Article THE MASONIC BANQUET AT NORWICH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Banquet At Norwich.
sorry to knoAV that any Mason had done so ; not only because of the palpable breach of etiquette as well as of Masonic order , but because of the animus which must havo inspired exaggerations calculated to bring disrepute upon Freemasonry . I ought to add that the two brothers whose conduct at the dinner ivas the subject of animadversionnot only
, apologised privately to the brethren ivho ivere especially annoyed by their behaviour- , but mado the proper Masonic amende by an open ancl formal expression of regret at the meeting of their own lodge ; and I have no doubt that they will be as little likely to commit themselves in a similar way on a future occasion , as if they liad been held up to public reprobation in the columns ofthe Mercury—a process
of correction Avhich , as your correspondent well remarked , is not exactly congenial with Masonic principles ; and though it may be useful in cases of public scandal , is not the remedy one would recommend in a family , which Masons are supposed to bo . I remain , clear sir and brother , YOUR REPOETER . Norwich , August 14 , 1861 .
TO THE EDITOR OT THE EREEMASONS MAGAZINE A . X 1 ) MASONIC MIRROR . Sir . —In a letter Avhich appeared in the FREEMASONS MAGAZINE , on Saturday last signed " A Norwich Freemason , " in reference to an article published in the Norwich Mercury , on the proceedings of the late provincial banquet is a statement , "That although the lodge was 'tled' the editor of the Mercury
y , was informed of what took place , ancl that there could bo but one opinion of the conduct of the person who spoke to a non-Mason ( even though his own employer ) on the subject , and also that that person obtained admission into the room surreptitiously . " Now , Sir , as I was the only person present connected with the establishment of the Mercury , I trust you will do me the justice of allowing me the opportunity of publicly
contradicting both statements . As to my furnishing any information on the subject to my employer , I give it a most positive denial , as , unfortunately , the proceedings at the banquet were too openly spoken of the next morning to be kept a secret . As to my entering the room surreptitiously , Bro . Marshall ( who had the management of the dinner ) was well aware
of my reasons for not taking a ticket . I did not attend the dinner-, hut on entering the room afterwards , I was invited by Bro . Marshall and one of the vice-chairmen to take a seat by their side . Apologising for troubling yon , I remain , Sir , your obedient servant , JOHN J . OomiiNs , No . 110 . Norwich , August 14 th , 1861 . ,
CKEATUKES OB CIECUMSTANCES . — " Speaking of fowls , Bough , " said Peg the Haven to her favourite terrier , " brings to my mind the astonishment I experienced at the sight of cocks and hens ancl their progeny perambulating the London streets ancl scratching in the gutters by the light of the lamp , as lively and unconcerned as though the sun were shining ; the smallest chicks even were broad awake , ancl 'larking' among themselves , as though such a thing as ' roost' ivas unknown . I augured nothing good from the siht .
g Portsmouth has—and I confess not without some show of reasona reputation for loose habits , but , to my knowledge , it never carried them to such an extent as this . AVhat could be said of a city whose long-continued irregularities ancl dissipations had perverted the very nature of its chickens ! I was shocked ; the knowing air of the ragged cocks , and the reckless indifference of the draggletail hens , at once impressed me with the notion that the set I had now to deal with wore considerably less verdant than those with whom
I had passed so many years . "—Pay's Own Magazine . EPIGRAM . Farewell , dear maid ! though we must part , Our love we ne ' er will sever ; But thou within my constant heart Shall live and reign for ever . PEIEK PROLETAEIUS .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and AA estmoreland is appointed to be held at the Mechanics' Institute , in Longtown , on AVednesday next , the 21 st inst . The Prov . Grand Lodge is to be opened at 11 o'clock precisely ; a- procession will afterwards be formed and proceed to attend divine service at Arthuret Church .
Grand Lodge.
The Grand Secretary has addressed the following letter to the Masters of the various lodges -. — " AV . MASTER , —The Board of General Purposes having ordered an entirely new set of Register Books to be prepared , and it being of importance to commence with a perfect ancl accurate list of the present subscribing members of each lodge , you are required to transmit , with the least possible delay , a complete list of the
members of your lodge , according to seniority , giving the correct dates of their initiation , or when they first joined ; and , in regard to joining members , specifying , in addition to the dates , the names and numbers of the lodges in which they were made . " Enclosed are forms for your use ; others can be had , if required , on application to the office . " By order of the Board , "WM . G 11 AX CLARKEG . S
, " Freemasons' Hall , London , 1 st August , 1 SG 1 . " [ Form . ] GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . A LIST OE THE PRESENT MEMBERS OE LODGE , No . , held at * « * This list must be made out according to Senioritof Admission
y in the lodge , with the date of initiation or of joining . In the case of joining Members , the Name and Number of the Lodge in ivhich each joining Member was initiated must he given . To he signed by the Master and Secretary , ancl transmitted to Bro . AA ui . Gray Clarke , G . S ., Freemasons' Hall , London , postage free .
Date of ^ ' ™ . * ^ ° J initiation Tn , Christian 0 Agowhen „„ ., T . <• or of J- °$ F „ Names . Surname . in B itiatC ( 1 . Residence . Profession . joining
. Miml ) 0 i r
HERTFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the province of Hertford was held on Thursday , August 8 th , at the Sun Hotel , Hitchin ; present , the R . W . Bro . AVilliam Stuart , Prov . G . M . ; Bros . George Francis , Prov . G . Reg ., as D . Prov . G . M . ; H . II . Burchell Heme , P . Prov . G . S . AV ., as G . S . AV . ; Jeremiah How , Prov . G . D . C ,
as J . G . AV . ; Rev . J . AV . Laughlin , T . S . Barringer , C . II . Law , E . Burrell , and J . Sugars , P . Prov . G . AV ' s . ; C . Davy and J . Burton , P . Prov . G . D ' s . ; T . Rogers , Prov . G . Treas . ; S . Sedgwick , Prov . G . Sec ; C . H . Finch , I . Levinson , J . B . Newall , C . J . How , O . F . Vallentin , Lavendar , and others . The minutes of the preceding Prov . G . Lodge were read and confirmed . The Treasurer ' s accounts were passed . Bro . Thomas Rogers was re-elected Prov . G . Treasurer . The Prov . G . M . said
the next business was to appoint the Grand Officers for the ensuing year , and he regretted that his valued friend and father in Masonry , Bro . AVard , found himself compelled to resign the office of D . G . M . through illness and infirmity . He , therefore , called to that distinguished position , Bro . George Francis , a Mason of great talent and energy , who had filled that post in another province with great
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Banquet At Norwich.
sorry to knoAV that any Mason had done so ; not only because of the palpable breach of etiquette as well as of Masonic order , but because of the animus which must havo inspired exaggerations calculated to bring disrepute upon Freemasonry . I ought to add that the two brothers whose conduct at the dinner ivas the subject of animadversionnot only
, apologised privately to the brethren ivho ivere especially annoyed by their behaviour- , but mado the proper Masonic amende by an open ancl formal expression of regret at the meeting of their own lodge ; and I have no doubt that they will be as little likely to commit themselves in a similar way on a future occasion , as if they liad been held up to public reprobation in the columns ofthe Mercury—a process
of correction Avhich , as your correspondent well remarked , is not exactly congenial with Masonic principles ; and though it may be useful in cases of public scandal , is not the remedy one would recommend in a family , which Masons are supposed to bo . I remain , clear sir and brother , YOUR REPOETER . Norwich , August 14 , 1861 .
TO THE EDITOR OT THE EREEMASONS MAGAZINE A . X 1 ) MASONIC MIRROR . Sir . —In a letter Avhich appeared in the FREEMASONS MAGAZINE , on Saturday last signed " A Norwich Freemason , " in reference to an article published in the Norwich Mercury , on the proceedings of the late provincial banquet is a statement , "That although the lodge was 'tled' the editor of the Mercury
y , was informed of what took place , ancl that there could bo but one opinion of the conduct of the person who spoke to a non-Mason ( even though his own employer ) on the subject , and also that that person obtained admission into the room surreptitiously . " Now , Sir , as I was the only person present connected with the establishment of the Mercury , I trust you will do me the justice of allowing me the opportunity of publicly
contradicting both statements . As to my furnishing any information on the subject to my employer , I give it a most positive denial , as , unfortunately , the proceedings at the banquet were too openly spoken of the next morning to be kept a secret . As to my entering the room surreptitiously , Bro . Marshall ( who had the management of the dinner ) was well aware
of my reasons for not taking a ticket . I did not attend the dinner-, hut on entering the room afterwards , I was invited by Bro . Marshall and one of the vice-chairmen to take a seat by their side . Apologising for troubling yon , I remain , Sir , your obedient servant , JOHN J . OomiiNs , No . 110 . Norwich , August 14 th , 1861 . ,
CKEATUKES OB CIECUMSTANCES . — " Speaking of fowls , Bough , " said Peg the Haven to her favourite terrier , " brings to my mind the astonishment I experienced at the sight of cocks and hens ancl their progeny perambulating the London streets ancl scratching in the gutters by the light of the lamp , as lively and unconcerned as though the sun were shining ; the smallest chicks even were broad awake , ancl 'larking' among themselves , as though such a thing as ' roost' ivas unknown . I augured nothing good from the siht .
g Portsmouth has—and I confess not without some show of reasona reputation for loose habits , but , to my knowledge , it never carried them to such an extent as this . AVhat could be said of a city whose long-continued irregularities ancl dissipations had perverted the very nature of its chickens ! I was shocked ; the knowing air of the ragged cocks , and the reckless indifference of the draggletail hens , at once impressed me with the notion that the set I had now to deal with wore considerably less verdant than those with whom
I had passed so many years . "—Pay's Own Magazine . EPIGRAM . Farewell , dear maid ! though we must part , Our love we ne ' er will sever ; But thou within my constant heart Shall live and reign for ever . PEIEK PROLETAEIUS .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and AA estmoreland is appointed to be held at the Mechanics' Institute , in Longtown , on AVednesday next , the 21 st inst . The Prov . Grand Lodge is to be opened at 11 o'clock precisely ; a- procession will afterwards be formed and proceed to attend divine service at Arthuret Church .
Grand Lodge.
The Grand Secretary has addressed the following letter to the Masters of the various lodges -. — " AV . MASTER , —The Board of General Purposes having ordered an entirely new set of Register Books to be prepared , and it being of importance to commence with a perfect ancl accurate list of the present subscribing members of each lodge , you are required to transmit , with the least possible delay , a complete list of the
members of your lodge , according to seniority , giving the correct dates of their initiation , or when they first joined ; and , in regard to joining members , specifying , in addition to the dates , the names and numbers of the lodges in which they were made . " Enclosed are forms for your use ; others can be had , if required , on application to the office . " By order of the Board , "WM . G 11 AX CLARKEG . S
, " Freemasons' Hall , London , 1 st August , 1 SG 1 . " [ Form . ] GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . A LIST OE THE PRESENT MEMBERS OE LODGE , No . , held at * « * This list must be made out according to Senioritof Admission
y in the lodge , with the date of initiation or of joining . In the case of joining Members , the Name and Number of the Lodge in ivhich each joining Member was initiated must he given . To he signed by the Master and Secretary , ancl transmitted to Bro . AA ui . Gray Clarke , G . S ., Freemasons' Hall , London , postage free .
Date of ^ ' ™ . * ^ ° J initiation Tn , Christian 0 Agowhen „„ ., T . <• or of J- °$ F „ Names . Surname . in B itiatC ( 1 . Residence . Profession . joining
. Miml ) 0 i r
HERTFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the province of Hertford was held on Thursday , August 8 th , at the Sun Hotel , Hitchin ; present , the R . W . Bro . AVilliam Stuart , Prov . G . M . ; Bros . George Francis , Prov . G . Reg ., as D . Prov . G . M . ; H . II . Burchell Heme , P . Prov . G . S . AV ., as G . S . AV . ; Jeremiah How , Prov . G . D . C ,
as J . G . AV . ; Rev . J . AV . Laughlin , T . S . Barringer , C . II . Law , E . Burrell , and J . Sugars , P . Prov . G . AV ' s . ; C . Davy and J . Burton , P . Prov . G . D ' s . ; T . Rogers , Prov . G . Treas . ; S . Sedgwick , Prov . G . Sec ; C . H . Finch , I . Levinson , J . B . Newall , C . J . How , O . F . Vallentin , Lavendar , and others . The minutes of the preceding Prov . G . Lodge were read and confirmed . The Treasurer ' s accounts were passed . Bro . Thomas Rogers was re-elected Prov . G . Treasurer . The Prov . G . M . said
the next business was to appoint the Grand Officers for the ensuing year , and he regretted that his valued friend and father in Masonry , Bro . AVard , found himself compelled to resign the office of D . G . M . through illness and infirmity . He , therefore , called to that distinguished position , Bro . George Francis , a Mason of great talent and energy , who had filled that post in another province with great