Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
commit suicide . He sent to a friend to get him some pills made up , and the prescription ho forwarded contained a deadly poison . At the Guildhall on Wednesday a veterinary surgeon , named Pcudry , was charged with assaulting a police-constable while in the performance of his duty . The defendant , it appeared , made strenuous efforts to walk along the carriage way
of the temporary bridge at Blaekfriars , although the police on duty remonstrated with him , and pointed out that it was both dangerous and contrary to orders . Tlie elevation of the paths for foot passengers above the carriage road is a contrivance so admirably calculated to prevent accidents that we are surprised that any reasonable man should endeavour to break through
the rule that has been laid down . Tlie fino of ten shillings will no doubt act as a caution to others . FOBEIGJT INTELLIGEXCE . — Tlie currency difficulty in Rome has led to the publication of a Pontifical decree prohibiting any premium being charged on the current coin of the Roman States . The Swedish House of Nobles has adopted the
proposed reform of the Constitution by 3 G 1 votes to 204 The Chamber of the Clergy will undoubtedly also agree to the step . There is great popular rejoicing in consequence . The Pairie says that President Johnson has instructed the American Minister in Chili to offer his good offices for tho settlement of the Hispano-Chilian question . The Patrie thinks that this , in
conjunction with the good offices of b'ranceand England , may help to bring about a reconciliation between Spain and Chili .- —^ The editor of the Bonn newspaper which published au account of the sentence upon Count Euleuburg , for the murder of Ott , has been snubbed by the local military authorities , aud ordered to announce that tbo sentence is no ; yet given . The editor , however , remains firm to his original statement , for which , he says , he had authority admitting of no doubt . Tho Belgian Chambers met on Monday , and received the announcement of
the death ot Ring Leopold , ihe president of each Chamber briefly expressed their regret , and the Chambers adjourned . The funeral takes place to-day ( Saturday ) , and to-morrow the new King will make his entry into Brussels . The Emperor of Austria arrived at Pesth on Tuesday , and , says the telegram , " was received with great ceremony . " Many members ofthe
Hungarian Diet were at the castle of Buda to meet his Majesty , ancl last evening the town was to be illuminated . Herr Bernatb has been chosen by a conference Senior President of the Chamber of Deputies . There are materials for a nice little quarrel at Berlin . It appears that the Pi-ouch and English ambassadors were invited to be present at the marriage of the
King's niece , the Princess Alexandrine ; but that when , after the ceremony , they discovered that places had not been reserved for them at the royal table , they marched off iu high dudgeon . The Chamberlain justifies himself on tbe ground of precedent . Tho ambassadors had also no doubt pottered over the records of Com-t ceremonials , and come to an opposite
conclusion . As , according to gold and silver sticks in waiting ; the honour of England must be involved in this sublime point of etiquette , perhaps Lord Clarendon will exchange notes with Count Bismarck on the subject , and agree to refer the matter to a commission of Court flunkeys . After all it . seems that Turkey has contracted for a new loan of £ 0 , 000 , 000 . 'Die
contract has been made with tho Credit Mobilitr of Paris , ancl ivill be issued on tlie 18 th inst . at Constantinople , London , and Paris simultaneously . A Constantinople telegram says that the passage of the Bosphorus Hiid Dardanelles by night is about to be opened to steamers of all flags and classes . It is to be hoped that the report is correct . ASIEI ' . ICA . - —By the Persia we have intelligence i ' rem l \ ew Ycrk to the 29 th ult . The members of Congress were begin-
The Week.
ning to assemble at Washington , aud the general tone of their conversation is said to indicate a strong feeling against the immediate admission of Southern members to > eats in Congress . In Texas and Mississippi so strong were the fears of an insurrection of the negroes at Christmas that the military authorities were taking precautions against such an event , and the
planters of Texas were sending their wives and families and valuables to the seacoast . TheMexican question continuedto excite much attention . According to the Tribune , the President , in his Massage , will admit the importance of what is passing in Mexico , but deprecate interferences as likely to prove injurious to the United States and the Liberal cause . The . Fenian
flag has been hoisted over the Fenian head-quarters in New York . Toronto dispatches had been received in the latter city , containing exaggerated accounts of the number of Fenians in Canada , and of the mutual arming of Catholics and Orangemen . The Itloraviau has arrived with dates from NewYork
to the 2 nd inst . The difficulties in North -Carolina had been finally adjusted by the ratification on the part ofthe local Legislature of the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery . President Johnson has restored the operation of the Habeas Corpus Act in tho Southern States . A collison had taken place between the military and the negroes somewhere in
Mississippi . ISDIA , CHINA , & e . —Telegrams from Shanghai and Canton do not give us any very elevated idea of tho peace of China . Piracy is said to have increased , and several of the pirates in the neighbourhood of Amoy had been hunted out by gunboats . The Burgevine business is likely to cause trouble . The
American Consul declares that the treaty with tbe United States has been violated . Chief-Justice Adams was dead ' . From Japan we hear that the foreign Ministers had gone on an expedition to open foreign trade at some new place , the name of which is not clear .
ATTSTBALIA , kc . —From New Zealand wo have the unpleasant news that there are no indications of a speedy termination of the war . It is said the natives laughed at the Governor ' s peace proclamation , and murdered the first messenger who bore copies of it to them . Mr . Broughton , the interpreter of the Imperial forces , had been murdered by the Wanguaui
native ;; . A warlike meeting of the chiefs had been held , at which they all expressed their determination to retake the Waikato territory . From Melbourne we hear that the legislative dead lock was likely to be got over . A conference between the Legislative Council and the Assembly in reference to the Tariff and Appropriation Bills , had been agreed to ,
and it was reported that the Government would consent to separate Tariff and Appropriation Bills , while the Legislative Council ivould agree to tho former if its duration was not to exceed two years . Pending a settlement , the Government has determined to collect the . Customs under tho old tariff . An appeal to tbe country on ihe free trade question was expected in Au" -Vis ( -, next .
To Correspondents.
! V '! All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C . NOTICE TO bvnsci'irants is AKBEAUS . — Subscribers who are iu arrears ara requested to forward without delay the amouufs due from them by Post-office Order , payable to the Proprietor , Bro . William Smith , C . E ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C . CiiAi ' . rra Puii'rox COOPER .. —Your communication , " Masonic Anecdotes , " shall appear in our next .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
commit suicide . He sent to a friend to get him some pills made up , and the prescription ho forwarded contained a deadly poison . At the Guildhall on Wednesday a veterinary surgeon , named Pcudry , was charged with assaulting a police-constable while in the performance of his duty . The defendant , it appeared , made strenuous efforts to walk along the carriage way
of the temporary bridge at Blaekfriars , although the police on duty remonstrated with him , and pointed out that it was both dangerous and contrary to orders . Tlie elevation of the paths for foot passengers above the carriage road is a contrivance so admirably calculated to prevent accidents that we are surprised that any reasonable man should endeavour to break through
the rule that has been laid down . Tlie fino of ten shillings will no doubt act as a caution to others . FOBEIGJT INTELLIGEXCE . — Tlie currency difficulty in Rome has led to the publication of a Pontifical decree prohibiting any premium being charged on the current coin of the Roman States . The Swedish House of Nobles has adopted the
proposed reform of the Constitution by 3 G 1 votes to 204 The Chamber of the Clergy will undoubtedly also agree to the step . There is great popular rejoicing in consequence . The Pairie says that President Johnson has instructed the American Minister in Chili to offer his good offices for tho settlement of the Hispano-Chilian question . The Patrie thinks that this , in
conjunction with the good offices of b'ranceand England , may help to bring about a reconciliation between Spain and Chili .- —^ The editor of the Bonn newspaper which published au account of the sentence upon Count Euleuburg , for the murder of Ott , has been snubbed by the local military authorities , aud ordered to announce that tbo sentence is no ; yet given . The editor , however , remains firm to his original statement , for which , he says , he had authority admitting of no doubt . Tho Belgian Chambers met on Monday , and received the announcement of
the death ot Ring Leopold , ihe president of each Chamber briefly expressed their regret , and the Chambers adjourned . The funeral takes place to-day ( Saturday ) , and to-morrow the new King will make his entry into Brussels . The Emperor of Austria arrived at Pesth on Tuesday , and , says the telegram , " was received with great ceremony . " Many members ofthe
Hungarian Diet were at the castle of Buda to meet his Majesty , ancl last evening the town was to be illuminated . Herr Bernatb has been chosen by a conference Senior President of the Chamber of Deputies . There are materials for a nice little quarrel at Berlin . It appears that the Pi-ouch and English ambassadors were invited to be present at the marriage of the
King's niece , the Princess Alexandrine ; but that when , after the ceremony , they discovered that places had not been reserved for them at the royal table , they marched off iu high dudgeon . The Chamberlain justifies himself on tbe ground of precedent . Tho ambassadors had also no doubt pottered over the records of Com-t ceremonials , and come to an opposite
conclusion . As , according to gold and silver sticks in waiting ; the honour of England must be involved in this sublime point of etiquette , perhaps Lord Clarendon will exchange notes with Count Bismarck on the subject , and agree to refer the matter to a commission of Court flunkeys . After all it . seems that Turkey has contracted for a new loan of £ 0 , 000 , 000 . 'Die
contract has been made with tho Credit Mobilitr of Paris , ancl ivill be issued on tlie 18 th inst . at Constantinople , London , and Paris simultaneously . A Constantinople telegram says that the passage of the Bosphorus Hiid Dardanelles by night is about to be opened to steamers of all flags and classes . It is to be hoped that the report is correct . ASIEI ' . ICA . - —By the Persia we have intelligence i ' rem l \ ew Ycrk to the 29 th ult . The members of Congress were begin-
The Week.
ning to assemble at Washington , aud the general tone of their conversation is said to indicate a strong feeling against the immediate admission of Southern members to > eats in Congress . In Texas and Mississippi so strong were the fears of an insurrection of the negroes at Christmas that the military authorities were taking precautions against such an event , and the
planters of Texas were sending their wives and families and valuables to the seacoast . TheMexican question continuedto excite much attention . According to the Tribune , the President , in his Massage , will admit the importance of what is passing in Mexico , but deprecate interferences as likely to prove injurious to the United States and the Liberal cause . The . Fenian
flag has been hoisted over the Fenian head-quarters in New York . Toronto dispatches had been received in the latter city , containing exaggerated accounts of the number of Fenians in Canada , and of the mutual arming of Catholics and Orangemen . The Itloraviau has arrived with dates from NewYork
to the 2 nd inst . The difficulties in North -Carolina had been finally adjusted by the ratification on the part ofthe local Legislature of the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery . President Johnson has restored the operation of the Habeas Corpus Act in tho Southern States . A collison had taken place between the military and the negroes somewhere in
Mississippi . ISDIA , CHINA , & e . —Telegrams from Shanghai and Canton do not give us any very elevated idea of tho peace of China . Piracy is said to have increased , and several of the pirates in the neighbourhood of Amoy had been hunted out by gunboats . The Burgevine business is likely to cause trouble . The
American Consul declares that the treaty with tbe United States has been violated . Chief-Justice Adams was dead ' . From Japan we hear that the foreign Ministers had gone on an expedition to open foreign trade at some new place , the name of which is not clear .
ATTSTBALIA , kc . —From New Zealand wo have the unpleasant news that there are no indications of a speedy termination of the war . It is said the natives laughed at the Governor ' s peace proclamation , and murdered the first messenger who bore copies of it to them . Mr . Broughton , the interpreter of the Imperial forces , had been murdered by the Wanguaui
native ;; . A warlike meeting of the chiefs had been held , at which they all expressed their determination to retake the Waikato territory . From Melbourne we hear that the legislative dead lock was likely to be got over . A conference between the Legislative Council and the Assembly in reference to the Tariff and Appropriation Bills , had been agreed to ,
and it was reported that the Government would consent to separate Tariff and Appropriation Bills , while the Legislative Council ivould agree to tho former if its duration was not to exceed two years . Pending a settlement , the Government has determined to collect the . Customs under tho old tariff . An appeal to tbe country on ihe free trade question was expected in Au" -Vis ( -, next .
To Correspondents.
! V '! All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C . NOTICE TO bvnsci'irants is AKBEAUS . — Subscribers who are iu arrears ara requested to forward without delay the amouufs due from them by Post-office Order , payable to the Proprietor , Bro . William Smith , C . E ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C . CiiAi ' . rra Puii'rox COOPER .. —Your communication , " Masonic Anecdotes , " shall appear in our next .