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replied in suitable terms . The W . M . in rising to propose "The health of the installing Master , Bro . Levy , " said he had great pleasure in doing so , not only for what Bro . Levy had clone that evening , but for what he had done for the Lodge since its formation . They had always found in Bro . Levy , a brother at all times able and willing to assist them , and one whom they knew had frequently sacrificed his personal comforts to benefit the Loclge . If there was one brother to whom the efficient
working of this Lodge was due more than to another , it ivas to Bro . Levy . Bro . Levy , in returning thanks , sold that it always gave him great pleasure to further the interests of Masonry , in every way that layin his power ; he considered that in what he had done he was ouly discharging his Masonic duties , and he assured the Lodge that whenever they required his services he ivould always be found at his post . " The health of the absent brethren , " coupled with the volunteer movement , was given and Bro . Gram replied . The pleasure of the meeting was greatly enhanced with several pieces of vocal music by some of the brethren . The Loclge was then closed , fche evening having been spent in that peace and harmony which is so characteristic of the Craft .
HAMPSHIRE . AVIXCHESTEH .- —Lodge of ( Economy ( No . 90 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the rooms on the evening of the 29 th ult ., when there was a full attendance . Bro . Haslcham , P . M ., acted as AVAL , pro tern ., the AVardens and other officers being in their respective places . The quarterly communication from the Grand Lodge was read by the AA . M . It comprised a programme of the business which was to be transacted at Grand Lodon the 7 th instSome little discussion
ge . , followed upon the reading of the same , but no motion was made or exceptions taken . Bros . Conduit and Sheppard ( Entered Apprentices ) being in attendance , were examined by the AVAL , and found worthy of further confidence , and accordingly they were advanced to the degree of Fellow Craft . _ The S . AV ., Bro . Newman , delivered the ancient charge , and the W . M . explained the working tools , & c . Subsequently explanations of the tracing-board were given from the chair , so far as related to the
second degree . Bro . Jacob introduced the subject of the Boys Institution , and solicited the contributions of tho brethren for the same . _ The festival would be on the llth of March ; provincial Masons' children had received the main benefits from the institution , though metropolitan Lodges had paid a great excess of subscriptions ; therefore ho ( Bro . Jacob ) , hoped the subscriptions of the provinces ivould this year be more liberal . The election would be in April , and be should lie lad to
g receive proxies on behalf of a poor boy named Sydney Robert Tritton , son of a deceased member of Gihon Lodge . No . 55 ) . Bro . Sherry , P . M ., hoped the £ 1 a year would be continued from the Lodge to the Boys' Institution . He had subscribed £ 1 a year himself , and should be happy to see a goodly list sent in from that Lodge . Bro . Everett ; , P . M ., nominated Bro . Saunders Adamson , of Hythe , Kent , as a , joining member of tho Lodge . The , business being concluded , the Lodge was duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the usual dinner , and spent a pleasant hour or so together in harmony and conviviality .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . UEXWOon . —Napthali lodge ( No . 333 ) . —The monthly meeting' of this Loclge was held on AVednesday evening , the seventh instant , at the Brunswick Hotel , when Mr . AA'illiam Kay was initiated as a member , the ceremony being performed by Bro . William Binns , PAL , of No . 50 .
buiiY . —Lodge of Relief ( No . 50 ) . —On Thursday evening , the eighth , instant , the monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the flare and Hounds Inn , Bros . John Parks , W . M . ; Thos . Fishwick , ( P . M .. ) S . AV . ; and Geo . M . Tweddell , . LAV . Mr . Richard Howard and Mr . Samuel Jackson , having been previously proposed , ivere , balloted for and initiated into antient Freemasonry ; the ceremony in both instances being performed by the new AVAL ' in a verv creditable manner .
LANCASHIRE , 'WEST . tlom . —AlUancn Lodge ( No . 965 ) . —The . regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , March . ( Sth , when tlie attendance of members and visitors was numerous : the AA'AL , Bro . Win . Witter , in the chair , and the whole oi ! his officers in their respective stations . There being no candidates present for initiation or passing , a brother was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , in au impressive maimer by Bro . G . AAA ielopoeski Philli PAL The Lodwas then closed
. pps , ge to the first degree , and a brother presented himself to be passed to tho degree of Fellow Craft , who , after going through the usual examination , received the degree from the AV . M ., after whicli ceremony the Lodgo ivas closed in due form and harmony . Tlie brethren then retired to refreshment , arid after tho usual toasts had been given , the AV . M . said be had a pleasing duty to perform , which he was sorry had nofc fallen into more able hands ; it was to present Bro . G . A . AV . Phillipps , P . M ., with
a PAL jewel , as a token of the esteem and respect in ivhich he was held by the officers and brethren ot ! Alliance Loclge . No . ! IG 5 , for ( ho very commendable and courteous manner in which lie had presided over them during the past year , and for his zeal and attention to the interest ofthe Lodge and of ' . Masonry iu general . Bro . G . A .. W . Phillipps , P . M ., responded in a few but heartfelt words , expressing his thanks for the very high opinion entertained by the brethren and for the magnificent present , which he hoped to live long to wear , assuring them that zeal for Masonry and the prosperity of the Lodge would always be his study . The
jewel bears the following inscription : — . "Presented to Past Master Bro . G . A . W . Phillipps , by the officers and brethren of Alliance Loclge , No . 9 G 5 , as a token of esteem , March , I 860 . " Some good singing was given by several of the bretbern , and the evening spent in a truly Masonic and spirited manner . LEICESTERSHIRE . LEIOESTI-R . —St . John ' s Lodge . ( No . SIS ) . —The usual monthly meeting
of this Lodge took place , on AVednesday , the seventh instant , at the Freemasons' Hall , when the following were present : —Bros . Cummings , WM ., in tho chair ; Kelly , D . Prov . GAL ; Gill , P . M ., and Sec . ; Dr . Sloane , J . AA . ; Harris , J . D . ; Jackson , I . G . Visitors—Bros . Lloyd ancl Bithrey , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No , 7 GI 3 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Leonard A . Clarke was called to the pedestal , and underwent a satisfactory examination ; after which , the Loclge having been , opened in the second degree , he was duly passed a Fellow Craft . . Owing to the severity of the weather , and other causes , the attendance of brethren was unusually small .
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —lloyal Union lodge ( No . 53 G ) . —The above Lodge held its usual meeting on the seventh instant , Bros . A . Pratt . AV . M . ; J . B . Newall , S . AV . ; AV . Smith , ( C . E . ) , J . AV . ; Wright , AVeedon , and Strausom , P . Ms . ; Gurney , Staples , and others . Dr . Hinxman , S . AV . of the Grand Stewards' Lodge , visitor . The Loclge was opened in due form , minutes read and confirmed , ancl a ballot taken for Mr . Frederick Young , and Mr . James Stevensonand both being present they were duly
, initiated in that correct and impressive manner for which the AV . M . is celebrated . Too much praise cannot be given to the AVAL and his zealous and efficient Wardens for their assiduity in attending to the true interests of the Lodge , which , by their efforts , is on the high road to success , mainly brought about by the excellent temper , hig h , character , and indefatigable zeal of the principal officers ; the more rapid advance of this Lodge towards perfection would bo greatly accelerated by the punctuality and cordial cooperation of its PAls . and the
resident brethren , for whilst others can come from north , east , south and west , they , on the spob , seldom appear within an hour of the time for work . After the business of the evening the brethren adjourned to the dinner provided for them in Bro . Staple ' s usual careful style . The healths of tbe AVAL , the initiates , and the visitor , were drunk with enthusiasm , and replied to in due form , the initiates evincing their appreciation of Masonry , and their fitness for becoming members of the fraternity . Bro . Dr . Hinxmanboth in Loclge and at the dinnerso
, , captivated tbe brethren by his na'ire manner and fund of Masonic knowledge , chat they loudly expressed their regret that there was no method of coaxing or tlireatuing tho iron horse , who panted and puffed to deprive the Loclge of its town destined division , and so to have prolonged their enjoyment . Much fraternal sympathy was expressed for the absent S . D ., who was prevented being present to perform his duties through illness .
SUSSEX . TESTL 1 I 0 XIA 1 . TO 13110 . GAVIN E . l'OCOCK , G . S . E . AVe have sincere pleasure iu directing attention to the following resolutions adopted for the above object : — At a meeting of the Freemasons of Sussex , held at tho Old Ship Hotel , Brighton , on Friday , the Oth of ! March , 1 SG 0 , numerously attended by brethren from all parts of the province , —Bro . G . C . Dalbiac ,
D . Prov . GAL , in the chair , —Tho following resolutions were unanimously adopted : — Bro . E . J " . Furner , P . Prov . J . G . W ., P . M . Xo . 33 S , proposed , ami Bro . J . AVilson , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., and WA 1 . No . 64 , seconded : — That a testimonial be presented by the Masons of Sussexto Bro . Gavin Iv . Pocock , to mark their estimation of the valuable services which he has rendered to Freemasonry , not only in discharging his duties as Prov . G . Sec . in a manner reflecting the hihest credit upon
g the Province , but , by his untiring exertions to advance the interests of the Craft in all . its branches , by his indefatigable zeal in assisting in the formation of [ now Lodges and Chapters , and the resuscitation oil those long in abeyance , by his willingness to impart Masonic instruction to every brother ivho . seeks his aid ; and above all . by his strict adherence to the laws and constitutions , and his practical , observance of the principles of the Order . " Bro . Klliott , W . AI . No . 15 , proposed , and Bro . G . W . King , P . . Prov .
G . Pursuivant , seconded : — * " ' That a subscription be forthwith entered into to carry out the foregoing resolution , and that the individual subscription be limited to two guineas . " Bro . Bridges , AVAL No . 390 , proposed , and Bro . Curtis , S . W . No . 39-1 , seconded :-- " That Bro . Smithers . P . Prov . G . D . C ,, be requested to act as Treasurer . " Bro . Freeman , iV . M . No . 391 , Prov . ( . ' . Sup . ol ! AVorks , proposed , anil
Bro . Havt , S . W . No . ( if , seconded : — ' - ' That Bro . John lb Scott , Prov . S . G . D ., PAL No . ; S 3 S , be requested to act as Secretary . " Bro . Hart , S . AV . No . ( il , proposed , and Bro . If . Verrall , Prov . G . Reg ., seconded : —'' That to carry out the objects of this meeting a committee be appointed , consisting of the Present and Past , Provincial Officers and the AVorshipful . Masters of the various Lodges of tbe province . ' ' [ No brother in the province of Sussex enjoys to such an extent ^ the regard and esteem , of those with whom for many years he bas been
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
replied in suitable terms . The W . M . in rising to propose "The health of the installing Master , Bro . Levy , " said he had great pleasure in doing so , not only for what Bro . Levy had clone that evening , but for what he had done for the Lodge since its formation . They had always found in Bro . Levy , a brother at all times able and willing to assist them , and one whom they knew had frequently sacrificed his personal comforts to benefit the Loclge . If there was one brother to whom the efficient
working of this Lodge was due more than to another , it ivas to Bro . Levy . Bro . Levy , in returning thanks , sold that it always gave him great pleasure to further the interests of Masonry , in every way that layin his power ; he considered that in what he had done he was ouly discharging his Masonic duties , and he assured the Lodge that whenever they required his services he ivould always be found at his post . " The health of the absent brethren , " coupled with the volunteer movement , was given and Bro . Gram replied . The pleasure of the meeting was greatly enhanced with several pieces of vocal music by some of the brethren . The Loclge was then closed , fche evening having been spent in that peace and harmony which is so characteristic of the Craft .
HAMPSHIRE . AVIXCHESTEH .- —Lodge of ( Economy ( No . 90 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the rooms on the evening of the 29 th ult ., when there was a full attendance . Bro . Haslcham , P . M ., acted as AVAL , pro tern ., the AVardens and other officers being in their respective places . The quarterly communication from the Grand Lodge was read by the AA . M . It comprised a programme of the business which was to be transacted at Grand Lodon the 7 th instSome little discussion
ge . , followed upon the reading of the same , but no motion was made or exceptions taken . Bros . Conduit and Sheppard ( Entered Apprentices ) being in attendance , were examined by the AVAL , and found worthy of further confidence , and accordingly they were advanced to the degree of Fellow Craft . _ The S . AV ., Bro . Newman , delivered the ancient charge , and the W . M . explained the working tools , & c . Subsequently explanations of the tracing-board were given from the chair , so far as related to the
second degree . Bro . Jacob introduced the subject of the Boys Institution , and solicited the contributions of tho brethren for the same . _ The festival would be on the llth of March ; provincial Masons' children had received the main benefits from the institution , though metropolitan Lodges had paid a great excess of subscriptions ; therefore ho ( Bro . Jacob ) , hoped the subscriptions of the provinces ivould this year be more liberal . The election would be in April , and be should lie lad to
g receive proxies on behalf of a poor boy named Sydney Robert Tritton , son of a deceased member of Gihon Lodge . No . 55 ) . Bro . Sherry , P . M ., hoped the £ 1 a year would be continued from the Lodge to the Boys' Institution . He had subscribed £ 1 a year himself , and should be happy to see a goodly list sent in from that Lodge . Bro . Everett ; , P . M ., nominated Bro . Saunders Adamson , of Hythe , Kent , as a , joining member of tho Lodge . The , business being concluded , the Lodge was duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the usual dinner , and spent a pleasant hour or so together in harmony and conviviality .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . UEXWOon . —Napthali lodge ( No . 333 ) . —The monthly meeting' of this Loclge was held on AVednesday evening , the seventh instant , at the Brunswick Hotel , when Mr . AA'illiam Kay was initiated as a member , the ceremony being performed by Bro . William Binns , PAL , of No . 50 .
buiiY . —Lodge of Relief ( No . 50 ) . —On Thursday evening , the eighth , instant , the monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the flare and Hounds Inn , Bros . John Parks , W . M . ; Thos . Fishwick , ( P . M .. ) S . AV . ; and Geo . M . Tweddell , . LAV . Mr . Richard Howard and Mr . Samuel Jackson , having been previously proposed , ivere , balloted for and initiated into antient Freemasonry ; the ceremony in both instances being performed by the new AVAL ' in a verv creditable manner .
LANCASHIRE , 'WEST . tlom . —AlUancn Lodge ( No . 965 ) . —The . regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , March . ( Sth , when tlie attendance of members and visitors was numerous : the AA'AL , Bro . Win . Witter , in the chair , and the whole oi ! his officers in their respective stations . There being no candidates present for initiation or passing , a brother was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , in au impressive maimer by Bro . G . AAA ielopoeski Philli PAL The Lodwas then closed
. pps , ge to the first degree , and a brother presented himself to be passed to tho degree of Fellow Craft , who , after going through the usual examination , received the degree from the AV . M ., after whicli ceremony the Lodgo ivas closed in due form and harmony . Tlie brethren then retired to refreshment , arid after tho usual toasts had been given , the AV . M . said be had a pleasing duty to perform , which he was sorry had nofc fallen into more able hands ; it was to present Bro . G . A . AV . Phillipps , P . M ., with
a PAL jewel , as a token of the esteem and respect in ivhich he was held by the officers and brethren ot ! Alliance Loclge . No . ! IG 5 , for ( ho very commendable and courteous manner in which lie had presided over them during the past year , and for his zeal and attention to the interest ofthe Lodge and of ' . Masonry iu general . Bro . G . A .. W . Phillipps , P . M ., responded in a few but heartfelt words , expressing his thanks for the very high opinion entertained by the brethren and for the magnificent present , which he hoped to live long to wear , assuring them that zeal for Masonry and the prosperity of the Lodge would always be his study . The
jewel bears the following inscription : — . "Presented to Past Master Bro . G . A . W . Phillipps , by the officers and brethren of Alliance Loclge , No . 9 G 5 , as a token of esteem , March , I 860 . " Some good singing was given by several of the bretbern , and the evening spent in a truly Masonic and spirited manner . LEICESTERSHIRE . LEIOESTI-R . —St . John ' s Lodge . ( No . SIS ) . —The usual monthly meeting
of this Lodge took place , on AVednesday , the seventh instant , at the Freemasons' Hall , when the following were present : —Bros . Cummings , WM ., in tho chair ; Kelly , D . Prov . GAL ; Gill , P . M ., and Sec . ; Dr . Sloane , J . AA . ; Harris , J . D . ; Jackson , I . G . Visitors—Bros . Lloyd ancl Bithrey , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No , 7 GI 3 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Leonard A . Clarke was called to the pedestal , and underwent a satisfactory examination ; after which , the Loclge having been , opened in the second degree , he was duly passed a Fellow Craft . . Owing to the severity of the weather , and other causes , the attendance of brethren was unusually small .
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —lloyal Union lodge ( No . 53 G ) . —The above Lodge held its usual meeting on the seventh instant , Bros . A . Pratt . AV . M . ; J . B . Newall , S . AV . ; AV . Smith , ( C . E . ) , J . AV . ; Wright , AVeedon , and Strausom , P . Ms . ; Gurney , Staples , and others . Dr . Hinxman , S . AV . of the Grand Stewards' Lodge , visitor . The Loclge was opened in due form , minutes read and confirmed , ancl a ballot taken for Mr . Frederick Young , and Mr . James Stevensonand both being present they were duly
, initiated in that correct and impressive manner for which the AV . M . is celebrated . Too much praise cannot be given to the AVAL and his zealous and efficient Wardens for their assiduity in attending to the true interests of the Lodge , which , by their efforts , is on the high road to success , mainly brought about by the excellent temper , hig h , character , and indefatigable zeal of the principal officers ; the more rapid advance of this Lodge towards perfection would bo greatly accelerated by the punctuality and cordial cooperation of its PAls . and the
resident brethren , for whilst others can come from north , east , south and west , they , on the spob , seldom appear within an hour of the time for work . After the business of the evening the brethren adjourned to the dinner provided for them in Bro . Staple ' s usual careful style . The healths of tbe AVAL , the initiates , and the visitor , were drunk with enthusiasm , and replied to in due form , the initiates evincing their appreciation of Masonry , and their fitness for becoming members of the fraternity . Bro . Dr . Hinxmanboth in Loclge and at the dinnerso
, , captivated tbe brethren by his na'ire manner and fund of Masonic knowledge , chat they loudly expressed their regret that there was no method of coaxing or tlireatuing tho iron horse , who panted and puffed to deprive the Loclge of its town destined division , and so to have prolonged their enjoyment . Much fraternal sympathy was expressed for the absent S . D ., who was prevented being present to perform his duties through illness .
SUSSEX . TESTL 1 I 0 XIA 1 . TO 13110 . GAVIN E . l'OCOCK , G . S . E . AVe have sincere pleasure iu directing attention to the following resolutions adopted for the above object : — At a meeting of the Freemasons of Sussex , held at tho Old Ship Hotel , Brighton , on Friday , the Oth of ! March , 1 SG 0 , numerously attended by brethren from all parts of the province , —Bro . G . C . Dalbiac ,
D . Prov . GAL , in the chair , —Tho following resolutions were unanimously adopted : — Bro . E . J " . Furner , P . Prov . J . G . W ., P . M . Xo . 33 S , proposed , ami Bro . J . AVilson , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., and WA 1 . No . 64 , seconded : — That a testimonial be presented by the Masons of Sussexto Bro . Gavin Iv . Pocock , to mark their estimation of the valuable services which he has rendered to Freemasonry , not only in discharging his duties as Prov . G . Sec . in a manner reflecting the hihest credit upon
g the Province , but , by his untiring exertions to advance the interests of the Craft in all . its branches , by his indefatigable zeal in assisting in the formation of [ now Lodges and Chapters , and the resuscitation oil those long in abeyance , by his willingness to impart Masonic instruction to every brother ivho . seeks his aid ; and above all . by his strict adherence to the laws and constitutions , and his practical , observance of the principles of the Order . " Bro . Klliott , W . AI . No . 15 , proposed , and Bro . G . W . King , P . . Prov .
G . Pursuivant , seconded : — * " ' That a subscription be forthwith entered into to carry out the foregoing resolution , and that the individual subscription be limited to two guineas . " Bro . Bridges , AVAL No . 390 , proposed , and Bro . Curtis , S . W . No . 39-1 , seconded :-- " That Bro . Smithers . P . Prov . G . D . C ,, be requested to act as Treasurer . " Bro . Freeman , iV . M . No . 391 , Prov . ( . ' . Sup . ol ! AVorks , proposed , anil
Bro . Havt , S . W . No . ( if , seconded : — ' - ' That Bro . John lb Scott , Prov . S . G . D ., PAL No . ; S 3 S , be requested to act as Secretary . " Bro . Hart , S . AV . No . ( il , proposed , and Bro . If . Verrall , Prov . G . Reg ., seconded : —'' That to carry out the objects of this meeting a committee be appointed , consisting of the Present and Past , Provincial Officers and the AVorshipful . Masters of the various Lodges of tbe province . ' ' [ No brother in the province of Sussex enjoys to such an extent ^ the regard and esteem , of those with whom for many years he bas been