Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
an hour with each culprit . An immense number of persons attended the execution , which passed off without any unusual incident . A man named Berry , residing at Preston , having murdered his wife , immediately afterwards made an unsuccessful attempt upon his own life . Jealousy seems to have been the cause of this tragic affair . The Seghill colliery explosion has
not , it appears , been attended with such disastrous results to human life as at lirst reported . Seven men and lads , instead of 18 , have lost their lives in this calamity , but it is feared that some of those rescued will succumb to the injuries they have received . The colliery where the accident occurred is close by the Hartley Pit , the scene of the appalling disaster some time
since . It is a fortunate circumstance that only IS men out of the 600 belonging to the colliery were at work in the pit at the time of the explosion . Tho victims , dead and living , were all got out in about 11 hours after the first alarm . The cause of
the accident has not yet been ascertained . -On \ A ednesday Dr . Collier was charged before the magistrates at Guildford with threatening to shoot Mr . AVilkin , a paper manufacturer . The defendant denied the charge , but was bound over in sureties to keep the peace for six months . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The Emperor Napoleon ' s health would appear to be perfectly re-established , as his Majesty has
been out shooting at Eambouillet . His illness seems to have been merely a slight attack of rheumatics , caused by incautious exposure during the manoeuvres at the Chalons camp . The French Government has shown its goodwill towards the Swiss Government by forbidding M . Fazy ' to remain in the frontier departments , where he would have opportunities of exciting his
party to oppose the constituted authorities . The Vienna journals not only admit the delay in the progress of the negotiations for a definite treaty of peace between the German
Powers and Denmark , but intimate—probably without any foundation—that Russia , France , and England are instigating the Danish Cabinet to contest the proposed conditions , and yet think of recovering North Schleswig for Denmark . AA ehave important news respecting Greece . From St . Petersburg !! we learn that King George has been betrothed to the Grand Duchess Alexnndrovna ; ancl a telegram from Athens announces
the recognition of the debt of 1821-25—the original capital of seven millions sterling having been consolidated at 2 J millions at 5 per cent , interest . ——There is now a " ministerial crisis ' in Madrid , thovgh its causes are somewhat obscure . Queen Isabella has accepted the resignations tendered by her ministers ou Tuesday last , and has commissioned the Premier , Senor Mon , to form a new Administration , in which Signor Pacheco , the Minister for Foreign Affairs , will retain the post which he has
hitherto held . All the efforts of the Bey of Tunis have as yet failed to suppress the insurrection . Several of the chiefs have informed the Bey that the only chance of peace consists in the dismissal of the Kasnadar , the reduction of the taxes , and a reform in the tribunals . The Emperor of Mexico has gone on a tour through several of the provinces of his newly-acquired
dominions . . Measures have been taken to send home the French troops at an early period . The blockade of all the Mexican ports has been raised . Nine ships of war have been despatched from French ports for the purpose of bringing back the expeditionary army from Mexico . The vessels are expected to arrive out about the 20 th of October .
INDIA , CHINA , & C . —The news by the Overland Mail from India is of no special interest . In China little was doing towards the suppression of tha rebellion . A camp of instruction is being formed near Suukang , under the superintendence of Major Gordon . At Slianghae there was a great amount of sickness , and mortality consequent thereon . The opposition in
The Week.
Australia to the transportation scheme was still strong , and a fund is in course of collection for the avowed purpose of shipping home some specimens ofthe expiree class , to give , as the movers in the project say , a practical lesson to England on the subject . Hostilities in New Zealond are still proceeding , with no appearance of immediate cessation .
AMERICA . —Important news , both political ancl military , has been brought by the Asia to the morning of the 3 rd instant . The Democratic Convention at Chicago had nominated General M'Clellan as the Democratic candidate for the presidency , " on the union and peace platform , "—which another despatch describes as the "platform of an armistice , a convention of all the
states , ancl the adoption of all possible peace measures . " Secretary Stanton had announced that a corps of General Sherman ' s forces had occupied Atlanta , and that his main army had had " a severe engagement on the Macon railroad , in which he is reported to have been successful . " There had been a " severe engagement , the result of which was indecisive , " between Gen . Grant ' s forces and the Confederates in the neighbourhood of
Reams Station , In this engagement the Federals were said to have lost 2 , 000 men and nine guns , and to have been driven from about four miles of the \ Veldon Railway , though they retained possession of about three miles of the road . The Confederates were estimated , of course by their adversaries , to have lost 5 , 000 men . General Early ' s troops were reported to be retreating up the Shenandoah Valley , and to be pursued by the Federals under General Sheridan . Accounts from
Mobile announced that Fort Morgan had surrendered to the Federals . It is credibly reported that Captain Semines is once more afloat in a Confederate ship of war , the vessel this time being a powerful steamer , pierced for 40 guns and manned by 300 men . She was taken into Bremeihavcn ( the port of Bremen , situated in Hanover ) by a pilot on Saturday last , and her movements appear to confirm the statement of her being a Confederate cruiser . She is said to have been built at Bordeaux ,
and her half-speed is stated to be 10 knots an hour . The Times states that the Government has declined to interfere in the case of the Georgia , which was recently seized off Lisbon by a Federal cruiser .
To Correspondents.
A CORRESPONDENT AVHO HAS NOT SIGNED HIS NAME is informed that neither the Editor nor Bro . Matthew Cooke saw the article alluded to before it appeared in the MAGAZINE . It was unfortunately forwarded from the publishing bfiice to the printer during the temporary absence of those in authority , and , by some accident , published without their attention being called to it ; otherwise it would not have appeared .
H . T . E . ( Suez . )—AVe have received a letter from this brother , dated the 4 th inst ., but the money order alluded to has nob come to hand , having evidently been left out of the letter by accident .
WEST YORK is thanked , but the publication of his letter would only lead to that which he wishes to avoid—the re-opening of a correspondence which we agree with him it would have been as well if we had never allowed it to be commenced . But because we have committed one error , there is no reason why we should bo led blindfold into another . " West York" may Vest assured that the subject will not be re-opened in our columns whilst we conduct the MAGAZINE ;
and that , in the meantime , we have expressed our opinion on the matter to both the brethren concerned . " West York" must forgive us if we think that his own letter is a little too personal for one who would decry all personalities . If we were to undertake to expunge every word from every communication that could by possibility—though not reasonably—be twisted into offence by some one else , of whose very existence we miht even be unawarethe MAGAZINE had better cease
g , publication at once . The truth is the brethren , though keeping as far as possible from all cause of offence , must , like other men in the trivialities of life , learn to bear and forbear . As regards the rebuke to ourselves wo kiss the rod with all becoming humility , and will endeavour to behave better in the future .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
an hour with each culprit . An immense number of persons attended the execution , which passed off without any unusual incident . A man named Berry , residing at Preston , having murdered his wife , immediately afterwards made an unsuccessful attempt upon his own life . Jealousy seems to have been the cause of this tragic affair . The Seghill colliery explosion has
not , it appears , been attended with such disastrous results to human life as at lirst reported . Seven men and lads , instead of 18 , have lost their lives in this calamity , but it is feared that some of those rescued will succumb to the injuries they have received . The colliery where the accident occurred is close by the Hartley Pit , the scene of the appalling disaster some time
since . It is a fortunate circumstance that only IS men out of the 600 belonging to the colliery were at work in the pit at the time of the explosion . Tho victims , dead and living , were all got out in about 11 hours after the first alarm . The cause of
the accident has not yet been ascertained . -On \ A ednesday Dr . Collier was charged before the magistrates at Guildford with threatening to shoot Mr . AVilkin , a paper manufacturer . The defendant denied the charge , but was bound over in sureties to keep the peace for six months . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The Emperor Napoleon ' s health would appear to be perfectly re-established , as his Majesty has
been out shooting at Eambouillet . His illness seems to have been merely a slight attack of rheumatics , caused by incautious exposure during the manoeuvres at the Chalons camp . The French Government has shown its goodwill towards the Swiss Government by forbidding M . Fazy ' to remain in the frontier departments , where he would have opportunities of exciting his
party to oppose the constituted authorities . The Vienna journals not only admit the delay in the progress of the negotiations for a definite treaty of peace between the German
Powers and Denmark , but intimate—probably without any foundation—that Russia , France , and England are instigating the Danish Cabinet to contest the proposed conditions , and yet think of recovering North Schleswig for Denmark . AA ehave important news respecting Greece . From St . Petersburg !! we learn that King George has been betrothed to the Grand Duchess Alexnndrovna ; ancl a telegram from Athens announces
the recognition of the debt of 1821-25—the original capital of seven millions sterling having been consolidated at 2 J millions at 5 per cent , interest . ——There is now a " ministerial crisis ' in Madrid , thovgh its causes are somewhat obscure . Queen Isabella has accepted the resignations tendered by her ministers ou Tuesday last , and has commissioned the Premier , Senor Mon , to form a new Administration , in which Signor Pacheco , the Minister for Foreign Affairs , will retain the post which he has
hitherto held . All the efforts of the Bey of Tunis have as yet failed to suppress the insurrection . Several of the chiefs have informed the Bey that the only chance of peace consists in the dismissal of the Kasnadar , the reduction of the taxes , and a reform in the tribunals . The Emperor of Mexico has gone on a tour through several of the provinces of his newly-acquired
dominions . . Measures have been taken to send home the French troops at an early period . The blockade of all the Mexican ports has been raised . Nine ships of war have been despatched from French ports for the purpose of bringing back the expeditionary army from Mexico . The vessels are expected to arrive out about the 20 th of October .
INDIA , CHINA , & C . —The news by the Overland Mail from India is of no special interest . In China little was doing towards the suppression of tha rebellion . A camp of instruction is being formed near Suukang , under the superintendence of Major Gordon . At Slianghae there was a great amount of sickness , and mortality consequent thereon . The opposition in
The Week.
Australia to the transportation scheme was still strong , and a fund is in course of collection for the avowed purpose of shipping home some specimens ofthe expiree class , to give , as the movers in the project say , a practical lesson to England on the subject . Hostilities in New Zealond are still proceeding , with no appearance of immediate cessation .
AMERICA . —Important news , both political ancl military , has been brought by the Asia to the morning of the 3 rd instant . The Democratic Convention at Chicago had nominated General M'Clellan as the Democratic candidate for the presidency , " on the union and peace platform , "—which another despatch describes as the "platform of an armistice , a convention of all the
states , ancl the adoption of all possible peace measures . " Secretary Stanton had announced that a corps of General Sherman ' s forces had occupied Atlanta , and that his main army had had " a severe engagement on the Macon railroad , in which he is reported to have been successful . " There had been a " severe engagement , the result of which was indecisive , " between Gen . Grant ' s forces and the Confederates in the neighbourhood of
Reams Station , In this engagement the Federals were said to have lost 2 , 000 men and nine guns , and to have been driven from about four miles of the \ Veldon Railway , though they retained possession of about three miles of the road . The Confederates were estimated , of course by their adversaries , to have lost 5 , 000 men . General Early ' s troops were reported to be retreating up the Shenandoah Valley , and to be pursued by the Federals under General Sheridan . Accounts from
Mobile announced that Fort Morgan had surrendered to the Federals . It is credibly reported that Captain Semines is once more afloat in a Confederate ship of war , the vessel this time being a powerful steamer , pierced for 40 guns and manned by 300 men . She was taken into Bremeihavcn ( the port of Bremen , situated in Hanover ) by a pilot on Saturday last , and her movements appear to confirm the statement of her being a Confederate cruiser . She is said to have been built at Bordeaux ,
and her half-speed is stated to be 10 knots an hour . The Times states that the Government has declined to interfere in the case of the Georgia , which was recently seized off Lisbon by a Federal cruiser .
To Correspondents.
A CORRESPONDENT AVHO HAS NOT SIGNED HIS NAME is informed that neither the Editor nor Bro . Matthew Cooke saw the article alluded to before it appeared in the MAGAZINE . It was unfortunately forwarded from the publishing bfiice to the printer during the temporary absence of those in authority , and , by some accident , published without their attention being called to it ; otherwise it would not have appeared .
H . T . E . ( Suez . )—AVe have received a letter from this brother , dated the 4 th inst ., but the money order alluded to has nob come to hand , having evidently been left out of the letter by accident .
WEST YORK is thanked , but the publication of his letter would only lead to that which he wishes to avoid—the re-opening of a correspondence which we agree with him it would have been as well if we had never allowed it to be commenced . But because we have committed one error , there is no reason why we should bo led blindfold into another . " West York" may Vest assured that the subject will not be re-opened in our columns whilst we conduct the MAGAZINE ;
and that , in the meantime , we have expressed our opinion on the matter to both the brethren concerned . " West York" must forgive us if we think that his own letter is a little too personal for one who would decry all personalities . If we were to undertake to expunge every word from every communication that could by possibility—though not reasonably—be twisted into offence by some one else , of whose very existence we miht even be unawarethe MAGAZINE had better cease
g , publication at once . The truth is the brethren , though keeping as far as possible from all cause of offence , must , like other men in the trivialities of life , learn to bear and forbear . As regards the rebuke to ourselves wo kiss the rod with all becoming humility , and will endeavour to behave better in the future .