Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
ST . JAMKS ' UNION LODGE ( No . 211 ) . —This Lodge held their last monthly meeting for the season at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday lust , Bro . H . A . Stacey , W . M ., who , having opened tho Loclge in the first ancl second degrees , proceeded to examine Bro . Cameron as to his proficiency iu the Fellow Craft degree . Bro . Cameron having answered satisfactorily the questions put by the Worshipful Master , was afterwards raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The Loclge was closed at an
early hour , and the brethren afterwards assembled at tlie dinner table , well and liberally supplied by Bros . Elkington and Shrewsbury , which having been disposed of , the Worshipful Master rose and said he would make the introduction to the toasts he might have to propose , as brief as possible ; accordingly he soon came to " The Visitors , '" replied to by Bro . Walkley , P . M . No . 3 ( 37 , who , having made some general remarks on the working of the St . James ' s Union Loclge aud the unanimity pervading all their proceedingscalled tho attention of the brethrenmore
-, , par ticularly the junior members , to the notice issued by the Grand Stewards ' bodge , that on AVednesday , the 21 st instant , the sections of the first leotiire will be worked in the Temple adjoining the Hall , at eight o ' clock , at which the brethren were invited to attend , Bro . H . G . Warren presiding as AVorshipful Master . Other toasts and speeches followed , of a , very spirited and interesting character . Various songs were sung , and a very happy evening passed .
PERCY LODGE ( NO . 23-1 ) . —The annual installation meeting was held on Tuesday . March 13 th , at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhallstreet , Bro . Tyennan , W . M ., presided , and initiated Mr . lliehard Litton AVeeks . The AA ' . M . then resigned the chair to Bro . D . It . Farmer , P . M ., No . 25 , to whom Bro . Jas . lliehard Wan-en , SAA " ., and AV . M . elect , was presented and installed according to established custom , and saluted in the several degrees . 'Hie AV . M . then appointed and invested Bros . Tyennan , PAL ; Davis , S . AA . ; Charnock , J . AAL ; and George Lambert ,
Secretary . Bro . Thorn , the Treasurer , was absent through illness . Bro . Kice , reelected Tyler , was also invested . A Past Master ' s jewel was voted to Bro . Tyennan in acknowledgment of his services as Master during the past year . The Lodge being closed , the brethren reassembled at the festive board . The usual loyal and Masonic toast were duly honoured ; and iu reply to a welcome to the newly initiated , Bro . AA eeks , who is in the maritime service , bore testimony to the benefits of Freemasonry ivhich . he had seen in different parts of the globe , and ho ivas
most gratified that tho wish he had long entertained was accomplished , mid he had become a Mason . Bro . Tyennan in proposing the health of the AVAL , referred to Bro . J . It . AVarren ' s attainments , and congratulated the Percy Lodge on having so expert a Mason to preside over it . Bro . J . II . AVarren , in responding , assured , the members he would endeavour to discharge the duties of ! the chair faithfully , and especially referred to the Lodge of Instruction which he hoped would be attended b y the younger members . There were several visitors present , among them were Bros . Randall , P . Prov . G . . Reg ., Herts . ; How , Prov . G . D . C , Herts : John Alckcrs , No . S 2 ; and Freeman , No . IJO .
ZI' . TLAND LODUK ( No . 752 ) . —This Lodge was holden afc six o ' clock , on AVednesday last , at tho King ' s Arms Hotel , Kensington , when Bro . Dun-ant , AVAL , assisted by his AVardens , Bros . Barnshaw and Wilson , proceeded with the business , the first on the paper being the initiation of Mr . Livingston . Ho . then passed Bros , Revell and Thompson to the second degree ; followed by raising to the sublime degree of MAL Bros . Totem oyer , Gray ancl Muzzard . Before closing the Lodge tho AVAL announced that the Grand Stewards' Lodge would
give a public night , on the 21 st instant , when the lecture of the first degree ivould be worked , Bro . hi . G . AVarren presiding as AV . M . ; and he exhorted the younger members to attend and profit by the opportunity of hearing tho lectures worked in all their purity . Masonic business being concluded , the brethren , to the number of forty , including visitors , adjourned to the banquet . A . delightful evening , " Hissed in love , harmony , and conviviality , was brought to a happy close . AVo will merely acid that the usual toasts were given and replied fo . Bro . Bohn , AVAL ( No . 7 ) , returning thanks for the visitors , among whom we recognized Bros . Dr . Nolan , AVAL , No . 21 S ) : Bauquird , PAL , No . 6 ; and Collard , PAL , No . 10 'S .
MI ' . RCHAX ' I : is AW LODGE ( NO . 10 S 3 ) .--Afc a meeting held ou Thursday , March Sth , at the Jamaica Tavern , Poplar , Bro . . 1 . I- ' ,. Blichl ' eldt , AVAL . a . ballot was taken for the election of Master for tho year ensuing , and Bro . Gililon Manton , S . AV ., was chosen to fill that office , and Bro . Blichfeldt elected Treasurer . . \ n elegant jewel , which had been voted at a previous meeting , was presented to Bro . Manton in acknowledgment ot his services as founder of the Lodge . AVe were pleased to find that our presentation print of the Grand Master had been provided with an elegant frame by the AA AL , and presented to the Loclge .
INSTRUCTION . GLOBE LODGE ( No . 23 ) . —At the last meeting of this Lodge of Instruction , the following members served the various offices appended to their names , viz .: —Bros . Sedgwick , AV . M . ; Larcomb , S . AV . ; Simpson , J . AV . ; Woodstock , S . D . ; T . Allen . J . D . ; Reilley , I . G . ; aud Jackson , P . M . There were also present Bros . Levinson , Newall , Gurton , Frances , AVatson , Exall , and several others . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , ancl a ballot taken and found unanimous , to elect the whole forty brethren who were proposed members on the first instant . Bro . Sedgwick very ably performed the ceremony of passing ; and the sections ofthe second lecture were faithfullyawl intelligently worked :
the questions propounded by Bro . AA . Watson . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that Bro . Simpson be elected AV . M . for the ensuing week ; also that Bro . Matthew Cooke be elected an honorary member , and that the Secretary be requested to write to him begging his acceptance of that compliment as a very small mark of the fraternal regard in which he is held by the brothers of this Lodge . A note was ordered to be made on the Lodge books of the satisfactory
manner in which Bro . Sedgwick discharged the duties of the chair . It was also decided that the fifteen sections be worked early in next month . The increased accommodation which Bro . Gurton has provided will go far to render this one of the most popular and well attended West End Lodges of Instruction . ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( NO . 25 ) . — The beautiful and interesting of the consecration of a Lod took lace at Bro . J . AV .
ceremony ge p Adams ' s , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent street , on Friday last , iu the presence of seventy brethren . It was beautifully performed by Bro . AV . Watson , P . M ., No . 25 . The ceremony of installation followed , aud was performed by Bro . T . A . Adams , P . M ., No . 1 ( iii , in his best style . Bro . Farmer , P . M ., No . 25 , was the installed AV . M . After the ceremony , the fourth , fifth , sixth , and seventh sections of tlie first lecture were ably worked by Bros . Caulcher , P . M ., iS o . l 055 ; LeGassiek , P . M . No . 25 ; AV . AViitson , and T .
A . Adams ; the solemnities were greatly enhanced by the musical abilities of Bros . M . Cooke ( on the harmonium ) , J . AA . Adams , Escule , and Newall ( who kindly lent the instrument for the occasion ) . Votes of thanks were unanimously accorded to Bros . AAlitson , T . A . Adams , Farmer , aud the officers , and particularly to the musical brethren ; the odes , chants , and anthems were sot to music by Bro . M . Cooke . About twenty visiting brethren became members of the Loclge of Instruction , aud ifc was very gratifying to mark the attention paid by the younger brethren , of whom the majority consisted . It is intended shortly to work the fifteen sections by members of the parent Loclge .
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . —I ' liimi ludge ( No . I 3 S 9 ) . —This Lodge was opened by the AV . M ., Bro . Haywood , assisted by his officers , at the Old King ' s Head Hotel , on Tuesday , February 2 Sth . The minutes of last meeting being confirmed , tho AVAL raised a brother to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . C . J . Banister , PAL , ( AV . M . of No . 56 , ) acting as S . D . Another candidate wishing the third , degree , the W . M . desired Bro . Banister ,
P . M ., to give it , which ho did , the AV . M . acting for him as S . D . This Lodge is improving , and the brethren are endeavouring to meet with a private room , indeed , they are in treaty for one ; when that is decided , this ancient Loclge will become one of the best in the province . DURHAM ! . GATESHEAD . —lodge of Industry ( No . 5 ( 3 ) . —This Lodge was opened at the Grey Horse Inn . on MondayFebruary 27 fcbin due formby the
, , , AV . M .. Bro . C . J . Banister , and the minutes of last Lodge confirmed . Bro . J ' . Heaword was raised to the degree of MAL by the AV . M . in his usual earnest manner—giving the whole of the ceremony . This being the night for election of AV . M ., Bro . Dohson , S . AV ., was duly elected . Bro . P . F . Ionn , PAL , unanimously elected Treasurer . Business being over , the Loclge was closed in due form , ancl with solemn prayer .
SEAHAM . —Fawcett Lodge ( No . 950 ) . —The fourth anniversary of this Lodge ivas held at Bro . Taylor ' s , Lord Seaham Inn , Seaham Harbour , on AVednesday last , the 7 th instant . 'The business of the evening was the installation of Bro . James Ayre , the AVAL elect . In the absence of Bro . Rutherford , AVAL , Bro . Naylor . PAL , presided . On this occasion tlie Lodge was favoured with the presence of the following brethren from Sunderland : Bros . Naylor , PAL . of this Lodge ; Levy , PAL , and Rahn , AVAL , of Palatine Loclge , No . Ill ; Elwen , W . M .., Graham , anil
Butt , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 95 . The ceremony of installation was most ably performed by Bro . Levy , P . M ., of Palatine Lodge , No . Ill , in his usual , very impressive maimer . The AVAL having been duly installed in the . chair , proceeded to appoint and invest the following officers for tho current year : Bros . T . H . Rutherford . PAL : Ilobert Thorman , SAW ; Robert Caudlish , J . AV . ; AVm . Atkinson , Treas . ; I . L . Henry . See . ; D . G . Perkins . S . D . ; Geo . Stokeld , J . D .: AVm . Brewis , I . G . " wMLawsTylerJohn Brough and . P . C . MannAuditors ;
; . . . ; , John Richardson , and J . Henderson , Stewards . Bros . Rutherford , Thovinan , Candlish , and P . C . Mann , wero appointed and invested byproxy ; three brethren , with Bro . Pallistcr . of thifr , Lodgo , being officers iu tlie Seaham Harbour Volunteer Artillery Corps , wero attending the levee held by her majesty the Queen on the same day . The Lodge then proceeded to refreshment , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bro . Naylor , P . M ., proposed " The health of the in which he
AVAL , " in a neat and appropriate speech , paid a very high compliment to the AV . M ., for the able and zealous discharge of bis Masonic duties . Bro . Ayre had never been once absent from any meeting of the Loclge , since he was made a . Mason—nearly four years ago . In that time lie had Idled the offices of I . G ., J . W ., and S . W ., with credit to himself and honour to the Lodge , and he ( Bro . Naylor ) had no doubt he would discharge the duties of the chair with equal satisfaction . He congratulated the Lodge on having chosen such an able ancl zealous brother to preside over them , and one so well deserving the honour . The toast ivas received with file greatest enthusiasm and the W . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
ST . JAMKS ' UNION LODGE ( No . 211 ) . —This Lodge held their last monthly meeting for the season at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday lust , Bro . H . A . Stacey , W . M ., who , having opened tho Loclge in the first ancl second degrees , proceeded to examine Bro . Cameron as to his proficiency iu the Fellow Craft degree . Bro . Cameron having answered satisfactorily the questions put by the Worshipful Master , was afterwards raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The Loclge was closed at an
early hour , and the brethren afterwards assembled at tlie dinner table , well and liberally supplied by Bros . Elkington and Shrewsbury , which having been disposed of , the Worshipful Master rose and said he would make the introduction to the toasts he might have to propose , as brief as possible ; accordingly he soon came to " The Visitors , '" replied to by Bro . Walkley , P . M . No . 3 ( 37 , who , having made some general remarks on the working of the St . James ' s Union Loclge aud the unanimity pervading all their proceedingscalled tho attention of the brethrenmore
-, , par ticularly the junior members , to the notice issued by the Grand Stewards ' bodge , that on AVednesday , the 21 st instant , the sections of the first leotiire will be worked in the Temple adjoining the Hall , at eight o ' clock , at which the brethren were invited to attend , Bro . H . G . Warren presiding as AVorshipful Master . Other toasts and speeches followed , of a , very spirited and interesting character . Various songs were sung , and a very happy evening passed .
PERCY LODGE ( NO . 23-1 ) . —The annual installation meeting was held on Tuesday . March 13 th , at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhallstreet , Bro . Tyennan , W . M ., presided , and initiated Mr . lliehard Litton AVeeks . The AA ' . M . then resigned the chair to Bro . D . It . Farmer , P . M ., No . 25 , to whom Bro . Jas . lliehard Wan-en , SAA " ., and AV . M . elect , was presented and installed according to established custom , and saluted in the several degrees . 'Hie AV . M . then appointed and invested Bros . Tyennan , PAL ; Davis , S . AA . ; Charnock , J . AAL ; and George Lambert ,
Secretary . Bro . Thorn , the Treasurer , was absent through illness . Bro . Kice , reelected Tyler , was also invested . A Past Master ' s jewel was voted to Bro . Tyennan in acknowledgment of his services as Master during the past year . The Lodge being closed , the brethren reassembled at the festive board . The usual loyal and Masonic toast were duly honoured ; and iu reply to a welcome to the newly initiated , Bro . AA eeks , who is in the maritime service , bore testimony to the benefits of Freemasonry ivhich . he had seen in different parts of the globe , and ho ivas
most gratified that tho wish he had long entertained was accomplished , mid he had become a Mason . Bro . Tyennan in proposing the health of the AVAL , referred to Bro . J . It . AVarren ' s attainments , and congratulated the Percy Lodge on having so expert a Mason to preside over it . Bro . J . II . AVarren , in responding , assured , the members he would endeavour to discharge the duties of ! the chair faithfully , and especially referred to the Lodge of Instruction which he hoped would be attended b y the younger members . There were several visitors present , among them were Bros . Randall , P . Prov . G . . Reg ., Herts . ; How , Prov . G . D . C , Herts : John Alckcrs , No . S 2 ; and Freeman , No . IJO .
ZI' . TLAND LODUK ( No . 752 ) . —This Lodge was holden afc six o ' clock , on AVednesday last , at tho King ' s Arms Hotel , Kensington , when Bro . Dun-ant , AVAL , assisted by his AVardens , Bros . Barnshaw and Wilson , proceeded with the business , the first on the paper being the initiation of Mr . Livingston . Ho . then passed Bros , Revell and Thompson to the second degree ; followed by raising to the sublime degree of MAL Bros . Totem oyer , Gray ancl Muzzard . Before closing the Lodge tho AVAL announced that the Grand Stewards' Lodge would
give a public night , on the 21 st instant , when the lecture of the first degree ivould be worked , Bro . hi . G . AVarren presiding as AV . M . ; and he exhorted the younger members to attend and profit by the opportunity of hearing tho lectures worked in all their purity . Masonic business being concluded , the brethren , to the number of forty , including visitors , adjourned to the banquet . A . delightful evening , " Hissed in love , harmony , and conviviality , was brought to a happy close . AVo will merely acid that the usual toasts were given and replied fo . Bro . Bohn , AVAL ( No . 7 ) , returning thanks for the visitors , among whom we recognized Bros . Dr . Nolan , AVAL , No . 21 S ) : Bauquird , PAL , No . 6 ; and Collard , PAL , No . 10 'S .
MI ' . RCHAX ' I : is AW LODGE ( NO . 10 S 3 ) .--Afc a meeting held ou Thursday , March Sth , at the Jamaica Tavern , Poplar , Bro . . 1 . I- ' ,. Blichl ' eldt , AVAL . a . ballot was taken for the election of Master for tho year ensuing , and Bro . Gililon Manton , S . AV ., was chosen to fill that office , and Bro . Blichfeldt elected Treasurer . . \ n elegant jewel , which had been voted at a previous meeting , was presented to Bro . Manton in acknowledgment ot his services as founder of the Lodge . AVe were pleased to find that our presentation print of the Grand Master had been provided with an elegant frame by the AA AL , and presented to the Loclge .
INSTRUCTION . GLOBE LODGE ( No . 23 ) . —At the last meeting of this Lodge of Instruction , the following members served the various offices appended to their names , viz .: —Bros . Sedgwick , AV . M . ; Larcomb , S . AV . ; Simpson , J . AV . ; Woodstock , S . D . ; T . Allen . J . D . ; Reilley , I . G . ; aud Jackson , P . M . There were also present Bros . Levinson , Newall , Gurton , Frances , AVatson , Exall , and several others . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , ancl a ballot taken and found unanimous , to elect the whole forty brethren who were proposed members on the first instant . Bro . Sedgwick very ably performed the ceremony of passing ; and the sections ofthe second lecture were faithfullyawl intelligently worked :
the questions propounded by Bro . AA . Watson . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that Bro . Simpson be elected AV . M . for the ensuing week ; also that Bro . Matthew Cooke be elected an honorary member , and that the Secretary be requested to write to him begging his acceptance of that compliment as a very small mark of the fraternal regard in which he is held by the brothers of this Lodge . A note was ordered to be made on the Lodge books of the satisfactory
manner in which Bro . Sedgwick discharged the duties of the chair . It was also decided that the fifteen sections be worked early in next month . The increased accommodation which Bro . Gurton has provided will go far to render this one of the most popular and well attended West End Lodges of Instruction . ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( NO . 25 ) . — The beautiful and interesting of the consecration of a Lod took lace at Bro . J . AV .
ceremony ge p Adams ' s , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent street , on Friday last , iu the presence of seventy brethren . It was beautifully performed by Bro . AV . Watson , P . M ., No . 25 . The ceremony of installation followed , aud was performed by Bro . T . A . Adams , P . M ., No . 1 ( iii , in his best style . Bro . Farmer , P . M ., No . 25 , was the installed AV . M . After the ceremony , the fourth , fifth , sixth , and seventh sections of tlie first lecture were ably worked by Bros . Caulcher , P . M ., iS o . l 055 ; LeGassiek , P . M . No . 25 ; AV . AViitson , and T .
A . Adams ; the solemnities were greatly enhanced by the musical abilities of Bros . M . Cooke ( on the harmonium ) , J . AA . Adams , Escule , and Newall ( who kindly lent the instrument for the occasion ) . Votes of thanks were unanimously accorded to Bros . AAlitson , T . A . Adams , Farmer , aud the officers , and particularly to the musical brethren ; the odes , chants , and anthems were sot to music by Bro . M . Cooke . About twenty visiting brethren became members of the Loclge of Instruction , aud ifc was very gratifying to mark the attention paid by the younger brethren , of whom the majority consisted . It is intended shortly to work the fifteen sections by members of the parent Loclge .
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . —I ' liimi ludge ( No . I 3 S 9 ) . —This Lodge was opened by the AV . M ., Bro . Haywood , assisted by his officers , at the Old King ' s Head Hotel , on Tuesday , February 2 Sth . The minutes of last meeting being confirmed , tho AVAL raised a brother to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . C . J . Banister , PAL , ( AV . M . of No . 56 , ) acting as S . D . Another candidate wishing the third , degree , the W . M . desired Bro . Banister ,
P . M ., to give it , which ho did , the AV . M . acting for him as S . D . This Lodge is improving , and the brethren are endeavouring to meet with a private room , indeed , they are in treaty for one ; when that is decided , this ancient Loclge will become one of the best in the province . DURHAM ! . GATESHEAD . —lodge of Industry ( No . 5 ( 3 ) . —This Lodge was opened at the Grey Horse Inn . on MondayFebruary 27 fcbin due formby the
, , , AV . M .. Bro . C . J . Banister , and the minutes of last Lodge confirmed . Bro . J ' . Heaword was raised to the degree of MAL by the AV . M . in his usual earnest manner—giving the whole of the ceremony . This being the night for election of AV . M ., Bro . Dohson , S . AV ., was duly elected . Bro . P . F . Ionn , PAL , unanimously elected Treasurer . Business being over , the Loclge was closed in due form , ancl with solemn prayer .
SEAHAM . —Fawcett Lodge ( No . 950 ) . —The fourth anniversary of this Lodge ivas held at Bro . Taylor ' s , Lord Seaham Inn , Seaham Harbour , on AVednesday last , the 7 th instant . 'The business of the evening was the installation of Bro . James Ayre , the AVAL elect . In the absence of Bro . Rutherford , AVAL , Bro . Naylor . PAL , presided . On this occasion tlie Lodge was favoured with the presence of the following brethren from Sunderland : Bros . Naylor , PAL . of this Lodge ; Levy , PAL , and Rahn , AVAL , of Palatine Loclge , No . Ill ; Elwen , W . M .., Graham , anil
Butt , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 95 . The ceremony of installation was most ably performed by Bro . Levy , P . M ., of Palatine Lodge , No . Ill , in his usual , very impressive maimer . The AVAL having been duly installed in the . chair , proceeded to appoint and invest the following officers for tho current year : Bros . T . H . Rutherford . PAL : Ilobert Thorman , SAW ; Robert Caudlish , J . AV . ; AVm . Atkinson , Treas . ; I . L . Henry . See . ; D . G . Perkins . S . D . ; Geo . Stokeld , J . D .: AVm . Brewis , I . G . " wMLawsTylerJohn Brough and . P . C . MannAuditors ;
; . . . ; , John Richardson , and J . Henderson , Stewards . Bros . Rutherford , Thovinan , Candlish , and P . C . Mann , wero appointed and invested byproxy ; three brethren , with Bro . Pallistcr . of thifr , Lodgo , being officers iu tlie Seaham Harbour Volunteer Artillery Corps , wero attending the levee held by her majesty the Queen on the same day . The Lodge then proceeded to refreshment , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bro . Naylor , P . M ., proposed " The health of the in which he
AVAL , " in a neat and appropriate speech , paid a very high compliment to the AV . M ., for the able and zealous discharge of bis Masonic duties . Bro . Ayre had never been once absent from any meeting of the Loclge , since he was made a . Mason—nearly four years ago . In that time lie had Idled the offices of I . G ., J . W ., and S . W ., with credit to himself and honour to the Lodge , and he ( Bro . Naylor ) had no doubt he would discharge the duties of the chair with equal satisfaction . He congratulated the Lodge on having chosen such an able ancl zealous brother to preside over them , and one so well deserving the honour . The toast ivas received with file greatest enthusiasm and the W . M .