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Freemasonry And Politics.
of equality . Ton will receive all the degrees of all the rites , wo shall give you all the insignia , all the titles , all the formulas necessary for the relations which we shall cause you to establish with the lodges , and for the negotiations with them which we shall entrust to you ; and your profession , your travelling life , your talents , your youth and your virtues , your courage , your
uprightness and your discretion fit you for that part , and give us the necessary guarantees . Tour past life , the smallest details of which we know , is a sufficient pledge to use . Tou have voluntarily undergone more trials than the Masonic , mysteries could invent , and you have come out from them stronger and more victorious than their adepts , from the vain forms intended to try their
constancy . From this moment we must put you on your guard against the principal disgust attached to your mission . The lower grades of Masonry are almost insignificant in our eyes , and serve us only to try the instincts and the dispositions of the candidates . The greater part never pass those first degrees . In the following grades are admitted only persons who give us hopes , and yet these are still kept at a distance from the end ; they are examined , they are tried , their souls
are probed , they are prepared for a more complete initiation , or they are given up to an interpretation which they could not pass without danger to the cause , and to themselves . That is still only a nursery , from which we choose the strong plant , destined to bo transplanted into tho sacred forest . To the highest grades alone belong important revelations , and it is by them
that you will enter upon the career . But tho part of Master imposes many duties , and there cease the charms of curiosity , tho intoxication of mystery , the illusion of hope . Tou have no longer to learn , in the midst of enthusiasm and emotion , that law which transforms the neophyte into an apostle , the novice into a priest . " For hundreds of the children full of vanity at
employing the formulas of equality , and affecting its appearance , you will hardly find one man penetrated with their importance and courageous in their interpretation . Ton will be obliged to speak to them in enigmas , and through symbols . The greater part of the princes whom we enroll under our banner are in this situation . Some , nevertheless , are sincere , or have been so . Frederick , surnamed the Great , was received as a Freemason before ho was King , and at that time , liberty spake to his heart , equality to his reason . "
Statistics Of Freemasonry In Tee United States.
We are indebted to Bro . Andrew Cassard for a statistical account of the state of Freemasonry in the Western Hemisphere , commenced in the first issue , of el Esptfo Masonico . The followin g excerpt from Bro . Cassard ' s labours g ives a
numerical view of Masonic life in the United States ; we have added a statement of the number of inhabitants in each State ( according to the Census of 1860 ) , to enable the reader to form a comparison between the aggregate and 'the Masonic
population of the country , allowance having been made for the enormous loss of life during the late war . There are at present thirty-nine Grand Lodges in the United States , all of them in a flourishing state * . the number of subordinate lodges is about
5 , 000 , and that of working * Masons not far from 400 , 000 , as will appear from the followin g table : —
- l ? ° » Stale or TYn-itm-v -2-1 ¦ =- " Number of Population in state oi lorntoij . -g -a gg Brothren . 1860 Pi" = ^ £ o fc STATES .
1 . Massachuscts 1733 141 12 , 500 1 , 331 , 066 2 . Pennsylvania , 1704 17-1- 13 , 988 2 , 006 , 115 3 . North Carolina * 1771 107 5 , 010 992 , 622 J 4 . Virginia * 1777 126 4 , 614 1 , 596 , 318 I 5 . Now Jersey 1777 07 4 , 308 672 , 035 I 6 . New York 1781 578 40 , 480 3 , 880 , 735
J 7 . Georgia * 1786 221 12 , 027 1 , 057 , 286 | 8 . South Carolina * 1787 92 3 , 100 703 , 708 j 9 . Maryland * 1788 114 2 , 513 687 , 049 J 10 . Connecticut 1789 70 7 , 384 480 , 147 ill . New Hampshire 1789 73 3 , 668 326 , 073 12 . Rhode Island 1791 1 C 1 , 885 174 , 820
13 . Vermont 1791 63 4 , 685 315 , 098 14 . Kentucky * 1800 324 9 , 158 1 , 155 , 684 15 . Delaware 1806 151 500 112 , 216 16 . Ohio 1808 314 15 , 564 2 , 339 , 511 17 . District of Columbia ... 1811 13 . 050 75 , 080 18 . Louisiana * 1812 128 4 , 050 708 , 002
19 . Tennessee * 1813 174 7 , 250 1 , 109 , 801 20 . Indiana 1818 235 12 , 21-4 1 , 350 , 428 21 . Mississippi * 1818 205 7 , 310 971 , 305 22 . Maine 1820 133 8 , 100 628 , 279 23 . Alabama * 1821 217 7 , 223 964 , 201 24 . Missouri * 1821 126 4 , 903 1 , 182 , 012
25 . Minnesota 1823 24 850 172 , 123 20 . Michigan 1826 109 10 , 0 / 8 749 , 113 27 . Florida * 1830 38 1 , 234 140 , 425 28 . Arkansas * 1832 103 1 , 929 435 , 450 29 . Texas * 1237 212 2 , 451 604 , 215 30 . Illinois 1840 395 18 , 311 1 , 711 , 951
31 . Wisconsin 1813 127 4 , 990 775 , 881 32 . Iowa * lS-ll 152 5 , 416 074 , 913 33 . California 1850 173 0 , 700 365 , 439 34 . Oregon 1851 28 8 S 8 52 , 465 35 . Kansas * 1856 137 1 , 327 107 , 206 TEKKITOMI-S .
36 . Newaska 1857 7 125 28 , 841 37 . Washington 1859 10 285 21 , 168 38 . Colorado 18 G 0 7 300 34 , 277 39 . Nevada 1865 8 98 0 , 857
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry And Politics.
of equality . Ton will receive all the degrees of all the rites , wo shall give you all the insignia , all the titles , all the formulas necessary for the relations which we shall cause you to establish with the lodges , and for the negotiations with them which we shall entrust to you ; and your profession , your travelling life , your talents , your youth and your virtues , your courage , your
uprightness and your discretion fit you for that part , and give us the necessary guarantees . Tour past life , the smallest details of which we know , is a sufficient pledge to use . Tou have voluntarily undergone more trials than the Masonic , mysteries could invent , and you have come out from them stronger and more victorious than their adepts , from the vain forms intended to try their
constancy . From this moment we must put you on your guard against the principal disgust attached to your mission . The lower grades of Masonry are almost insignificant in our eyes , and serve us only to try the instincts and the dispositions of the candidates . The greater part never pass those first degrees . In the following grades are admitted only persons who give us hopes , and yet these are still kept at a distance from the end ; they are examined , they are tried , their souls
are probed , they are prepared for a more complete initiation , or they are given up to an interpretation which they could not pass without danger to the cause , and to themselves . That is still only a nursery , from which we choose the strong plant , destined to bo transplanted into tho sacred forest . To the highest grades alone belong important revelations , and it is by them
that you will enter upon the career . But tho part of Master imposes many duties , and there cease the charms of curiosity , tho intoxication of mystery , the illusion of hope . Tou have no longer to learn , in the midst of enthusiasm and emotion , that law which transforms the neophyte into an apostle , the novice into a priest . " For hundreds of the children full of vanity at
employing the formulas of equality , and affecting its appearance , you will hardly find one man penetrated with their importance and courageous in their interpretation . Ton will be obliged to speak to them in enigmas , and through symbols . The greater part of the princes whom we enroll under our banner are in this situation . Some , nevertheless , are sincere , or have been so . Frederick , surnamed the Great , was received as a Freemason before ho was King , and at that time , liberty spake to his heart , equality to his reason . "
Statistics Of Freemasonry In Tee United States.
We are indebted to Bro . Andrew Cassard for a statistical account of the state of Freemasonry in the Western Hemisphere , commenced in the first issue , of el Esptfo Masonico . The followin g excerpt from Bro . Cassard ' s labours g ives a
numerical view of Masonic life in the United States ; we have added a statement of the number of inhabitants in each State ( according to the Census of 1860 ) , to enable the reader to form a comparison between the aggregate and 'the Masonic
population of the country , allowance having been made for the enormous loss of life during the late war . There are at present thirty-nine Grand Lodges in the United States , all of them in a flourishing state * . the number of subordinate lodges is about
5 , 000 , and that of working * Masons not far from 400 , 000 , as will appear from the followin g table : —
- l ? ° » Stale or TYn-itm-v -2-1 ¦ =- " Number of Population in state oi lorntoij . -g -a gg Brothren . 1860 Pi" = ^ £ o fc STATES .
1 . Massachuscts 1733 141 12 , 500 1 , 331 , 066 2 . Pennsylvania , 1704 17-1- 13 , 988 2 , 006 , 115 3 . North Carolina * 1771 107 5 , 010 992 , 622 J 4 . Virginia * 1777 126 4 , 614 1 , 596 , 318 I 5 . Now Jersey 1777 07 4 , 308 672 , 035 I 6 . New York 1781 578 40 , 480 3 , 880 , 735
J 7 . Georgia * 1786 221 12 , 027 1 , 057 , 286 | 8 . South Carolina * 1787 92 3 , 100 703 , 708 j 9 . Maryland * 1788 114 2 , 513 687 , 049 J 10 . Connecticut 1789 70 7 , 384 480 , 147 ill . New Hampshire 1789 73 3 , 668 326 , 073 12 . Rhode Island 1791 1 C 1 , 885 174 , 820
13 . Vermont 1791 63 4 , 685 315 , 098 14 . Kentucky * 1800 324 9 , 158 1 , 155 , 684 15 . Delaware 1806 151 500 112 , 216 16 . Ohio 1808 314 15 , 564 2 , 339 , 511 17 . District of Columbia ... 1811 13 . 050 75 , 080 18 . Louisiana * 1812 128 4 , 050 708 , 002
19 . Tennessee * 1813 174 7 , 250 1 , 109 , 801 20 . Indiana 1818 235 12 , 21-4 1 , 350 , 428 21 . Mississippi * 1818 205 7 , 310 971 , 305 22 . Maine 1820 133 8 , 100 628 , 279 23 . Alabama * 1821 217 7 , 223 964 , 201 24 . Missouri * 1821 126 4 , 903 1 , 182 , 012
25 . Minnesota 1823 24 850 172 , 123 20 . Michigan 1826 109 10 , 0 / 8 749 , 113 27 . Florida * 1830 38 1 , 234 140 , 425 28 . Arkansas * 1832 103 1 , 929 435 , 450 29 . Texas * 1237 212 2 , 451 604 , 215 30 . Illinois 1840 395 18 , 311 1 , 711 , 951
31 . Wisconsin 1813 127 4 , 990 775 , 881 32 . Iowa * lS-ll 152 5 , 416 074 , 913 33 . California 1850 173 0 , 700 365 , 439 34 . Oregon 1851 28 8 S 8 52 , 465 35 . Kansas * 1856 137 1 , 327 107 , 206 TEKKITOMI-S .
36 . Newaska 1857 7 125 28 , 841 37 . Washington 1859 10 285 21 , 168 38 . Colorado 18 G 0 7 300 34 , 277 39 . Nevada 1865 8 98 0 , 857