Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancieht And Accepted Rite.
James Dees , Captain of the Lines ; I . S . Trotter , Equerry . At tho conclusion of tho ceremonies the illustrious brethren dined together under the presidency of the M . AV . Sov ., who had on his right the 111 . Bro . John Barker , 31 "; aud on his left the P . M . AV . Sov ., AVm . Berkley , Grand Master of the Red Cross ; and other brethren from Scotland ancl this Chapter ; amongst the latter we were glad to perceive the father of the hi gh degrees in the north , the 111 . Bro . AV 111 . Punshcon . as hearty as ever . The loyal and Masonic toasts of this high portion of Masonry were duly given and responded to very appropriately by those present , and at an early hour the brethren separated , highly pleased with the festivities of tho day .
ROYAL ORDER . _ A Special Meeting of the Council of the R . S . Y . C . S . of H . DAI , of K . L . N . G ., was held in Freemasons' Hall . Edinburgh , on Tuesday , the I 3 th instant , when Bro . James Glegg . ' AV . M ., of one of the London Lodges , and Companion of the Edinburgh R . A . Chapter , No . 1 , was , ou the recommendation of Sir Knight Alexander James Laurie , duly balloted tor , and having no opposition , received the degree of H . R . D . M ., and was thereafter raised to the distinguished degree of the R . S . Y . C . S .
LEITII . —Trafalgar ledge . — -This Loclge , which has been causing so much discussion in Grand Lodge concerning its No . on Grand Lodge Roll , gave a dinner to their B . AA . Master on the 28 th ultimo , in the New Shi p Hotel , Leith . Most of the AV . Masters of the Edinburgh ' Lodges were present to pay their respects to so good a Mason as Bro . Pearson . During dinner , a handsome PAL jewel set with brilliants was presented to him , bearing the following inscription : — - " Presented by the Brethren of the Lodge Trafal No . 223 to BroThomas PearsonAVALin
gar , , . , , testimony of their appreciation of his unwearied exertions in resuscitating the Lodge , 2 Sth February , 18 ( i 0 . " Tho jewel was in the shape of a medallion , having in the centre of a circle of brilliants au enamelled plate , with a square aud compass iu brilliants upon it . Tho credit of the design is due to Bro . Francis L . Law , one of the partners of the firm of John Law and Sons .
SmtLlXG . —Lwlgc Stirling Ancient ( No . 30 ) . —This Loclge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 6 th instant , iu their Lodge Room , Stirling . Deputations were present from various Lodges in the province . During the meeting the AVAL presented a very handsome P . M . jewel to Bro . Adam Dyson , PAL , in token of the esteem in which he was held by the members of the Lodge during tho three years he presided over them .
MASONIC BALL AT PERTH . The annual Masonic ball afc Perth ciinie oil' ou Friday last , when upwards of three hundred of the brethren and as many - Fair Maids " of that famed city attended . After fche ball had been opened , a deputation from Grand Lodgo were ushered in with Masonic honours . The deputation consisted of tbe MAY " . Grand Master , his Grace tbe Duke of Athol ; Bros . Sir George Beresford , Bart ., AVAL , No . 2111 , acting Dep . Grand Master ; Colonel HunterWAL-If Senior Grand AVarden ;
, , , Charles Stuart Law , AVAL , IS , Junior Grand AVarden ; Alexander James Stewart , Grand Clerk ; iiehl , Al . ac . lisc , Fiulayou , Grand Stewards ; and Bro . AV . M . Bryce , Grand Tyler . His Grace ' s piper was in attendance and played an excellent , accompaniment to the reels and strathspeys . Dancing was kept up till six o ' clock , when his Grace drove off for Dunkelil amidst the enthusiastic cheering of the assembly .
BOMBAY . PooVA . —Lodge tJi-i'jil , in Ihe "West ( No . otlN ) . -A . n emergency meeting of this Lodge took place on February Jth . the following brethren being ' present : — Colonel . H . Forster , AVAL ; A . F . Dawson . R , F . G"idd . J . Stirling . R . Bythell , G . Hamilton , A . Mitchell , V . Y . Cassidy , J . Harcourt , G . Morris , J . Collins , , 1 . Collyud , B . T . Giraud . A . C . ( 'low , and il . Goodfellow . The business , consisting of a passing , being concluded , the Loclge was closed in duo and antient form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , where the customary toasts met ivith loyal and fervent response .
GIBRALTAR , GIUKAI . TAI ; . — . Inhabitants' Ludge ( No . 178 ) . —A . meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , February ( ifch , at Glynn ' s Buildings , Bvo . Gorham , AVAL , presiding . Bros . Jackinan . S . W . ; AVilkinson . J . AV . ; Irwin , PAL ; and about sixty brethren were present . The Lodge was opened in due form at eight o ' clock precisely , and the minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the brethren proceeded to ballot for Mr . Aides and Mr . Frolick as candidates for initiation ; the ballot
proving satisfactory , the AV . M . ordered them to bo prepared and proceeded to initiate them into tho mysteries of the Order , the charge being delivered most impressively by Pro . Irwin , PAL The AVAL then ro ? e and said , that the discharge of his Masonic duties always gave him
pleasure , bufc that on this occasion there fell to his lot tho ploasautest task that it had ever been his duty to perform . He need scarcely tell the brethren that it was that of presenting Bro . Irwin , their respected P . M ., with a Past Master ' s jewel , as a slig ht token of the esteem iu whicli they held him , and their gratitude to him for his untiring energy aud unfailing attention in the discharge of his duties as Master during the past year , to which was doubtless mainly to be attributed the present nourishing condition of the Lodge . The AVAL then produced
the jewel , which had been provided by Bro . Spencer , of Great Queenstreet , London , and was executed in his usual masterly style ; on the reverse was the following inscription : "Presented to Bro . Irwin , PAL , by the members of Inhabitants' Lodge , No . 17 S , Gibraltar , on his retiring from the Mastership , December 2-1 , A . & ., SSdO . " Tho AV . M . hi stating that it had been thought best that but i ' cw words should be inscribed on the jewel , begged to assure Bro . Irwin that his name was inscribed in tho hearts of the brethrenand treasured there amidst a , crowd
, of happy associations and pleasant reminiscences of the many cheerful Masonic gatherings at which , under his able guidance , thoy had received so much pleasure and instruction . He concluded by expressing a wish that the G . A . O . T . U . would grant Bro . Irwin many years of health and happiness to wear it among them . Bro . Irwin , who appeared very much affected , briefly returned thanks to the brethren , and said that his success was chiefl y owing to the hearty support that every brother had
afforded him ; that he had not done all he had hoped to do , but that he was consoled by the knowledge that their present AVAL was doing his best to complete the works that he ( Bro . Irwin ) had commenced . He assured the brethren that he valued the jewel they had presented him with , far beyond its intrinsic value , and that lie would part with it only with his lite . He resumed his seat amidst the acclamations of the brethren . A statement of accounts was then read by the Secretary , bin-Inch it , appeared that all debts had been paid and a balance of more
than two hundred dollars remained in the hands of the Treasurer , while a very large sum was clue to the Lodge for subscriptions , & c . The Lodge was then closed iu due and antient form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk , as also that of "Bro . Irwin , P . M . " Bro . Miles returned thanks on behalf of the new initiates , saying , " that he had been twice overpowered that night , lirst with fright , and secondly with kindness . " BroOnett-ia Spanish gentlemanreturned thanks on
. , , behalf of '' 'The Visiting Bretlwen , '' in au eloquent Spanish speech , which was translated to the brethren by Bro . Gorham . Ho said he had been a Mason thirty years , and had not been in a Lodge for ten years , but that he prized the Order as much as ever ; he expressed his regret that the Spanish government do not allow Lodges iu Spain . After a few excellent songs from some of the brethren , the Tyler ' s toast closed tlie proceedings , anil the brethren separated , in love and harmony .
NEW SOUTH AVALES . SI'D . VET . —The installation of Brother C . Thornton as Provincial Grand Master , under tlie Irish Constitution , took place on Tuesday , Dee . 27 th . at Bro . J . Clark's Assembly Rooms , Elizabeth-street North , Sydney . Tlie members of the different Lodges commenced to meet soon after twelve o ' clock , ancl in about hall ! an hour the brethren present , must have numbered nearly 200 . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master aud officers of the Provincial Grand Loclge of England and the
Provincial . Grand Muster and officers of the Grand Lodgo of Scotland were present , as well as most of the Masters and-Past Masters and other officers of the several Lodges under the constitutions of England , Ireland , and Scotland . The ceremony , which was of a very interesting and solemn character , was performed by Bro . AVilliams , D . Prov . G . M ., assisted , by the general officers of the Prov . Grand Loclge of England , 'flic Rev . Bro . Macarthur officiated as Chaplain . The Lodge being opened in due form , the D . Prov . GAL read the patent , appointing Brother Thornton to bo
lirst Prov . G AL under the Irish constitution , and the ceremony of installation was then proceeded with , and Brother Thornton having been sworn in , and taken the chair , returned thanks to the brethren for their attendance to witness tlie honour which had been conferred on him . Tho ProV . GAL ( I . C . ) then , under the powers vested iu him by his patent , selected the following brethren to serve , as his ofncei-s in tho Provincial Grand Lodge of Ireland : Brother Loveeraft . Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; Brother J . Clark . Senior AVarden ; Brother Oallagban , Junior
AYarden ; Brother Aitken , Treasurer ; Brother Guise , Secretary ; Brother AVatt . Senior Deacon ; Brother APLean , Junior Deacon ; and Brother Creightou , Inner Guard . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated . Athalf-past four o'clock , about une , hundred of the members , of the different Lodges sat down to dinner . Tho chair was taken by the Prov . G . M . ( I . C ) . and on his right was the D . Prov . GAL ( K . C ) , and on his left tho Prov . G . M . ( S . C . ) The vice-chair was occupied by Brother Loveeraft , D . Prov . GAL ( I . C . ) After justice had been done to the .
entertainment , the Prov . G . M . ( I . C . ) proposed the "The Health oi the Queen . " He knew they were all loyal subjects , and Masons in particular were always noted for their loyalty . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm and three times three cheers . The Prov . GAL ( I . C . ) proposed •' The three Grand Lodges . " This toast he said required no eulogium . but he trusted the day would soon come when they ivould all be united under one head . The toast was drunk with the usual Masonic honours . Bro . Maefarlane , Prov . GAL of Seotlaud , proposed ' The health ofthe Prov . ( fraud Master of the Irish Constitution . " II " paid a high tribute to Bro . Thornton , who had just been 'installed as thi-ir
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancieht And Accepted Rite.
James Dees , Captain of the Lines ; I . S . Trotter , Equerry . At tho conclusion of tho ceremonies the illustrious brethren dined together under the presidency of the M . AV . Sov ., who had on his right the 111 . Bro . John Barker , 31 "; aud on his left the P . M . AV . Sov ., AVm . Berkley , Grand Master of the Red Cross ; and other brethren from Scotland ancl this Chapter ; amongst the latter we were glad to perceive the father of the hi gh degrees in the north , the 111 . Bro . AV 111 . Punshcon . as hearty as ever . The loyal and Masonic toasts of this high portion of Masonry were duly given and responded to very appropriately by those present , and at an early hour the brethren separated , highly pleased with the festivities of tho day .
ROYAL ORDER . _ A Special Meeting of the Council of the R . S . Y . C . S . of H . DAI , of K . L . N . G ., was held in Freemasons' Hall . Edinburgh , on Tuesday , the I 3 th instant , when Bro . James Glegg . ' AV . M ., of one of the London Lodges , and Companion of the Edinburgh R . A . Chapter , No . 1 , was , ou the recommendation of Sir Knight Alexander James Laurie , duly balloted tor , and having no opposition , received the degree of H . R . D . M ., and was thereafter raised to the distinguished degree of the R . S . Y . C . S .
LEITII . —Trafalgar ledge . — -This Loclge , which has been causing so much discussion in Grand Lodge concerning its No . on Grand Lodge Roll , gave a dinner to their B . AA . Master on the 28 th ultimo , in the New Shi p Hotel , Leith . Most of the AV . Masters of the Edinburgh ' Lodges were present to pay their respects to so good a Mason as Bro . Pearson . During dinner , a handsome PAL jewel set with brilliants was presented to him , bearing the following inscription : — - " Presented by the Brethren of the Lodge Trafal No . 223 to BroThomas PearsonAVALin
gar , , . , , testimony of their appreciation of his unwearied exertions in resuscitating the Lodge , 2 Sth February , 18 ( i 0 . " Tho jewel was in the shape of a medallion , having in the centre of a circle of brilliants au enamelled plate , with a square aud compass iu brilliants upon it . Tho credit of the design is due to Bro . Francis L . Law , one of the partners of the firm of John Law and Sons .
SmtLlXG . —Lwlgc Stirling Ancient ( No . 30 ) . —This Loclge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 6 th instant , iu their Lodge Room , Stirling . Deputations were present from various Lodges in the province . During the meeting the AVAL presented a very handsome P . M . jewel to Bro . Adam Dyson , PAL , in token of the esteem in which he was held by the members of the Lodge during tho three years he presided over them .
MASONIC BALL AT PERTH . The annual Masonic ball afc Perth ciinie oil' ou Friday last , when upwards of three hundred of the brethren and as many - Fair Maids " of that famed city attended . After fche ball had been opened , a deputation from Grand Lodgo were ushered in with Masonic honours . The deputation consisted of tbe MAY " . Grand Master , his Grace tbe Duke of Athol ; Bros . Sir George Beresford , Bart ., AVAL , No . 2111 , acting Dep . Grand Master ; Colonel HunterWAL-If Senior Grand AVarden ;
, , , Charles Stuart Law , AVAL , IS , Junior Grand AVarden ; Alexander James Stewart , Grand Clerk ; iiehl , Al . ac . lisc , Fiulayou , Grand Stewards ; and Bro . AV . M . Bryce , Grand Tyler . His Grace ' s piper was in attendance and played an excellent , accompaniment to the reels and strathspeys . Dancing was kept up till six o ' clock , when his Grace drove off for Dunkelil amidst the enthusiastic cheering of the assembly .
BOMBAY . PooVA . —Lodge tJi-i'jil , in Ihe "West ( No . otlN ) . -A . n emergency meeting of this Lodge took place on February Jth . the following brethren being ' present : — Colonel . H . Forster , AVAL ; A . F . Dawson . R , F . G"idd . J . Stirling . R . Bythell , G . Hamilton , A . Mitchell , V . Y . Cassidy , J . Harcourt , G . Morris , J . Collins , , 1 . Collyud , B . T . Giraud . A . C . ( 'low , and il . Goodfellow . The business , consisting of a passing , being concluded , the Loclge was closed in duo and antient form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , where the customary toasts met ivith loyal and fervent response .
GIBRALTAR , GIUKAI . TAI ; . — . Inhabitants' Ludge ( No . 178 ) . —A . meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , February ( ifch , at Glynn ' s Buildings , Bvo . Gorham , AVAL , presiding . Bros . Jackinan . S . W . ; AVilkinson . J . AV . ; Irwin , PAL ; and about sixty brethren were present . The Lodge was opened in due form at eight o ' clock precisely , and the minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the brethren proceeded to ballot for Mr . Aides and Mr . Frolick as candidates for initiation ; the ballot
proving satisfactory , the AV . M . ordered them to bo prepared and proceeded to initiate them into tho mysteries of the Order , the charge being delivered most impressively by Pro . Irwin , PAL The AVAL then ro ? e and said , that the discharge of his Masonic duties always gave him
pleasure , bufc that on this occasion there fell to his lot tho ploasautest task that it had ever been his duty to perform . He need scarcely tell the brethren that it was that of presenting Bro . Irwin , their respected P . M ., with a Past Master ' s jewel , as a slig ht token of the esteem iu whicli they held him , and their gratitude to him for his untiring energy aud unfailing attention in the discharge of his duties as Master during the past year , to which was doubtless mainly to be attributed the present nourishing condition of the Lodge . The AVAL then produced
the jewel , which had been provided by Bro . Spencer , of Great Queenstreet , London , and was executed in his usual masterly style ; on the reverse was the following inscription : "Presented to Bro . Irwin , PAL , by the members of Inhabitants' Lodge , No . 17 S , Gibraltar , on his retiring from the Mastership , December 2-1 , A . & ., SSdO . " Tho AV . M . hi stating that it had been thought best that but i ' cw words should be inscribed on the jewel , begged to assure Bro . Irwin that his name was inscribed in tho hearts of the brethrenand treasured there amidst a , crowd
, of happy associations and pleasant reminiscences of the many cheerful Masonic gatherings at which , under his able guidance , thoy had received so much pleasure and instruction . He concluded by expressing a wish that the G . A . O . T . U . would grant Bro . Irwin many years of health and happiness to wear it among them . Bro . Irwin , who appeared very much affected , briefly returned thanks to the brethren , and said that his success was chiefl y owing to the hearty support that every brother had
afforded him ; that he had not done all he had hoped to do , but that he was consoled by the knowledge that their present AVAL was doing his best to complete the works that he ( Bro . Irwin ) had commenced . He assured the brethren that he valued the jewel they had presented him with , far beyond its intrinsic value , and that lie would part with it only with his lite . He resumed his seat amidst the acclamations of the brethren . A statement of accounts was then read by the Secretary , bin-Inch it , appeared that all debts had been paid and a balance of more
than two hundred dollars remained in the hands of the Treasurer , while a very large sum was clue to the Lodge for subscriptions , & c . The Lodge was then closed iu due and antient form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk , as also that of "Bro . Irwin , P . M . " Bro . Miles returned thanks on behalf of the new initiates , saying , " that he had been twice overpowered that night , lirst with fright , and secondly with kindness . " BroOnett-ia Spanish gentlemanreturned thanks on
. , , behalf of '' 'The Visiting Bretlwen , '' in au eloquent Spanish speech , which was translated to the brethren by Bro . Gorham . Ho said he had been a Mason thirty years , and had not been in a Lodge for ten years , but that he prized the Order as much as ever ; he expressed his regret that the Spanish government do not allow Lodges iu Spain . After a few excellent songs from some of the brethren , the Tyler ' s toast closed tlie proceedings , anil the brethren separated , in love and harmony .
NEW SOUTH AVALES . SI'D . VET . —The installation of Brother C . Thornton as Provincial Grand Master , under tlie Irish Constitution , took place on Tuesday , Dee . 27 th . at Bro . J . Clark's Assembly Rooms , Elizabeth-street North , Sydney . Tlie members of the different Lodges commenced to meet soon after twelve o ' clock , ancl in about hall ! an hour the brethren present , must have numbered nearly 200 . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master aud officers of the Provincial Grand Loclge of England and the
Provincial . Grand Muster and officers of the Grand Lodgo of Scotland were present , as well as most of the Masters and-Past Masters and other officers of the several Lodges under the constitutions of England , Ireland , and Scotland . The ceremony , which was of a very interesting and solemn character , was performed by Bro . AVilliams , D . Prov . G . M ., assisted , by the general officers of the Prov . Grand Loclge of England , 'flic Rev . Bro . Macarthur officiated as Chaplain . The Lodge being opened in due form , the D . Prov . GAL read the patent , appointing Brother Thornton to bo
lirst Prov . G AL under the Irish constitution , and the ceremony of installation was then proceeded with , and Brother Thornton having been sworn in , and taken the chair , returned thanks to the brethren for their attendance to witness tlie honour which had been conferred on him . Tho ProV . GAL ( I . C . ) then , under the powers vested iu him by his patent , selected the following brethren to serve , as his ofncei-s in tho Provincial Grand Lodge of Ireland : Brother Loveeraft . Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; Brother J . Clark . Senior AVarden ; Brother Oallagban , Junior
AYarden ; Brother Aitken , Treasurer ; Brother Guise , Secretary ; Brother AVatt . Senior Deacon ; Brother APLean , Junior Deacon ; and Brother Creightou , Inner Guard . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated . Athalf-past four o'clock , about une , hundred of the members , of the different Lodges sat down to dinner . Tho chair was taken by the Prov . G . M . ( I . C ) . and on his right was the D . Prov . GAL ( K . C ) , and on his left tho Prov . G . M . ( S . C . ) The vice-chair was occupied by Brother Loveeraft , D . Prov . GAL ( I . C . ) After justice had been done to the .
entertainment , the Prov . G . M . ( I . C . ) proposed the "The Health oi the Queen . " He knew they were all loyal subjects , and Masons in particular were always noted for their loyalty . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm and three times three cheers . The Prov . GAL ( I . C . ) proposed •' The three Grand Lodges . " This toast he said required no eulogium . but he trusted the day would soon come when they ivould all be united under one head . The toast was drunk with the usual Masonic honours . Bro . Maefarlane , Prov . GAL of Seotlaud , proposed ' The health ofthe Prov . ( fraud Master of the Irish Constitution . " II " paid a high tribute to Bro . Thornton , who had just been 'installed as thi-ir