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occasion -. —Bros . Shaw Thewlis , P . M ., as S . W . ; William Smith , J . W . ; Maxfield , P . M . ; Capt . Cartwright , Dr . Pennington , Dr . Spinks , Rev . J . N . Porter , W . II . Spring , Ekkert , Oakden , Rev . Thos . Doughty Pearse , D . Finney ( acting Hon . Sec ) , Higginbottom , Holloway , Richardson , ' C . Pettitt , Robinson , Pilling , Hepherd , Gibbons , W . Savage , & c . The loclge having been duly opened , the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . announced the receit of a note
p from Bro . Bowes explaining the cause of his absence from the lodge . The ballot was then taken for Bro . Barlow as a joining membsr , and Mr . William Savage as a candidate for initiation . Jn both eases the ballot was unanimous , and Mr . Savage being present was duly and solemnly initiated . The W . M . announced that Bros . Pearse , Oakden , and Doughty were candidates for preferment , and having given proof of proficiency , wero
intrusted and retired . The lodge ivas opened in the second degree , and the three brethren being duly admitted , were jiassed to the degree of F . C . 's by Bro . ' Wbito , Bro . C . Pettitt acting as Deacon . The lodge was then opened in tho second degree . Several gentlemen were proposed as fit and proper persons , & c . Bro . White read the report of the Centenary Committee , by which it appeared that there was a balance of £ 31 10 s . over ancl above the expensesand that that amount
, bad been sent to Bro . Binckes for the Boys' School . The W . M . for the ensuing year was then ballotted for , when the present W . M ., Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P . and Prov . S . G . AV . ( West "Lancashire ) , was re-elected . Bro . II . B . White was re-elected Treasurer , Bros . Jos . Robinson and Jas . Johnson were reelected Tyleis . It was then decided , as Christmas Day fell on the day of the next loclge meeting , that the Festival of St . John
the Evangelist be celebrated on Friday , Dec . 29 th . The appointment of a Lodge-room Committee was then made . The Teading of communications brought the business to a close , and the lodge was closed in harmony .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LoXTGHBOEOTJGn . —Howe and Cliarnwood Lodge ( No . 1 , 007 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Bull ' s Head Hotel , on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Brewin , P . Prov . S . G . W . and P . G . Treas ., who was supported by the following brethren : —Bros . W . Kellv , D . Prov . G . M . ; W . Lowe , S . W . ; Wilson , Sec ; Rowbotham , S . D . ;
Dougherty , J . D . ; Rev . E . G . Anderson , H . Warner , Dobell , Woodruffe , & c . Visitor , Bro . Smith . The loclge having been -opened in the first degree , ancl the minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr , Brunt , of Loughborough , as a candidate for admission into the Order , who was duly elected . A F . C . 's lodge was then opened , ancl the Rev . Bro . Anderson ancl Bro . H . Warner were called to
the pedestal and examined in that degree ; after which a M . M . ' s lodge was opened , and thoy were raised to that sublime degree in admirable style by the W . M . Tho lodge was lowered to the . first degree , when tlie chair was taken by the D . Prov . G . M ., who initiated Mr . Brunt . Bro . Wilson presided at the harmonium during the ceremonies . The D . Prov . G . M . brought before the lodge the claims of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ,
and asked the support of the lodge and of the brethren individually , in his capacity as Steward for the province . The W . M . and Bro . H . Warner gave in their names as life subscribers at £ 5 5 s ., and it was intimated that one or two other brothers would probably do the like , whilst , as the funds of the loclge would not admit of a grant being made from them , it was resolved that tho sum of ~ £ 5 5 . ? ., or , if possible , £ 10 10 y . should be raised by smaller contributions amongst the members , in the name of the W . M . for the time being . The lodge was then closed for refreshment .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . ( From our own Correspondent . ) NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —Being in Newport on the first Wednesday in the month , I wended my way to the Masonic Hall , Great Dock-street , and on gaining admission found there something to come on the chequered pavement that night which seemed to interest a great many of tlie members of
theCraft . One by one they began to drop in , and by the time business had fairly begun , there were , I should say , over eighty present . Three gentlemen were initiated—Mr . Thos . Graham Robinson ,
of Ebor Vale Iron Works ; Mr . Henry Newcombe , of Newport corn merchant ; ancl Mr . George 'Tweedy , of the Newport Docks . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Brothers Sheppard and Clark were passed to the degree of F . C . Masons , after which the F . C . Lodge was closed , and W . M ., Bro . Griffiths , in a short and neat speech , introduced the particular business of the evening , namely , the election of a WM
for the ensuing year . I should have previously stated the D . Prov . G . M . honoured the lodge with his company this evening , and several brethren having tried to provoke a discussion as to the merits and clemeriis of the two candidates for the chair—Bro . Bartholomew Thomas , S . W ., and Bro . Henry Hellyer , S . W . —the D . Prov . G . M . very opportunely interposed and said it would he thought be wrong to allow such a discussion to proceedand they had better resort to a ballot ; but as far as
, he was concerned , so satisfied was he with the two candidates , he did not intend to vote at all . The ballot then took place , and Bros . E . Wells and R . B . Evans , two P . M . 's , having been appointed Scrutineers , they , with the assistance of the D . Prov . G . M ., proceeded to cast up the votes on each side , and eventually it was announced the election had fallen on Bro . Hellyer—the numbers being for that brother 33 ; for Bro . Thomas 27 . Majority 6 .
, , , Bro . ITELEYER immediately returned thanks in a neat speech to the following effect : —Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and Brethren—It is with humility I rise for the first time before you as Worshipful Master elect for the ensuing year , inasmuch as I feel my own inefficiency in talent and position of life , to fulfil all those highly important offices of the typical seat of King Solomon the Wise to the satisfaction of each and every member of the same exalted institution . Yet since it has been
your good will and pleasure to advance me to that high position , I dedicate my abilities to your service , and trust I may not only merit your confidence , but also your esteem and love . At this particular moment it appears to me I have but two duties to perform , ere I take my seat , and tbe first is to invite you , brethren , one and all , to unite with me in trampling under foot all our little past differences , and in lieu thereof to invoke a blessing from the G . A . O . T . U . upon ourselves and our gatherings
upon this chequered pavement during the ensuing year . May He grant us such a competency of wisdom from above to contrive , strength to support , and beauty to adorn that spiritual temple . We desire to build so that we may rise a superstructure alone to his glory , honourable to the builders , and the welfare of our inner man . May His grace find its way to each of our hearts so that , being cemented together in one common undissoluble bond of fraternal affection and brotherly love , we may
climb that mystic ladder whose spokes or rounds of virtue ( especially those of faith , hope , and charity ) will bring us nearer and nearer to that Grand Lodge above , where the world ' s Great Architect lives and reigns forever . Secondly , I have to express to you all my heartfelt gratitude for the high honour you have conferred upon me , as also for the great esteem you have demonstrated on my behalf . In doing this , I fail to find adequate words expressive of those natural emotions within
my breast ; therefore , without comment , permit me with my lips , ' and out of the abundance of my heart , to say to you , in all sincerity and truth , and iu good old English , *¦ Brethren , I thank you . " Let me here also ask you to rally round me with your support , your advice , and your assistance , so that we may labour and build together in . a kindred spirit , aud also practice iu our daily life those lessons which we are taught within these sacred
walls ; and convince those who are not Masons that the principles of our arcane science are pure , and that all its requirements are just . Bro . THOMAS ; the defeated candidate , also feelingly returned his sincere thanks to those brethren who had voted for him . He considered it was a laudable ambition for any man to be a candidate for the chair , and to bo appointed W . M . over such a worthy lodge ; and he had , during his Masonic career , learnt
the lesson that it is the duty of a brother to bow with submission , resignation , and respect to the care of the Master and his Wardens , and a majority of the brethren . The election had been carried out in a most honourable manner , and he for one would join with Bro . Hellyer and his friends in forgetting all that had past , and may bygones be bygones for ever and ever . The W . MASTER elect here again rose and said it was his wish that the installation should take place on St . John's Day , Dec . 27 th , and he would propose that the banquet should take place at the Westgate Hotel at five the same evening . This was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
occasion -. —Bros . Shaw Thewlis , P . M ., as S . W . ; William Smith , J . W . ; Maxfield , P . M . ; Capt . Cartwright , Dr . Pennington , Dr . Spinks , Rev . J . N . Porter , W . II . Spring , Ekkert , Oakden , Rev . Thos . Doughty Pearse , D . Finney ( acting Hon . Sec ) , Higginbottom , Holloway , Richardson , ' C . Pettitt , Robinson , Pilling , Hepherd , Gibbons , W . Savage , & c . The loclge having been duly opened , the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . announced the receit of a note
p from Bro . Bowes explaining the cause of his absence from the lodge . The ballot was then taken for Bro . Barlow as a joining membsr , and Mr . William Savage as a candidate for initiation . Jn both eases the ballot was unanimous , and Mr . Savage being present was duly and solemnly initiated . The W . M . announced that Bros . Pearse , Oakden , and Doughty were candidates for preferment , and having given proof of proficiency , wero
intrusted and retired . The lodge ivas opened in the second degree , and the three brethren being duly admitted , were jiassed to the degree of F . C . 's by Bro . ' Wbito , Bro . C . Pettitt acting as Deacon . The lodge was then opened in tho second degree . Several gentlemen were proposed as fit and proper persons , & c . Bro . White read the report of the Centenary Committee , by which it appeared that there was a balance of £ 31 10 s . over ancl above the expensesand that that amount
, bad been sent to Bro . Binckes for the Boys' School . The W . M . for the ensuing year was then ballotted for , when the present W . M ., Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P . and Prov . S . G . AV . ( West "Lancashire ) , was re-elected . Bro . II . B . White was re-elected Treasurer , Bros . Jos . Robinson and Jas . Johnson were reelected Tyleis . It was then decided , as Christmas Day fell on the day of the next loclge meeting , that the Festival of St . John
the Evangelist be celebrated on Friday , Dec . 29 th . The appointment of a Lodge-room Committee was then made . The Teading of communications brought the business to a close , and the lodge was closed in harmony .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LoXTGHBOEOTJGn . —Howe and Cliarnwood Lodge ( No . 1 , 007 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Bull ' s Head Hotel , on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Brewin , P . Prov . S . G . W . and P . G . Treas ., who was supported by the following brethren : —Bros . W . Kellv , D . Prov . G . M . ; W . Lowe , S . W . ; Wilson , Sec ; Rowbotham , S . D . ;
Dougherty , J . D . ; Rev . E . G . Anderson , H . Warner , Dobell , Woodruffe , & c . Visitor , Bro . Smith . The loclge having been -opened in the first degree , ancl the minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr , Brunt , of Loughborough , as a candidate for admission into the Order , who was duly elected . A F . C . 's lodge was then opened , ancl the Rev . Bro . Anderson ancl Bro . H . Warner were called to
the pedestal and examined in that degree ; after which a M . M . ' s lodge was opened , and thoy were raised to that sublime degree in admirable style by the W . M . Tho lodge was lowered to the . first degree , when tlie chair was taken by the D . Prov . G . M ., who initiated Mr . Brunt . Bro . Wilson presided at the harmonium during the ceremonies . The D . Prov . G . M . brought before the lodge the claims of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ,
and asked the support of the lodge and of the brethren individually , in his capacity as Steward for the province . The W . M . and Bro . H . Warner gave in their names as life subscribers at £ 5 5 s ., and it was intimated that one or two other brothers would probably do the like , whilst , as the funds of the loclge would not admit of a grant being made from them , it was resolved that tho sum of ~ £ 5 5 . ? ., or , if possible , £ 10 10 y . should be raised by smaller contributions amongst the members , in the name of the W . M . for the time being . The lodge was then closed for refreshment .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . ( From our own Correspondent . ) NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —Being in Newport on the first Wednesday in the month , I wended my way to the Masonic Hall , Great Dock-street , and on gaining admission found there something to come on the chequered pavement that night which seemed to interest a great many of tlie members of
theCraft . One by one they began to drop in , and by the time business had fairly begun , there were , I should say , over eighty present . Three gentlemen were initiated—Mr . Thos . Graham Robinson ,
of Ebor Vale Iron Works ; Mr . Henry Newcombe , of Newport corn merchant ; ancl Mr . George 'Tweedy , of the Newport Docks . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Brothers Sheppard and Clark were passed to the degree of F . C . Masons , after which the F . C . Lodge was closed , and W . M ., Bro . Griffiths , in a short and neat speech , introduced the particular business of the evening , namely , the election of a WM
for the ensuing year . I should have previously stated the D . Prov . G . M . honoured the lodge with his company this evening , and several brethren having tried to provoke a discussion as to the merits and clemeriis of the two candidates for the chair—Bro . Bartholomew Thomas , S . W ., and Bro . Henry Hellyer , S . W . —the D . Prov . G . M . very opportunely interposed and said it would he thought be wrong to allow such a discussion to proceedand they had better resort to a ballot ; but as far as
, he was concerned , so satisfied was he with the two candidates , he did not intend to vote at all . The ballot then took place , and Bros . E . Wells and R . B . Evans , two P . M . 's , having been appointed Scrutineers , they , with the assistance of the D . Prov . G . M ., proceeded to cast up the votes on each side , and eventually it was announced the election had fallen on Bro . Hellyer—the numbers being for that brother 33 ; for Bro . Thomas 27 . Majority 6 .
, , , Bro . ITELEYER immediately returned thanks in a neat speech to the following effect : —Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and Brethren—It is with humility I rise for the first time before you as Worshipful Master elect for the ensuing year , inasmuch as I feel my own inefficiency in talent and position of life , to fulfil all those highly important offices of the typical seat of King Solomon the Wise to the satisfaction of each and every member of the same exalted institution . Yet since it has been
your good will and pleasure to advance me to that high position , I dedicate my abilities to your service , and trust I may not only merit your confidence , but also your esteem and love . At this particular moment it appears to me I have but two duties to perform , ere I take my seat , and tbe first is to invite you , brethren , one and all , to unite with me in trampling under foot all our little past differences , and in lieu thereof to invoke a blessing from the G . A . O . T . U . upon ourselves and our gatherings
upon this chequered pavement during the ensuing year . May He grant us such a competency of wisdom from above to contrive , strength to support , and beauty to adorn that spiritual temple . We desire to build so that we may rise a superstructure alone to his glory , honourable to the builders , and the welfare of our inner man . May His grace find its way to each of our hearts so that , being cemented together in one common undissoluble bond of fraternal affection and brotherly love , we may
climb that mystic ladder whose spokes or rounds of virtue ( especially those of faith , hope , and charity ) will bring us nearer and nearer to that Grand Lodge above , where the world ' s Great Architect lives and reigns forever . Secondly , I have to express to you all my heartfelt gratitude for the high honour you have conferred upon me , as also for the great esteem you have demonstrated on my behalf . In doing this , I fail to find adequate words expressive of those natural emotions within
my breast ; therefore , without comment , permit me with my lips , ' and out of the abundance of my heart , to say to you , in all sincerity and truth , and iu good old English , *¦ Brethren , I thank you . " Let me here also ask you to rally round me with your support , your advice , and your assistance , so that we may labour and build together in . a kindred spirit , aud also practice iu our daily life those lessons which we are taught within these sacred
walls ; and convince those who are not Masons that the principles of our arcane science are pure , and that all its requirements are just . Bro . THOMAS ; the defeated candidate , also feelingly returned his sincere thanks to those brethren who had voted for him . He considered it was a laudable ambition for any man to be a candidate for the chair , and to bo appointed W . M . over such a worthy lodge ; and he had , during his Masonic career , learnt
the lesson that it is the duty of a brother to bow with submission , resignation , and respect to the care of the Master and his Wardens , and a majority of the brethren . The election had been carried out in a most honourable manner , and he for one would join with Bro . Hellyer and his friends in forgetting all that had past , and may bygones be bygones for ever and ever . The W . MASTER elect here again rose and said it was his wish that the installation should take place on St . John's Day , Dec . 27 th , and he would propose that the banquet should take place at the Westgate Hotel at five the same evening . This was