Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ITALIAN MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION AND DEDICATION OF THE UNDERLEY LODGE (No. 1074). Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC LIFE BOATS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE FRENCH LODGE IN JERSEY. Page 1 of 2 →
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communication of the 28 th October , " The Religion of English Freemasonry . " Perhaps he will be so obli giug as to look at it , and I venture to suggest tha ' i he should then reconsider his criticism of my communication of the 11 th iust ., " Religion of Preemasonry as a Universal Institution . " Yours fraternally , CHARLES PUETOJT COOPEE . Chateau Frampas , 30 th November .
Italian Masonry.
TO THE ED 1 TOT 1 01 ? THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND JIASONIC HIKROK . DEAE SIE AND BEOTHEE , —On perusing the various documents in your valuable Magazine , I cannot but wonder at the gross imprudence and un-Masonic bearing of our Italian brethren . Not content with the handle they have afforded the Pope hy their previous political meddling , they
then come forward in confirmation of the Papal allocution with a circular on the Italian elections ! What have they to do with the elections , or what has any Masonic body to do with elections ? "What do they mean by professing to eschew politics , and their coming forward to intermeddle in electionsand
, above all assailing the political convictions of brethren by affirming that all true brethren will vote for the cause of progress , and pointing out those who do not adopt their political creed , as false brethren . With the late unfortunate events in the States , and the division of the brethren of the North and South ,
we had quite a sufficient warning how much internal strife may become prejudicial to Masonry , and now we find a renewal of this experience in Italy . The fact is , an eternal self-conceit more moves the Italians than the dictates of experience , and instead of profiting by the slow and steady experience of
England , Scotland , Ireland , and Holland , the Italians wish to shine in Masonry beyond the old and the slow , and to come before the world iu a brilliant attitude .
The same mania has affected our French brethren , and this desire of display has overcome discretion in the publication of various replies to the Pope , not one of which can be satisfactory to the advocates of constitutional Masonry . The Pope , by the publication of his allocution , brought upon himself ridicule and contempt ; but he
is already gaining ground , in consequence of the proceedings of our injudicious champions . I am , Sir , your obedient servant , SCRUTATOR .
Consecration And Dedication Of The Underley Lodge (No. 1074).
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROK . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Be good enough to allow me to correct an error in youv report ol' the above proceedings . Tour correspondent gives me the credit of " having charge ofthe arrangements" for the banquet . This is a mistake . I simply announced the toasts .
The " arrangements" were efficiently made , and zealously carried out hy the Hon . Sec , Bro . Henry Davis . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternall y , 12 th Dec . 18 G 5 . JOHN BOWES , P . M ., P . G . D . C .
Masonic Life Boats.
10 THE EDITOK OF THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND STASONIC JIIKBOB . SIR , — "While standing upon our southern coast during the recent gales , the thought came into my mind that perhaps before daylig ht some brother might be shipwrecked , and I wondered whether the Freemasons would subscribe and p lace a life-boat on our easternsouthernand western shoresthrough
, , , that valuable institution , the National Life Boat Institution , for the benefit of our brethren upon themighty waters . As this is the season for London lodges , and as the brethren are nightly gathering around the festiveboard , this suggestion is just forwarded in the hope
that it may be taken up by abler hands than mine . If only a trifle from every true Mason in this country were subscribed , the above mi g ht soon be carried out . I aiiiwilling to act as Hon . Sec . if any brethren like to come forward to form a committee to carry out what to me appears a truly Masonic object . Yours , & c , Dec . ISfiS . A . B .
The French Lodge In Jersey.
10 THE EDITOE OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIHBOE . On looking calmly at the proceedings which havetaken place at Jersey , I cannot but regret that the S . C . of France , the oldest S . O ., and one of the oldest legitimate authorities on the Continent , should have adopted the course of founding a lodge within the jurisdiction of another Grand Lodge .
It- is to be the more regretted , because I have very good reason for knowing that it is a step taken out of pique against the morgue Anglaise , as they considerit , of our Grand Lodge in abstaining from intercourse , and withholding recognition . Tiiey have , after several years' threatening , adopted this measure
to excite the Grand Lodge of England . At the same time , tbe G . O . of France and the S . G . C . of France have some grounds for irritation . Our Grand Loclge authorities are said to consider that the two French jurisdictions are in schism , and on that ground withhold their recognition , awaiting the ultimate abatement of the schism . This is scarcely a just or judicious view .
The-G . O . of France has , and always has , exercised jurisdiction over the high ancl the Craft degrees of the . French Rite , and the S . G . C . over the high and the Craft degrees of the Scotch or Ancient and Accepted Rite . Occasionally they have acted together , and have issued joint warrants and joint certificates and diplomasthat is to saylodges and chapters were
, , authorised by the respective jurisdictions to work both in the French ancl the Scotch Rites , and theirmembers holding a dip loma to that effect were qualified for the lodges and offices of either . The S . G . Council does not profess to grant warrants or diplomas for the French Rite ; and the G . O .
has its jurisdiction over the French Rite in its lod ges , and chapters , and it can only be in schism so far as it professes to give degrees above the ISth , unless it has a constitutional right to create new degrees . The jurisdictions are rather to be compared with those of the Craft and Royal Arch in England , Scotland , and Ireland , and of these and of the Ancient and Accepted Itite in Scotland and Ireland .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
communication of the 28 th October , " The Religion of English Freemasonry . " Perhaps he will be so obli giug as to look at it , and I venture to suggest tha ' i he should then reconsider his criticism of my communication of the 11 th iust ., " Religion of Preemasonry as a Universal Institution . " Yours fraternally , CHARLES PUETOJT COOPEE . Chateau Frampas , 30 th November .
Italian Masonry.
TO THE ED 1 TOT 1 01 ? THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND JIASONIC HIKROK . DEAE SIE AND BEOTHEE , —On perusing the various documents in your valuable Magazine , I cannot but wonder at the gross imprudence and un-Masonic bearing of our Italian brethren . Not content with the handle they have afforded the Pope hy their previous political meddling , they
then come forward in confirmation of the Papal allocution with a circular on the Italian elections ! What have they to do with the elections , or what has any Masonic body to do with elections ? "What do they mean by professing to eschew politics , and their coming forward to intermeddle in electionsand
, above all assailing the political convictions of brethren by affirming that all true brethren will vote for the cause of progress , and pointing out those who do not adopt their political creed , as false brethren . With the late unfortunate events in the States , and the division of the brethren of the North and South ,
we had quite a sufficient warning how much internal strife may become prejudicial to Masonry , and now we find a renewal of this experience in Italy . The fact is , an eternal self-conceit more moves the Italians than the dictates of experience , and instead of profiting by the slow and steady experience of
England , Scotland , Ireland , and Holland , the Italians wish to shine in Masonry beyond the old and the slow , and to come before the world iu a brilliant attitude .
The same mania has affected our French brethren , and this desire of display has overcome discretion in the publication of various replies to the Pope , not one of which can be satisfactory to the advocates of constitutional Masonry . The Pope , by the publication of his allocution , brought upon himself ridicule and contempt ; but he
is already gaining ground , in consequence of the proceedings of our injudicious champions . I am , Sir , your obedient servant , SCRUTATOR .
Consecration And Dedication Of The Underley Lodge (No. 1074).
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROK . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Be good enough to allow me to correct an error in youv report ol' the above proceedings . Tour correspondent gives me the credit of " having charge ofthe arrangements" for the banquet . This is a mistake . I simply announced the toasts .
The " arrangements" were efficiently made , and zealously carried out hy the Hon . Sec , Bro . Henry Davis . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternall y , 12 th Dec . 18 G 5 . JOHN BOWES , P . M ., P . G . D . C .
Masonic Life Boats.
10 THE EDITOK OF THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND STASONIC JIIKBOB . SIR , — "While standing upon our southern coast during the recent gales , the thought came into my mind that perhaps before daylig ht some brother might be shipwrecked , and I wondered whether the Freemasons would subscribe and p lace a life-boat on our easternsouthernand western shoresthrough
, , , that valuable institution , the National Life Boat Institution , for the benefit of our brethren upon themighty waters . As this is the season for London lodges , and as the brethren are nightly gathering around the festiveboard , this suggestion is just forwarded in the hope
that it may be taken up by abler hands than mine . If only a trifle from every true Mason in this country were subscribed , the above mi g ht soon be carried out . I aiiiwilling to act as Hon . Sec . if any brethren like to come forward to form a committee to carry out what to me appears a truly Masonic object . Yours , & c , Dec . ISfiS . A . B .
The French Lodge In Jersey.
10 THE EDITOE OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIHBOE . On looking calmly at the proceedings which havetaken place at Jersey , I cannot but regret that the S . C . of France , the oldest S . O ., and one of the oldest legitimate authorities on the Continent , should have adopted the course of founding a lodge within the jurisdiction of another Grand Lodge .
It- is to be the more regretted , because I have very good reason for knowing that it is a step taken out of pique against the morgue Anglaise , as they considerit , of our Grand Lodge in abstaining from intercourse , and withholding recognition . Tiiey have , after several years' threatening , adopted this measure
to excite the Grand Lodge of England . At the same time , tbe G . O . of France and the S . G . C . of France have some grounds for irritation . Our Grand Loclge authorities are said to consider that the two French jurisdictions are in schism , and on that ground withhold their recognition , awaiting the ultimate abatement of the schism . This is scarcely a just or judicious view .
The-G . O . of France has , and always has , exercised jurisdiction over the high ancl the Craft degrees of the . French Rite , and the S . G . C . over the high and the Craft degrees of the Scotch or Ancient and Accepted Rite . Occasionally they have acted together , and have issued joint warrants and joint certificates and diplomasthat is to saylodges and chapters were
, , authorised by the respective jurisdictions to work both in the French ancl the Scotch Rites , and theirmembers holding a dip loma to that effect were qualified for the lodges and offices of either . The S . G . Council does not profess to grant warrants or diplomas for the French Rite ; and the G . O .
has its jurisdiction over the French Rite in its lod ges , and chapters , and it can only be in schism so far as it professes to give degrees above the ISth , unless it has a constitutional right to create new degrees . The jurisdictions are rather to be compared with those of the Craft and Royal Arch in England , Scotland , and Ireland , and of these and of the Ancient and Accepted Itite in Scotland and Ireland .