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Memorial To Bro. Sir Charles Barry.
on the part of the part of those by whom it was concived that funds might with great propriety have been supplied , an appeal should be made to the public to furnish the sum of money requisite to provide a life-size marble statue of the late Sir Charles Barry , together with an appropriate pedestal . An assurance was , moreover , received from one ofthe most ardent admirers of the deceased , that he was himself ready to provide the whole of the sum estimated to be requiredrather than allow the matter to become abortive for
, want of funds . On the return of the Duke of Newcastle to England , an interview was again sought with his Grace , ancl on tho 16 th March , 1861 , in reply to an intimation , for ivhich the deputation was prepared , that difficulties had arisen which might render it injudicious to seek for funds from the public purse , the deputation was enabled to assure his Grace that want of them need be no impediment in the matteras a determination had been formedin the event of
, , the contingency intimated by him , to appeal to the public and to the profession for subscriptions , which there ivas every reason to believe would be obtained to a sufficient amount to justify immediate steps being [ taken , if necessary . The Duke of Newcastle terminated the interview by kind assurances of his support and sympathy- —assurances which have been amply redeemed , ancl for
which the friends of Sir Charles Barry should ever feel indebted to his Grace . The above matters were duly reported to the Council of the Eoyal Institute of British Architects , who forthwith expressed themselves prepared—while leaving , as they must , each individual member ! of the Institute free to contribute or not , as he might see fit—to bring the subject as prominently as possible before the profession generally .
It was thereupon determined by those by whom action had heen originated—1 st . That five individuals of high position in relation to the fine arts of this country sbould be invited to become treasurers and trustees of any subscriptions which might be received for the erection of a marble statue of Sir Charles Barry in the Neiv Palace of Westminster ; 2 nd . That Messrs . M . Digby Wyatt , Vice-President , and Charles C . Nelson , formerly Honorary Secretary of the Royal Institute of British Architectsshould he
, requested to act as Honorary Secretaries ; 3 rd . That an immediate appeal should be made to the profession and to the public . In consequence of the above determination , after ascertaining that all invited to act were willing to do so , the following circular was issued in a folio form about the middle of April , ancl subsequently advertised with a list of subscribers in London and provincial newspapers : —
Memorial to the late Sir Charles Barry , F . A ., F . S . S . " It is proposed to erect a marble statue of Sir Charles Barry , in the New Palace at AA estminster . " As there is reason to believe that the requested permission will be granted for the execution of the work under the direction of the Eoyal Commission of Fine Arts , as soon as the requisite funds are provided , noblemen ancl gentlemen who may desire to do honour to
the memory of the late eminent architect of that building , are invited to forward their subscriptions to Messrs . Drummond , Bankers , Charing-cross , with whom an account has been opened for ' The Memorial to the late Sir Charles Barry , ' in the names of"The Eight Hon . AV . F . COWTEB , M . P . " Major-General the Hon . Slit EDWAED Cusr , K . C . H ., F . B . S . " Sir CHAEIES L . EASTIAKE , President , E . A . " CUABI . ES E . COCKEEELE , Esq ., B . A ., President , B . I . B . A . " AVH . LIAM THE , Esq ., F . R . S ., M . P . " AVho have consented to act as Treasurers and Trustees .
"M . DieBY AVrAir I Honorary " CHAEI . ES C . NEISOJT j Secretaries . " To whom all communications are requested to be addressed at the Rooms of the Royal Institute of British Architects , No . 9 , Conduit-Street , Hanover-square . Subscribers are particularly invited to make their intentions known to the Honorary Secretaries , in order that a correct list may be forthwith prepared for
circulation . " The resjionsc to the above circular was within a month or so of so satisfactory a nature as to justify the Honorary Secretaries in endeavouring to ascertain the views of Her Majesty ' s Commissioners on the Fine Arts ( with whom the power of granting or withholding an eligible site in the New Palace at AVestminster rested ) , with sufficient precision to form the basis for the future action of the bodof subscriberseither collectivelor
bdeley , y y gation through a committee , as they might think best at any future period . A communication , under date June 3 , 1861 , was therefore addressed to the Secretary of Her Majesty ' s Commissioners on the Pine Arts , in which , after reciting the general facts herein before
mentioned , the opinion of Her Majesty ' s Commissioners ivas invited , and their co-operation naked for upon the following basis : - — " It is suggested that the statue should be of white marble , raised on a suitable pedestal of freestone . That the figure should be standing , and not more than six feet six inches in height . That it should be placed in St . Stephen's porch , at the south end of AVestminster Hall , at a short distance from the pannellcd wall under the great windowand thatif in order to afford
; , necessary , a sufficient background for the statue , the parapet of the middle compartment of " the wall behind should be raised , an operation which , it is believed , could be clone without detriment to the architecture . Lastly , that the statue should be designed and executed by John Henry Foley , E . A ., the excellence cf whoso ivories in portrait sculpture is universally acknowledged . A small model , ivouldin due timebe submitted to the Royal Commissioners . The
, , site above mentioned is suggested chiefly because it appears to be the only one suitable for a statue that ivould stand alone , and that must not appear to come in competition with those of sovereigns and legislators . The cost of the statue is estimated , at from £ 800 to £ 1000 . That of the pedestal , in freestone , at about £ 200 ; but incidental expenses might possibly raise the whole cost to about
£ 1500 . On the 17 th of June the following reply was received from the Secretary to the Commissioners : —• " Palace of Westminster , 17 th of June , 1861 . "Gentlemen , —Having on the 14 th inst . submitted to Her Majesty ' s Commissioners on the Fine Arts , your letter of the 3 rd inst ,, relative to a contemplated memorial to the late Sir Charles Barry , proposing , in conformity with a resolution of the Council of
the Eoyal Institute of British Architects , that a statue of that eminent architect should be placed within his own great work at AVestminster , ancl suggesting as a site for such statue—recommended to be marble—St . Stephen ' s porch , at tbe south end of AVestminster Hall , at a short distance from the panelled wall under the great window , I am directed to acquaint you in reply that the Commissioners , while fully concurring in the feeling and general object expressed in letterand after having given their
your , attentive consideration to the question proposed , came to the following resolution : "Several objections to the site proposed within the building have occurred to the commissioners , but they would desire to suggc st whether the centre of one of the courts , or one of the open spaces adiacent to the building , would not meet the object in view . "
" I am , Gentlemen , your obedient servant , " ( Signed ) C . L . EASTIAKE , Secretary . " The Hon . Secretaries to the Barry Memorial . " On the 27 th June , the Hon . Secretaries addressed a communication , to Her Majesty ' s Commissioners on . the Fine Arts , urging various arguments in favour of an internal site in the building , either the one already suggested in their letter of . Tune 3 rdor any
, other which might appear equally eligible . This letter , being of some length , is not inserted in this report . On the 4-th July , the following reply was received by the Hon . Secretaries , who felt it their duty acknowledging it , to return their best thanks to the Eoyal Commissioners in the name of the subscribers , for the courteous consideration they had given to the matter . " Palace of AA- ' estminster , 4 th July , 1 SG 1 .
" Gentlemen , —Having on the 3 rd inst submitted to Her Majesty ' s Commissioners on Fine Arts your letter dated June 27 , relative to the site for the statue of the late Sir Charles Barry , E . A ., I am directed to acquaint you in reply that after duo consideration , they adopted the following resolution : — " Eesolved , that it seems to the Commissioners impossible to recede from their determination which their former resolution expressed against lacing the statue of Sir Charles Barry under the
p centre of the great window in St . Stephen ' s Porch . Their reasons against the statue in that place seem to them so strong that their opinion would be altered were they to invito the conference which has been suggested for that object . " The determination of the Commissioners is , however , consistent with the most cordial respect for the memory of Sir Charles Barry , and with the no less cordial wish to see his effigy placed in a conicuous and honourable situation not 'alreadappropriated toor
sp y , Incompatible with the scheme of decoration adopted by the Commissioners . As the only available place within the building fulfilling these conditions , the Commissioners would propose the first landingplace of the staircase leading from the p ' mcipal iloor to the Committee-rooms ofthe House of Commons . The Hon . Secretaries of the Barry Memorial Fund will , perhaps , havo tho goodness tolay before the subscribers this suggestion as an alteration to a
neighbouring site in the open air as in a recent letter was proposed ^ "I am , Gentlemen , your obedient servant , " ( Signed ) C . L . EASTLAKE , Secretary .. "The Hon . Secretaries to the Barry Memorial . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Memorial To Bro. Sir Charles Barry.
on the part of the part of those by whom it was concived that funds might with great propriety have been supplied , an appeal should be made to the public to furnish the sum of money requisite to provide a life-size marble statue of the late Sir Charles Barry , together with an appropriate pedestal . An assurance was , moreover , received from one ofthe most ardent admirers of the deceased , that he was himself ready to provide the whole of the sum estimated to be requiredrather than allow the matter to become abortive for
, want of funds . On the return of the Duke of Newcastle to England , an interview was again sought with his Grace , ancl on tho 16 th March , 1861 , in reply to an intimation , for ivhich the deputation was prepared , that difficulties had arisen which might render it injudicious to seek for funds from the public purse , the deputation was enabled to assure his Grace that want of them need be no impediment in the matteras a determination had been formedin the event of
, , the contingency intimated by him , to appeal to the public and to the profession for subscriptions , which there ivas every reason to believe would be obtained to a sufficient amount to justify immediate steps being [ taken , if necessary . The Duke of Newcastle terminated the interview by kind assurances of his support and sympathy- —assurances which have been amply redeemed , ancl for
which the friends of Sir Charles Barry should ever feel indebted to his Grace . The above matters were duly reported to the Council of the Eoyal Institute of British Architects , who forthwith expressed themselves prepared—while leaving , as they must , each individual member ! of the Institute free to contribute or not , as he might see fit—to bring the subject as prominently as possible before the profession generally .
It was thereupon determined by those by whom action had heen originated—1 st . That five individuals of high position in relation to the fine arts of this country sbould be invited to become treasurers and trustees of any subscriptions which might be received for the erection of a marble statue of Sir Charles Barry in the Neiv Palace of Westminster ; 2 nd . That Messrs . M . Digby Wyatt , Vice-President , and Charles C . Nelson , formerly Honorary Secretary of the Royal Institute of British Architectsshould he
, requested to act as Honorary Secretaries ; 3 rd . That an immediate appeal should be made to the profession and to the public . In consequence of the above determination , after ascertaining that all invited to act were willing to do so , the following circular was issued in a folio form about the middle of April , ancl subsequently advertised with a list of subscribers in London and provincial newspapers : —
Memorial to the late Sir Charles Barry , F . A ., F . S . S . " It is proposed to erect a marble statue of Sir Charles Barry , in the New Palace at AA estminster . " As there is reason to believe that the requested permission will be granted for the execution of the work under the direction of the Eoyal Commission of Fine Arts , as soon as the requisite funds are provided , noblemen ancl gentlemen who may desire to do honour to
the memory of the late eminent architect of that building , are invited to forward their subscriptions to Messrs . Drummond , Bankers , Charing-cross , with whom an account has been opened for ' The Memorial to the late Sir Charles Barry , ' in the names of"The Eight Hon . AV . F . COWTEB , M . P . " Major-General the Hon . Slit EDWAED Cusr , K . C . H ., F . B . S . " Sir CHAEIES L . EASTIAKE , President , E . A . " CUABI . ES E . COCKEEELE , Esq ., B . A ., President , B . I . B . A . " AVH . LIAM THE , Esq ., F . R . S ., M . P . " AVho have consented to act as Treasurers and Trustees .
"M . DieBY AVrAir I Honorary " CHAEI . ES C . NEISOJT j Secretaries . " To whom all communications are requested to be addressed at the Rooms of the Royal Institute of British Architects , No . 9 , Conduit-Street , Hanover-square . Subscribers are particularly invited to make their intentions known to the Honorary Secretaries , in order that a correct list may be forthwith prepared for
circulation . " The resjionsc to the above circular was within a month or so of so satisfactory a nature as to justify the Honorary Secretaries in endeavouring to ascertain the views of Her Majesty ' s Commissioners on the Fine Arts ( with whom the power of granting or withholding an eligible site in the New Palace at AVestminster rested ) , with sufficient precision to form the basis for the future action of the bodof subscriberseither collectivelor
bdeley , y y gation through a committee , as they might think best at any future period . A communication , under date June 3 , 1861 , was therefore addressed to the Secretary of Her Majesty ' s Commissioners on the Pine Arts , in which , after reciting the general facts herein before
mentioned , the opinion of Her Majesty ' s Commissioners ivas invited , and their co-operation naked for upon the following basis : - — " It is suggested that the statue should be of white marble , raised on a suitable pedestal of freestone . That the figure should be standing , and not more than six feet six inches in height . That it should be placed in St . Stephen's porch , at the south end of AVestminster Hall , at a short distance from the pannellcd wall under the great windowand thatif in order to afford
; , necessary , a sufficient background for the statue , the parapet of the middle compartment of " the wall behind should be raised , an operation which , it is believed , could be clone without detriment to the architecture . Lastly , that the statue should be designed and executed by John Henry Foley , E . A ., the excellence cf whoso ivories in portrait sculpture is universally acknowledged . A small model , ivouldin due timebe submitted to the Royal Commissioners . The
, , site above mentioned is suggested chiefly because it appears to be the only one suitable for a statue that ivould stand alone , and that must not appear to come in competition with those of sovereigns and legislators . The cost of the statue is estimated , at from £ 800 to £ 1000 . That of the pedestal , in freestone , at about £ 200 ; but incidental expenses might possibly raise the whole cost to about
£ 1500 . On the 17 th of June the following reply was received from the Secretary to the Commissioners : —• " Palace of Westminster , 17 th of June , 1861 . "Gentlemen , —Having on the 14 th inst . submitted to Her Majesty ' s Commissioners on the Fine Arts , your letter of the 3 rd inst ,, relative to a contemplated memorial to the late Sir Charles Barry , proposing , in conformity with a resolution of the Council of
the Eoyal Institute of British Architects , that a statue of that eminent architect should be placed within his own great work at AVestminster , ancl suggesting as a site for such statue—recommended to be marble—St . Stephen ' s porch , at tbe south end of AVestminster Hall , at a short distance from the panelled wall under the great window , I am directed to acquaint you in reply that the Commissioners , while fully concurring in the feeling and general object expressed in letterand after having given their
your , attentive consideration to the question proposed , came to the following resolution : "Several objections to the site proposed within the building have occurred to the commissioners , but they would desire to suggc st whether the centre of one of the courts , or one of the open spaces adiacent to the building , would not meet the object in view . "
" I am , Gentlemen , your obedient servant , " ( Signed ) C . L . EASTIAKE , Secretary . " The Hon . Secretaries to the Barry Memorial . " On the 27 th June , the Hon . Secretaries addressed a communication , to Her Majesty ' s Commissioners on . the Fine Arts , urging various arguments in favour of an internal site in the building , either the one already suggested in their letter of . Tune 3 rdor any
, other which might appear equally eligible . This letter , being of some length , is not inserted in this report . On the 4-th July , the following reply was received by the Hon . Secretaries , who felt it their duty acknowledging it , to return their best thanks to the Eoyal Commissioners in the name of the subscribers , for the courteous consideration they had given to the matter . " Palace of AA- ' estminster , 4 th July , 1 SG 1 .
" Gentlemen , —Having on the 3 rd inst submitted to Her Majesty ' s Commissioners on Fine Arts your letter dated June 27 , relative to the site for the statue of the late Sir Charles Barry , E . A ., I am directed to acquaint you in reply that after duo consideration , they adopted the following resolution : — " Eesolved , that it seems to the Commissioners impossible to recede from their determination which their former resolution expressed against lacing the statue of Sir Charles Barry under the
p centre of the great window in St . Stephen ' s Porch . Their reasons against the statue in that place seem to them so strong that their opinion would be altered were they to invito the conference which has been suggested for that object . " The determination of the Commissioners is , however , consistent with the most cordial respect for the memory of Sir Charles Barry , and with the no less cordial wish to see his effigy placed in a conicuous and honourable situation not 'alreadappropriated toor
sp y , Incompatible with the scheme of decoration adopted by the Commissioners . As the only available place within the building fulfilling these conditions , the Commissioners would propose the first landingplace of the staircase leading from the p ' mcipal iloor to the Committee-rooms ofthe House of Commons . The Hon . Secretaries of the Barry Memorial Fund will , perhaps , havo tho goodness tolay before the subscribers this suggestion as an alteration to a
neighbouring site in the open air as in a recent letter was proposed ^ "I am , Gentlemen , your obedient servant , " ( Signed ) C . L . EASTLAKE , Secretary .. "The Hon . Secretaries to the Barry Memorial . "