Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEM. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic Mirror.
* ..., * All communications to bo addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mem.
The following is the title of a Pamphlet in octavo , which , we understand , is now in the Press ; by the learned Masonic Historian , Dr . Oliver , viz .: — " Papal Teachings in Freemasonry . " Being a rectification of tho errors and misrepresentations contained in a recent Allocution , promulgated from the Secret Consistory at Homo , by Pope Pius IX .
AIBION LODGE ( NO . 9 ) . —Tills loclge lield its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday evening , December 5 th , at Freemasons ' Hall , Bro . Poulton , W . M . The business consisted in the transition of Bros . Marshall and Parker to the degree of P . O ., and of the elevation [ of Bro . Webb to the sublime degree of M . M . The visitors were Bros . Parnfield , Secretary of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution ; Kass , "Amis du Commerce et Perseverance , Antwerp ; " Fox , Gresham Lodge ; and Charles
Sloman ( Robert Burns , No . 26 ) . The result of the ballot for W . M . placed Bro . Stephens in that enviable position . An excellent banquet succeeded tlie business . Bro . Haas , in returning ; thanks for tho visitors , gave some very interesting information as to Freemasonry in Antwerp , and said that the same brotherly feeling prevailed there that does in this country . Bros . Stevens , Bncklaiui , Culler , and Charles Sloman contributed to the harmony , and the result was an evening spent in conviviality and intellectual enjoyment .
ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( NO . 25 ) . —The brethren of tins oldestablished , well-worked , and miich-esteenied lodge congregated on the evening of Monday , the 4 th inst ., at Freemasons '' Hall , under the domination of the W . M ., Bro . John T . Nicholls , when Mr . William James Caldwell was inducted into the initial degree of E . A . Bros . Short , Hunt , Oppermaun , Oestermann , Baum , Harrison , and Wall were forwarded to the degree of F . C . ; and Bro . Westlake received tlie crowning reward of
his perseverance by being raised to the sublime degree of M . M . 'The onerous duties incumbent upon so much work were ably performed by the W . M . ; indeed , so well as to call forth the encomiums of the brethren present . This being election night , a ballot took place , when Bro . Welch was unanimously chosen to fill the office of W . M . for the ensuing session . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in the usual form , and
tlie brethren retired to an elegant banquet , and the evening was passed in harmony and conviviality . STRONG MAN LODGE ( NO . 45 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 7 th inst ., at Bro . Ireland ' s , the Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane . Bro . , J . P . Booser , W . M ., assisted by his officers , initiated Mr . Charles Bradley ancl Mr . W . » A . Cliallenor into the mysteries of
Freemasonry . Bro . Mayer was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . The business of the lodge being concluded , the brethren retired to banquet , Bro . Ireland catering in his usual able manner . About thirty sat down , the W . M . presiding . After the repast , the usual loyal and 11 asonic toasts were drunk , which were followed by the " Health of the Initiates , " " The Visitors , " coupled with the names of Bros . J . D . Mills and Brett , who respectively ncl-nowJedg-etl the compliment . A . very pleasant evening was spent .
ANNIVERSARY OF THE DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 111 ) . The anniversary meeting of this lodge was held on Friday evening , December 8 , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Bro . J . B . Osborne , W . M ., presided ; Bros . Simpson , S . W ., and P . W . Smith , J . W . The other officers were present , and the following P . M . 's : —Bros . Thompson , I . P . M . Smith , Treasurer ; "W . Carpenter , T . Marshall , Ehiics , Secretary ; Haydon , Brett , Jtussen ,
and Wilson . There was a numerous body of visitors , ancl amongst them v .-ere Bros . Colletfc , Pvoyal Albert ; Stevens , Albion ; King , Old Concord ; llandall , Enoch ; Boyd , P . M . and W . M . Prudent Brethren ; W . Y . La ' mg , P . M . Strong Man ; Benton , P . M . Albion ; Savage , Industry ; Moore , Dalhousie ; Banks , Confidence ; Lee , P . M . Albion ; Hamilton , Whittington ; Gil . bard , Polish ; Pippin , St . John's ; Davy , Panmure ; Carter ,
P . M . Prudent Brethren , & e . The first business , after the opening of the Iodge , _ was toballot for Mr . Barber , who was a candidate for initiation into the mysteries of Freemasonry , which being unanimous in his favour , he wis introduced , and entrusted with the secrets of the first degree , the ceremony being ably performed by the W . M .. The chair was then taken by Bro . Thompson , I . P . M ., who proceeded to question Bros . ThompsonMantonand the other
, , brethren , as to their proficiency in the science , and their answers being considered satisfactory , they withdrew . The lodge was opened in the : > eeoud degree , and they were severallypassed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened in the third decree , and Bros . Coathupe and Bennett were then raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., Bro . Thompson performing thab in an impressive mannerand for which he received
ceremony , the warm congratulations of many old P . M . ' s who were present .. The chair was then taken by Bro . Brett , P . M ., who had been , requested to perform the ceremony of installation . ' Bro . JOSEPH Smrsos , the W . M . elect , was then presented by Bro . J . Smith , to receive the benefit of installation , and Bro . Brett went through that duty iu a very able manner in the of nineteen P . M . ' s . The brethren below the chair
presence having been admitted and saluted tho new W . M ., he appointecl liis officers as follows : —Bros . F . Smith , S . W . ; T . Prior , J . W . ; Woolfe , S . D . ; Lindfield , J . D . ; Foulger , I . G . ; Bradley , Tyler ; . J . Smith , 'Uveas . ; IL Etmes , See . ; Pulsford , Assist . Sec . ; Tanner and Margerison , Assist . Deacons ; Potter , Dir . of Cers . The W . M . invested the whole of his officers , and to each made a suitable address on the duties appertaining to his
appointment . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , and seventy-nine sat down to a banquet , prepared in the usual style of Anderton ' s Hotel . After the cloth was drawn , the W . M . gave briefly the formal toasts , which were duly honoured . The W . MASTER said the next toast he had to propose was
one always peculiarly pleasing to the Master of a lodge , as it afforded them gratification to receive a new member amongst them . From what he had seen of Bro . Barber , he believed hewould become a good Mason , and it was therefore with great satisfaction ho proposed his health . The toast ivas well received . Bro . BARBER returned thanks , and said he would endeavour to become all that their W . M . desired that he should , and be a ,
good Mason . Bro . OSBORNE , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " ' and descanted on his many excellent qualities , hoping that hewould have a happy and prosperous year of office . Drunk with great cordiality . The W . MASTER acknowledged the compliment so heartily responded to , and said that during his year he would do his best , .-mil nothing should be wanting on his part to merit the
confidence of the brethren . The W . M . then said he had a very pleasing task to perform , which was to present Bro . Osborne ,, the I . P . M ., with the jewel which the brethren had voted to him in recognition of his eminent services , and he hoped he mightlive long to wear it . Bro . OSBORNE , I . P . M ., thanked the brethren for their kindness , and said he should eyer have a lively recollection of the
good feeling entertained towards him by the members of the Domatic Lodge . Tlie W . MASTEB said the next toast was a particularly pleasing one to him , as it was " The Health of their brother Visitors , " and he gave them in the name of the lodge a hearty welcome . Bro . LEEP . M . of the Albionand Bro . LAINGP . M . of the
, , , Strong Man , severally returned thanks . " The Health of the 0 fficers of the lodgo " w . as given , and for which they severally returned thanks . Some other toasts were given , and the proceedings were brought to a close after a very harmonious meeting , interspersed with songs , & c . . . i
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
* ..., * All communications to bo addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mem.
The following is the title of a Pamphlet in octavo , which , we understand , is now in the Press ; by the learned Masonic Historian , Dr . Oliver , viz .: — " Papal Teachings in Freemasonry . " Being a rectification of tho errors and misrepresentations contained in a recent Allocution , promulgated from the Secret Consistory at Homo , by Pope Pius IX .
AIBION LODGE ( NO . 9 ) . —Tills loclge lield its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday evening , December 5 th , at Freemasons ' Hall , Bro . Poulton , W . M . The business consisted in the transition of Bros . Marshall and Parker to the degree of P . O ., and of the elevation [ of Bro . Webb to the sublime degree of M . M . The visitors were Bros . Parnfield , Secretary of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution ; Kass , "Amis du Commerce et Perseverance , Antwerp ; " Fox , Gresham Lodge ; and Charles
Sloman ( Robert Burns , No . 26 ) . The result of the ballot for W . M . placed Bro . Stephens in that enviable position . An excellent banquet succeeded tlie business . Bro . Haas , in returning ; thanks for tho visitors , gave some very interesting information as to Freemasonry in Antwerp , and said that the same brotherly feeling prevailed there that does in this country . Bros . Stevens , Bncklaiui , Culler , and Charles Sloman contributed to the harmony , and the result was an evening spent in conviviality and intellectual enjoyment .
ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( NO . 25 ) . —The brethren of tins oldestablished , well-worked , and miich-esteenied lodge congregated on the evening of Monday , the 4 th inst ., at Freemasons '' Hall , under the domination of the W . M ., Bro . John T . Nicholls , when Mr . William James Caldwell was inducted into the initial degree of E . A . Bros . Short , Hunt , Oppermaun , Oestermann , Baum , Harrison , and Wall were forwarded to the degree of F . C . ; and Bro . Westlake received tlie crowning reward of
his perseverance by being raised to the sublime degree of M . M . 'The onerous duties incumbent upon so much work were ably performed by the W . M . ; indeed , so well as to call forth the encomiums of the brethren present . This being election night , a ballot took place , when Bro . Welch was unanimously chosen to fill the office of W . M . for the ensuing session . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in the usual form , and
tlie brethren retired to an elegant banquet , and the evening was passed in harmony and conviviality . STRONG MAN LODGE ( NO . 45 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 7 th inst ., at Bro . Ireland ' s , the Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane . Bro . , J . P . Booser , W . M ., assisted by his officers , initiated Mr . Charles Bradley ancl Mr . W . » A . Cliallenor into the mysteries of
Freemasonry . Bro . Mayer was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . The business of the lodge being concluded , the brethren retired to banquet , Bro . Ireland catering in his usual able manner . About thirty sat down , the W . M . presiding . After the repast , the usual loyal and 11 asonic toasts were drunk , which were followed by the " Health of the Initiates , " " The Visitors , " coupled with the names of Bros . J . D . Mills and Brett , who respectively ncl-nowJedg-etl the compliment . A . very pleasant evening was spent .
ANNIVERSARY OF THE DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 111 ) . The anniversary meeting of this lodge was held on Friday evening , December 8 , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Bro . J . B . Osborne , W . M ., presided ; Bros . Simpson , S . W ., and P . W . Smith , J . W . The other officers were present , and the following P . M . 's : —Bros . Thompson , I . P . M . Smith , Treasurer ; "W . Carpenter , T . Marshall , Ehiics , Secretary ; Haydon , Brett , Jtussen ,
and Wilson . There was a numerous body of visitors , ancl amongst them v .-ere Bros . Colletfc , Pvoyal Albert ; Stevens , Albion ; King , Old Concord ; llandall , Enoch ; Boyd , P . M . and W . M . Prudent Brethren ; W . Y . La ' mg , P . M . Strong Man ; Benton , P . M . Albion ; Savage , Industry ; Moore , Dalhousie ; Banks , Confidence ; Lee , P . M . Albion ; Hamilton , Whittington ; Gil . bard , Polish ; Pippin , St . John's ; Davy , Panmure ; Carter ,
P . M . Prudent Brethren , & e . The first business , after the opening of the Iodge , _ was toballot for Mr . Barber , who was a candidate for initiation into the mysteries of Freemasonry , which being unanimous in his favour , he wis introduced , and entrusted with the secrets of the first degree , the ceremony being ably performed by the W . M .. The chair was then taken by Bro . Thompson , I . P . M ., who proceeded to question Bros . ThompsonMantonand the other
, , brethren , as to their proficiency in the science , and their answers being considered satisfactory , they withdrew . The lodge was opened in the : > eeoud degree , and they were severallypassed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened in the third decree , and Bros . Coathupe and Bennett were then raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., Bro . Thompson performing thab in an impressive mannerand for which he received
ceremony , the warm congratulations of many old P . M . ' s who were present .. The chair was then taken by Bro . Brett , P . M ., who had been , requested to perform the ceremony of installation . ' Bro . JOSEPH Smrsos , the W . M . elect , was then presented by Bro . J . Smith , to receive the benefit of installation , and Bro . Brett went through that duty iu a very able manner in the of nineteen P . M . ' s . The brethren below the chair
presence having been admitted and saluted tho new W . M ., he appointecl liis officers as follows : —Bros . F . Smith , S . W . ; T . Prior , J . W . ; Woolfe , S . D . ; Lindfield , J . D . ; Foulger , I . G . ; Bradley , Tyler ; . J . Smith , 'Uveas . ; IL Etmes , See . ; Pulsford , Assist . Sec . ; Tanner and Margerison , Assist . Deacons ; Potter , Dir . of Cers . The W . M . invested the whole of his officers , and to each made a suitable address on the duties appertaining to his
appointment . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , and seventy-nine sat down to a banquet , prepared in the usual style of Anderton ' s Hotel . After the cloth was drawn , the W . M . gave briefly the formal toasts , which were duly honoured . The W . MASTER said the next toast he had to propose was
one always peculiarly pleasing to the Master of a lodge , as it afforded them gratification to receive a new member amongst them . From what he had seen of Bro . Barber , he believed hewould become a good Mason , and it was therefore with great satisfaction ho proposed his health . The toast ivas well received . Bro . BARBER returned thanks , and said he would endeavour to become all that their W . M . desired that he should , and be a ,
good Mason . Bro . OSBORNE , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " ' and descanted on his many excellent qualities , hoping that hewould have a happy and prosperous year of office . Drunk with great cordiality . The W . MASTER acknowledged the compliment so heartily responded to , and said that during his year he would do his best , .-mil nothing should be wanting on his part to merit the
confidence of the brethren . The W . M . then said he had a very pleasing task to perform , which was to present Bro . Osborne ,, the I . P . M ., with the jewel which the brethren had voted to him in recognition of his eminent services , and he hoped he mightlive long to wear it . Bro . OSBORNE , I . P . M ., thanked the brethren for their kindness , and said he should eyer have a lively recollection of the
good feeling entertained towards him by the members of the Domatic Lodge . Tlie W . MASTEB said the next toast was a particularly pleasing one to him , as it was " The Health of their brother Visitors , " and he gave them in the name of the lodge a hearty welcome . Bro . LEEP . M . of the Albionand Bro . LAINGP . M . of the
, , , Strong Man , severally returned thanks . " The Health of the 0 fficers of the lodgo " w . as given , and for which they severally returned thanks . Some other toasts were given , and the proceedings were brought to a close after a very harmonious meeting , interspersed with songs , & c . . . i