Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 4 →
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Royal Arch.
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . — Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 . )—A quarterly convocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 30 th ult ., at which were present the following companions-. —Comps . Bye-win , M . E . Z . ; Goody ev , H . ; AY care , J . ; Kelly , P . Z . and P . G . H . ; Pettifor , P . Z . ; Moir , as E . ; Manning , N . ; Morris , Marris , G . H . Hodges , Herbert , Bithrey , and Ride .
Visitor—Comp . S . S . Stattard . The minutes of the last chapter having been read ancl confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bros , the Rev . E . A \ . AVoodcock , L . A . Clarke , and C . Stretton , of St . John's Lodge Q >! o . 279 ) , and H . P . Green and Jemsoii Davies , of the John of Gaunt Loclge ( No . 523 ) , all of whom were duly elected . Bros . John Edward Hodges , AV . Boulton , and Jos . Harris ( ballotted for at the last chapter ) together
with Bros . C . Stretton , II . P . Green , and J . Davies being in attendance , were exalted into the Order in ancient form . In the absence of the P . S . ( Comp . H . J . Davis ) , the duties of the office were discharged with his usual efficiency by Comp . "Pettifor , P . Z . The whole of the duties of the chairs ( with the exception of the symbolical lecture , which was delivered hy . Comp . Kelly , P . G . H . ) were performed in a most admirable
manner by the M . E . Z . A letter was received from tho Rev . Bro . Woodcock , apologising for his unavoidable absence on this occasion . ^ The D . Prov . G . M . ancl P . G . H . of the province ( Comp . Kelly ) having undertaken to represent the province as Steward at the next Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , the sum of £ 10 10 s . was unanimously voted from the chapter funds , constituting the M . E . Z . for tlie time being a
'Life Governor of the charity . Bro . Luke Turner , of the John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 ) having been proposed as a candidate for exaltation , the chapter was closed in solemn form , ancl with prayer , after which the companions rdjourned to refreshment .
SUFFOLK . AA ' OODBRIDGE . —Poijal York Chapter ( No . SI . )—A meeting rif this chapter was held in the private lodge-room , Doric-place , on AAr ednesday , the Sth ult . The following companions were appointed officers : —Comps . J . S . Gissing , Z . ; AV . Trott , H . ; John Dallenger , J . ; T . Bays , E . ; W . AVilmshurst , N . ; J . Brickels , P . S . ; W . Dousing , A . S . ; M . Moore , Janitor . Bro .
Benjamin Dove was exalted to the supremo degree , and expressed his satisfaction and delight at the interesting ceremony . The mystical lecture was delivered by Comp . W . Trott , P . Z . ; tho symbolical by Comp . Gissing , P . i-I . j and the historical by Comp . Dallenger , P . J . ; the latter also officiated as P . Soj . At the conclusion the companions adjourned from the chapter-room to Comp . AY . AVilmshurst ' s , where an excellent banquet awaited them , the goodness of which was duly appreciated and done justice to , and an harmonious evening spent .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . LEEDS . — Chapter of Fidelity ( No . 289 ) . —This chapter . assembled at the new Masonic Hall , Great George-street , on Tuesday evening , the 12 th instant , at seven o'clock ; but in consequence of some misunderstanding was but thinly attended . Comp . Samuel ClarkeP . Z . acted as Z . and Comps . R .
Har-, , ; rison , P . Z ., as IL ; and Henry Smith , P . Z ., as J . ; Swabey , as S . E ., read the minutes of November the 11-th , which were confirmed . There being no other business , Comp . R . Harrison , P . Z ., expressed his regret that the companions attended so badly , but felt sure * that the new rooms being found so eligible , n full attendance might be expected in future . Comp . Clarke then proceeded to impart some useful instructionComp . Jno .
, Wordsworth , of 208 , acting as P . Soj . The chapter was closed tit half-past eight in haamony . AEEECTION , like spring flowers , breaks through the most frozen ground at last ; and the heart which seeks for another
heart to make it happy will never seek in vain . IN all your dealings be perfectly honest and upright , and as much as possible avoid all mistakes in the transaction oi business . A LEARNED judge once said—A judge is like a God ; men worship or they blaspheme him . Both to him are indifferent . FORGIVENESS , that noblest of all self-denial , is a virtue , which he alone who can practice in himself , can willingly believe in - . 'mother .
Knights Templar.
GRAND CONCLAVE OF MASONIC KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . The half-yearly meeting of Grand Conclave took place on Friday , the Sth inst ., at the Great Hall of the Masonic Union Club , 14 , Bedford-row . The business announced in the summons was as follows -. — The minutes of Grand Conclave holden May 12 th , 1865 , to be read .
The report of the Committee of General Purposes to be read . The Provincial Grand Commanders for the Northern and Eastern Province of Yorkshire , and for the Province of Kent , to do homage on their appointment . Petitions for donations from the Gram ! Almoner's Panel to be considered , ancl clivers urgent and important matters to be transacted .
Punctually at three o ' clock the M . E . and S . G . Master , Sir Knt . AVilliam Stuart , entered the Great Hall with the usual procession and accompaniments , and took his place on the throne , supported by the D . G . Master , Grand Chancellor , and a goodly display of Grand Officers , past and present , and many distinguished Metropolitan and Provincial members of the
Order in their magnificent and highly picturesque attire ( to the correctness of which much more attention now appears to be given than formerly ) , and , it may be said with truth , that a more brilliant array of Masonic talent never was assembled together upon any previous occasion , as every member present was well known as standing deservedly high in Craft Masonry , and in its highest ranks . The Grand Conclave was then opened in form with solemn
prayer . The minutes of the last meeting of Grand Conclave were then read and confirmed . The report of the Committee of General Purposes was then read by the Grand Chancellor , the following being the substance thereof : — In my capacity of Graud Chancellor , which honourable office
I received at your hands in May last , it becomes my duty to report to you in Grand Conclave on the present state of the Order over which you preside . 1 st . As to the proceedings of the Committee of the Graud Conclave ( not being matters of mere administrative detail ) . 2 nd . To invite your attention to those which contain
suggestions requiring the deliberation and decision of this body , and , finally , to those points which refer especially to the execution of the office which I have tho honour to fill . The Order at the present time consists of 104 commanderies , or private encampments , of which four are newly constituted . Of this total number , however , nine are dormant or in abeyance , but some of these will probably be revived . Two only have become extinct . The new commanderies are—the Hinxmin , of Queensland
the Loyal Burmah , of Rangoon ; the Grove , of Ewell , Surrey ; the Invicta , of Chatham . In addition to these , the Holy Rood , Warwick ; the Percy , Victoria , South Australia , formerly holding under the Baldwin Encampment , but which has now joined under the banner of the Grand Master . The Camps of Joppa of Sunderland , and St . John of Simla , have become
extinct . There are seventy-two commanderies in England and AVales , and thirty-two in British possessions , or colonies abroad , holding under yourself , and presided over by twenty-one Provincial Grand Commanders at home , and eig ht abroad . The total number of knights may be stated approximately at 2 , 000 . The command of the province of China having fallen vacant ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . — Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 . )—A quarterly convocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 30 th ult ., at which were present the following companions-. —Comps . Bye-win , M . E . Z . ; Goody ev , H . ; AY care , J . ; Kelly , P . Z . and P . G . H . ; Pettifor , P . Z . ; Moir , as E . ; Manning , N . ; Morris , Marris , G . H . Hodges , Herbert , Bithrey , and Ride .
Visitor—Comp . S . S . Stattard . The minutes of the last chapter having been read ancl confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bros , the Rev . E . A \ . AVoodcock , L . A . Clarke , and C . Stretton , of St . John's Lodge Q >! o . 279 ) , and H . P . Green and Jemsoii Davies , of the John of Gaunt Loclge ( No . 523 ) , all of whom were duly elected . Bros . John Edward Hodges , AV . Boulton , and Jos . Harris ( ballotted for at the last chapter ) together
with Bros . C . Stretton , II . P . Green , and J . Davies being in attendance , were exalted into the Order in ancient form . In the absence of the P . S . ( Comp . H . J . Davis ) , the duties of the office were discharged with his usual efficiency by Comp . "Pettifor , P . Z . The whole of the duties of the chairs ( with the exception of the symbolical lecture , which was delivered hy . Comp . Kelly , P . G . H . ) were performed in a most admirable
manner by the M . E . Z . A letter was received from tho Rev . Bro . Woodcock , apologising for his unavoidable absence on this occasion . ^ The D . Prov . G . M . ancl P . G . H . of the province ( Comp . Kelly ) having undertaken to represent the province as Steward at the next Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , the sum of £ 10 10 s . was unanimously voted from the chapter funds , constituting the M . E . Z . for tlie time being a
'Life Governor of the charity . Bro . Luke Turner , of the John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 ) having been proposed as a candidate for exaltation , the chapter was closed in solemn form , ancl with prayer , after which the companions rdjourned to refreshment .
SUFFOLK . AA ' OODBRIDGE . —Poijal York Chapter ( No . SI . )—A meeting rif this chapter was held in the private lodge-room , Doric-place , on AAr ednesday , the Sth ult . The following companions were appointed officers : —Comps . J . S . Gissing , Z . ; AV . Trott , H . ; John Dallenger , J . ; T . Bays , E . ; W . AVilmshurst , N . ; J . Brickels , P . S . ; W . Dousing , A . S . ; M . Moore , Janitor . Bro .
Benjamin Dove was exalted to the supremo degree , and expressed his satisfaction and delight at the interesting ceremony . The mystical lecture was delivered by Comp . W . Trott , P . Z . ; tho symbolical by Comp . Gissing , P . i-I . j and the historical by Comp . Dallenger , P . J . ; the latter also officiated as P . Soj . At the conclusion the companions adjourned from the chapter-room to Comp . AY . AVilmshurst ' s , where an excellent banquet awaited them , the goodness of which was duly appreciated and done justice to , and an harmonious evening spent .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . LEEDS . — Chapter of Fidelity ( No . 289 ) . —This chapter . assembled at the new Masonic Hall , Great George-street , on Tuesday evening , the 12 th instant , at seven o'clock ; but in consequence of some misunderstanding was but thinly attended . Comp . Samuel ClarkeP . Z . acted as Z . and Comps . R .
Har-, , ; rison , P . Z ., as IL ; and Henry Smith , P . Z ., as J . ; Swabey , as S . E ., read the minutes of November the 11-th , which were confirmed . There being no other business , Comp . R . Harrison , P . Z ., expressed his regret that the companions attended so badly , but felt sure * that the new rooms being found so eligible , n full attendance might be expected in future . Comp . Clarke then proceeded to impart some useful instructionComp . Jno .
, Wordsworth , of 208 , acting as P . Soj . The chapter was closed tit half-past eight in haamony . AEEECTION , like spring flowers , breaks through the most frozen ground at last ; and the heart which seeks for another
heart to make it happy will never seek in vain . IN all your dealings be perfectly honest and upright , and as much as possible avoid all mistakes in the transaction oi business . A LEARNED judge once said—A judge is like a God ; men worship or they blaspheme him . Both to him are indifferent . FORGIVENESS , that noblest of all self-denial , is a virtue , which he alone who can practice in himself , can willingly believe in - . 'mother .
Knights Templar.
GRAND CONCLAVE OF MASONIC KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . The half-yearly meeting of Grand Conclave took place on Friday , the Sth inst ., at the Great Hall of the Masonic Union Club , 14 , Bedford-row . The business announced in the summons was as follows -. — The minutes of Grand Conclave holden May 12 th , 1865 , to be read .
The report of the Committee of General Purposes to be read . The Provincial Grand Commanders for the Northern and Eastern Province of Yorkshire , and for the Province of Kent , to do homage on their appointment . Petitions for donations from the Gram ! Almoner's Panel to be considered , ancl clivers urgent and important matters to be transacted .
Punctually at three o ' clock the M . E . and S . G . Master , Sir Knt . AVilliam Stuart , entered the Great Hall with the usual procession and accompaniments , and took his place on the throne , supported by the D . G . Master , Grand Chancellor , and a goodly display of Grand Officers , past and present , and many distinguished Metropolitan and Provincial members of the
Order in their magnificent and highly picturesque attire ( to the correctness of which much more attention now appears to be given than formerly ) , and , it may be said with truth , that a more brilliant array of Masonic talent never was assembled together upon any previous occasion , as every member present was well known as standing deservedly high in Craft Masonry , and in its highest ranks . The Grand Conclave was then opened in form with solemn
prayer . The minutes of the last meeting of Grand Conclave were then read and confirmed . The report of the Committee of General Purposes was then read by the Grand Chancellor , the following being the substance thereof : — In my capacity of Graud Chancellor , which honourable office
I received at your hands in May last , it becomes my duty to report to you in Grand Conclave on the present state of the Order over which you preside . 1 st . As to the proceedings of the Committee of the Graud Conclave ( not being matters of mere administrative detail ) . 2 nd . To invite your attention to those which contain
suggestions requiring the deliberation and decision of this body , and , finally , to those points which refer especially to the execution of the office which I have tho honour to fill . The Order at the present time consists of 104 commanderies , or private encampments , of which four are newly constituted . Of this total number , however , nine are dormant or in abeyance , but some of these will probably be revived . Two only have become extinct . The new commanderies are—the Hinxmin , of Queensland
the Loyal Burmah , of Rangoon ; the Grove , of Ewell , Surrey ; the Invicta , of Chatham . In addition to these , the Holy Rood , Warwick ; the Percy , Victoria , South Australia , formerly holding under the Baldwin Encampment , but which has now joined under the banner of the Grand Master . The Camps of Joppa of Sunderland , and St . John of Simla , have become
extinct . There are seventy-two commanderies in England and AVales , and thirty-two in British possessions , or colonies abroad , holding under yourself , and presided over by twenty-one Provincial Grand Commanders at home , and eig ht abroad . The total number of knights may be stated approximately at 2 , 000 . The command of the province of China having fallen vacant ,