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CHESHIRE . CHE - . —Lodge of tlie Four Cardinal Virtues ( No . 979 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Crewe Arms Hotel , on Wednesday , the Gth inst . Present : Bros . Bullock , W . M . ; Whale , S . W . pro tent , s Eardley , J . W . ; Mould , I . P . M . ; Doyle , S . D . ; Ratliffe , J . D . ; Davies , ' I . G . pro tern . ; Moody , Sec . ; Gibson , Org . ; and a good muster of the members . Visitors : Bros . Bowesprov . G . Dir . of Cers .
Cumber-, land ; Spinks , Lodge of Lights ; and Jones . Just before the lodge commenced working , a visitor sought admission , '' who liad recently been appointed to a highly respectable office in the town . The W . M . retired to prove him , but found he had never received a Grand Lodge certificate , though initiated twenty years . He , therefore , declined to examine or admit Mm , unless a Mason would vouch for him . The gentleman
¦ was much annoyed , as lie said he had visited other lodges frequently ; but the W . M . was firm . This little episode rather hindered and disturbed the officers , who had to work the three degrees in succession . Bro . Bagshaw was first passed to the P . O . degree . Bro . Dobson was then raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The lodge was closed down , aud a ballot taken for an emergency initiation , the candidate not
being able to attend at the next regular loclge . Mr . John Phillips was then initiated into the Craft , and was very favourably impressed with the beautiful ceremony . After the ceremony , the W . M . duly cautioned the candidate against giving relief to travelling Masons , as the lodge had provided a proper examiner and Almoner to meet such cases . This proved quite necessary , as the next day only he was waited upon by a German , without a certificate , mimed Schwartz , who did not at
all _ confine himself to ono of the three grand principles—truth . This name figures , too , in a list of beggars for this year , from Wolverhampton and Warrington , proving that he is trading on Masonry from town to town . A resolution was passed that the by-laws of the lodgo bo punted . The W . M . then , read a letter from Bro . Cope , G . S . B ., who consecrated this lodge , stating that he was accepting the office of Steward for the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their
Widows , and expressing a wish that this lodge would forward him some assistance . The W . M ., after alluding to the . excellent working qualities and great kindness of Bro . Cope on all occasions , proposed that two guineas be granted from the lodgo . This was seconded by Bro . Mould , and carried unanimously . Pro . Bullock also solicited each of the brethren to give something , so as to make at least five guineas . This call was readil
y responded to , and that sum was nearly raised there and then . It was also carried that a lodge of emergency for instruction be held on Wednesday , December 20 th . Each of the ceremonies were worked by the AV . M . under somewhat trying circumstances , viz ., the interruption before alluded to , and the absence of two officers . Tlie visiting brethren from Warrington retired at tbe conclusion of the ceremonies . The brethren then partook of
supper , but the lateness of the evening prevented the usual toasts . "The Health of the Initiate , " however , was given , and Bro . Phillips , in response , expressed his pleasure and gratitude in being admitted to the Craft , and promised to devote himself to its workings and teachings . This lod <* e has never yet had a barren meeting , and the three degrees will be worked at the next meeting , as a candidate was proposed by tlie W . M . for initiation .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . CONSECRATION OP THE GRETA LODGE , KESWICK . The romantic village of Keswick was on Thursday , Nov . 23 rd , the scene of hi gh festivities in the Masonic world consequent upon the consecration and dedication of a new lodgo named the Greta Locl ge . There was a large attendance of brethrenamongst whom we noticed the RWBrosDr
, .. . . Greaves , D . Prov . G . M . ; W . B . Gibson , P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ; Pearson , Prov . J . G . W . ; E . Busher , Prov . G . Sec ; Morton , Prov . S . G . D . ; Fisher , Prov . J . G . D . ; Cook , Prov . G . Sunt , of Works ; Ariiison , Prov . G . S . B . ; Bamber , Prov . G . Standard Bearer .
Bro . Bowes . Prov . G . Dir of Cers ., wrote stating his inability to be present . Besides this large number of Provincial Officers there was a good attendance of brethren . The brethren having assembled in the lodge room , the
consecrating officer , Bro . Dr . Greaves , assumed the chair of K . S ., and , with the assistance of his Wardens , opened a lodge . The brethren of the new lodgo having been arranged in order , tho loclge was opened to the third degree . Dr . Greaves then addressed the brethren on the nature of the meeting . The warrant from the Grand Lodge was read , and the usual formalities completed , ancl the lodge declared-dedicated and constituted according to ancient custom . Tho ceremony o £
Installation was then proceeded with , when Bro . leather , a P . Prov . G . Officer , and a brother who is very highly esteemed , was installed according to ancient custom into the chair o £ K . S ' . He having received the salutations and honours usual on such occasions , proceeded to appoint and invest his officers . Bros . Walker and G . G . Bonlton were honoured in the west and south respectivel . The collar and jewels were greatly admired
y for elegance of design and superior workmanship , and Bro . Wheatiey ( Carlisle ) , who supplied them , was warmly complimented for the highly satisfactory manner in which ho had executed the order . There being no further business , the lodge was solemnly closed in due form , and tho brethren adjourned for refreshment .
THE BANQUET . This took place at tho Keswick Hotel , and was set out and served in Bro . Rudd ' s best manner . The chair was occupied by the R . W . D . Prov . G . ? J . Dr . Greaves , while the west was superintended by the newly-installed W . M . Bro . Teather . After the withdrawal of the . cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero proposed from the chair and dulhonoured .
y Tlie W . MASTER then rose to propose the health of the R . W . Chairman , who had so ably performed the important ceremonies of the day . They all knew Bro . Greaves' zeal in Masonic matters , and how devoted he was to its best interests . That this was generally felt by the brethren in the province , he had tangible proof at the last meeting of the Provincial Lodge at Cockermouth . For nearly eleven years he had been the acting
head of the province , and he begged to assure Dr . Greaves that his labour of love was duly appreciated . ( Loud cheers . ) Drunk with all honours . The CHAIKIIAN , on rising to thank the brethren , was very warmly received . After giving expression to tiie gratitude he felt for the regard and esteem of his brethren in Freemasonry , said that day had conferred upon him an additional honour as Deputy Provincial Grand Masterinasmuch as he had
conse-, crated for tho fifth time a loclge in his province . This was no mean distinction , and he was happy the inauguration of the Greta Lodge had drawn together such a large and influential company as lie now saw round the festive board . ( Applause . ) The D . PROV . G . MASTEB said it now devolved upon him to propose what he might call the toast of the evening , that of tho Greta Loclge and its first W . M . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Teather was too well known to render it necessary to resort to eulogistic
language m referring to mm . His store ot Masonic lore was both varied and extensive . He had never before heard a newly installed W . M . address his wardens in such an efficient manner He begged , therefore , to propose " Success to tho Grand Lodge , " and to couple with it the name of its excellent W . M ., Bro . Teather . Drunk with all honours . The W . MASTER rose to thank Dr . Greaves ancl the brethren
for so warm a recognition of his name . It had long been his desire to see a lodge at Keswick , and he thought the newly formed railway had done much towards accomplishing that end . He doubted not that the Greta Lodge would go on its way rdjoicing , and he was sure that himself and his officers had bub one object in view , viz ., the prosperity of tho Craft in general , and the Greta Lodge in particular . ( Alause . )
pp Tho CilAimiAM next proposed " The Health of the Prov . G . Wardens , " both of whom he saw present . Drunk with all honours . Bros . GIUSON and PEARSON acknowledged the compliment in suitable speeches . Bro . TEATHER proposed "The Healths of tho W . M . ' s of the lodges in the province . " He was sure iu their hands the ancient
landmarks were in safe keeping . He saw a goodly representation present , and he begged them individually to respond . ( Loud cheers . ) Drunk with all honours . Bro . BUSTIER ( Kendal ) , Bamber ( Workington ) , Morton ( Cockermouth ) , Cooke and Fisher ( Whitehaven ) , Aruisou ( Penrith ) , answered to the call , each individually expressing their acknowledgments .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHESHIRE . CHE - . —Lodge of tlie Four Cardinal Virtues ( No . 979 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Crewe Arms Hotel , on Wednesday , the Gth inst . Present : Bros . Bullock , W . M . ; Whale , S . W . pro tent , s Eardley , J . W . ; Mould , I . P . M . ; Doyle , S . D . ; Ratliffe , J . D . ; Davies , ' I . G . pro tern . ; Moody , Sec . ; Gibson , Org . ; and a good muster of the members . Visitors : Bros . Bowesprov . G . Dir . of Cers .
Cumber-, land ; Spinks , Lodge of Lights ; and Jones . Just before the lodge commenced working , a visitor sought admission , '' who liad recently been appointed to a highly respectable office in the town . The W . M . retired to prove him , but found he had never received a Grand Lodge certificate , though initiated twenty years . He , therefore , declined to examine or admit Mm , unless a Mason would vouch for him . The gentleman
¦ was much annoyed , as lie said he had visited other lodges frequently ; but the W . M . was firm . This little episode rather hindered and disturbed the officers , who had to work the three degrees in succession . Bro . Bagshaw was first passed to the P . O . degree . Bro . Dobson was then raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The lodge was closed down , aud a ballot taken for an emergency initiation , the candidate not
being able to attend at the next regular loclge . Mr . John Phillips was then initiated into the Craft , and was very favourably impressed with the beautiful ceremony . After the ceremony , the W . M . duly cautioned the candidate against giving relief to travelling Masons , as the lodge had provided a proper examiner and Almoner to meet such cases . This proved quite necessary , as the next day only he was waited upon by a German , without a certificate , mimed Schwartz , who did not at
all _ confine himself to ono of the three grand principles—truth . This name figures , too , in a list of beggars for this year , from Wolverhampton and Warrington , proving that he is trading on Masonry from town to town . A resolution was passed that the by-laws of the lodgo bo punted . The W . M . then , read a letter from Bro . Cope , G . S . B ., who consecrated this lodge , stating that he was accepting the office of Steward for the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their
Widows , and expressing a wish that this lodge would forward him some assistance . The W . M ., after alluding to the . excellent working qualities and great kindness of Bro . Cope on all occasions , proposed that two guineas be granted from the lodgo . This was seconded by Bro . Mould , and carried unanimously . Pro . Bullock also solicited each of the brethren to give something , so as to make at least five guineas . This call was readil
y responded to , and that sum was nearly raised there and then . It was also carried that a lodge of emergency for instruction be held on Wednesday , December 20 th . Each of the ceremonies were worked by the AV . M . under somewhat trying circumstances , viz ., the interruption before alluded to , and the absence of two officers . Tlie visiting brethren from Warrington retired at tbe conclusion of the ceremonies . The brethren then partook of
supper , but the lateness of the evening prevented the usual toasts . "The Health of the Initiate , " however , was given , and Bro . Phillips , in response , expressed his pleasure and gratitude in being admitted to the Craft , and promised to devote himself to its workings and teachings . This lod <* e has never yet had a barren meeting , and the three degrees will be worked at the next meeting , as a candidate was proposed by tlie W . M . for initiation .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . CONSECRATION OP THE GRETA LODGE , KESWICK . The romantic village of Keswick was on Thursday , Nov . 23 rd , the scene of hi gh festivities in the Masonic world consequent upon the consecration and dedication of a new lodgo named the Greta Locl ge . There was a large attendance of brethrenamongst whom we noticed the RWBrosDr
, .. . . Greaves , D . Prov . G . M . ; W . B . Gibson , P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ; Pearson , Prov . J . G . W . ; E . Busher , Prov . G . Sec ; Morton , Prov . S . G . D . ; Fisher , Prov . J . G . D . ; Cook , Prov . G . Sunt , of Works ; Ariiison , Prov . G . S . B . ; Bamber , Prov . G . Standard Bearer .
Bro . Bowes . Prov . G . Dir of Cers ., wrote stating his inability to be present . Besides this large number of Provincial Officers there was a good attendance of brethren . The brethren having assembled in the lodge room , the
consecrating officer , Bro . Dr . Greaves , assumed the chair of K . S ., and , with the assistance of his Wardens , opened a lodge . The brethren of the new lodgo having been arranged in order , tho loclge was opened to the third degree . Dr . Greaves then addressed the brethren on the nature of the meeting . The warrant from the Grand Lodge was read , and the usual formalities completed , ancl the lodge declared-dedicated and constituted according to ancient custom . Tho ceremony o £
Installation was then proceeded with , when Bro . leather , a P . Prov . G . Officer , and a brother who is very highly esteemed , was installed according to ancient custom into the chair o £ K . S ' . He having received the salutations and honours usual on such occasions , proceeded to appoint and invest his officers . Bros . Walker and G . G . Bonlton were honoured in the west and south respectivel . The collar and jewels were greatly admired
y for elegance of design and superior workmanship , and Bro . Wheatiey ( Carlisle ) , who supplied them , was warmly complimented for the highly satisfactory manner in which ho had executed the order . There being no further business , the lodge was solemnly closed in due form , and tho brethren adjourned for refreshment .
THE BANQUET . This took place at tho Keswick Hotel , and was set out and served in Bro . Rudd ' s best manner . The chair was occupied by the R . W . D . Prov . G . ? J . Dr . Greaves , while the west was superintended by the newly-installed W . M . Bro . Teather . After the withdrawal of the . cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero proposed from the chair and dulhonoured .
y Tlie W . MASTER then rose to propose the health of the R . W . Chairman , who had so ably performed the important ceremonies of the day . They all knew Bro . Greaves' zeal in Masonic matters , and how devoted he was to its best interests . That this was generally felt by the brethren in the province , he had tangible proof at the last meeting of the Provincial Lodge at Cockermouth . For nearly eleven years he had been the acting
head of the province , and he begged to assure Dr . Greaves that his labour of love was duly appreciated . ( Loud cheers . ) Drunk with all honours . The CHAIKIIAN , on rising to thank the brethren , was very warmly received . After giving expression to tiie gratitude he felt for the regard and esteem of his brethren in Freemasonry , said that day had conferred upon him an additional honour as Deputy Provincial Grand Masterinasmuch as he had
conse-, crated for tho fifth time a loclge in his province . This was no mean distinction , and he was happy the inauguration of the Greta Lodge had drawn together such a large and influential company as lie now saw round the festive board . ( Applause . ) The D . PROV . G . MASTEB said it now devolved upon him to propose what he might call the toast of the evening , that of tho Greta Loclge and its first W . M . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Teather was too well known to render it necessary to resort to eulogistic
language m referring to mm . His store ot Masonic lore was both varied and extensive . He had never before heard a newly installed W . M . address his wardens in such an efficient manner He begged , therefore , to propose " Success to tho Grand Lodge , " and to couple with it the name of its excellent W . M ., Bro . Teather . Drunk with all honours . The W . MASTER rose to thank Dr . Greaves ancl the brethren
for so warm a recognition of his name . It had long been his desire to see a lodge at Keswick , and he thought the newly formed railway had done much towards accomplishing that end . He doubted not that the Greta Lodge would go on its way rdjoicing , and he was sure that himself and his officers had bub one object in view , viz ., the prosperity of tho Craft in general , and the Greta Lodge in particular . ( Alause . )
pp Tho CilAimiAM next proposed " The Health of the Prov . G . Wardens , " both of whom he saw present . Drunk with all honours . Bros . GIUSON and PEARSON acknowledged the compliment in suitable speeches . Bro . TEATHER proposed "The Healths of tho W . M . ' s of the lodges in the province . " He was sure iu their hands the ancient
landmarks were in safe keeping . He saw a goodly representation present , and he begged them individually to respond . ( Loud cheers . ) Drunk with all honours . Bro . BUSTIER ( Kendal ) , Bamber ( Workington ) , Morton ( Cockermouth ) , Cooke and Fisher ( Whitehaven ) , Aruisou ( Penrith ) , answered to the call , each individually expressing their acknowledgments .