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Architecture And Archaæology.
affects to lie entirely alone must be cither a God or a , ivild beast . ' All are born sociable , that all may be hind and communicative . —Builder .
Artistic Labour At The Building Of St. Paul's Cathedral.
The bills for Avork done in connection Avith the building of St . Paul's Cathedral serve to give an idea of the value of artistic workmanship at the dates stated . Jasper Tatham received for Avork done on the north side , the door-case and turn of the round pillars , tho three-quarter pillar , and little three-quarter pillar , and for Avorking and setting llSitft . of Portland stone in the bodies of two
ils p lars , the three-quarters and half the architraves of the doorcase , & c , £ 112 8 s . 6 d . For the ornaments above the same , two shillings per foot superficial . For masoning one threefourth composite capital , one face and one half , [ at 16 s . Qd . ; for carving it , £ 12 . A scroll and festoons , £ 15 . A carfcouch under the cornice of the door-case , £ 4 . Half the long festoons and candlesticks over the door £ 17 10 s .
Whe west end of the old church Avas not taken down till 1686 . In the same year a great quantity of old alabaster was beaten into poAvder for making cement . Those fragments Avere , doubtless , monumental effigies or other ornaments of the old church . The capitals of the great pillars of the north aud south porticos cost £ 60 each for the carving . In 1688 , the toAver was pulled doAAii , and 162 corpses taken from its cemetry and reburied at the west end of the old foundation , at 6 cl each ..
The folloAving will give an idea of the sums paid to Gi-inling Gibbons for some of the carvings of the interior : — For two upper cimas of the great cornice , carved Avith leaves , at 2 s . del . per foot—over the prepends' stalls . The chaptering of the parapet , upper cimas , and members of the coromer , Avith lace and leaves , at Is . per foot . The moulding in tbe cistals , one member enriched , Id . per
foot . Coping on tho cartouches , one member enriched , 14 d . - per foot . The small O-G on the corona of the bishop and lord mayor ' s thrones , 4 d , per foot , For the loAver cima in the bottom of the nine inch cornice , at 7 cZ . per foot .
The cima and casements round the stalls , 9 d . per foot . The small cima on the top of the imposts OA'cr the prebends' heads , 8 d . per foot ; tho holloAV of the imjDost leaves , 5 s , per foot ; the sAvelling frieze , Avith grotesque inrichxnents , 5 s . per foot ; and tho grotesque enrichments round the openings in the Avomens' gallery , 4 s , 3 d . per foot ; the scrolls in the partition pilasters in the stalls , 9 s . 6 d . per
foot ; the leaning scrolls on clboAVS , Is . 5 d . each ; the frieze on the thrones , 5 s . per foot ; pedestals ( grotesque ) in the front , Is . 4 d . each .- the great modillion cornices ( six members enriched ) , 10 s . per foot ; the leaved cornices on tho
stone pilasters , 9 s . per foot ; the Corinthian three-quarter capitals £ 5 6 s . each , the Avhole ones , £ 7 each ; grotesque capitals in the choir , £ 7 each . Total charge £ 1333 7 s . 5 cZ William Thompson painted the east end of the choir , in imitation of veined marble , at 4 s . per yard . The gilding round the altar cost £ 168 ; the Glory , £ 3 ; the foliage on the frieze , £ 30 ; the palm and laurel branches , £ 5 .
The fluted pilasters , painted Avith ultramarine , and A'eined with gold , in imitation of lapis-lazuli , cost £ 160 . EdAvard Strong received £ 52 10 s . each for the Corinthian pillars of veined marble which support the organ , The sculptures of Caius Gabriel Gibber , Avhich form an important feature in the decoration of St . Pauls , haA'e much merit , inasmuch as they arc bold aud effective , and
harmonise Avell Avith the architecture . Tbe prices paid for some of these works are as follOAvs : —For the phoenix in the tympanum of the south transept , Avhich is 18 feet in length and 9 feet in height , he received , for the model £ 6 , and £ 100 for the sculpture . He also received £ 280 for carving the eight great keystones of the arches round the dome , each 7 feet in height , 5 feet in breadth , and 18 inches in relief ( that is £ 35 for each ); he had also £ 6 for three models of " antique lucarnes . " The above ,
Artistic Labour At The Building Of St. Paul's Cathedral.
AA'ith four censers , at £ 7 10 s . each , upon the piers of the south ascent , and four double festoons , Avith eight cherubims on the pedestals , at £ 13 each , are all the sculptures charged in the hooks under Gibber ' s name . Jonathan Maine carved the ornaments of the Morningprayer Chapel , and had £ 30 each for shields surrounded by cherubim and drapery .
In 1710 Eobert Trevet , engraver , Avas employed by thecommissioners to make draAvings , and engrave them , of the outside and inside vieAvs of the church aud the choir , representing the time when the Queen and the two Houses o £ Parliament Avere there , for Avhich he received £ 300 . In 1712 Francis Bird had £ 250 for the Queen ' s statue and enrichments . The four statues seated on the pedestal
of England , France , Ireland , and America , cost £ 220 each j and the Avhite marble shield of arms , £ 50 . The cost of this monument vras £ 1 , 180—nearly as much a Gibbons got for the whole of the carved work . Bird also sculptured the panels containing the history of St . Paul , in the portico , for £ 75 each , and the reliefs over the great west door for £ 300 . There is also the following charge : —To Francis Bird ,.
carver , for carving the great pediment of the west portico , in length 64 feet , and in height 17 feet , being the history of St . Paul's conversion , aud containing eight large figures , six Avhereof on horseback , and seveal of them 2-j feet impost , £ 650 . Bird also modelled the scrolls , ball , and cross , for the lantern ofthe cupola , and the piers for the tOAA'CrS . Samuel Fulks carved the great capitals for the AVest portico , and had £ 60 for each .
General Architectural Intelligence.
The UOAV district church of St . Ann , Hanger-lane , Stamford-hill , Middlesex , Avas consecrated , on the 29 th ult ., by the Bishop of London . This church , and the parsonagehouse , the schools , and model cottages adjoining , have all heen erected at the sole cost of one person , viz ., Mr . FoAvler Newsam , of Stamford-hill , who spared no means to obtain a satisfactory result . The foundation-stone Avas laid last
July ; and in ten working months Mr . Myers , the builder , has completed the church and parsonage . The church ( which is of the Second Pointed period in plan ) has a nave , aisles , transepts , organ-chapel , vestry , and chancel , Avith an octagonal apse . The dimensions are as follows : —nave > 73 ft . by 23 ft . ; aisles , 72 ft ., by 12 ft . 4 in . ; chancel , 36 ft . by 23 ft . ; organ-chapel and vestry 17 ftb 13 ftThe toAver
, . y . , which is at the Avest end of the south aisle , is 18 ft . square ; and , Avith the spire , is 120 ft . high . The height of nave-roof to the cresting is 60 ft . The Avails are of brick , faced Avith Kentish rag ; and the windows , doors , buttresses , and dressings generally , are of Bath stone . The fittings of the chancel are of oak , of an ornate character ; the pulpit is of Caen stone . The chancel is paved throughout with encaustic
tiles . The five sides of the apse , as a reredos , are painted and emblazoned . The organ is in the south chancel chapel . The Avhole of the Avindovvs of the apse , the transepts , and the large west AvindoAV , are filled Avith stained glass , in subjects Avell executed by Wailes , of Newcastle . The seats of the church are of deal , stained and varnished ; and the are paved Avith Staffordshire tilesThe church
passages . Avillbold 625 persons , including 50 children , in transept ; and the cost of the church and parsonage is upAvards of £ 11 , 000 . A considerable expense Avas necessitated on the foundations , the ground being Avet clay . The parsonage adjoining is of a Mediteval design , with all modern comforts in the arrangements of the plan , and has been built regardless of cost .
Ihe vestry of St . John ' s parish , Devizes , have sanctioned the rector and churchwardens " to apply to tho bishop of the diocese ( provided they obtain the consent of the committee appointed to conduct the improvements ofthe church ) for a faculty to rebuild , if necessary , the arcades ; and also , if necessary , to put on new roofs , to extend the naA'e and aisles one bay to the westAvardand to reseat the Avhole
, church , and to effect such portions of these Avorks as may be Avithin the compass of the funds placed , or to be placed , at the disposal of the said committee by public contributions and subscriptions . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Architecture And Archaæology.
affects to lie entirely alone must be cither a God or a , ivild beast . ' All are born sociable , that all may be hind and communicative . —Builder .
Artistic Labour At The Building Of St. Paul's Cathedral.
The bills for Avork done in connection Avith the building of St . Paul's Cathedral serve to give an idea of the value of artistic workmanship at the dates stated . Jasper Tatham received for Avork done on the north side , the door-case and turn of the round pillars , tho three-quarter pillar , and little three-quarter pillar , and for Avorking and setting llSitft . of Portland stone in the bodies of two
ils p lars , the three-quarters and half the architraves of the doorcase , & c , £ 112 8 s . 6 d . For the ornaments above the same , two shillings per foot superficial . For masoning one threefourth composite capital , one face and one half , [ at 16 s . Qd . ; for carving it , £ 12 . A scroll and festoons , £ 15 . A carfcouch under the cornice of the door-case , £ 4 . Half the long festoons and candlesticks over the door £ 17 10 s .
Whe west end of the old church Avas not taken down till 1686 . In the same year a great quantity of old alabaster was beaten into poAvder for making cement . Those fragments Avere , doubtless , monumental effigies or other ornaments of the old church . The capitals of the great pillars of the north aud south porticos cost £ 60 each for the carving . In 1688 , the toAver was pulled doAAii , and 162 corpses taken from its cemetry and reburied at the west end of the old foundation , at 6 cl each ..
The folloAving will give an idea of the sums paid to Gi-inling Gibbons for some of the carvings of the interior : — For two upper cimas of the great cornice , carved Avith leaves , at 2 s . del . per foot—over the prepends' stalls . The chaptering of the parapet , upper cimas , and members of the coromer , Avith lace and leaves , at Is . per foot . The moulding in tbe cistals , one member enriched , Id . per
foot . Coping on tho cartouches , one member enriched , 14 d . - per foot . The small O-G on the corona of the bishop and lord mayor ' s thrones , 4 d , per foot , For the loAver cima in the bottom of the nine inch cornice , at 7 cZ . per foot .
The cima and casements round the stalls , 9 d . per foot . The small cima on the top of the imposts OA'cr the prebends' heads , 8 d . per foot ; tho holloAV of the imjDost leaves , 5 s , per foot ; the sAvelling frieze , Avith grotesque inrichxnents , 5 s . per foot ; and tho grotesque enrichments round the openings in the Avomens' gallery , 4 s , 3 d . per foot ; the scrolls in the partition pilasters in the stalls , 9 s . 6 d . per
foot ; the leaning scrolls on clboAVS , Is . 5 d . each ; the frieze on the thrones , 5 s . per foot ; pedestals ( grotesque ) in the front , Is . 4 d . each .- the great modillion cornices ( six members enriched ) , 10 s . per foot ; the leaved cornices on tho
stone pilasters , 9 s . per foot ; the Corinthian three-quarter capitals £ 5 6 s . each , the Avhole ones , £ 7 each ; grotesque capitals in the choir , £ 7 each . Total charge £ 1333 7 s . 5 cZ William Thompson painted the east end of the choir , in imitation of veined marble , at 4 s . per yard . The gilding round the altar cost £ 168 ; the Glory , £ 3 ; the foliage on the frieze , £ 30 ; the palm and laurel branches , £ 5 .
The fluted pilasters , painted Avith ultramarine , and A'eined with gold , in imitation of lapis-lazuli , cost £ 160 . EdAvard Strong received £ 52 10 s . each for the Corinthian pillars of veined marble which support the organ , The sculptures of Caius Gabriel Gibber , Avhich form an important feature in the decoration of St . Pauls , haA'e much merit , inasmuch as they arc bold aud effective , and
harmonise Avell Avith the architecture . Tbe prices paid for some of these works are as follOAvs : —For the phoenix in the tympanum of the south transept , Avhich is 18 feet in length and 9 feet in height , he received , for the model £ 6 , and £ 100 for the sculpture . He also received £ 280 for carving the eight great keystones of the arches round the dome , each 7 feet in height , 5 feet in breadth , and 18 inches in relief ( that is £ 35 for each ); he had also £ 6 for three models of " antique lucarnes . " The above ,
Artistic Labour At The Building Of St. Paul's Cathedral.
AA'ith four censers , at £ 7 10 s . each , upon the piers of the south ascent , and four double festoons , Avith eight cherubims on the pedestals , at £ 13 each , are all the sculptures charged in the hooks under Gibber ' s name . Jonathan Maine carved the ornaments of the Morningprayer Chapel , and had £ 30 each for shields surrounded by cherubim and drapery .
In 1710 Eobert Trevet , engraver , Avas employed by thecommissioners to make draAvings , and engrave them , of the outside and inside vieAvs of the church aud the choir , representing the time when the Queen and the two Houses o £ Parliament Avere there , for Avhich he received £ 300 . In 1712 Francis Bird had £ 250 for the Queen ' s statue and enrichments . The four statues seated on the pedestal
of England , France , Ireland , and America , cost £ 220 each j and the Avhite marble shield of arms , £ 50 . The cost of this monument vras £ 1 , 180—nearly as much a Gibbons got for the whole of the carved work . Bird also sculptured the panels containing the history of St . Paul , in the portico , for £ 75 each , and the reliefs over the great west door for £ 300 . There is also the following charge : —To Francis Bird ,.
carver , for carving the great pediment of the west portico , in length 64 feet , and in height 17 feet , being the history of St . Paul's conversion , aud containing eight large figures , six Avhereof on horseback , and seveal of them 2-j feet impost , £ 650 . Bird also modelled the scrolls , ball , and cross , for the lantern ofthe cupola , and the piers for the tOAA'CrS . Samuel Fulks carved the great capitals for the AVest portico , and had £ 60 for each .
General Architectural Intelligence.
The UOAV district church of St . Ann , Hanger-lane , Stamford-hill , Middlesex , Avas consecrated , on the 29 th ult ., by the Bishop of London . This church , and the parsonagehouse , the schools , and model cottages adjoining , have all heen erected at the sole cost of one person , viz ., Mr . FoAvler Newsam , of Stamford-hill , who spared no means to obtain a satisfactory result . The foundation-stone Avas laid last
July ; and in ten working months Mr . Myers , the builder , has completed the church and parsonage . The church ( which is of the Second Pointed period in plan ) has a nave , aisles , transepts , organ-chapel , vestry , and chancel , Avith an octagonal apse . The dimensions are as follows : —nave > 73 ft . by 23 ft . ; aisles , 72 ft ., by 12 ft . 4 in . ; chancel , 36 ft . by 23 ft . ; organ-chapel and vestry 17 ftb 13 ftThe toAver
, . y . , which is at the Avest end of the south aisle , is 18 ft . square ; and , Avith the spire , is 120 ft . high . The height of nave-roof to the cresting is 60 ft . The Avails are of brick , faced Avith Kentish rag ; and the windows , doors , buttresses , and dressings generally , are of Bath stone . The fittings of the chancel are of oak , of an ornate character ; the pulpit is of Caen stone . The chancel is paved throughout with encaustic
tiles . The five sides of the apse , as a reredos , are painted and emblazoned . The organ is in the south chancel chapel . The Avhole of the Avindovvs of the apse , the transepts , and the large west AvindoAV , are filled Avith stained glass , in subjects Avell executed by Wailes , of Newcastle . The seats of the church are of deal , stained and varnished ; and the are paved Avith Staffordshire tilesThe church
passages . Avillbold 625 persons , including 50 children , in transept ; and the cost of the church and parsonage is upAvards of £ 11 , 000 . A considerable expense Avas necessitated on the foundations , the ground being Avet clay . The parsonage adjoining is of a Mediteval design , with all modern comforts in the arrangements of the plan , and has been built regardless of cost .
Ihe vestry of St . John ' s parish , Devizes , have sanctioned the rector and churchwardens " to apply to tho bishop of the diocese ( provided they obtain the consent of the committee appointed to conduct the improvements ofthe church ) for a faculty to rebuild , if necessary , the arcades ; and also , if necessary , to put on new roofs , to extend the naA'e and aisles one bay to the westAvardand to reseat the Avhole
, church , and to effect such portions of these Avorks as may be Avithin the compass of the funds placed , or to be placed , at the disposal of the said committee by public contributions and subscriptions . "