Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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their claim , were impressively raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . A ballot was taken for Messrs . G . Eaistriek , Henry Hollis , anel Michael Baylcy Smith , which being declared unanimous in their favour , they were properly prepared , brought into loelge , and received as brethren of the mystic tie , for which , favour they subsequently returned thanks , assuring the brethren that this was an honour long sought for by them , and although
they had , as they understood , only obtained one link of the chain , yet by perseverance and strict attention they hoped to merit the whole of it in due course . Business ended and lodge closed , an adjournment took place to the banquetting hall , where dinner was served in first-rate stylo by Bro . Dale , the worthy host of the Holly Bush tavern , where the meetings are helel . The W . M . was supported by Bros . P . M . ' s T . A . Adams , P . G . P . ;
J . Houghton , Ware , and J . Douglas . The visitors were Bro . Potter , P . M . Nott . Bro . G . W . Fielder , P . M . No . 733 ; Bro . Cripps , & c , who expressed their acknowledgment of the kind reception vouchsafed them , paying a well-deserved compliment to the working of the loelge , more particularly for tho perfect manner in which Bro . Alexander , AV . M ., performed the arduous duties of the chair . The brethren separated shortly before ten o ' clock .
DURHAM . BISHOP AUCKLAND . — Wear Valley Lodge ( No . 1 , 121 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Friday last , tho Oth instant , when the R . W . Prov . G . Master , Bro . John Fawcett , presided . The officers present were : —Bros . George Cannoy , S . W . ; Thomas B . Thwaites , J . AV . ; J . M . Do Lacey , Treas . ; George StilhnanSec . ; John ProudS . D . Henry KilburnJ . D .
, , ; , ; William Pawson , I . G . ; and George Moore , Steward . Over thirty members of the lodge were present , and amongst the visitors were P . M . AVard , No . 173 , and Bro . Rev . S . J . Butcher , Hibernia Lodge , Cork , No . 95 . After the minutes of the last lodge had been read arrd confirmed Mr . Thomas Jenkinson and Mr . Harrison Love , who had been previously proposed as fit and proper persons to become Masons , were balloted for and
approved of , and the R . AV . Prov . G . M . then proceeded to initiate Mr . William Canney , Mr . Thomas Rowlandson , Mr . Thomas Jenkinson , and Mr . Harrison Love into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , which lie did in a most impressive and able manner . The ceremony being concluded , Bro . Wilde gave the lecture on the first tracing board , including all the illustrations , which occupied fully half an hour in tho delivery , anel for which ho
was highly complimented by the R . AV . Prov . G . M . Bro . Canney , S . AV ., also gave tire charge after the initiation . Two gentlemen were proposed as fit and proper persons to become Masons , and a reverend gentleman in the neighbourhood , already a Mason , was proposed as a joining member . The business being concluded , the R . AA . Prov . G . M . rose and said , as ho had to drive ten mileshe was he could not stay
, sorry longer . It had always been his desire to see a loelge established in Bishop Auckland , and after paving a tribute to tho memory of the deceased W . M ., Bro . Jos . Nicholson , said that were the lodge conducted in tho able manner in which he hael seen it that evening he hael no doubt it would become one of the best in his province . The R . W . Bro . then left , and thc brethren separated .
DUMFRIESSHIRE . LATINO THE FOUNDATION STONE OP PENPONT PAEISH C ' HUECII . This event , which has for some little time past been eager ] v anticipated , took place , as briefly noticed in our last , undo " very auspicious circumstances , on the 30 th ult ., the weather beiii" - all that could he desired for such a ceremonial , the arrange " ments for which made
were b y a committee of St . John ' s Lodge , Thornliill , in which town the members of Provincial Grand ' Lodge assembled in the forenoon , together with deputations from sister lodges as follows : —Nos . 22 and 129 , Kilmarnock headed by R . W . M . ' s Bros . Rome and Stewart ; Nos . 62 and lio ' Dumfries , headed by by R . AV . M . ' s Bros . AA ' ood and Edgar ; No ! 118 , Douglas , R . AV . M . Bro . Park ; No . 201 , Ayr , R . AA ' . M . Bro ' Call ; No . 252 , Thornhill , R . AV . M . Bro . Burgess ; No . 331 , New
Cumnock , acting R . W . M . Bro . Gilmouv ; 25 S , Lockerbie R . AV . M . Bro . Gardner . The hall in which the brethren assembled was tastefully decorated for the occasion , thanks , we understand , to two of our fair sisters , the Misses Thomson , from Newcastle . Provincial Grand Lodge was openeel afc half-past one by the Prov . G . M . Bro . Lauderdale Maitland being offered b
, , prayer y the V . W . the Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . the Rov . D . McCleod , of Grey friars , Dumfries ; after which , some business having been disposed of , fche procession started for Penpont , marshalled by Bros . Lorimer and Thomson , assisted by Bros . Rae and Dykes , Dumfries , a walk two miles in length , which seemed to be much enjoyed by tho strangers , the scenery along the route being peculiarly rich and inviting . Nearly all Thornhill turned out
to see the Masonic march . With the view of affording accommodation to the spectators two large stages had been erected near the site of the proposed church , which were soon quite filled with people . The gangways leading to them , which were not intended for occupation , were also crowded ; so much so , indeed , that just as the Provincial Grand Lodge approached , the gangwaysheavily pressed upon by their unexpected burden
, , gave way , precipitating their occupants to the ground in one indiscriminate mass . Save , however , a few torn dresses , crumpled crinolines , and momentary alarm , no evil results ensued , and the ceremony was immediately afterwards proceeded with . The members of the Provincial Grand Lodge having taken up their respective positions , the bands played the National Anthem . The Prov . G . G . Chaplain then offered up a fervent
aud appropriate prayer invoking the blessing of the Almighty on the work in which they were engaged , anel beseeching that Ho would of his grace grant that the gospel might bo preached in the church for unnumbered years , and that all present might bo made living stones prepared for the heavenly temple abovo . The Provincial Grand Master , assisted by Bros . Pike , Sloan ,, and Gordon , then laid the foundation stone with the customary rites . In the cavity of the stone was placed a box with thefnllnwinn-cfnfnmpnf . homii ifnlhr w . rif . f . pn nn irnllntn t-. tr 1 \ r « TTol _
liday , of tho town clerk ' s office : — "The old parish ' church of Penpont , erected in 1790 , having been found inadequate to accommodate the congregation , the heritors resolved iu 1865 to erect one in every way suitable to the requirements of the parish ; and accordingly , by the favour of Almighty God , Lauderdale Maitland of Eccles , Esq ., Right AA'orshipful Grand Master of tho Provincial Grand Lodge " of Dumfriesshire , laid
the foundation stone of this chureh on the thirtieth day of July , A . D . one thousand eight hundred anel sixty-seven , A . L . five thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven , in the thirty-first year of the reign of our most gracious sovereign Queen Victoria , assisted by the Provincial Lodgo of Dumfriesshire , St . John ' s Lodge , 252 , Thornhill , and other lodges ofthe adjoining provinces , in presence of a large assemblage of people of tlie parish aud neihbourhood .
g ( A lisb of tho heritors of fche parish is then given . ) J . Gilchrist Clark of Spedelocli , Esq ., Chamberlain to his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Quecnsberry , convener of Building Committee ; Rov . Frederick Crombie , M . A ., minister of the parish ; Charles Howitt , Clerk of AVorks to his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensborry , & c , architect ; Messrs . Sloan , A \ ylie , and Sloan , contractors for mason work ; Messrs . William Giltnour anel
Sons , contractors for carpenter and joiner work ; Mr . Peter Drummond , contractor for plumber and heating apparatus work ; Mr . Andrew Gloudining , contractor for glaziers and painters ' work . And may the Almighty and Supreme Architect of the Universe bless and prosper the undertaking . " The current coins of the realm , copies of newspapers , & c , having been deposited , the cavity was closeel , anel corn having been scattered , and
oi ! and wine poured upon tlie stone , the Grand Master gave a suitable address , referring to the fact that his first public act iu his official capacity as Prov . G . Master for Dumfriesshire was that of laying the foundation stone of the church of his native parish , in which he was an heritor , and in which he , of course , took an especial interest . Ho paid a warm tribute to the St . John ' s Lodge , Thornhill , for the admirable arrangements they had made , and for the entire way they had carried out the matter in hand .
The Rev . Mr . Crombie , minister of the Penpont Church , returned thanks . Bro . C . Howitt , clerk of works afc Drumlauri g , and architect of the Church , on behalf of tlie contractors , thanked the Provincial Grand Lodge , the visiting lodges , and the public generally for tho manner in which they had turned out upon this occasion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
their claim , were impressively raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . A ballot was taken for Messrs . G . Eaistriek , Henry Hollis , anel Michael Baylcy Smith , which being declared unanimous in their favour , they were properly prepared , brought into loelge , and received as brethren of the mystic tie , for which , favour they subsequently returned thanks , assuring the brethren that this was an honour long sought for by them , and although
they had , as they understood , only obtained one link of the chain , yet by perseverance and strict attention they hoped to merit the whole of it in due course . Business ended and lodge closed , an adjournment took place to the banquetting hall , where dinner was served in first-rate stylo by Bro . Dale , the worthy host of the Holly Bush tavern , where the meetings are helel . The W . M . was supported by Bros . P . M . ' s T . A . Adams , P . G . P . ;
J . Houghton , Ware , and J . Douglas . The visitors were Bro . Potter , P . M . Nott . Bro . G . W . Fielder , P . M . No . 733 ; Bro . Cripps , & c , who expressed their acknowledgment of the kind reception vouchsafed them , paying a well-deserved compliment to the working of the loelge , more particularly for tho perfect manner in which Bro . Alexander , AV . M ., performed the arduous duties of the chair . The brethren separated shortly before ten o ' clock .
DURHAM . BISHOP AUCKLAND . — Wear Valley Lodge ( No . 1 , 121 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Friday last , tho Oth instant , when the R . W . Prov . G . Master , Bro . John Fawcett , presided . The officers present were : —Bros . George Cannoy , S . W . ; Thomas B . Thwaites , J . AV . ; J . M . Do Lacey , Treas . ; George StilhnanSec . ; John ProudS . D . Henry KilburnJ . D .
, , ; , ; William Pawson , I . G . ; and George Moore , Steward . Over thirty members of the lodge were present , and amongst the visitors were P . M . AVard , No . 173 , and Bro . Rev . S . J . Butcher , Hibernia Lodge , Cork , No . 95 . After the minutes of the last lodge had been read arrd confirmed Mr . Thomas Jenkinson and Mr . Harrison Love , who had been previously proposed as fit and proper persons to become Masons , were balloted for and
approved of , and the R . AV . Prov . G . M . then proceeded to initiate Mr . William Canney , Mr . Thomas Rowlandson , Mr . Thomas Jenkinson , and Mr . Harrison Love into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , which lie did in a most impressive and able manner . The ceremony being concluded , Bro . Wilde gave the lecture on the first tracing board , including all the illustrations , which occupied fully half an hour in tho delivery , anel for which ho
was highly complimented by the R . AV . Prov . G . M . Bro . Canney , S . AV ., also gave tire charge after the initiation . Two gentlemen were proposed as fit and proper persons to become Masons , and a reverend gentleman in the neighbourhood , already a Mason , was proposed as a joining member . The business being concluded , the R . AA . Prov . G . M . rose and said , as ho had to drive ten mileshe was he could not stay
, sorry longer . It had always been his desire to see a loelge established in Bishop Auckland , and after paving a tribute to tho memory of the deceased W . M ., Bro . Jos . Nicholson , said that were the lodge conducted in tho able manner in which he hael seen it that evening he hael no doubt it would become one of the best in his province . The R . W . Bro . then left , and thc brethren separated .
DUMFRIESSHIRE . LATINO THE FOUNDATION STONE OP PENPONT PAEISH C ' HUECII . This event , which has for some little time past been eager ] v anticipated , took place , as briefly noticed in our last , undo " very auspicious circumstances , on the 30 th ult ., the weather beiii" - all that could he desired for such a ceremonial , the arrange " ments for which made
were b y a committee of St . John ' s Lodge , Thornliill , in which town the members of Provincial Grand ' Lodge assembled in the forenoon , together with deputations from sister lodges as follows : —Nos . 22 and 129 , Kilmarnock headed by R . W . M . ' s Bros . Rome and Stewart ; Nos . 62 and lio ' Dumfries , headed by by R . AV . M . ' s Bros . AA ' ood and Edgar ; No ! 118 , Douglas , R . AV . M . Bro . Park ; No . 201 , Ayr , R . AA ' . M . Bro ' Call ; No . 252 , Thornhill , R . AV . M . Bro . Burgess ; No . 331 , New
Cumnock , acting R . W . M . Bro . Gilmouv ; 25 S , Lockerbie R . AV . M . Bro . Gardner . The hall in which the brethren assembled was tastefully decorated for the occasion , thanks , we understand , to two of our fair sisters , the Misses Thomson , from Newcastle . Provincial Grand Lodge was openeel afc half-past one by the Prov . G . M . Bro . Lauderdale Maitland being offered b
, , prayer y the V . W . the Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . the Rov . D . McCleod , of Grey friars , Dumfries ; after which , some business having been disposed of , fche procession started for Penpont , marshalled by Bros . Lorimer and Thomson , assisted by Bros . Rae and Dykes , Dumfries , a walk two miles in length , which seemed to be much enjoyed by tho strangers , the scenery along the route being peculiarly rich and inviting . Nearly all Thornhill turned out
to see the Masonic march . With the view of affording accommodation to the spectators two large stages had been erected near the site of the proposed church , which were soon quite filled with people . The gangways leading to them , which were not intended for occupation , were also crowded ; so much so , indeed , that just as the Provincial Grand Lodge approached , the gangwaysheavily pressed upon by their unexpected burden
, , gave way , precipitating their occupants to the ground in one indiscriminate mass . Save , however , a few torn dresses , crumpled crinolines , and momentary alarm , no evil results ensued , and the ceremony was immediately afterwards proceeded with . The members of the Provincial Grand Lodge having taken up their respective positions , the bands played the National Anthem . The Prov . G . G . Chaplain then offered up a fervent
aud appropriate prayer invoking the blessing of the Almighty on the work in which they were engaged , anel beseeching that Ho would of his grace grant that the gospel might bo preached in the church for unnumbered years , and that all present might bo made living stones prepared for the heavenly temple abovo . The Provincial Grand Master , assisted by Bros . Pike , Sloan ,, and Gordon , then laid the foundation stone with the customary rites . In the cavity of the stone was placed a box with thefnllnwinn-cfnfnmpnf . homii ifnlhr w . rif . f . pn nn irnllntn t-. tr 1 \ r « TTol _
liday , of tho town clerk ' s office : — "The old parish ' church of Penpont , erected in 1790 , having been found inadequate to accommodate the congregation , the heritors resolved iu 1865 to erect one in every way suitable to the requirements of the parish ; and accordingly , by the favour of Almighty God , Lauderdale Maitland of Eccles , Esq ., Right AA'orshipful Grand Master of tho Provincial Grand Lodge " of Dumfriesshire , laid
the foundation stone of this chureh on the thirtieth day of July , A . D . one thousand eight hundred anel sixty-seven , A . L . five thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven , in the thirty-first year of the reign of our most gracious sovereign Queen Victoria , assisted by the Provincial Lodgo of Dumfriesshire , St . John ' s Lodge , 252 , Thornhill , and other lodges ofthe adjoining provinces , in presence of a large assemblage of people of tlie parish aud neihbourhood .
g ( A lisb of tho heritors of fche parish is then given . ) J . Gilchrist Clark of Spedelocli , Esq ., Chamberlain to his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Quecnsberry , convener of Building Committee ; Rov . Frederick Crombie , M . A ., minister of the parish ; Charles Howitt , Clerk of AVorks to his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensborry , & c , architect ; Messrs . Sloan , A \ ylie , and Sloan , contractors for mason work ; Messrs . William Giltnour anel
Sons , contractors for carpenter and joiner work ; Mr . Peter Drummond , contractor for plumber and heating apparatus work ; Mr . Andrew Gloudining , contractor for glaziers and painters ' work . And may the Almighty and Supreme Architect of the Universe bless and prosper the undertaking . " The current coins of the realm , copies of newspapers , & c , having been deposited , the cavity was closeel , anel corn having been scattered , and
oi ! and wine poured upon tlie stone , the Grand Master gave a suitable address , referring to the fact that his first public act iu his official capacity as Prov . G . Master for Dumfriesshire was that of laying the foundation stone of the church of his native parish , in which he was an heritor , and in which he , of course , took an especial interest . Ho paid a warm tribute to the St . John ' s Lodge , Thornhill , for the admirable arrangements they had made , and for the entire way they had carried out the matter in hand .
The Rev . Mr . Crombie , minister of the Penpont Church , returned thanks . Bro . C . Howitt , clerk of works afc Drumlauri g , and architect of the Church , on behalf of tlie contractors , thanked the Provincial Grand Lodge , the visiting lodges , and the public generally for tho manner in which they had turned out upon this occasion .