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Masonic Mem.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . # # * All communications to be addressee ! fco 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
THE consecration of the Lewis Lodge , No . 1 , 185 , will take place this day , Saturday , the 17 th inst ., at tho Nightingale Tavern , AA ood Green , at 3 . Bro . Frederick Binckes , fche respected Secretary of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys , is the W . M . Designate . THE VACANT PEOVINCIAL GEAND MASTERSHIP OP GLASGOW .
— -We understand that the feeling of tho lodges in tho province is unanimously in favour of Bro . Captain Speirs , of Elderslie , M . P ., and Junior Grand Warden of England , becoming the Masonic chief to fill the chair in the Orient of this important and flourishing Masonic province , loft vacant by the decease of its late illustrious ruler , Sir Archibald Alison , Bart . A petition
expressive of this unanimity of feeling has been forwarded to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , at the next quarterly communication of which , in November , the consideration and disposal of this question will doubtless form one of the most important subjects to be brought before tlie Grand Lodgo .
The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The fourth anniversary of the foundation ofthe new building at Wood Green was celebrated by a gathering of friends and supporters at a fete on a grand scale on Thursday , Sth inst ., when those whose good fortune it was to be present had the satisfaction of witnessing the completed edifice , the construction of which ¦ with the masonry adjuncts , outbuildings , & chas occupied the
, last four years . The total cost of this really beautiful , and almost perfect , pile of buildings is £ 35 , 000 , of which £ 13 , 000 ¦ was provided by the sale of funded property , about £ 12 , 000 by the liberality of the Craft , in special donations , and £ 10 , 000 , to our regret be it said—in which expression of feeling we feel the
whole Craft will share—by n mortgage of the entire property at Wood Green . There is accommodation at present for 130 boys in every respect , allowing the large amount of cubic space now demanded , while in every department , save one , there is provision for from 150 to 200 ; the only deficiency being in the dormitories , which , at a future day , can easily be supplied . Tlie number afc present in the Institution is 103 , which number ifc
is felt imprudent to increase , so long as there is a charge of £ 500 per annum for interest on borrowed capital , though the demands for admission as compared with vacancies are nearly four to one . A heavy downpouring of rain in London was un . favourable , and detained many from attending who had purposed heing present ; while the lateness of the season and counter
attractions abroad accounted for many absentees . The sun , however , shone brightly afc Wood Green , and tho day turned out beautifully fine . First to arrive were the members of the House Committee : —Bros . B . Head , V . P . ; G . Cox ; Ed- Cox , V . P . ; Henry Browne , V . P . ; AVm . Paas ; A . H . Hewlett , V . P . ; Major Creaton , V . P . j Edward Farthing ; W . P . Scott ; John
Udall , V . P . ; and It . AV . Stewart , . who , with Bros . Samuel May , V . P . ; E . J . Page , V . P . Col . Goddard , H . Empson , and Swinford Francis acted as Stewards , and supervised and conducted the various amusements , which comprised athletic sports by the pupils of the Institution , croquet and bowls , mysterious cave of magic , & c , all of which were largely patroniseei , and afforded much enjoyment .
The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
A peculiarly gratifying feature was the presence of R . W . Bro . Algernon Perkins , P . G . AV ., who laid the foundation stone on the Sth August , 1 SG 3 , and who this day presided over the festivities hold on the completion of the work , towards the funds requisite for which he has been so munificent a donor , and in the progress of which he has evinced so constant and warm an interest .
Afc three o ' clock an excellent concert ivas given in the dininghall , when Signorina Luigi Lcale , Madame Czerny , and Bro . Barfcleman sang some charming songs . Bro . Bartleman gave " The Dream of the Reveller " a : id " AA'hen we were Boys together , " in which lie was encored . Madame Czerny sang a serenade of Gounod's , a Scotch ballad , and , with M . Czerny ,
a duet from "Trovatore , " to the great delight of the company . Signorina Luigi Leale rendered , with much chasteuess of expression , " Amoro e Danza , " and , what seemed to please the audience above everything , " The Skipper and his Boy . " All these artistes wero greatly applauded , and Signov Catalan ! obtained great applause by his beautiful performances on the
piano , both as a soloist and accoinpauyist . These ladies and gentlemen had most kindly volunteered their services . At the conclusion of the concert the visitors proceeded to tho gymnasium , a noble room GOft . by -10 ft ., where a cold collation was served to 160 guests , who appeared delighted with the provision made for their reception . The tables were decked
with a profusion of cut flowers , kindly contributed by ladies ia the neighbourhood , and with a large number of flowers in pots sent from Messrs . Cuthberts' nursery , at Southgate , without charge , while a handsome dessert , liberal in quantity , presented by Br . o . 11 . H . Townend , added to the substantiallycheerful appearance of tho room , which was decorated with flags
and evergreens in profusion by tho kindness of Bro . Samuel May , under the direction of Messrs . Harvey and Simmonds . Over the chairman was displayed his initials , "A . P ., " between which was a monogram of the institution , "K . M . I . B ., " with the dates , 1 SG 3 , 1867 . The band of the First Life Guards , under the direction of Mr . Waterson , discoursed most exquisite melody during the collation , throughout the afternoon , and afc tho ball in fche
evening . Bro . Algernon Perkins took the chair , and amongst those present , in addition to the names already given , were Bros . G , H . Patten ( Sec . Girls'School ) , Gary , Ohren , J . Clarke ( Steward ) , Robert Bain , J . Adlard , J . Walker , AVells , Sig . Rosenthal ( Steward ) , J . W . Dosell ( Steward ) , George Biggs , W . H . Warr , S . B . Wilson , Wright ; Messrs . Bligh , Draper , and Glover , with ,
the ladies of their families and friends , tile ladies preponderating ( happily ) , and their charming smiles and gay dresses lending a charm to the scene , which nothing e ' . so could have supplied . AVhen the tables were cleared , thc CHAIIUIA : ; Laving given the usual formal toasts . Bro . JOHN UDALL , V . F ., as senior Grand Officer present ,
returned thanks for Earl de Grey and Bipon and the rest of the Grand Officers , and remarked that it must be a gratification to every man anel every Mason present to see so large a gathering under that roof , and he was sure that , had the Deputy Grand Master himself been present , ho would have been as pleased at seeing such an immense assemblage as he ( Bro . Udall ) was .
At this period of the proceedings the boys entered in procession , and the next toast was proposed by Bro . BENJAMIN HEAD in the following words : Ladies and Gentlemen , I rise to propose a toasfc that I am sure you will all join with me most heartily and sincerely in drinking . We meet this day to celebrate the laying of the foundation stone of this great building . I do nofc mean the particular room in which .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mem.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . # # * All communications to be addressee ! fco 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
THE consecration of the Lewis Lodge , No . 1 , 185 , will take place this day , Saturday , the 17 th inst ., at tho Nightingale Tavern , AA ood Green , at 3 . Bro . Frederick Binckes , fche respected Secretary of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys , is the W . M . Designate . THE VACANT PEOVINCIAL GEAND MASTERSHIP OP GLASGOW .
— -We understand that the feeling of tho lodges in tho province is unanimously in favour of Bro . Captain Speirs , of Elderslie , M . P ., and Junior Grand Warden of England , becoming the Masonic chief to fill the chair in the Orient of this important and flourishing Masonic province , loft vacant by the decease of its late illustrious ruler , Sir Archibald Alison , Bart . A petition
expressive of this unanimity of feeling has been forwarded to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , at the next quarterly communication of which , in November , the consideration and disposal of this question will doubtless form one of the most important subjects to be brought before tlie Grand Lodgo .
The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The fourth anniversary of the foundation ofthe new building at Wood Green was celebrated by a gathering of friends and supporters at a fete on a grand scale on Thursday , Sth inst ., when those whose good fortune it was to be present had the satisfaction of witnessing the completed edifice , the construction of which ¦ with the masonry adjuncts , outbuildings , & chas occupied the
, last four years . The total cost of this really beautiful , and almost perfect , pile of buildings is £ 35 , 000 , of which £ 13 , 000 ¦ was provided by the sale of funded property , about £ 12 , 000 by the liberality of the Craft , in special donations , and £ 10 , 000 , to our regret be it said—in which expression of feeling we feel the
whole Craft will share—by n mortgage of the entire property at Wood Green . There is accommodation at present for 130 boys in every respect , allowing the large amount of cubic space now demanded , while in every department , save one , there is provision for from 150 to 200 ; the only deficiency being in the dormitories , which , at a future day , can easily be supplied . Tlie number afc present in the Institution is 103 , which number ifc
is felt imprudent to increase , so long as there is a charge of £ 500 per annum for interest on borrowed capital , though the demands for admission as compared with vacancies are nearly four to one . A heavy downpouring of rain in London was un . favourable , and detained many from attending who had purposed heing present ; while the lateness of the season and counter
attractions abroad accounted for many absentees . The sun , however , shone brightly afc Wood Green , and tho day turned out beautifully fine . First to arrive were the members of the House Committee : —Bros . B . Head , V . P . ; G . Cox ; Ed- Cox , V . P . ; Henry Browne , V . P . ; AVm . Paas ; A . H . Hewlett , V . P . ; Major Creaton , V . P . j Edward Farthing ; W . P . Scott ; John
Udall , V . P . ; and It . AV . Stewart , . who , with Bros . Samuel May , V . P . ; E . J . Page , V . P . Col . Goddard , H . Empson , and Swinford Francis acted as Stewards , and supervised and conducted the various amusements , which comprised athletic sports by the pupils of the Institution , croquet and bowls , mysterious cave of magic , & c , all of which were largely patroniseei , and afforded much enjoyment .
The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
A peculiarly gratifying feature was the presence of R . W . Bro . Algernon Perkins , P . G . AV ., who laid the foundation stone on the Sth August , 1 SG 3 , and who this day presided over the festivities hold on the completion of the work , towards the funds requisite for which he has been so munificent a donor , and in the progress of which he has evinced so constant and warm an interest .
Afc three o ' clock an excellent concert ivas given in the dininghall , when Signorina Luigi Lcale , Madame Czerny , and Bro . Barfcleman sang some charming songs . Bro . Bartleman gave " The Dream of the Reveller " a : id " AA'hen we were Boys together , " in which lie was encored . Madame Czerny sang a serenade of Gounod's , a Scotch ballad , and , with M . Czerny ,
a duet from "Trovatore , " to the great delight of the company . Signorina Luigi Leale rendered , with much chasteuess of expression , " Amoro e Danza , " and , what seemed to please the audience above everything , " The Skipper and his Boy . " All these artistes wero greatly applauded , and Signov Catalan ! obtained great applause by his beautiful performances on the
piano , both as a soloist and accoinpauyist . These ladies and gentlemen had most kindly volunteered their services . At the conclusion of the concert the visitors proceeded to tho gymnasium , a noble room GOft . by -10 ft ., where a cold collation was served to 160 guests , who appeared delighted with the provision made for their reception . The tables were decked
with a profusion of cut flowers , kindly contributed by ladies ia the neighbourhood , and with a large number of flowers in pots sent from Messrs . Cuthberts' nursery , at Southgate , without charge , while a handsome dessert , liberal in quantity , presented by Br . o . 11 . H . Townend , added to the substantiallycheerful appearance of tho room , which was decorated with flags
and evergreens in profusion by tho kindness of Bro . Samuel May , under the direction of Messrs . Harvey and Simmonds . Over the chairman was displayed his initials , "A . P ., " between which was a monogram of the institution , "K . M . I . B ., " with the dates , 1 SG 3 , 1867 . The band of the First Life Guards , under the direction of Mr . Waterson , discoursed most exquisite melody during the collation , throughout the afternoon , and afc tho ball in fche
evening . Bro . Algernon Perkins took the chair , and amongst those present , in addition to the names already given , were Bros . G , H . Patten ( Sec . Girls'School ) , Gary , Ohren , J . Clarke ( Steward ) , Robert Bain , J . Adlard , J . Walker , AVells , Sig . Rosenthal ( Steward ) , J . W . Dosell ( Steward ) , George Biggs , W . H . Warr , S . B . Wilson , Wright ; Messrs . Bligh , Draper , and Glover , with ,
the ladies of their families and friends , tile ladies preponderating ( happily ) , and their charming smiles and gay dresses lending a charm to the scene , which nothing e ' . so could have supplied . AVhen the tables were cleared , thc CHAIIUIA : ; Laving given the usual formal toasts . Bro . JOHN UDALL , V . F ., as senior Grand Officer present ,
returned thanks for Earl de Grey and Bipon and the rest of the Grand Officers , and remarked that it must be a gratification to every man anel every Mason present to see so large a gathering under that roof , and he was sure that , had the Deputy Grand Master himself been present , ho would have been as pleased at seeing such an immense assemblage as he ( Bro . Udall ) was .
At this period of the proceedings the boys entered in procession , and the next toast was proposed by Bro . BENJAMIN HEAD in the following words : Ladies and Gentlemen , I rise to propose a toasfc that I am sure you will all join with me most heartily and sincerely in drinking . We meet this day to celebrate the laying of the foundation stone of this great building . I do nofc mean the particular room in which .