Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 7 of 7 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
referred tp the inllueiice of Masonry being advantageous to men in every phase of life . The proceedings were protracted to a lato hour in consequence of the number of toasts and the length of the speeches . Bro . Klitz , Prov . G . Organist , presided at the piano , and several of the members contributed to tho music of the evening . KENT .
Asnt'ORD . —Invicta Lmlge ( No . 10111 . —The monthly meeting of this Loclge was holden on Wednesday , the 7 th instant , Bro . Thorpe , AV . AI ., in the chair , supported b y all his officers . Bro . F . R . Hartley , Robert Burns Loclge , No . 25 , was present as a visitor . Air . F . C . Hallowes , of lunbndgei , was impressivel y initiated in thc mysteries of Freemasonry by the AVAL ; Bro . B . K . Thorpe , J . AV ., giving tho charge , and Bro . J . S . EastesS . W . a very ample illustration of the tracing board of tho lirst
, , degree . It was unanimousl y resolved that in future tho Lodge should JO held in the Assembl y Rooms , a change very desirable , not only because the rooms are more commodious , but also removing the Invicta , Lodge from the list of those meeting in taverns , it was also resolved that the Loclge should meet on the first Friday in the month , instead of the first AVedncsday , to enable the brethren occasionally to attend Grand Lodgo . Two gen tlemen were proposed as candidates .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . _ BURY . —Lodge of Relief ( No . 50 ) . —On Thursday evening , the Sth instant , the monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Hare and Hounds Inn , Bro . H . Barlow , AV . AI ., and ( both the AVardens being eonlined to their beds by illness ) Bro . Thomas Fisl . wick , P . AL , officiated as S . AV ., and Bro . George AL Tweddell as J . AV . The Loclge being opened to the second degree , Bro . Richard Grimshaw ivas passed to the degree ot the
F . C , ceremony being performed by Bro . Binns , P . AL ; after which , the Lodge being closed to the third degree , Bro . John Parkes , M . li . 0 ,, ., was unanimously elected AV . AI . for the ensuing twelve months . On the motion of Bro . Bums , seconded by Bro . Tweddell , the sum of £ 5 5 s . was unanimously voted to the Provincial Benevolent Fund , ivhich , with the sum of ; tl 0 10 s . given b y the brethren two years ago , will entitle the Loclge to eight votes in connection with that charity during tho existence
ot the Lodge . The brethren all seemed highly delighted that their worthy old Tyler , Bro . Cooper , had fust been relieved with the sum of Alo , granted him at the last quarterly meeting ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Aliddleton , on the 2 nd instant . The Lodge being duly closed , the meeting was declared adjourned until the 27 th instant , when the officers for 1860 will bo installed , and thc Feast of St . John the Lvaugehst will be celebrated
hmiY . — -St . John ' s Lod ge ( No . 226 ) . —On AVedncsday , the 7 th iust ., the monthly meeting of this Loclge was held at the White Horse Inn , when Bro . Benson was raised to tho sublime degree of Alaster Mason , the ceremony being performed by Bro . John Roclferi ; , P . M . of No . 50 . HEYWOOD . —Lodge of Naplludi ( No . 333)—The monthlv meeting of this Loclge was held at the Brunswick Hotel , on Wednesday evening , the / th inst ., when Air . Thomas AVolstenholme was initiated into Freethe
masonry , ceremony being performed by Bro . Bimis , P . AL of No . 50 , assisted , as Deacon , by Bro . Keuyon , P . AL of the same Lodge . It being the evening for choosing the AY orshipful Alaster for tho ensuing year , Bro . Taylor , AV . AI ., was elected to that office .
LEICESTERSHIRE . Asimv-Dl .-LA-Zoucit . —Ferrers and Jvanhoe Lodge ( So . 1081 ) . —Tho usual , monthly meeting of this Lodge took place at the Town Hall , Ashby-dc-la-Zouch , on Alondav , December 12 th 1859 ; present Bros . Rowley , P . AL , of No . 907 as AV . AI . ; Richard AVaruer , S . AV . ; T . H . Bobart , J . AY ; J . Denton , Chaplain : Henrv T . Bobart , Sec ; J . Redfern , S . D . ; AY' . Mason , J . D . ; AY * . Bithrey as I . G , ; AV . Canner , Tyler : Bros . IBrown
G . . < . , F . Hamp , AV . YY " oodwarcl , John Upton of No . 1 ) 07 . The Lodge was opened m the first degree . The minutes of the last meeting wero read and confirmed . Bro . YVoodward was examined in the questions appertaining to the first degree , which he answered to the satisfaction of the brethren present . The Lod ge was opened iu the second degree . Bros . Brown ancl Hamp , were examined to the satisfaction of the brethren present . The Lod was opened in tho thirddegree
ge , . Bros . Brown and Hamp were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The Lodge Avas resumed to the second degree , Bro . YVoodward was passed to the second degree . The Loclge was closed in thc second degree . Bro . Henry T . Bobart , read to the Brethren present the noticethat appeared in the Freemasons Magazine of the 3 rd iust . page 136 , respecting the Lodge by-laws . The Lodge was then closed , and adjourned to the Monday after the next full moon .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . Pl-iiEimoRoUGii . —a . Pe / ej- ' sio (^ e ( No . 616 ) . —The brethren assembled at their Lodge room , on Thursday , the 1 st inst . The Loclge was opened iu the first degree , when the minutes of the previous Lodge were read ancl confirmed . Air . Richard Elwin Jones , of London , was then balloted for , and unanimously accepted as a candidate . The Loclge was opened in the second and third degrees , aud Bro . AV . AY'ells was raised to the sublime of AiAt
degree .. Tho Lodge was closed to the first degree , when Afr . R . E . Jones was initiated into the mysteries of antient Freemasonry . It was then proposed by Bro . Jas . Ruddle , and seconded by Bro . AY aite , that two pounds bo subscribed to tho Widows' Fund . Bro . Bays
proposed , as the Alaster for the ensuing year , Bro . Henry Porter , M . D ., S . YY . of the Lodge , who was elected unanimously . Bro . AV . Hart was also duly elected Treasurer . A strong desire having been expressed for another Masonic ball this winter , the Prov . Grand Master having given his sanction thereto , a committee was formed of the AV . AI ., the AVardens , . and Bro . Buckle , with power to add to their numbers , to make tho necessary avrangements for holding the same . It was also ordered that new collars be provided for the officers . The Loclge was then closed
, and adjourned until thc 27 th of Dec . ( St . John ' s day ) , when the AV . AI . elect will bo installed , and the brethren will celebrate the occasion according to ancient custom . / - SOMERSETSHIRE . CREW KERNE . —It will bo remembered that we some time ago noticed an application for a warrant to hold a new Lodge at Crewkerne . This
application was refused in consequenee of no recommendation from tho Prov . Grand Master accompanying the prayer of the petition . Circumstances have since occurred which remove the difficulties previously existing , and we may now safely announce that the brethren who havo interested themselves in the matter are in a fair way to see their endeavours crowned with success . The report is that a brother from a neighbouring Lodgo , who holds a high provincial appointment , and who
is universally respected and beloved , has consented to take the Ataster ' s chair . This , in itself , will bo a valuable start for the new Loclge , and a guarantee for its respectability . Crewkerne is a small town with plenty of public spirit , aud being on the line of the Yeovil aud Exeter railway , will shortly be within easy distance of tho former place . It is to be hoped that the two Lodges , which may almost be called mother and daughter , will work together and derive that benefit from their intercourse which always accrues from a community of labours and interests .
Al'ovii .. —Lodge of Brotherly Lore ( So . 412 ) . —The regular monthly meeting was holden at tho Three Choughs Hotel , on Wednesday , 7 th instant , when several brethren wero to have taken the second degree , but accident prevented their attendance . Bro . Cave , P . AL , who occupied the chair , then addressed the brethren before proceeding to the election of AV . AI . for the ensuing year , reminding them of the great importance attaching to ; i judicious selection , and how much the honour and prosperity of the Lodwere depeudent the conduct of its
ge upon Alaster . The result of tho ballot was the election of Bro . Bruttan , S . AY ., and Prov . G . Reg ., and it cannot be doubted that a more worthy brother , or one more capable of filling with dignity tho somewhat arduous position of AV . AI . in this Loclge , could not be found . The stewards wero requested to arrange for the celebration of St . John ' s festival on the next regular Lodge night , ( 1 th January ) , when the Officers will be appointed aud invested & e . and doubtless the new year
, , will be inaugurated by a proper display of that good fellowship which characterizes the intercourse of tho members ; moreover it will commence under favourable auspices , tho unavoidable absence of tho present AVAL , during the greater part of the year , liaving proved a serious difficulty . SUSSEX .
BRIGHTON . —Royal Turk . Lodge ( No . 391 ) . —The members of thc Lodgo of Instruction , iu connection with this Lodge , supped together on Alonday evening , November 28 th , at Bro . Saunders ' s , ( tho Treasurer ) , the AV . AI ., Bro . Aloppett , occupying the chair , supported by his officers , numorous members of tho Lodge of Instruction , ancl several visiting brethren . There is not a doubt that thc instruction gained by frequent meetings has tended to ensure good working in Lodge No . 391 . The usual toasts were given , and a few hours friendly passed . The funds
have enabled the members from time to time to assist the charities and do a little local good . On Tuesday evening , November 29 th , the AVorshipful Alaster , officers , and brethren gave a Afasonic bespeak to Bro . If . Nye Chart ( No . 39-1 ) , at tbe theatre , when , wo are pleased to add , the fraternity mustered in good numbers , ancl au excellent house was the result , which Bro . Chart is deservedly entitled to , from the respect generally entertained for him . On Tuesday evening , December 6 th , the monthly mooting of the Kuyal York Lodge was held at the Old Ship
Hotel , Bro . Aloppett presiding , supported by the whole of his officers , several P . Ms ,, and visitors . Bro . Willard was raised to tho sublime dcgecc of M . M . ; Bros . Dyer , Robinson , Aluller , and T . Ancock passed to the degree of F . C . ; and Air . Dotting initiated into the mysteries oftlie Craft . The AV . AI . most ably performed his duties , which wero necessarily very laborious . A tribute to the memory of Bro . Bell ( many years Secretary ofthe Lodge ) , in the shape of a grave head stone , With inscription , and foot stone , was unanimously voted . Throe gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and the labours of the evening concluded at a late hour .
Mark Masonry.
SOUTH AVALES . CARIJII-T . —The Mark Master's degree was introduced into South AVales on Alonday , the 5 th instant , by the opening of a Mark Alaster . Masons Lodge named tho Langley Lodgo , No . 10 ( S . C ) , in connection with the Glamorgan Lodge , No . -13 , Cardiff . The brethren having assembled at Freemasons' Hall , St . Alary-street , ) a new and most commodious building ivbich still awaits consecration ) , the Lodge was opened
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
referred tp the inllueiice of Masonry being advantageous to men in every phase of life . The proceedings were protracted to a lato hour in consequence of the number of toasts and the length of the speeches . Bro . Klitz , Prov . G . Organist , presided at the piano , and several of the members contributed to tho music of the evening . KENT .
Asnt'ORD . —Invicta Lmlge ( No . 10111 . —The monthly meeting of this Loclge was holden on Wednesday , the 7 th instant , Bro . Thorpe , AV . AI ., in the chair , supported b y all his officers . Bro . F . R . Hartley , Robert Burns Loclge , No . 25 , was present as a visitor . Air . F . C . Hallowes , of lunbndgei , was impressivel y initiated in thc mysteries of Freemasonry by the AVAL ; Bro . B . K . Thorpe , J . AV ., giving tho charge , and Bro . J . S . EastesS . W . a very ample illustration of the tracing board of tho lirst
, , degree . It was unanimousl y resolved that in future tho Lodge should JO held in the Assembl y Rooms , a change very desirable , not only because the rooms are more commodious , but also removing the Invicta , Lodge from the list of those meeting in taverns , it was also resolved that the Loclge should meet on the first Friday in the month , instead of the first AVedncsday , to enable the brethren occasionally to attend Grand Lodgo . Two gen tlemen were proposed as candidates .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . _ BURY . —Lodge of Relief ( No . 50 ) . —On Thursday evening , the Sth instant , the monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Hare and Hounds Inn , Bro . H . Barlow , AV . AI ., and ( both the AVardens being eonlined to their beds by illness ) Bro . Thomas Fisl . wick , P . AL , officiated as S . AV ., and Bro . George AL Tweddell as J . AV . The Loclge being opened to the second degree , Bro . Richard Grimshaw ivas passed to the degree ot the
F . C , ceremony being performed by Bro . Binns , P . AL ; after which , the Lodge being closed to the third degree , Bro . John Parkes , M . li . 0 ,, ., was unanimously elected AV . AI . for the ensuing twelve months . On the motion of Bro . Bums , seconded by Bro . Tweddell , the sum of £ 5 5 s . was unanimously voted to the Provincial Benevolent Fund , ivhich , with the sum of ; tl 0 10 s . given b y the brethren two years ago , will entitle the Loclge to eight votes in connection with that charity during tho existence
ot the Lodge . The brethren all seemed highly delighted that their worthy old Tyler , Bro . Cooper , had fust been relieved with the sum of Alo , granted him at the last quarterly meeting ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Aliddleton , on the 2 nd instant . The Lodge being duly closed , the meeting was declared adjourned until the 27 th instant , when the officers for 1860 will bo installed , and thc Feast of St . John the Lvaugehst will be celebrated
hmiY . — -St . John ' s Lod ge ( No . 226 ) . —On AVedncsday , the 7 th iust ., the monthly meeting of this Loclge was held at the White Horse Inn , when Bro . Benson was raised to tho sublime degree of Alaster Mason , the ceremony being performed by Bro . John Roclferi ; , P . M . of No . 50 . HEYWOOD . —Lodge of Naplludi ( No . 333)—The monthlv meeting of this Loclge was held at the Brunswick Hotel , on Wednesday evening , the / th inst ., when Air . Thomas AVolstenholme was initiated into Freethe
masonry , ceremony being performed by Bro . Bimis , P . AL of No . 50 , assisted , as Deacon , by Bro . Keuyon , P . AL of the same Lodge . It being the evening for choosing the AY orshipful Alaster for tho ensuing year , Bro . Taylor , AV . AI ., was elected to that office .
LEICESTERSHIRE . Asimv-Dl .-LA-Zoucit . —Ferrers and Jvanhoe Lodge ( So . 1081 ) . —Tho usual , monthly meeting of this Lodge took place at the Town Hall , Ashby-dc-la-Zouch , on Alondav , December 12 th 1859 ; present Bros . Rowley , P . AL , of No . 907 as AV . AI . ; Richard AVaruer , S . AV . ; T . H . Bobart , J . AY ; J . Denton , Chaplain : Henrv T . Bobart , Sec ; J . Redfern , S . D . ; AY' . Mason , J . D . ; AY * . Bithrey as I . G , ; AV . Canner , Tyler : Bros . IBrown
G . . < . , F . Hamp , AV . YY " oodwarcl , John Upton of No . 1 ) 07 . The Lodge was opened m the first degree . The minutes of the last meeting wero read and confirmed . Bro . YVoodward was examined in the questions appertaining to the first degree , which he answered to the satisfaction of the brethren present . The Lod ge was opened iu the second degree . Bros . Brown ancl Hamp , were examined to the satisfaction of the brethren present . The Lod was opened in tho thirddegree
ge , . Bros . Brown and Hamp were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The Lodge Avas resumed to the second degree , Bro . YVoodward was passed to the second degree . The Loclge was closed in thc second degree . Bro . Henry T . Bobart , read to the Brethren present the noticethat appeared in the Freemasons Magazine of the 3 rd iust . page 136 , respecting the Lodge by-laws . The Lodge was then closed , and adjourned to the Monday after the next full moon .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . Pl-iiEimoRoUGii . —a . Pe / ej- ' sio (^ e ( No . 616 ) . —The brethren assembled at their Lodge room , on Thursday , the 1 st inst . The Loclge was opened iu the first degree , when the minutes of the previous Lodge were read ancl confirmed . Air . Richard Elwin Jones , of London , was then balloted for , and unanimously accepted as a candidate . The Loclge was opened in the second and third degrees , aud Bro . AV . AY'ells was raised to the sublime of AiAt
degree .. Tho Lodge was closed to the first degree , when Afr . R . E . Jones was initiated into the mysteries of antient Freemasonry . It was then proposed by Bro . Jas . Ruddle , and seconded by Bro . AY aite , that two pounds bo subscribed to tho Widows' Fund . Bro . Bays
proposed , as the Alaster for the ensuing year , Bro . Henry Porter , M . D ., S . YY . of the Lodge , who was elected unanimously . Bro . AV . Hart was also duly elected Treasurer . A strong desire having been expressed for another Masonic ball this winter , the Prov . Grand Master having given his sanction thereto , a committee was formed of the AV . AI ., the AVardens , . and Bro . Buckle , with power to add to their numbers , to make tho necessary avrangements for holding the same . It was also ordered that new collars be provided for the officers . The Loclge was then closed
, and adjourned until thc 27 th of Dec . ( St . John ' s day ) , when the AV . AI . elect will bo installed , and the brethren will celebrate the occasion according to ancient custom . / - SOMERSETSHIRE . CREW KERNE . —It will bo remembered that we some time ago noticed an application for a warrant to hold a new Lodge at Crewkerne . This
application was refused in consequenee of no recommendation from tho Prov . Grand Master accompanying the prayer of the petition . Circumstances have since occurred which remove the difficulties previously existing , and we may now safely announce that the brethren who havo interested themselves in the matter are in a fair way to see their endeavours crowned with success . The report is that a brother from a neighbouring Lodgo , who holds a high provincial appointment , and who
is universally respected and beloved , has consented to take the Ataster ' s chair . This , in itself , will bo a valuable start for the new Loclge , and a guarantee for its respectability . Crewkerne is a small town with plenty of public spirit , aud being on the line of the Yeovil aud Exeter railway , will shortly be within easy distance of tho former place . It is to be hoped that the two Lodges , which may almost be called mother and daughter , will work together and derive that benefit from their intercourse which always accrues from a community of labours and interests .
Al'ovii .. —Lodge of Brotherly Lore ( So . 412 ) . —The regular monthly meeting was holden at tho Three Choughs Hotel , on Wednesday , 7 th instant , when several brethren wero to have taken the second degree , but accident prevented their attendance . Bro . Cave , P . AL , who occupied the chair , then addressed the brethren before proceeding to the election of AV . AI . for the ensuing year , reminding them of the great importance attaching to ; i judicious selection , and how much the honour and prosperity of the Lodwere depeudent the conduct of its
ge upon Alaster . The result of tho ballot was the election of Bro . Bruttan , S . AY ., and Prov . G . Reg ., and it cannot be doubted that a more worthy brother , or one more capable of filling with dignity tho somewhat arduous position of AV . AI . in this Loclge , could not be found . The stewards wero requested to arrange for the celebration of St . John ' s festival on the next regular Lodge night , ( 1 th January ) , when the Officers will be appointed aud invested & e . and doubtless the new year
, , will be inaugurated by a proper display of that good fellowship which characterizes the intercourse of tho members ; moreover it will commence under favourable auspices , tho unavoidable absence of tho present AVAL , during the greater part of the year , liaving proved a serious difficulty . SUSSEX .
BRIGHTON . —Royal Turk . Lodge ( No . 391 ) . —The members of thc Lodgo of Instruction , iu connection with this Lodge , supped together on Alonday evening , November 28 th , at Bro . Saunders ' s , ( tho Treasurer ) , the AV . AI ., Bro . Aloppett , occupying the chair , supported by his officers , numorous members of tho Lodge of Instruction , ancl several visiting brethren . There is not a doubt that thc instruction gained by frequent meetings has tended to ensure good working in Lodge No . 391 . The usual toasts were given , and a few hours friendly passed . The funds
have enabled the members from time to time to assist the charities and do a little local good . On Tuesday evening , November 29 th , the AVorshipful Alaster , officers , and brethren gave a Afasonic bespeak to Bro . If . Nye Chart ( No . 39-1 ) , at tbe theatre , when , wo are pleased to add , the fraternity mustered in good numbers , ancl au excellent house was the result , which Bro . Chart is deservedly entitled to , from the respect generally entertained for him . On Tuesday evening , December 6 th , the monthly mooting of the Kuyal York Lodge was held at the Old Ship
Hotel , Bro . Aloppett presiding , supported by the whole of his officers , several P . Ms ,, and visitors . Bro . Willard was raised to tho sublime dcgecc of M . M . ; Bros . Dyer , Robinson , Aluller , and T . Ancock passed to the degree of F . C . ; and Air . Dotting initiated into the mysteries oftlie Craft . The AV . AI . most ably performed his duties , which wero necessarily very laborious . A tribute to the memory of Bro . Bell ( many years Secretary ofthe Lodge ) , in the shape of a grave head stone , With inscription , and foot stone , was unanimously voted . Throe gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and the labours of the evening concluded at a late hour .
Mark Masonry.
SOUTH AVALES . CARIJII-T . —The Mark Master's degree was introduced into South AVales on Alonday , the 5 th instant , by the opening of a Mark Alaster . Masons Lodge named tho Langley Lodgo , No . 10 ( S . C ) , in connection with the Glamorgan Lodge , No . -13 , Cardiff . The brethren having assembled at Freemasons' Hall , St . Alary-street , ) a new and most commodious building ivbich still awaits consecration ) , the Lodge was opened