religious duties ; another authority seems to their priestly guides to be set up , antagonistic to
their own—a kind of imperiwm in i-niperio— - which they cannot withstand ; and since 'Home can endure no rival near her throne , she never fails to visit those of her children with denunciation , anathema , and excommunication , who hesitate
to repudiate their OB ., and refuse to yield their Masonry , as well as submit their conscience to the dictates of the imperious and tyrannic system by which they are enchained . We have Catholic members of the Ordi-v who have proved themselves good and true , fan Imil and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry And The Pope.
We continue onr extracts from the articles given by onr contemporaries upon tlie above subject . [ Masonic Hecord of Western India . ' ] INTOLEBANCE . " Where ignorance is bliss , 'tis folly to bo wise . " " "
The Bombay Catholic Examiner of the 28 th October has the following * tirade against Ereemasonry . As the Pope has fulminated his Bull against Freemasons at Rome , so the editor has followed suit by raising * his feeble voice at Bombay : —
"Half the battle is won , when a just appreciation has been gained , of the weakness of the enemy on the one hand , and of one ' s own resources on the other . Acting on this principle , it is always our desire to bring forward into our columns all the information we can procure , that can serve to show the increase of Catholicity in tho different quarters of the world , and the weakness of its
opponents in their efforts to check its progress . Not that we look upon everything under a sunshine view ; on the contrary , wo carefully present at times very gloomy pictures , such as , this very day , that of the state of Spain . Of Belgium , too , we very often state facts which sadden the heart , and make one fear the true faith is on the decline in that country , which , from our earliest
recollection , has always been represented as a very Paradise of Catholicity . " But neither in Spain nor in Belgium is there serious canse of alarm for tho triumph of religion . In both countries religion has its enemies , and where could there be a victory or a triumph , except where there are those -who oppose ? Mowthe opponents of reliion in these
, g countries are by no means so numerous ancl strong as they are represented . Let us look at Belgium , ancl compare the strength of the rival camps in that part of the battle-field . There are the Freemasons , or , as they are there called , the solidaircs on the ono side , ancl , oppescd to them , on the other , are the Jesuits . These
Belgian Masons are indeed a bad set , and wc find them most aptly styled the fanatics of irreligion . As to their numbers , however , we learn on good authority that we are not to believe all that thoy put into circulation about themselves . According to the ministerial Belgian papers we should havo to believe that they make up a large host , numbering not fewer than 13 , 500 men ; whereas
those who know them well maintain that there are not more than 3 , 000 of them . This , however , is a dark mass of beings , sworn together , not only as frce-thinhers , but also as free-doers . To captivate the public eye , thoy carry before them the former of those titles , but they do so only to succeed in their desire to act and do as they like ; the perversion of their mind walks generallside
y by side with the perversion of their heart . Even wicked priests serve for recruits to their ranks ; for instance , one joined them lately at Brussels , and the unhappyman , before dying without tho last sacraments , appointecl , as his universal legatee , the secretary of this shameless society . Even women arc among them . Lately a woman free-thinker died at Ixelles ( near Brussels ) ancl
, her last moments wero so frightful that tho solidaircs themselves who stood around her bed fled with horror . Sho blasphemed , gnawed at her arm , tore out her hair ; it was the repetition of the death of Voltaire . Tho Masonic lodges that govern Belgium havo another object in view besides tho anti-religious one—thoy aim at emancipating women . Fourier could not succeed in this ,
and his phalansterc provokes disgust ; they have another sort of system now . They establish schools from ivhich they banish every religious symbol , practice , and teaching ; an American importation this . A certain Miss Gattide Gamond ( escaped from phalanstere ) has entered upon this business with all seriousness , and she-works ' at it as though it were a social mission . One
remarkable thing about tho institution is this , that its founder , M . Anspach , the Mayor of Brussels , who has a daughter almost grown up , has taken good caro not to entrust her to Miss Gatti . He remembers that his duty as a father comes before that which he holds as burgomaster . But enough of this view of the solidaircs ; wo will mention but one fact more connected with them . A Belgian
paper has unblushingly announced that a reward of 30 , 000 francs will be given to whosoever shall be able to find a Jesuit guilty of a breach of morals ; some crime of this kind is alone needed for drawing forth a decree for the expulsion of the Order from the kingdom . And to show that the promise is not an cnipt 3 > - one , they have already tried by base calumnies to realise this abominable manouvre . "
The noble Order of Freemasonry has always been feared by the Roman Catholic priesthood , because they have rarely been able to obtain any information of its secret arts and hidden mysteries , even by means of the Confessional . They have also invariably found that the most intelligent of their flock , when once thev have entered into the
Order , have become more independent , and less easy to be coerced by spiritual restraint . Masonry expands the intellect , and opens the heart to consider the wrongs and to alleviate the sorrows of mankind . It leads those who embrace it to act
with firmness and decision upon questions wherein once they had been dependent and perhaps subservient . This , is antagonistic to the Roman Catholic system , and although neither politics nor religion—as is well known anion" * Masons—are
ever permitted to be discussed within the recesses of the tyled lodge , yet the Roman Catholic priesthood will not believe this , and tremble lest means should be devised in these localities to crush their
power aud destroy their influence . It is no matter that Roman Catholics when they have become Freemasons , attend as regularly as formerly to their religious duties ; another authority seems to their priestly guides to be set up , antagonistic to
their own—a kind of imperiwm in i-niperio— - which they cannot withstand ; and since 'Home can endure no rival near her throne , she never fails to visit those of her children with denunciation , anathema , and excommunication , who hesitate
to repudiate their OB ., and refuse to yield their Masonry , as well as submit their conscience to the dictates of the imperious and tyrannic system by which they are enchained . We have Catholic members of the Ordi-v who have proved themselves good and true , fan Imil and