Article LIABILITY OP MASON'S. ← Page 2 of 2 Article DRUIDICAL FESTIVAL AT LLANDUDNO. Page 1 of 1 Article WINDSOR AND VERRIO. Page 1 of 2 →
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Liability Op Mason's.
Captain Baxter thought it was a very hard case that he should be made individually responsible for a debt Avhichhad been contracted by the lodge , and the most important feature in the case was that Mr- Folkard had himself consumed a portion of
the wines supplied by Messrs . Cutler & Co . He must ask the Court for time to pay the debt by instalments , so that he might be able to collect the money . The Court admitted that it Avas a hard case , and
granted the time . [ We doubt AAdiether this law Avould hold in England . ]
Druidical Festival At Llandudno.
The pavilion of the Eisteddfod , and the stone circle of the Gorsedd , have this year been erected at Llandudno . The pavilion is octagonal , and occupies an area of about 4 , 000 square yards . It is covered Avith felt , and in its construction there
have been used 6 , 000 cubic ft . of AVOOCI , 5 tons of iron , 4 , 500 yards of felt , 250 yards of calico for windoAVS , and as much red cloth for first-class seats . Mr . Pritchard is the contractor , and Mr . G . Felton the architect ; both of Llandudno . The
ancient Gorsedd , for conferring the bardic degrees of ovate , bard , and druid , for prose , poetry , and religion , consists of a circle of tAvelve stones , and a central slab , table , altar , or " stone of poAver , " erected on four other stones , and called the throne .
" Other three stones run out of the circle , toAA r ards the east , " and are supposed to form , Avith . the throne , or central one , the following geometrical aud once highly sacred symbol : —
s Avhich very much resembles the Government ' s 4 broad arrow ( in this case pointing , as it were , to the centre of the circle ); and it is a cm-ions fact
that the ancient Gorsedd formed the Parliament , Avhence the laAvs , emanating from the theoretic throne of the oracle , Avere promulgated . The bardic circle , or ancient House of Lords , as it were , is surrounded by an iron railing , " to
protect its sacredness against tlie intrusion of the uninitiated multitude" - —the mere " Commons . " The North Wales Chronicle , to Avhich we are indebted for the description whence Ave extract particulars , states that the object of this annual
festival is " to excite mentality . " - It is said to have been annually held , for 1 , 200 years , " in the face of the Sun and the Eye of Light . "
Windsor And Verrio.
At a time when English artists ( Victoria Eegina ) obtain unprecedented prices for pictures , on canvas , panel , and wall , and for so-called frescoes in Barry ' s great building ( I use my epithet without offence ) , your readers will nob dislike to see the paid and unpublished accounts of an' artist
employed at Windsor Castle when Charles II . was king . The sprawling saints of Verrio and Laguerre ( made immortal in verse ) are now comparatively few . George and Jeffery destroyed them with an unsparing will and determined trowel . Will men of taste pardon a topographer who
loA ^ es associations in wishing one witlidrawingroom at Windsor , of the Verrio finish , had been spared : —
" SEIGNIOR VEERIO . —Aug . 1678 . For painting work by him done in the ceiling of his Maj 3 Gardchamber , he finding all Avorkmanship and colours for the same ( excepting the gilding work ); for which is
allowed ( according to contract and agree- £ ment thereof made ) the sum of 300 Tor painting the ceiling of His Majs Presence-chamber ( as above ) 200 For painting His Maj s Privy Chamber 200 For painting His Maj s Withdrawing-room . 250 For painting the ceiling' of His Maj s Great » Bedchamber ; 120
For painting the King ' s Little Bedchamber . 50 For painting the ceiling ofthe King ' s Closet 50 For painting the ceiling ofthe King'sEatingroorn 250 For painting the ceiling ofthe Queen ' s Bedchamber
100-For painting His Maj s Withdrawing-room . 250 For painting the ceiling ofthe Queen's Gallery 250-For painting the Queen's Chapel 110 For painting the ceiling of the King ' s Privy Backstairs 100 Ancl to the said Seignior Verriobeing His
, Maj s free gift to him for his extraordinary service and care in painting the ceilings ofthe King'sand Queen's LodgingsHouse , and other Avorks about the buildings 200
In all 2430 Other entries relate pleasantly enough to Lord Arlington ( of Arlington-street and Sennet-street ) , and , better still , to Nell Gwyn -. — "SeigniorVerrio , for painting aud adorning of
the ceilings , side Avails , end walls , and in the square and round windows in the King ' s Chapel , with several figures and other ornaments of painting ; finding all Avorkmanship and colours belonging to the painting and adorning thereof ( gilding work excepted ) , according to agreement , £ 1 , 050 . More
to him , in part for painting and adorning St . George's Hall , with several figures and other ornaments of painting , £ 1 , 000 . More to him for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Liability Op Mason's.
Captain Baxter thought it was a very hard case that he should be made individually responsible for a debt Avhichhad been contracted by the lodge , and the most important feature in the case was that Mr- Folkard had himself consumed a portion of
the wines supplied by Messrs . Cutler & Co . He must ask the Court for time to pay the debt by instalments , so that he might be able to collect the money . The Court admitted that it Avas a hard case , and
granted the time . [ We doubt AAdiether this law Avould hold in England . ]
Druidical Festival At Llandudno.
The pavilion of the Eisteddfod , and the stone circle of the Gorsedd , have this year been erected at Llandudno . The pavilion is octagonal , and occupies an area of about 4 , 000 square yards . It is covered Avith felt , and in its construction there
have been used 6 , 000 cubic ft . of AVOOCI , 5 tons of iron , 4 , 500 yards of felt , 250 yards of calico for windoAVS , and as much red cloth for first-class seats . Mr . Pritchard is the contractor , and Mr . G . Felton the architect ; both of Llandudno . The
ancient Gorsedd , for conferring the bardic degrees of ovate , bard , and druid , for prose , poetry , and religion , consists of a circle of tAvelve stones , and a central slab , table , altar , or " stone of poAver , " erected on four other stones , and called the throne .
" Other three stones run out of the circle , toAA r ards the east , " and are supposed to form , Avith . the throne , or central one , the following geometrical aud once highly sacred symbol : —
s Avhich very much resembles the Government ' s 4 broad arrow ( in this case pointing , as it were , to the centre of the circle ); and it is a cm-ions fact
that the ancient Gorsedd formed the Parliament , Avhence the laAvs , emanating from the theoretic throne of the oracle , Avere promulgated . The bardic circle , or ancient House of Lords , as it were , is surrounded by an iron railing , " to
protect its sacredness against tlie intrusion of the uninitiated multitude" - —the mere " Commons . " The North Wales Chronicle , to Avhich we are indebted for the description whence Ave extract particulars , states that the object of this annual
festival is " to excite mentality . " - It is said to have been annually held , for 1 , 200 years , " in the face of the Sun and the Eye of Light . "
Windsor And Verrio.
At a time when English artists ( Victoria Eegina ) obtain unprecedented prices for pictures , on canvas , panel , and wall , and for so-called frescoes in Barry ' s great building ( I use my epithet without offence ) , your readers will nob dislike to see the paid and unpublished accounts of an' artist
employed at Windsor Castle when Charles II . was king . The sprawling saints of Verrio and Laguerre ( made immortal in verse ) are now comparatively few . George and Jeffery destroyed them with an unsparing will and determined trowel . Will men of taste pardon a topographer who
loA ^ es associations in wishing one witlidrawingroom at Windsor , of the Verrio finish , had been spared : —
" SEIGNIOR VEERIO . —Aug . 1678 . For painting work by him done in the ceiling of his Maj 3 Gardchamber , he finding all Avorkmanship and colours for the same ( excepting the gilding work ); for which is
allowed ( according to contract and agree- £ ment thereof made ) the sum of 300 Tor painting the ceiling of His Majs Presence-chamber ( as above ) 200 For painting His Maj s Privy Chamber 200 For painting His Maj s Withdrawing-room . 250 For painting the ceiling' of His Maj s Great » Bedchamber ; 120
For painting the King ' s Little Bedchamber . 50 For painting the ceiling ofthe King ' s Closet 50 For painting the ceiling ofthe King'sEatingroorn 250 For painting the ceiling ofthe Queen ' s Bedchamber
100-For painting His Maj s Withdrawing-room . 250 For painting the ceiling ofthe Queen's Gallery 250-For painting the Queen's Chapel 110 For painting the ceiling of the King ' s Privy Backstairs 100 Ancl to the said Seignior Verriobeing His
, Maj s free gift to him for his extraordinary service and care in painting the ceilings ofthe King'sand Queen's LodgingsHouse , and other Avorks about the buildings 200
In all 2430 Other entries relate pleasantly enough to Lord Arlington ( of Arlington-street and Sennet-street ) , and , better still , to Nell Gwyn -. — "SeigniorVerrio , for painting aud adorning of
the ceilings , side Avails , end walls , and in the square and round windows in the King ' s Chapel , with several figures and other ornaments of painting ; finding all Avorkmanship and colours belonging to the painting and adorning thereof ( gilding work excepted ) , according to agreement , £ 1 , 050 . More
to him , in part for painting and adorning St . George's Hall , with several figures and other ornaments of painting , £ 1 , 000 . More to him for