Article FREEMASONRY AND POLITICS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Freemasonry And Politics.
that they do meddle in such affairs ) . No ; the bitter hostility to Freemasonry of the Romish priests , and of even certain classes of Protestant priests , * is reall y founded on other grounds , which it is not our purpose to touch upon here . Our
present object is only to show the dishonest y of the " political" cry raised against us . We have been told that it is the sincere beKef of the Romish priests that the funds of lodges in England are transmitted to the Continent in aid
of plots against States . In support of this "belief / , however "sincere" it may be , no proof can be adduced ; while , in contradiction of it , we offer our sincere belief , founded on our perfect knowledge of our organisation , laws , principles ,
and obligations , and of the ri g ht of supervision vested in our Grand Master and Grand Lodge . In Ireland , the head of the Order , the venerable Duke of Leinster , is respected by all classes of the people , whether Masons , anti-Masons , patriots , Protestants , or Roman Catholics . Of
him it was trul y said b y Signor Marani , " It is only through the zeal ancl perseverance of your noble Grand Master that the Order in Ireland has been able to stand the brunt of superstitious and ignorant foes , who , under the false zeal of reli gion ,
pretend , though they could not believe it , that a p hilosophical institution , having for its foundation the Book of Books , and for its guiding principles fraternity , liberty , and equality , could have anything to do with the p lotting schemes of
bloodthirsty assassins , filling with horror and consternation your otherwise happy and tranquil valleys . " When , last year , the Marquis of Donegal , at a Masonic banquet , alluded to the Belfast riots , the Duke of Leinster administered to him a severe
rebuke , and issued " a caution as to the avoidance , throughout the Order , o £ any discussion calculated to produce a disunion at meetings of Freemasons , " The Marquis expressed " his regret at havin g introduced topics of apolitical character at the dinner
g iven in Belfast . " f In France , Prussia , and Sweden , where the heads of the Government are Freemasons , the
lodges have need to be very careful how they lose si ght of their legitimate objects by intermeddlHJg in affairs of State . In France , Marshal Magnam was elected Grand Master through the influence of the Emperor Louis Napoleon . In Turkey , tie
Grand Vizier is a Freemason , and our Ambassador ,, Sir Henry Bulwer , is the English Provincial Grand Master . In Russia , the Emperor is the " Protector of Freemasonry , " and as such , he lately gave a favourable reception to a petition of the ?
Grand Lodge for a prohibition of theinterferenest ofthe Roman Catholic priesthood with members ofthe Romish Church who belong to the Crafo . ia Prussia , on the other hand , it has been argued frymany lodges that Roman Catholics cannot become- '
Freemasons , as they are not to be considered free ? agents . But , place aux dames ; we have been keeping Madame Dudevant waiting too long * .
" Now we are about to instruct you in your dnfetes . - towards God and towards us . Learn , therefore , beforehand , the three words which are the secrets of OUT ? mysteries , and which are only revealed to most of orar afflicted with so many delays and precautions . ~ Yow have no need of a long apprenticeship ; and yet yon mil require some reflection to understand their whole extent-Libarty , Fraternity , Equality ; this is the work of tha INVISIBLES .
" Examine the state of the societies and you will seethat , to men accustomed to be governed by despotism , ifr . is an entire education , an entire conversion , a ¦ whole-, revolution , to come to understand clearly the hn-rnsruv possibility , the social necessity , of this triple precept ,. Liberty , Fraternity , Equality . The small numbers o £
uprig ht minds and pure hearts who protest naturally : against the injustice and the disorder of tyranny , seizeon the doctrine at the first step . Their progress in ft ia--rapid , for with them it is only requisite to teach them ; the process of application , which we have discoverocL But far the greater number , with the people of theworldthe courtiersand the powerfulimagine whafc
, , , precaution and discretion are necessary before submitting to their examination the sacred formula of exterrtah work ; it is necessary to surround it with symbols ancl . evasions ; it is necessary to persuade them that it refers '
only to a fictitious liberty confined to the exercise a £ individual thought , or a relative equality , extended only to the members of the association , and practicable cnryin its secret and benevolent assemblies , in fine , to a romantic neighbourhood , agreed upon between a certain , number of persons and limited to temporary services , io » some good works , to mutual assistance .
" Europe—Germany and France especially—is iftlecL with secret societies , subterranean laboratories in whicli is being prepared a great revolution , of which Germany or France will be the theatre . "We have the key ,. aiw $ , we endeavour to have the directions of all these associations , without the knowledge of the greater part of tbeii " members , and without any of them having knowledge : o £
our connection with others . Tou will know the secret , of the Freemasons , a great brotherhood , which , undeitbe most varied forms , and with the most different ideas ,, labours to organise the practice and to spread the notion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry And Politics.
that they do meddle in such affairs ) . No ; the bitter hostility to Freemasonry of the Romish priests , and of even certain classes of Protestant priests , * is reall y founded on other grounds , which it is not our purpose to touch upon here . Our
present object is only to show the dishonest y of the " political" cry raised against us . We have been told that it is the sincere beKef of the Romish priests that the funds of lodges in England are transmitted to the Continent in aid
of plots against States . In support of this "belief / , however "sincere" it may be , no proof can be adduced ; while , in contradiction of it , we offer our sincere belief , founded on our perfect knowledge of our organisation , laws , principles ,
and obligations , and of the ri g ht of supervision vested in our Grand Master and Grand Lodge . In Ireland , the head of the Order , the venerable Duke of Leinster , is respected by all classes of the people , whether Masons , anti-Masons , patriots , Protestants , or Roman Catholics . Of
him it was trul y said b y Signor Marani , " It is only through the zeal ancl perseverance of your noble Grand Master that the Order in Ireland has been able to stand the brunt of superstitious and ignorant foes , who , under the false zeal of reli gion ,
pretend , though they could not believe it , that a p hilosophical institution , having for its foundation the Book of Books , and for its guiding principles fraternity , liberty , and equality , could have anything to do with the p lotting schemes of
bloodthirsty assassins , filling with horror and consternation your otherwise happy and tranquil valleys . " When , last year , the Marquis of Donegal , at a Masonic banquet , alluded to the Belfast riots , the Duke of Leinster administered to him a severe
rebuke , and issued " a caution as to the avoidance , throughout the Order , o £ any discussion calculated to produce a disunion at meetings of Freemasons , " The Marquis expressed " his regret at havin g introduced topics of apolitical character at the dinner
g iven in Belfast . " f In France , Prussia , and Sweden , where the heads of the Government are Freemasons , the
lodges have need to be very careful how they lose si ght of their legitimate objects by intermeddlHJg in affairs of State . In France , Marshal Magnam was elected Grand Master through the influence of the Emperor Louis Napoleon . In Turkey , tie
Grand Vizier is a Freemason , and our Ambassador ,, Sir Henry Bulwer , is the English Provincial Grand Master . In Russia , the Emperor is the " Protector of Freemasonry , " and as such , he lately gave a favourable reception to a petition of the ?
Grand Lodge for a prohibition of theinterferenest ofthe Roman Catholic priesthood with members ofthe Romish Church who belong to the Crafo . ia Prussia , on the other hand , it has been argued frymany lodges that Roman Catholics cannot become- '
Freemasons , as they are not to be considered free ? agents . But , place aux dames ; we have been keeping Madame Dudevant waiting too long * .
" Now we are about to instruct you in your dnfetes . - towards God and towards us . Learn , therefore , beforehand , the three words which are the secrets of OUT ? mysteries , and which are only revealed to most of orar afflicted with so many delays and precautions . ~ Yow have no need of a long apprenticeship ; and yet yon mil require some reflection to understand their whole extent-Libarty , Fraternity , Equality ; this is the work of tha INVISIBLES .
" Examine the state of the societies and you will seethat , to men accustomed to be governed by despotism , ifr . is an entire education , an entire conversion , a ¦ whole-, revolution , to come to understand clearly the hn-rnsruv possibility , the social necessity , of this triple precept ,. Liberty , Fraternity , Equality . The small numbers o £
uprig ht minds and pure hearts who protest naturally : against the injustice and the disorder of tyranny , seizeon the doctrine at the first step . Their progress in ft ia--rapid , for with them it is only requisite to teach them ; the process of application , which we have discoverocL But far the greater number , with the people of theworldthe courtiersand the powerfulimagine whafc
, , , precaution and discretion are necessary before submitting to their examination the sacred formula of exterrtah work ; it is necessary to surround it with symbols ancl . evasions ; it is necessary to persuade them that it refers '
only to a fictitious liberty confined to the exercise a £ individual thought , or a relative equality , extended only to the members of the association , and practicable cnryin its secret and benevolent assemblies , in fine , to a romantic neighbourhood , agreed upon between a certain , number of persons and limited to temporary services , io » some good works , to mutual assistance .
" Europe—Germany and France especially—is iftlecL with secret societies , subterranean laboratories in whicli is being prepared a great revolution , of which Germany or France will be the theatre . "We have the key ,. aiw $ , we endeavour to have the directions of all these associations , without the knowledge of the greater part of tbeii " members , and without any of them having knowledge : o £
our connection with others . Tou will know the secret , of the Freemasons , a great brotherhood , which , undeitbe most varied forms , and with the most different ideas ,, labours to organise the practice and to spread the notion .