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Three cheers for the Queen were then given , a similar compliment was paid to the contractors , the bands struck up " Rule Britannia , " and the imposing ceremony came to a close . The brethren then wended their way in full procession to Thornhill , where a sumptuous dinner was provided for them by Bro . Middleton , of the Buccleuch Hotel . About eighty partook of tiro repast , presided over by tho Prov . G . M . After dinner the brethren adjourned from the Buccleuch to the Masonic
Hall , where a few hours were very pleasantly beguiled . Bro . Maifclanel , Prov . G . M ., presided , and Bros . Sloan and Gordon , Senior and Junior AVardens , were couplers . The Chairman gave , iu suitable terms , "The Holy Lodgo of Sfc . John , " "The Queen and the Craft , " "The Prince and Steward of Scotland , and tho other members of the Royal Family" and "The NavyArmyand Volunteers" to which
, , , , latter toast Bro . Ensign John Smith replied in a neat address . Bro . James Milligan gave " The Grand Lodges of England , Scotland , and Ireland , " speaking in high terras of them all , but expressing a hope that , as there were some inconsistencies and deficiencies in the laws of the Scottish Grand Lodge , these would , through the exertions of their newly-appointed Prov . G . Master , and others , be speedily removed . He looked upon
the Grand Lodge of Scotland as the Masonic House of Commons , and the Prov . G . Masters and deputies as the representative men of Masonry , always ready to legislate for the well-being of their constituents .
Bro . Burgess , R . W . M . of St . John ' s , Thornhill , gave "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dumfriesshire . " Ho was proud and gratified that the ceremony had that clay gone off so well . For its success they were in a groat measure indebted to their R . W . Prov . G . Master and his office-bearers . Bro . Maitland was well known in Dumfriesshire , and highly respected by all ; anel he had no doubt he and his office-bearers would discharge their provincial duties to the best of their abilities
, and that they -woiiiu givevniiveTsal satisfaction to ail the lodges in the province ; and may the Great Architect of the Universe guide and direct them in all their undertakings , whether temporal or spiritual . Tho toast having been appropriately acknowledged by Bro . Dr . Gardiner , Bro , D . Hastings gave " Tho Clergy of all Denominations , " which was acknowledged by Bro . M'Leoel , Prov . G . Chap .
Bro . Howitt , in happy terms , proposed " The Heritors of the Parish , " which was replied to by the chairman . Bro . T . Kellock gave " The Congregation of the Parish Church , " a body which , he had no hesitation in saying , would bear a favourable comparison with any in the district . He was sure tho members of the congregation felt deeply grateful to the heritors for their liberality in providing for them a lace of
p worship which promised to he at once so commodious , comfortable , and ornamental . He begged to associate with the toast the name of Bro . Dr . Logan . Bro . Logan replied . Bro . Gordon , Prov . G . S . AV ., gave "The Architect , " which Bro . C . Howitt ackiinwlodo-eel .
Bro . G . Thomson gave " The Contractors , " whom they had found , in all their intercourse with them , to be men of the right sort , evidently fitted for the proper discharge of their respective duties . Bro . S . Sibbald proposed a bumper in honour of the absent brethren of St . John's Lodge ( No . 252 ) . AVliat brother present , he asked , belonging to this lodge does not remember of some old anel familiar face whoon hih festive occasions such as
, g this , has spent the cheerful festive night and enhanced tho meeting with some old familiar song , toast , or sentiment , which has struck deep into the hearts of the brethren , and which cannot easily be forgotten ? and do nono of you remember of some dearly-beloved and kind brothers who were wont to surround these tables , and mingle with tho sons of two hundred two anel fiftybut who have now removed their
, residence to the sunny climes of Australia and America , and to other distant parts of our own native land , aud some who by the fell stroke of death have been severed from thc earthly ties of their mother lodge , but who , we trust , have gone to that lod ge above where all is peace , harmony , anel love ; but to those who still remain on earth , anel distant far from their mother lod and whose hearts beat high and towards
ge , warm tho lodge where they first beheld the glorious light of our ancient noble Order . He expected that Bro . Brown woulel reply to this toast , owing to the number of sons he hud initiated into this lodge , but who were absent . Bro . Brown having replied , Bro . Pike gave " The Memory of the late Prov . G . M . " The
Chairman gave "Tho Visiting Lodges , " acknowledged by the W . M . of thc senior lodge . Bro . Sloan proposed " The Masonic Committee , " for which Bro . Brown returned thauks . Bro . Martin gave " The Constituting Members of St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 252 ) , " which Bro . E . Brown acknowledged ; and Bro . John M'Caig proposed " The Peasantry of Scotland . " Masonic and other sonas , given by Bros . Howitt , E . Brown ,
Milligan , J . Cook , S . Sibbald , and P . Brown , added much to tho hilarity of the meeting . About ten o ' clock the chairman bade the brethren good night , and the interesting and memorable proceedings were brought to a termination . A dinner given by the contractors to the workmen in their employ also took place at the Volunteer Arms , Penpont , which was well attended , Bvo . Howitt , architect , and a few friends
leaving the Thornhill meeting to g ive it their countenance and support . The new church , designed by Mr . Howitt , will bo a handsome erection . The style is early English Gothic , the prevailing characteristic resembling the old parish churches of the thirteenth century . The church is cruciform in plan . The length of the nave about fortfeet bthirty-twolength of
y y , the transepts , sixty-four feet . The minister's vestry , and a vestry for the people , with Sabbath schoolroom , are placed behind , forming an apse . There will be a tower on the northwest corner fifty feet in heig ht and sixteen feet square , exclusive of buttresses . The tower will be surmounted by a broad spire , including the vane , sixty-two feet in heig ht . The stone of the district will be used throughoutand the whole of the interior
, be finished off with polished ashlar ; and as there is to be an . open timber roof , there will thus be little or no plaster work on the building . The site is a lovely one , overlooking the Scaur , anel as it is seen from all sides , the | the various elevations will becarried out in the same spirit , and no elevation be decorated , at the expense of the other . It will he seated for 500 .
MEETING- OF PEOVINCIAL GEAND LODGE . A meeting of Provincial Grand Lodgo was held on the 1 st inst ., Bro . Cruikshanks , Depute Prov . G . M ., in the chair , supported by Bros . Binnie , Subs . Prov . G . M . ; Major Barbor , Depute ' Prov . G . M . Middle AVarel of Lanarkshire , and R . W . M . St . Mark's Lodge , No . 102 ; McTaggart , R . W . M . St . Mungo Lodge , No . 27 acting Prov . S . G . AV . ; Walter M . NeilsonProv . S . G . W .
, , elect ; Paton , R . W . M . Thistle Lodge , No . 87 , Prov . J . G . W . ; William Smith , Prov . G . Sec ; Walker , Prov . G . Treas . ; Anderson , Prov . G . Deacon . Amongst the R . W . M . ' s of lodges in the province we noticed Bros . Hendry , No . 413 , andP . Prov . J . G . D . ; Gillies , No . 103 ; AVilson , No . 351 , & c . Bro . James Stevenson , of the FEEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEEOE , was present as a visiting brother .
Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened , the minutes of the preceding Provincial Grand Lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The Prov . G . Secretary read letters of apology from the following brethren who had been unavoidably prevented attending the funeral lodge held on the 25 fch ult . in memory of the late Sir Archibald AlisonPart . viz .: —Bros . James MerryM . P .,
, , , Prov . G . M . Middle Ward of Lanarkshire ; Prof . G . W . Arnott , P . Prov . Sub . G . M . ; Sir A . C . R . Gibson Maitland , Part ., Prov . G . M . Stirlingshire ; Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , Prov . G . M . Renfrewshire East ; the following Rev . Bros ., viz ., R . Steven , Renfrew ; J . AV . W . Penney ; D . H . AVilson , Kenton , Dumbartonshire ; T . Smith , Bannockburn ; J . Thomson , Kilmarnock ; J . Gray , Dumbarton ; and R . W . M . ' s Bros . Bailey and Hannan .
A vote of thanks was unanimously ordered to be recorded OE the minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , as being passed to the Provincial Grand Secretary , and to the Prov . Grand Mareschal ( Bro . Robt . Robb ) , expressive of the able and entirely satisfactory manner in which those two brethren had carried out all the multifarious anel harassing duties in connection with the arrangements for the funeral and Funeral Lodgo , in memory of the late lamented Prov . G . M . Bro . Walter M . Neilson was then invested in the office
towhich he had been elected of Prov . G . S . AV . Previously to taking the votes of the brethren in connection with some business before the Provincial Grancl Lodge , rather a nice point in Masonic law occurred , arising from the J . W . being present , representing a lodge , the office bearers of which had , for some breach of Masonic discipline been suspended by the Provincial Grand Lodge , tho subject was referred to Grand
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Three cheers for the Queen were then given , a similar compliment was paid to the contractors , the bands struck up " Rule Britannia , " and the imposing ceremony came to a close . The brethren then wended their way in full procession to Thornhill , where a sumptuous dinner was provided for them by Bro . Middleton , of the Buccleuch Hotel . About eighty partook of tiro repast , presided over by tho Prov . G . M . After dinner the brethren adjourned from the Buccleuch to the Masonic
Hall , where a few hours were very pleasantly beguiled . Bro . Maifclanel , Prov . G . M ., presided , and Bros . Sloan and Gordon , Senior and Junior AVardens , were couplers . The Chairman gave , iu suitable terms , "The Holy Lodgo of Sfc . John , " "The Queen and the Craft , " "The Prince and Steward of Scotland , and tho other members of the Royal Family" and "The NavyArmyand Volunteers" to which
, , , , latter toast Bro . Ensign John Smith replied in a neat address . Bro . James Milligan gave " The Grand Lodges of England , Scotland , and Ireland , " speaking in high terras of them all , but expressing a hope that , as there were some inconsistencies and deficiencies in the laws of the Scottish Grand Lodge , these would , through the exertions of their newly-appointed Prov . G . Master , and others , be speedily removed . He looked upon
the Grand Lodge of Scotland as the Masonic House of Commons , and the Prov . G . Masters and deputies as the representative men of Masonry , always ready to legislate for the well-being of their constituents .
Bro . Burgess , R . W . M . of St . John ' s , Thornhill , gave "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dumfriesshire . " Ho was proud and gratified that the ceremony had that clay gone off so well . For its success they were in a groat measure indebted to their R . W . Prov . G . Master and his office-bearers . Bro . Maitland was well known in Dumfriesshire , and highly respected by all ; anel he had no doubt he and his office-bearers would discharge their provincial duties to the best of their abilities
, and that they -woiiiu givevniiveTsal satisfaction to ail the lodges in the province ; and may the Great Architect of the Universe guide and direct them in all their undertakings , whether temporal or spiritual . Tho toast having been appropriately acknowledged by Bro . Dr . Gardiner , Bro , D . Hastings gave " Tho Clergy of all Denominations , " which was acknowledged by Bro . M'Leoel , Prov . G . Chap .
Bro . Howitt , in happy terms , proposed " The Heritors of the Parish , " which was replied to by the chairman . Bro . T . Kellock gave " The Congregation of the Parish Church , " a body which , he had no hesitation in saying , would bear a favourable comparison with any in the district . He was sure tho members of the congregation felt deeply grateful to the heritors for their liberality in providing for them a lace of
p worship which promised to he at once so commodious , comfortable , and ornamental . He begged to associate with the toast the name of Bro . Dr . Logan . Bro . Logan replied . Bro . Gordon , Prov . G . S . AV ., gave "The Architect , " which Bro . C . Howitt ackiinwlodo-eel .
Bro . G . Thomson gave " The Contractors , " whom they had found , in all their intercourse with them , to be men of the right sort , evidently fitted for the proper discharge of their respective duties . Bro . S . Sibbald proposed a bumper in honour of the absent brethren of St . John's Lodge ( No . 252 ) . AVliat brother present , he asked , belonging to this lodge does not remember of some old anel familiar face whoon hih festive occasions such as
, g this , has spent the cheerful festive night and enhanced tho meeting with some old familiar song , toast , or sentiment , which has struck deep into the hearts of the brethren , and which cannot easily be forgotten ? and do nono of you remember of some dearly-beloved and kind brothers who were wont to surround these tables , and mingle with tho sons of two hundred two anel fiftybut who have now removed their
, residence to the sunny climes of Australia and America , and to other distant parts of our own native land , aud some who by the fell stroke of death have been severed from thc earthly ties of their mother lodge , but who , we trust , have gone to that lod ge above where all is peace , harmony , anel love ; but to those who still remain on earth , anel distant far from their mother lod and whose hearts beat high and towards
ge , warm tho lodge where they first beheld the glorious light of our ancient noble Order . He expected that Bro . Brown woulel reply to this toast , owing to the number of sons he hud initiated into this lodge , but who were absent . Bro . Brown having replied , Bro . Pike gave " The Memory of the late Prov . G . M . " The
Chairman gave "Tho Visiting Lodges , " acknowledged by the W . M . of thc senior lodge . Bro . Sloan proposed " The Masonic Committee , " for which Bro . Brown returned thauks . Bro . Martin gave " The Constituting Members of St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 252 ) , " which Bro . E . Brown acknowledged ; and Bro . John M'Caig proposed " The Peasantry of Scotland . " Masonic and other sonas , given by Bros . Howitt , E . Brown ,
Milligan , J . Cook , S . Sibbald , and P . Brown , added much to tho hilarity of the meeting . About ten o ' clock the chairman bade the brethren good night , and the interesting and memorable proceedings were brought to a termination . A dinner given by the contractors to the workmen in their employ also took place at the Volunteer Arms , Penpont , which was well attended , Bvo . Howitt , architect , and a few friends
leaving the Thornhill meeting to g ive it their countenance and support . The new church , designed by Mr . Howitt , will bo a handsome erection . The style is early English Gothic , the prevailing characteristic resembling the old parish churches of the thirteenth century . The church is cruciform in plan . The length of the nave about fortfeet bthirty-twolength of
y y , the transepts , sixty-four feet . The minister's vestry , and a vestry for the people , with Sabbath schoolroom , are placed behind , forming an apse . There will be a tower on the northwest corner fifty feet in heig ht and sixteen feet square , exclusive of buttresses . The tower will be surmounted by a broad spire , including the vane , sixty-two feet in heig ht . The stone of the district will be used throughoutand the whole of the interior
, be finished off with polished ashlar ; and as there is to be an . open timber roof , there will thus be little or no plaster work on the building . The site is a lovely one , overlooking the Scaur , anel as it is seen from all sides , the | the various elevations will becarried out in the same spirit , and no elevation be decorated , at the expense of the other . It will he seated for 500 .
MEETING- OF PEOVINCIAL GEAND LODGE . A meeting of Provincial Grand Lodgo was held on the 1 st inst ., Bro . Cruikshanks , Depute Prov . G . M ., in the chair , supported by Bros . Binnie , Subs . Prov . G . M . ; Major Barbor , Depute ' Prov . G . M . Middle AVarel of Lanarkshire , and R . W . M . St . Mark's Lodge , No . 102 ; McTaggart , R . W . M . St . Mungo Lodge , No . 27 acting Prov . S . G . AV . ; Walter M . NeilsonProv . S . G . W .
, , elect ; Paton , R . W . M . Thistle Lodge , No . 87 , Prov . J . G . W . ; William Smith , Prov . G . Sec ; Walker , Prov . G . Treas . ; Anderson , Prov . G . Deacon . Amongst the R . W . M . ' s of lodges in the province we noticed Bros . Hendry , No . 413 , andP . Prov . J . G . D . ; Gillies , No . 103 ; AVilson , No . 351 , & c . Bro . James Stevenson , of the FEEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEEOE , was present as a visiting brother .
Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened , the minutes of the preceding Provincial Grand Lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The Prov . G . Secretary read letters of apology from the following brethren who had been unavoidably prevented attending the funeral lodge held on the 25 fch ult . in memory of the late Sir Archibald AlisonPart . viz .: —Bros . James MerryM . P .,
, , , Prov . G . M . Middle Ward of Lanarkshire ; Prof . G . W . Arnott , P . Prov . Sub . G . M . ; Sir A . C . R . Gibson Maitland , Part ., Prov . G . M . Stirlingshire ; Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , Prov . G . M . Renfrewshire East ; the following Rev . Bros ., viz ., R . Steven , Renfrew ; J . AV . W . Penney ; D . H . AVilson , Kenton , Dumbartonshire ; T . Smith , Bannockburn ; J . Thomson , Kilmarnock ; J . Gray , Dumbarton ; and R . W . M . ' s Bros . Bailey and Hannan .
A vote of thanks was unanimously ordered to be recorded OE the minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , as being passed to the Provincial Grand Secretary , and to the Prov . Grand Mareschal ( Bro . Robt . Robb ) , expressive of the able and entirely satisfactory manner in which those two brethren had carried out all the multifarious anel harassing duties in connection with the arrangements for the funeral and Funeral Lodgo , in memory of the late lamented Prov . G . M . Bro . Walter M . Neilson was then invested in the office
towhich he had been elected of Prov . G . S . AV . Previously to taking the votes of the brethren in connection with some business before the Provincial Grancl Lodge , rather a nice point in Masonic law occurred , arising from the J . W . being present , representing a lodge , the office bearers of which had , for some breach of Masonic discipline been suspended by the Provincial Grand Lodge , tho subject was referred to Grand