Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIEHT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
associated , or ( has more disinterestedly sought to advance the interests of Freemasonry iu general , ancl iu particular throughout his native county , than Bro . Pocock . Under his most excellent supervision as Provisional Grand Secretary , Lodges have been resuscitated , new Lodges opened , aud the most valuable assistance and information accorded to those already ia existence , ivhich could only havo been acquired by years of constant study and attendance . His general services have been recently acknowledged in Grand Loclge by his appointment as G . S . B .,
one highly appreciated , iu the province ; and wc havo not a doubt that fche Masonic career , private worth , unostentatious kindness aud charity , and ever ready aid of Bro . Pocock , ivill induce among his brethren in Sussex , the warmest response to the intended testimonial . —Kn . l
Buit'BTO-L—lloyal Turk Lodge ( No . 391 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 6 th instant , at the Old Ship Hotel , Brighton . The Lodge was opened at fwe u ' cloek , by the WAV .., Bro . Moppett , and after the confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting , the AA . M . elect , Bro . Freeman was duly installed in the chair , and proclaimed aud saluted in the several degrees . Bro . Freeman then appointed and invested the following as his officers .- — . Bros . AA . Curtis . S . AV . ; AA . MaruhantJ . AA ChallenSecCPSmithSD 1 Bull
, . ; , . ; . . , .. ; ,. , J . D . ; Buckman , 'Dir . of Cers . ; Robinson , I . G . ; Russell , Steward . The Treasurer elect , Bro . If . Saunders , and Tyler elect , Bro . G . Aueock , wero also invested . Lach investiture was accompanied with brief but appropriate remarks from the AA . M . on the services previously rendered to the Lodge by those appointed , aud thoir new duties . The W . AI . then rose and said , bis first act was of a pleasing nature , that of presenting Cast Masters' jewels to Bro . Moppett , the immediate PAL , aud Bro . do
A , PAL , the outgoing Secretary , for services rendered in the past year . On assuming office the latter found the accounts and minutes of the Lodge in a most unsatisfactory condition , in consequence of the loose system adopted in previous years , a continuation of ivhich must ultimately have seriously affected the financial position of the Lodge . Bro . Ade had devoted much time and labour to their adjustment , had repeatedly placed himself iu communication with the Prov . Grand Secretaryand had journeyed to Londonin order that at Grand Lod
, , ge existing errors might be rectified and a healthy tone given to tho Lodge . 11 e ( the W . AI . ) regretted that certain brethren had been excluded from long arrears and noncompliance , but they had now ( from an investigation into the Lodge minutes and accounts for the last twenty-five years by the Secretary ) a record creditable to the Lodge . To Bro . Ade every credit was due for his great exertions , and he ( the AVAL ) trusted that the jewel now presented would convince their worthy brother that such services were appreciatedBroMoppett had laboured withthe
. . , Secretary , but the thanks of the Lodgo were more especially due to him , for his constant attention to tho duties of AVAL , and his admirable working throughout his year of office . In affixing the jewel , the AA'AL expressed his belief that Bro . Moppefcfc ivould lookback with pleasureable feelings to tho period when his exertions tended to tlie resuscitation of tho Lodge . . Bros . Moppett and Ade in suitable terms acknowledged
tho bestowal . The jewels were very handsome , ancl were furnished through Bro . Challen , silversmith , Brighton . The Board of General Purposes was then appointed . On the motion of Bro . Moppett , P . M . ihe subscription to the Girls and Boys Schools was increased to two guineas each . Bro . AVood ( P . M ., and late Secretary of Loclge No . 391 , ) announced to the Lodge his being a , Steward for the Boys School festival , and handed in a subscription list . ( At the dinner billowing a satisfactory was made ) The Lodwas then closed in due
response . ge form , and the brethren adjourned to dinner . Among the Lodge visitors , the majority of whom remained to dinner , were Bros . . Pocock , G . S . B .. and Prov . G . Sec . ; Tatham , AVAL ; J . Scott , PAL : Rogers , Bitty , aud Fabian , of Lodge No . 338 ; and Bacon , PAL : W . H . Hakes , Langworthy . Potter , and Logg ( who presided at the harmonium ) , of No . 1 , 031 ; and Claxton , Low ( 4 th dragoons ) , & . c . The AV . M . presided afc the repast , supported by nearly sixty members of the (' raft . On the removal , of the
cloth the AVAL gave "The Queen aud tlie Craft , " followed by the -Vational Anthem , and - ''The Earl of Zetland , the GAL of England , " remarking that his reelection for many years was the most convincing proof "f the regard entertained towards him . In proposing ' - 'Lord . Panmure and the Grand Officers of England" the AVAL observed , that the first provincial appointment- was that of Sussex , in the person of their esteemed Bro . Pocock , affording general satisfaction . :: The Duke of RichmondProvGAL of Sussex" succeededand that of ' - 'BroDalbiac
, . , . D . Prov . GAL and the Prov . Grand Officers . " The W . M . alluded to the interest displayed by the D . Prov . GAL in the cause of Freemasonry in the province , aud the duties at all times cheerfully rendered by his officers . The toast met with a hearty response . Bro . Scott , Prov . ^ G . AV ., returned thanks , and in allusion to the province , stated that he had it upon the authority of . the Secretary of Grand Lodge , that no province in England was more regular in thoir returns , and punctual in the payment of duesthan that of Sussexwhich he had reason to
, , believe had influenced Lord Zetland in his appointments . As regarded the Prov . Grand Lodge , ho was of opinion that if it had nofc existed , the irregularities in this Lodge , alluded to by the AVAL , would not have beeu remedied . Bro . Moppett , having been entrusted with tho gavel , proposed ' ' The health of ' the AVAL , " whom it was an honour 'o have presiding over them . The W . M ' . acknowledged the compliment , | uul in the course of his remarks referred to the number of initiations m the previous year , Great discrimination wan necessary , and as they
had now much work in hand , arduous to the Master and somewhat tedious to the brethren , he hoped that for the next three months the brethren would confine themselves to fche allotted work . He should bo happy to receive any suggestions , but at the same time his endeavour would be to take a firm and independent course , most conducive to tho prosperity of the Lodg ^ e . '' Tlie Alsitore , " "Past Masters , " "Newly Initiated , " " Tho Treasurer , " " Officers of the Lodge , " and the " Tyler ' s Toast , " succeeded , and a most agreeable evening was brought to a
conclusion . The Loclge , with an accession of members , improved management , and excellent working , is now- in a flourishing condition . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . . BAILDON . —Airedale Lodge ( No . 543 ) . —At a regular meeting of this Loclge on AVednesday , March 7 th , Bros . J . Denby , W . M . ; F . Taylor , S . AV . ; Henry Smith , P . M ., as JAA . ; AV . AV . Holmes , P . M . ; J . AValker , PAL , aud others , being present , the Lodge was opened at seven o'clock ,
when Bro . John Smith was examined as a F . C . and found proficient ; it was unanimously determined to raise him to the sublime degree of MM ., whicli ceremony was gone through by Bro . Henry Smith , P . M ., at the request of the AV . M . The Lodge was then lowered to the first degree , when Mr . C . Craven was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , by Bro . John AValker , P . M ., assisted by Bro . J . AValker , PAL Bvo . Henry Smith giving the charge . The Loclge closed at nine o ' clock . The subject ofthe Girls' School was introduced , also the Annuity Fund ,
and the claims of both for support set forth . A good working brother from Sfc . James , No . 97 , . Edinburgh , asked and gained admission to the Lodge ; it appeared , however , that his main object was to procure a list ol ! the members of the Lodge in order to call upon them respecting subscriptions to a book ; the Secretary refused to give a list , and the brother felt himself badly used . The Secretary stated , however , that the list of members was tho property of the Loclge , ancl that no private member had any right to take it away without a unanimous vote in open Lodge , and in this case the Lodge was closed , ancl most of the brethren had retired .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER . BKAM ' ORD . —Chapter of Charity ( No . 379 ) . —At a regular meeting held , on March 12 th , for tlie purpose of appointing officers for the ensuing year , there being present Comps . AV . Gath , M . E . Z . ; It . Smith , H . ; AV . Mi ' . wson , J . ; Farrar , P . Z . ; Thos . Hill , P . Z . ; aud other Companions , it was proposed , seconded , ancl carried unanimously , that Comp . H . Smith be installed in tho first chair . Comps . AV . Mawson was chosen IL ; C . H . Taylor , M . V . ' . J . ; T . AVoodhead , S . E . ; I . Gaunt , S . N . The
Treasurer and P . Soj . were reappointed to their respective offices amidst the greatest enthusiasm . The M . E . Z . elect then returned thanks in a few words , expressing a hope that his office in another place would not disqualify him ; if however ifc should prove otherwise , it would not lessen the honour they had done him , and his services would be equally at their command in any capacity . The Chapter being closed , the Companions retired to refreshment .
G . VRSTOS . —Chapter of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —This Chapter was opened at the Wellington Hotel , in . due form , by Comps . J . Walmsley , P . Z ., as Z . ; James Hamer , as H . ; C . J . Banister , as J . ; assisted by Comp . Hess , VIA ., on Thursday , March Sth , 1860 , and . a full , attendance of the Companions . The three lectures were given by the three chiefs , and the business of the Chapter over , the Companions adjourned to refreshment . After registering another brother for exaltation , May 10 th was fixed for the next regular meeting .
Knights Templar.
I . 'PROVINCIAL ENCAMPMENT . LiVEi ' . roob . —The Eueampr . ienl of Jaeipt . es dr . Molay was opened in due . form by the E . G ., Sir Knt , Hayes , assisted by bis officers , at the Temple , iu Hope-street , on Friday , March 9 th . instead of the regular , clay , ivhich fell on the Sunday . Sir Knt . C . J . Banister , 1 st Captain was unanimously elected E . G ., and Sir Knt . H . S . Alpass , P . E . C , Treasurer for tlie ensuing year . The rest oi ! the business over , the conclave was closed in . duo form and with solemn prayer .
Ancieht And Accepted Rite.
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER , Ni-wcASTU- ' -ox- 'I ' y . V'j . —• Royal Kent Chapter of Hose Oroi . c . —This Chapter met on Monday , February 27 th , when it ivas duly opened , by tho "MAV . Sov ., John Barker , ' . ll , and other officers . On the minutes being confirmed , the M . AV . Sov . proceeded fco install as his successor the 1 st General of tin ; Chapter , 111 . Bro . Henry Bell , who bad been unanimously elected at a previous meeting . After t lie installation , the MAY " . Sov . Henry Bell appointed the following as his officers for the ensuing year : Henry Hothani , as Ist General ; C . J . Banister , as 2 nd General ; Wm . Puiisheon , as Prelate ; Andrew Gillespie , as Treasurer and Grand Marshal ; Wm . Berkley , Raphael ; H . G . Luclwig Eeeorder ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
associated , or ( has more disinterestedly sought to advance the interests of Freemasonry iu general , ancl iu particular throughout his native county , than Bro . Pocock . Under his most excellent supervision as Provisional Grand Secretary , Lodges have been resuscitated , new Lodges opened , aud the most valuable assistance and information accorded to those already ia existence , ivhich could only havo been acquired by years of constant study and attendance . His general services have been recently acknowledged in Grand Loclge by his appointment as G . S . B .,
one highly appreciated , iu the province ; and wc havo not a doubt that fche Masonic career , private worth , unostentatious kindness aud charity , and ever ready aid of Bro . Pocock , ivill induce among his brethren in Sussex , the warmest response to the intended testimonial . —Kn . l
Buit'BTO-L—lloyal Turk Lodge ( No . 391 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 6 th instant , at the Old Ship Hotel , Brighton . The Lodge was opened at fwe u ' cloek , by the WAV .., Bro . Moppett , and after the confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting , the AA . M . elect , Bro . Freeman was duly installed in the chair , and proclaimed aud saluted in the several degrees . Bro . Freeman then appointed and invested the following as his officers .- — . Bros . AA . Curtis . S . AV . ; AA . MaruhantJ . AA ChallenSecCPSmithSD 1 Bull
, . ; , . ; . . , .. ; ,. , J . D . ; Buckman , 'Dir . of Cers . ; Robinson , I . G . ; Russell , Steward . The Treasurer elect , Bro . If . Saunders , and Tyler elect , Bro . G . Aueock , wero also invested . Lach investiture was accompanied with brief but appropriate remarks from the AA . M . on the services previously rendered to the Lodge by those appointed , aud thoir new duties . The W . AI . then rose and said , bis first act was of a pleasing nature , that of presenting Cast Masters' jewels to Bro . Moppett , the immediate PAL , aud Bro . do
A , PAL , the outgoing Secretary , for services rendered in the past year . On assuming office the latter found the accounts and minutes of the Lodge in a most unsatisfactory condition , in consequence of the loose system adopted in previous years , a continuation of ivhich must ultimately have seriously affected the financial position of the Lodge . Bro . Ade had devoted much time and labour to their adjustment , had repeatedly placed himself iu communication with the Prov . Grand Secretaryand had journeyed to Londonin order that at Grand Lod
, , ge existing errors might be rectified and a healthy tone given to tho Lodge . 11 e ( the W . AI . ) regretted that certain brethren had been excluded from long arrears and noncompliance , but they had now ( from an investigation into the Lodge minutes and accounts for the last twenty-five years by the Secretary ) a record creditable to the Lodge . To Bro . Ade every credit was due for his great exertions , and he ( the AVAL ) trusted that the jewel now presented would convince their worthy brother that such services were appreciatedBroMoppett had laboured withthe
. . , Secretary , but the thanks of the Lodgo were more especially due to him , for his constant attention to tho duties of AVAL , and his admirable working throughout his year of office . In affixing the jewel , the AA'AL expressed his belief that Bro . Moppefcfc ivould lookback with pleasureable feelings to tho period when his exertions tended to tlie resuscitation of tho Lodge . . Bros . Moppett and Ade in suitable terms acknowledged
tho bestowal . The jewels were very handsome , ancl were furnished through Bro . Challen , silversmith , Brighton . The Board of General Purposes was then appointed . On the motion of Bro . Moppett , P . M . ihe subscription to the Girls and Boys Schools was increased to two guineas each . Bro . AVood ( P . M ., and late Secretary of Loclge No . 391 , ) announced to the Lodge his being a , Steward for the Boys School festival , and handed in a subscription list . ( At the dinner billowing a satisfactory was made ) The Lodwas then closed in due
response . ge form , and the brethren adjourned to dinner . Among the Lodge visitors , the majority of whom remained to dinner , were Bros . . Pocock , G . S . B .. and Prov . G . Sec . ; Tatham , AVAL ; J . Scott , PAL : Rogers , Bitty , aud Fabian , of Lodge No . 338 ; and Bacon , PAL : W . H . Hakes , Langworthy . Potter , and Logg ( who presided at the harmonium ) , of No . 1 , 031 ; and Claxton , Low ( 4 th dragoons ) , & . c . The AV . M . presided afc the repast , supported by nearly sixty members of the (' raft . On the removal , of the
cloth the AVAL gave "The Queen aud tlie Craft , " followed by the -Vational Anthem , and - ''The Earl of Zetland , the GAL of England , " remarking that his reelection for many years was the most convincing proof "f the regard entertained towards him . In proposing ' - 'Lord . Panmure and the Grand Officers of England" the AVAL observed , that the first provincial appointment- was that of Sussex , in the person of their esteemed Bro . Pocock , affording general satisfaction . :: The Duke of RichmondProvGAL of Sussex" succeededand that of ' - 'BroDalbiac
, . , . D . Prov . GAL and the Prov . Grand Officers . " The W . M . alluded to the interest displayed by the D . Prov . GAL in the cause of Freemasonry in the province , aud the duties at all times cheerfully rendered by his officers . The toast met with a hearty response . Bro . Scott , Prov . ^ G . AV ., returned thanks , and in allusion to the province , stated that he had it upon the authority of . the Secretary of Grand Lodge , that no province in England was more regular in thoir returns , and punctual in the payment of duesthan that of Sussexwhich he had reason to
, , believe had influenced Lord Zetland in his appointments . As regarded the Prov . Grand Lodge , ho was of opinion that if it had nofc existed , the irregularities in this Lodge , alluded to by the AVAL , would not have beeu remedied . Bro . Moppett , having been entrusted with tho gavel , proposed ' ' The health of ' the AVAL , " whom it was an honour 'o have presiding over them . The W . M ' . acknowledged the compliment , | uul in the course of his remarks referred to the number of initiations m the previous year , Great discrimination wan necessary , and as they
had now much work in hand , arduous to the Master and somewhat tedious to the brethren , he hoped that for the next three months the brethren would confine themselves to fche allotted work . He should bo happy to receive any suggestions , but at the same time his endeavour would be to take a firm and independent course , most conducive to tho prosperity of the Lodg ^ e . '' Tlie Alsitore , " "Past Masters , " "Newly Initiated , " " Tho Treasurer , " " Officers of the Lodge , " and the " Tyler ' s Toast , " succeeded , and a most agreeable evening was brought to a
conclusion . The Loclge , with an accession of members , improved management , and excellent working , is now- in a flourishing condition . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . . BAILDON . —Airedale Lodge ( No . 543 ) . —At a regular meeting of this Loclge on AVednesday , March 7 th , Bros . J . Denby , W . M . ; F . Taylor , S . AV . ; Henry Smith , P . M ., as JAA . ; AV . AV . Holmes , P . M . ; J . AValker , PAL , aud others , being present , the Lodge was opened at seven o'clock ,
when Bro . John Smith was examined as a F . C . and found proficient ; it was unanimously determined to raise him to the sublime degree of MM ., whicli ceremony was gone through by Bro . Henry Smith , P . M ., at the request of the AV . M . The Lodge was then lowered to the first degree , when Mr . C . Craven was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , by Bro . John AValker , P . M ., assisted by Bro . J . AValker , PAL Bvo . Henry Smith giving the charge . The Loclge closed at nine o ' clock . The subject ofthe Girls' School was introduced , also the Annuity Fund ,
and the claims of both for support set forth . A good working brother from Sfc . James , No . 97 , . Edinburgh , asked and gained admission to the Lodge ; it appeared , however , that his main object was to procure a list ol ! the members of the Lodge in order to call upon them respecting subscriptions to a book ; the Secretary refused to give a list , and the brother felt himself badly used . The Secretary stated , however , that the list of members was tho property of the Loclge , ancl that no private member had any right to take it away without a unanimous vote in open Lodge , and in this case the Lodge was closed , ancl most of the brethren had retired .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER . BKAM ' ORD . —Chapter of Charity ( No . 379 ) . —At a regular meeting held , on March 12 th , for tlie purpose of appointing officers for the ensuing year , there being present Comps . AV . Gath , M . E . Z . ; It . Smith , H . ; AV . Mi ' . wson , J . ; Farrar , P . Z . ; Thos . Hill , P . Z . ; aud other Companions , it was proposed , seconded , ancl carried unanimously , that Comp . H . Smith be installed in tho first chair . Comps . AV . Mawson was chosen IL ; C . H . Taylor , M . V . ' . J . ; T . AVoodhead , S . E . ; I . Gaunt , S . N . The
Treasurer and P . Soj . were reappointed to their respective offices amidst the greatest enthusiasm . The M . E . Z . elect then returned thanks in a few words , expressing a hope that his office in another place would not disqualify him ; if however ifc should prove otherwise , it would not lessen the honour they had done him , and his services would be equally at their command in any capacity . The Chapter being closed , the Companions retired to refreshment .
G . VRSTOS . —Chapter of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —This Chapter was opened at the Wellington Hotel , in . due form , by Comps . J . Walmsley , P . Z ., as Z . ; James Hamer , as H . ; C . J . Banister , as J . ; assisted by Comp . Hess , VIA ., on Thursday , March Sth , 1860 , and . a full , attendance of the Companions . The three lectures were given by the three chiefs , and the business of the Chapter over , the Companions adjourned to refreshment . After registering another brother for exaltation , May 10 th was fixed for the next regular meeting .
Knights Templar.
I . 'PROVINCIAL ENCAMPMENT . LiVEi ' . roob . —The Eueampr . ienl of Jaeipt . es dr . Molay was opened in due . form by the E . G ., Sir Knt , Hayes , assisted by bis officers , at the Temple , iu Hope-street , on Friday , March 9 th . instead of the regular , clay , ivhich fell on the Sunday . Sir Knt . C . J . Banister , 1 st Captain was unanimously elected E . G ., and Sir Knt . H . S . Alpass , P . E . C , Treasurer for tlie ensuing year . The rest oi ! the business over , the conclave was closed in . duo form and with solemn prayer .
Ancieht And Accepted Rite.
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER , Ni-wcASTU- ' -ox- 'I ' y . V'j . —• Royal Kent Chapter of Hose Oroi . c . —This Chapter met on Monday , February 27 th , when it ivas duly opened , by tho "MAV . Sov ., John Barker , ' . ll , and other officers . On the minutes being confirmed , the M . AV . Sov . proceeded fco install as his successor the 1 st General of tin ; Chapter , 111 . Bro . Henry Bell , who bad been unanimously elected at a previous meeting . After t lie installation , the MAY " . Sov . Henry Bell appointed the following as his officers for the ensuing year : Henry Hothani , as Ist General ; C . J . Banister , as 2 nd General ; Wm . Puiisheon , as Prelate ; Andrew Gillespie , as Treasurer and Grand Marshal ; Wm . Berkley , Raphael ; H . G . Luclwig Eeeorder ;