Article MASONIC ORATION, ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Masonic Oration,
present purpose . Suffice it to say , that individually I deny the assumption of that Church in regard to the duty of confession , and I also deny that our voluntarily assumed obligations to the great brotherhood of Masons , or even to any
individual member of the human race , should be subordinated to any obligation to any human religious superior . And I stated , however , this objection has the merit of consistency , and the attack is so far justifiable . Having simply stated it , I pass to the consideration of other and more pertinent objections .
The essence of Masonry is contained in these two ideas—the supremacy of God and the brotherhood of man ; and go Avhere you "will , seek Masonry under what form you may , you still find these two controlling ideas—reverence to the
Supreme Architect , Avhether represented to the worshipper in the false deities of China , of India , or the islands of fche sea , proclaimed to the Athenians as their unknoAvn God , or revealed in the Jehovah of the Israelites and the Trinity of
Protestant lands and faith ; the God whom Masons reverence , and in Avhose name they labour for the common Aveal , is the same in essence , the embodiment of all power , the source of all mercies , the author of our being and blessings . When the Christian of to-day worships God the Father , does
he ignore Christ the Son ? When the Israelite bends in reverence at the august name Jehovah , and worships Avith his face boAved to the ground , does he ignore the Messiah for Avhom he still Avaits as the hope of Israel ? No more does the Mason
in his AVorship , when he invokes the blessing of of the Almighty Father of the Universe , if he be a Christian in faith , ignore the Christ in Avhom he trusts . Though the name and office of Christ be not mentioned , yet , according to the faith of the
individual , all these points are comprehended in the single term—our God . Masonic Avorship is an universal worship , adapted to every sincere faith . Its forms are comprehensive forms adapted to every devout tongue . And around its altars Masons of every tongue may unitedly bend , using the same words in adoration of a common Lord .
But it should be remembered that Masonry is not , does not pretend to be a system of faith or a form of religion . It Avas originated at a time when the doctrine of faith Avas unknown , and when the whole duty of man Avas comprised in the observance of that law given from the cloud-crowned
summit of Sinai , Avhose complete spirit , as announced by Moses and reiterated by Christ , was and still is reverence to God and love to the human brotherhood ; or , in the absence of that laAV , in conformity to the requirements of that
other law Avritten not by the finger of God on the tables of stone , but by the spirit of God in fche hearts of men .
Ere leaving this part of the objection , I wish to call the attention of Christians to these facts—that in that prayer Avhich He , Avhom we call our Redeemer and Lord , gave as a pattern to his disciples , Christ is as completely ignored as in any
Masonic prayer ; that practically the name of Christ is as reverently used by Masons as by any other ; that in all prayer it is the spirit of reverence , and not the phraseology of the petition , Avhich commends it ; and finally that all Masonic
prayers are liberal excerpts from correct translations of that book which the seal of the ages , as well as the fiat of Johovah , has made sacred to us—the Avord of God .
The deduction assumed in this objection , that we dishonour God , caricature his Avorship , and exalt Satan , is an example of astonishing ignorance or mendacity . There are bufc tAvo criteria by which fairly to estimate any organisation—by its
creed , and by its practice . The one has already been considered , and Ave fearlessly defy the pointing out anywhere , save in the Bible itself , a more completely catholic and commendable creed than the theory of Masonry . But the other test affords the demonstration of
every doctrine—the proof of its substance ; and , in accordance Avitb . the results of this test , ifc is commended or condemned ; that is , the test of ifcs practical Avorkings . Let us examine Masonry by this test also , and see if it is ansAverable to the
charge t of dishonouring God and exalting Satan . I need nofc trace the workings of Masonry through the ages , nor enumerate its distinguished exemplars . Suffice it to say that , while the power of Masonry has always been felt , it has never
subjected itself as an organisation to the condemnation of the historian . Masonry Avrites no history ; it is content that its beneficent deeds should be unnoted , or Avritten in water , satisfied only Avith contributing to the advancement of the world , and
the alleviation of the distresses of all , particularly the brethren . Coming to the present day , these statements in reference to our Order cannot be denied ; Masonry is a charitable / institution , and
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Masonic Oration,
present purpose . Suffice it to say , that individually I deny the assumption of that Church in regard to the duty of confession , and I also deny that our voluntarily assumed obligations to the great brotherhood of Masons , or even to any
individual member of the human race , should be subordinated to any obligation to any human religious superior . And I stated , however , this objection has the merit of consistency , and the attack is so far justifiable . Having simply stated it , I pass to the consideration of other and more pertinent objections .
The essence of Masonry is contained in these two ideas—the supremacy of God and the brotherhood of man ; and go Avhere you "will , seek Masonry under what form you may , you still find these two controlling ideas—reverence to the
Supreme Architect , Avhether represented to the worshipper in the false deities of China , of India , or the islands of fche sea , proclaimed to the Athenians as their unknoAvn God , or revealed in the Jehovah of the Israelites and the Trinity of
Protestant lands and faith ; the God whom Masons reverence , and in Avhose name they labour for the common Aveal , is the same in essence , the embodiment of all power , the source of all mercies , the author of our being and blessings . When the Christian of to-day worships God the Father , does
he ignore Christ the Son ? When the Israelite bends in reverence at the august name Jehovah , and worships Avith his face boAved to the ground , does he ignore the Messiah for Avhom he still Avaits as the hope of Israel ? No more does the Mason
in his AVorship , when he invokes the blessing of of the Almighty Father of the Universe , if he be a Christian in faith , ignore the Christ in Avhom he trusts . Though the name and office of Christ be not mentioned , yet , according to the faith of the
individual , all these points are comprehended in the single term—our God . Masonic Avorship is an universal worship , adapted to every sincere faith . Its forms are comprehensive forms adapted to every devout tongue . And around its altars Masons of every tongue may unitedly bend , using the same words in adoration of a common Lord .
But it should be remembered that Masonry is not , does not pretend to be a system of faith or a form of religion . It Avas originated at a time when the doctrine of faith Avas unknown , and when the whole duty of man Avas comprised in the observance of that law given from the cloud-crowned
summit of Sinai , Avhose complete spirit , as announced by Moses and reiterated by Christ , was and still is reverence to God and love to the human brotherhood ; or , in the absence of that laAV , in conformity to the requirements of that
other law Avritten not by the finger of God on the tables of stone , but by the spirit of God in fche hearts of men .
Ere leaving this part of the objection , I wish to call the attention of Christians to these facts—that in that prayer Avhich He , Avhom we call our Redeemer and Lord , gave as a pattern to his disciples , Christ is as completely ignored as in any
Masonic prayer ; that practically the name of Christ is as reverently used by Masons as by any other ; that in all prayer it is the spirit of reverence , and not the phraseology of the petition , Avhich commends it ; and finally that all Masonic
prayers are liberal excerpts from correct translations of that book which the seal of the ages , as well as the fiat of Johovah , has made sacred to us—the Avord of God .
The deduction assumed in this objection , that we dishonour God , caricature his Avorship , and exalt Satan , is an example of astonishing ignorance or mendacity . There are bufc tAvo criteria by which fairly to estimate any organisation—by its
creed , and by its practice . The one has already been considered , and Ave fearlessly defy the pointing out anywhere , save in the Bible itself , a more completely catholic and commendable creed than the theory of Masonry . But the other test affords the demonstration of
every doctrine—the proof of its substance ; and , in accordance Avitb . the results of this test , ifc is commended or condemned ; that is , the test of ifcs practical Avorkings . Let us examine Masonry by this test also , and see if it is ansAverable to the
charge t of dishonouring God and exalting Satan . I need nofc trace the workings of Masonry through the ages , nor enumerate its distinguished exemplars . Suffice it to say that , while the power of Masonry has always been felt , it has never
subjected itself as an organisation to the condemnation of the historian . Masonry Avrites no history ; it is content that its beneficent deeds should be unnoted , or Avritten in water , satisfied only Avith contributing to the advancement of the world , and
the alleviation of the distresses of all , particularly the brethren . Coming to the present day , these statements in reference to our Order cannot be denied ; Masonry is a charitable / institution , and