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seconded and carried , all preliminaries being left to the Secretary , the W . M ., the P . M ., and the W . M . elect . Bro . Pickford was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Macfee , as Tyler , for the ensuing year . A petition to the Board of Benevolence on behalf of a Mrs . Louisa Clarke , of Bristol ( widow of a deceased brother , Chas . Clarke ) , was here introduced by the Secretary , Bro . Williams , and at his request a majority of tho brethren present belonging
to 471 , signed tho usual recommendation on the back thereof . Bro . Williams also proposed that a subscription be started in the room on behalf of Mrs . Clarke ; but Bros . Evans and Wells , P . M . 's , said they thought £ 2 2 s . had better be given out of the general funds of the lodge . After some discussion this was agreed to . The W . M . and tho D . Prov . G . M . then severallintimated
y that a Provincial Grand Loclge meeting would be held at Abergavenny on the following day , and invited ail the brethren present to go with them . The lodge was then closed in harmony at twenty minutes past ten a . m . [ Several of . the Newport brethren have intimated a wish to know who reports for us there . We repl" our own
corresy , pondent , " when he is able to be present ; aud when he cannot attend we gain our information from purely legitimate sources . If our reports are incorrect , we invite correspondence on the subject . —ED . FEEEIIASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MlEROE . i
SOUTH WALES ( WESTERN DIVISION ) . CONSECRATION OE THE ABERXSTWITII LODGE ( NO . 1072 ) , ABERXSTWITH . This beautiful sea-bathing town has now a lodge of the ancient Fraternity established . It was consecrated on Thursday , the 30 th November , 1865 , under the authority of the Most AVorshipful Grand MasterbBro . Richard EveP . M . 395 and
, y , 651 , P . Prov . G . Purst ., who ably discharged the high office conferred on him . Bro . Eve has on very many occasions shown his ability in rendering our beautiful ceremonies , but in this instance it must be acknowledged that he particularly excelled , though it was tho first time for him to give the consecration ceremony . It is with regret wo have to record tho resignation , through
ill health , of the R . W . Bro . John Jones , late Prov . G . Master for South Wales , Western Division . The lodge was opened in clue form , and with solemn prayer , at four p . m ., in a very convenient room at the Belle Vue Royal Hotel , when the following brethren were present : —Bros . R . Eve , P . M ., 395 and G 51 , P . Prov . G . Purst . ; J . D . Perrott , W . M . G 51 , and W . M . designate of 1072 ; Lord Vaughan 1072 ;
, John Jones , S . W . 1072 ; Geo . T . Smith , J . W . 1072 ; J . Vaughan , 1072 ; John Davies , 1072 ; W . P . Hughes , 1072 ; R . Northey , 1072 ; A . Monteith , 595 ; J . Baker , 595 ; Rev . W . P . Jones , Chaplain 651 ; George Causick , 651 ; C . Boniface , 651 ; H . C . Rich , 651 , Prov . G . Steward ; T . A . Frater , 651 ; John Morris , 651 ; R . W . Price , 651 ; Ii . Davies , 651 ; and Adam Scott ,
Tyler 651 . Bro . Eve informed the brethren that he was authorised by the M . W . Grand Master of England to consecrate that lodge and instal Bro . Joseph Denton Perrott , and he would at once proceed with the duties . The petition and warrant were then read and the brethren signified their approval of the officers nominated therein , * viz ., Bro . Joseph Denton Perrott to be rst W . M . Bro . John Jonesfirst S . W . ; and Bro . George
, , Tempany Smith , first J . W . He then gave a most elegant ration on Freemasonry , fully illustrating the grand principles i' brotherly love , relief , and truth . Bro . II . Powell Jones , Chaplain 651 , in an impressive manner , offered up the consecration prayer , and Bro . Eve gave the invocation , after which the Chaplain completed the prayer and pronounced the benediction .
Bro . Eve then constituted and dedicated'the Abcrystwith Lodge ( No . 1 , 072 ) in the registry of the Grand Lodge of England , for the purposes of Freemasonry . After concluding the ceremony of consecration , Bro . Eve installed Bro . Joseph Denton Perrott , W . M . 651 , W . M . of this lodce for tlie ensuing year . He then invested Bro . John Jones S . W ., ancl Bro . George Tempany Smith J . W . The W . Master appointed Bro . Lord Vaughan S . D ., Bro . J . Baker , J . D . pro tem ., and Bro . John Vaughan I . G ., who were also invested by Bro . Eve .
The W . MASTEB , in thanking Bro . Eve for the able manner in which ho had performed the ceremonies of that day , and for his kindness in coming from Aklershot to Abcrystwith , ordered a vote of thanks to be entered on the minutes of tbe lodge . Bro . EVE acknowledged the compliment , and assured the brethren that he felt at all times ready and willing to contribute his services , especially so on this oceaaion , when he had the leasure of meeting some of his Brecknock brethren .
p Bro . JONES , S . AV ., felt proud in having the honour to propose Bro . Lord Vaughan as a joining member , which was duly seconded . Ten gentlemen were regularly proposed and seconded as candidates for initiation . The labours in the lodge were now completed , when the W . M , commanded the J . W . to call the brethren from labour to
refreshment , and a most sumptuous banquet awaited their attention , consisting of all tho delicacies of the season , which was well served , and reflected the highest credit on Mr . and Mrs . Pell ; we may also add that the wines were of tho choicest description . The usual Masonic toasts were given and very cordially responded to , and the brethren spent a most ? agreeable evening , which will not be forgotton as the opening of the Abeiystwith Loclge ( No . 1 , 072 ) . The lodge was closed iu due form and with solemn prayer at 10 p . m . __
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CARDIFF . —Bute Lodge ( So . 960 ) . —There was a very large attendance of the members of this loclge , and of visiting brethren at tho regular meeting on Tuesday , 6 th instant ; the R . AV . Prov . G . M , Bro . T . M . Talbot , having signified his intention of paying a semi-official visit . Lodge was opened at six o ' clock preciselbthe AV . M . Bro . AV . H . MartinProv . S . G . D .
supy y , , , ported by Bros . John Williams , S . W : ; M . Davies , J . AV . ; AV . H . Moreton . Sec ; J . B . Bell , S . D . ; H . Allen , J . D . ; T . G . Glass , Prov . G . Steward ; J . G . C . Thorpe , P . M ., & c . The minutes of the last regular lodge , and a lodge of emergency , having been read and confirmed , ballots were taken for Messrs . S . AVeitcherfc and McMillan , who being duly accepted were , together with Mr . AV . Treseder ( accepted at the last regular lodge ) introduced
into the lodge , and initiated into the E . A . degree in dueformand according to ancient custom . The ceremony was ably performed by the AV . M ., who this night completed his year of office . The charge was delivered hy the Senior Deacon , whose accustomed fluency in discharge of that duty was rewarded by the warm applause of a crowded lodgo . The R . W . Prov . G . M . was then announced and entered , and attended by his deputy , Bro . Morris ., Bros . Langley , South , and Gaskell , P . S . G . W ' s ; D . Roberts , W . M . 36 , Prov . G . Reg . ; E . J . Thomas , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; R . J . Fisher , Prov . G . Org . ; and Howol
AVilliams , Prov . G . Purst . Tho AV . M . having resigned the chair , the same was occupied by the Prov . G . M ., who congratulated , the W . M . and brethren of the loclge upon the influential position they had in so short a time assumed , paying a very flattering but well deserved compliment to the P . M . and _ founder of the lodge , Bro . Thorp , to whose devoted and untiring services that position is mainly due . The Dir . of Cers . was then requested to advance BroWillansS . W . to the pedestal ;
. , , thereupon the Prov . G . M . duly invested him with tbe collar and insignia of Prov . G . S . B ., this brother being absent in America when the provincial meeting-was hold . Bro . Willans suitably returned thanks conferred upon him , and the AA . M . resumed the chair . A candidate for initiation having been duly proposed , lodgo was closed shortly after eight , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , in the shape of au elegant supper
provided by Bro . Samuel Mark at the AA'indsor Hotel , the AA . M ., Bro . Martin , ably presiding . A very agreeable evening was spent , and the- usual Masonic toasts duly proposed and responded to . The next meeting will take place on the 19 th inst . for the election of AA . M ., when there is no doubt that the remarkably well qualified brother who was upon this occasion invested with the purple , will be unanimously elected , as Bro . A . Dalziel , P . S . W ., who would have filled that important post , has been nominated first AV . M . of tho newly-formed Talbot Lodge .
SUFFOLK . AVOODBRIDGE . —Doric Lodge ( No . 81 ) . —At the monthly meeting of ibis loclge on Wednesday , the 6 th . instant , Bro . Frederick Spalding , W . M ., presided ; there was a good muster of the brethren , and the S . W . Bro . Josep h Cullingford , was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
seconded and carried , all preliminaries being left to the Secretary , the W . M ., the P . M ., and the W . M . elect . Bro . Pickford was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Macfee , as Tyler , for the ensuing year . A petition to the Board of Benevolence on behalf of a Mrs . Louisa Clarke , of Bristol ( widow of a deceased brother , Chas . Clarke ) , was here introduced by the Secretary , Bro . Williams , and at his request a majority of tho brethren present belonging
to 471 , signed tho usual recommendation on the back thereof . Bro . Williams also proposed that a subscription be started in the room on behalf of Mrs . Clarke ; but Bros . Evans and Wells , P . M . 's , said they thought £ 2 2 s . had better be given out of the general funds of the lodge . After some discussion this was agreed to . The W . M . and tho D . Prov . G . M . then severallintimated
y that a Provincial Grand Loclge meeting would be held at Abergavenny on the following day , and invited ail the brethren present to go with them . The lodge was then closed in harmony at twenty minutes past ten a . m . [ Several of . the Newport brethren have intimated a wish to know who reports for us there . We repl" our own
corresy , pondent , " when he is able to be present ; aud when he cannot attend we gain our information from purely legitimate sources . If our reports are incorrect , we invite correspondence on the subject . —ED . FEEEIIASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MlEROE . i
SOUTH WALES ( WESTERN DIVISION ) . CONSECRATION OE THE ABERXSTWITII LODGE ( NO . 1072 ) , ABERXSTWITH . This beautiful sea-bathing town has now a lodge of the ancient Fraternity established . It was consecrated on Thursday , the 30 th November , 1865 , under the authority of the Most AVorshipful Grand MasterbBro . Richard EveP . M . 395 and
, y , 651 , P . Prov . G . Purst ., who ably discharged the high office conferred on him . Bro . Eve has on very many occasions shown his ability in rendering our beautiful ceremonies , but in this instance it must be acknowledged that he particularly excelled , though it was tho first time for him to give the consecration ceremony . It is with regret wo have to record tho resignation , through
ill health , of the R . W . Bro . John Jones , late Prov . G . Master for South Wales , Western Division . The lodge was opened in clue form , and with solemn prayer , at four p . m ., in a very convenient room at the Belle Vue Royal Hotel , when the following brethren were present : —Bros . R . Eve , P . M ., 395 and G 51 , P . Prov . G . Purst . ; J . D . Perrott , W . M . G 51 , and W . M . designate of 1072 ; Lord Vaughan 1072 ;
, John Jones , S . W . 1072 ; Geo . T . Smith , J . W . 1072 ; J . Vaughan , 1072 ; John Davies , 1072 ; W . P . Hughes , 1072 ; R . Northey , 1072 ; A . Monteith , 595 ; J . Baker , 595 ; Rev . W . P . Jones , Chaplain 651 ; George Causick , 651 ; C . Boniface , 651 ; H . C . Rich , 651 , Prov . G . Steward ; T . A . Frater , 651 ; John Morris , 651 ; R . W . Price , 651 ; Ii . Davies , 651 ; and Adam Scott ,
Tyler 651 . Bro . Eve informed the brethren that he was authorised by the M . W . Grand Master of England to consecrate that lodge and instal Bro . Joseph Denton Perrott , and he would at once proceed with the duties . The petition and warrant were then read and the brethren signified their approval of the officers nominated therein , * viz ., Bro . Joseph Denton Perrott to be rst W . M . Bro . John Jonesfirst S . W . ; and Bro . George
, , Tempany Smith , first J . W . He then gave a most elegant ration on Freemasonry , fully illustrating the grand principles i' brotherly love , relief , and truth . Bro . II . Powell Jones , Chaplain 651 , in an impressive manner , offered up the consecration prayer , and Bro . Eve gave the invocation , after which the Chaplain completed the prayer and pronounced the benediction .
Bro . Eve then constituted and dedicated'the Abcrystwith Lodge ( No . 1 , 072 ) in the registry of the Grand Lodge of England , for the purposes of Freemasonry . After concluding the ceremony of consecration , Bro . Eve installed Bro . Joseph Denton Perrott , W . M . 651 , W . M . of this lodce for tlie ensuing year . He then invested Bro . John Jones S . W ., ancl Bro . George Tempany Smith J . W . The W . Master appointed Bro . Lord Vaughan S . D ., Bro . J . Baker , J . D . pro tem ., and Bro . John Vaughan I . G ., who were also invested by Bro . Eve .
The W . MASTEB , in thanking Bro . Eve for the able manner in which ho had performed the ceremonies of that day , and for his kindness in coming from Aklershot to Abcrystwith , ordered a vote of thanks to be entered on the minutes of tbe lodge . Bro . EVE acknowledged the compliment , and assured the brethren that he felt at all times ready and willing to contribute his services , especially so on this oceaaion , when he had the leasure of meeting some of his Brecknock brethren .
p Bro . JONES , S . AV ., felt proud in having the honour to propose Bro . Lord Vaughan as a joining member , which was duly seconded . Ten gentlemen were regularly proposed and seconded as candidates for initiation . The labours in the lodge were now completed , when the W . M , commanded the J . W . to call the brethren from labour to
refreshment , and a most sumptuous banquet awaited their attention , consisting of all tho delicacies of the season , which was well served , and reflected the highest credit on Mr . and Mrs . Pell ; we may also add that the wines were of tho choicest description . The usual Masonic toasts were given and very cordially responded to , and the brethren spent a most ? agreeable evening , which will not be forgotton as the opening of the Abeiystwith Loclge ( No . 1 , 072 ) . The lodge was closed iu due form and with solemn prayer at 10 p . m . __
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CARDIFF . —Bute Lodge ( So . 960 ) . —There was a very large attendance of the members of this loclge , and of visiting brethren at tho regular meeting on Tuesday , 6 th instant ; the R . AV . Prov . G . M , Bro . T . M . Talbot , having signified his intention of paying a semi-official visit . Lodge was opened at six o ' clock preciselbthe AV . M . Bro . AV . H . MartinProv . S . G . D .
supy y , , , ported by Bros . John Williams , S . W : ; M . Davies , J . AV . ; AV . H . Moreton . Sec ; J . B . Bell , S . D . ; H . Allen , J . D . ; T . G . Glass , Prov . G . Steward ; J . G . C . Thorpe , P . M ., & c . The minutes of the last regular lodge , and a lodge of emergency , having been read and confirmed , ballots were taken for Messrs . S . AVeitcherfc and McMillan , who being duly accepted were , together with Mr . AV . Treseder ( accepted at the last regular lodge ) introduced
into the lodge , and initiated into the E . A . degree in dueformand according to ancient custom . The ceremony was ably performed by the AV . M ., who this night completed his year of office . The charge was delivered hy the Senior Deacon , whose accustomed fluency in discharge of that duty was rewarded by the warm applause of a crowded lodgo . The R . W . Prov . G . M . was then announced and entered , and attended by his deputy , Bro . Morris ., Bros . Langley , South , and Gaskell , P . S . G . W ' s ; D . Roberts , W . M . 36 , Prov . G . Reg . ; E . J . Thomas , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; R . J . Fisher , Prov . G . Org . ; and Howol
AVilliams , Prov . G . Purst . Tho AV . M . having resigned the chair , the same was occupied by the Prov . G . M ., who congratulated , the W . M . and brethren of the loclge upon the influential position they had in so short a time assumed , paying a very flattering but well deserved compliment to the P . M . and _ founder of the lodge , Bro . Thorp , to whose devoted and untiring services that position is mainly due . The Dir . of Cers . was then requested to advance BroWillansS . W . to the pedestal ;
. , , thereupon the Prov . G . M . duly invested him with tbe collar and insignia of Prov . G . S . B ., this brother being absent in America when the provincial meeting-was hold . Bro . Willans suitably returned thanks conferred upon him , and the AA . M . resumed the chair . A candidate for initiation having been duly proposed , lodgo was closed shortly after eight , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , in the shape of au elegant supper
provided by Bro . Samuel Mark at the AA'indsor Hotel , the AA . M ., Bro . Martin , ably presiding . A very agreeable evening was spent , and the- usual Masonic toasts duly proposed and responded to . The next meeting will take place on the 19 th inst . for the election of AA . M ., when there is no doubt that the remarkably well qualified brother who was upon this occasion invested with the purple , will be unanimously elected , as Bro . A . Dalziel , P . S . W ., who would have filled that important post , has been nominated first AV . M . of tho newly-formed Talbot Lodge .
SUFFOLK . AVOODBRIDGE . —Doric Lodge ( No . 81 ) . —At the monthly meeting of ibis loclge on Wednesday , the 6 th . instant , Bro . Frederick Spalding , W . M ., presided ; there was a good muster of the brethren , and the S . W . Bro . Josep h Cullingford , was