Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Apollo Lodge , Oxford ; served as steward to the Girls School in 1853 , and to the Boys School in 1854 ; ancl although only thirty years of age , had risen to some of the highest honours in the Craft . He was a true Alason , a sincere Christian , a sound churchman , an affectionate husband , father , and friend . Possessed of an ample fortune , he bestowed it with no niggard hand on both the church and the Craft . The beautiful parish church of St . Peter and St . Paul , Cattistoek , was rebuilt by him wholly at his own expense , a few years since . It is a truly Alasonic
structure , full of the most interesting ancl instructive symbols . Bro . Still's remains were interred at Cattistoek on Friday , the 14 th of October . The funeral service was read by tho Hon . and Revd . W . H . Scott , rector of Alaiden Newton . The following clergymen were habited iu surplices , hoods , ancl stoles : Bro . the Rev . John Kingston , curate of the parish : the Rev . S . Lane , rector of Frome Vanehurch ; Rev . J . AV . Clarke , vicar of Frampton ; Rev . Rooke , rector of Rampisham , the Rev . S . C . Malanrector of Broadwiudsoraud the Rev . C . B .
, , Afount , curate of Netherbury , the two last being brothers-in-law of the deceased . The chief mourners were his young widow ; Bro . Captain Charles Still , 3 rd Dragoon Guards , brother of the deceased , Colonel Dashwood and Keith Barnes , Esq ., his uncles . As the funeral procession entered the churchyard—which was crowded with tho parishioners—not a dry eye was to be seen . Deeply beloved , our young brother has passed to the Grand Lodgo above . YVere all our brethren like the good man whose bones repose beneath
the shadow of the noble church which he erected to the honour of the Great Architect of the Universe , Masonry would indeed flourish and abound . Bro . Still ' s costly and gorgeous Alasonic clothing , jewels , & c , have been presented by his widow , to Bro . the Rev . J . Kingston , curate of Cattistoek , for whose appointment to the vacant living also , the parishioners have unanimously petitioned .
The Week.
Tun COTJUT—Hor Majesty and her family will remain at Osborne a few days longer , returning to AY'indsor in the course of next week , for the Christmas holidays . There is no incident whatever to chronicle in the doings of the royal family during the past week . The Queen and her husband are living in the most complete privacy , and the only visitors of the week have been the Prince and the Princess Leiningeu . FOREIGN NEWS . —A Paris telegram of Saturday says the council of
state is preparing a project of law for reducing the customs duties . The samo telegram states that Afarshal Ranclon had tendered his resignation of the ministry of war . A Paris correspondent informs us that the governments of Rome ancl Naples have intimated their readiness to attend thc Congress , ancl that it is believed in diplomatic quarters that Count Cavour will be the principal representative of Sardinia . Count Pourtales has been recalled from Paris to Berlin , but it is expected he will return in time for the dilomatic reception on New Year ' s day . A
p trial has been going on iu France , in which a mother and daughter are charged with the murder of a child of the latter . The details are of a most painful character . A Paris letter says : — " The Lemoine trial is over . The speeches of the proem-em- imperial , and the counsel for Madame Lemoine , are so imperfectly reported , that I think it useless to trouble you with them . The jury found the mother guilty , and acquitted the daughter . The court sentenced Madame Lemoine to twenty years ' hard labour . Public opinion in Pariswhere this trial isI may saythe
, , , only topic of conversation , pronounces this sentence arbitrary and unjust . From the evidence I do not think that an English jury would have found tbe prisoner guilty of concealment of birth , aud , considering that there was no proof of the child not having been stillborn when it was destroyed , the sentence appears excessive in severity . The proud bearing of Alme . Lemoine , who refused to submit to the brow beating of the
judge , and declined to answer the impure ancl perfectly unnecessary questions put to her by him , has given rise to a general opinion that the severity of the sentence is to be ascribed to a mean desire of retaliation rather than to any wish to make an example , and to show that the law is no respecter of persons . Anything more discreditable to tho administration of justice iu France than the manner in which this trial was conducted it would be impossible to conceive . A telegram dated Elottro ( Alorocco ) , Dec . ' . ) , announces that actions had taken
place that morning between tho Spaniards ancl Aloors , in which the former had gained the advantage , the Al . oors losing 300 killed and 1000 wounded , and the Spaniards losing only 30 officers and 280 men wounded and 30 killed . The Madrid journals of the 6 th contain a proclamation of General O'Donnell to the Moors , in which ho promises thc inhabitants of Alorocco tho aid ancl protection of his soldiers , who arc only to bo feared in the moment of combat . It appears that the priests arc laying down their breviaries and shouldering thoir carbines , to show
their troops the way lo attack the Aloors . The third corps d ' arince had disembarked at Ceuta . Another action had taken place , iu which the Aloors suffered great loss , while the Spaniards lost only W killed and wounded . The Gibraltar Chronicle , of the Stli instant , states that it was rumoured at Alazagaii and Sani that osviug to the commencement of hostilities with Spain , a holy war had been proclaimed throughout the l- ' . mpire , which would soon bring down to the sea-board towns thousands of Aloors to defend their country and religion against the Spaniards ,
Trade in the interior was in a paralysed state . -The Milan Gazette states that Garibaldi , who for some clays past has been staying at Fino , five miles from Como , was iu danger the other day of losing his life , his horse having suddenly bolted , and got into such dangerous ground that it required all the general's coolness , intrepidity , and good luck to get safely out again . He was in company with a lady at the time of the occurrence , and rumour adds that he has since married her . The announcement of the marriage of Garibaldi is confirmed by the
Independence Beige . It took place at Como . The lady who has the honour of now bearing the hero ' s name is the daughter of AL Ramondi , one of the many thousands who had to Hy their country in 1848 , but who have now returned to their homes . A telegram from Paris states that the report of' the general ' s marriage was without foundation . A letter from Copenhagen of the 7 tb , says that the five new ministers had made their appearance on the previous day iu the Second Chambers , when AL Rottwitt read the royal decree constituting the new ministry .
The communication had not been made to the First Chamber , as the members were not in sufficient number . Prince Christian of Denmark has refused the governorship of Holstein , ancl the Danish government has consequently given up the project . AL Janson , a clergyman , has submitted a bill to the Swedish Diet , which will have for its object to charge all the clergymen of the country ivith the control of publications sold by hawkers . All the members of the Assembly adhered to AL Janson ' s proposition . The St . Pctersburgh Gazelle announces that
a speech hacl been made by the Emperor Alexander to the nobles of Pskoff on occasion of a general presentation . He said he had the fullest conviction that the question of the emancipation of the serfs would be terminated to tho mutual advantage of both parties . The
Presse of Vienna says a council of distinguished officials had been held on the Sth to concert measures for the re-establishment of the Imperial authorities in the three districts ou the right bank of the Po which still belong to Austria . A commission was appointed to install those authorities . The leading Protestants at Aliskolz , Koesniark , Grosswardein , Pestl > aud other places , who had protested against the Imperial patent of September , hacl been arrested on the accusation of exciting to political disaffection . The Greek bishop of Munkaes had been released from gaol and
sent home . He was ordered to be silent on the matter by the Austrian government . ——Letters from Constantinople of Deo . 7 , state that n note had been presented to the Porte by AI . Thouvenal , the French ambassador , demanding a firman favourable to the Suez Canal project . The demand was said to have been backed by Austria , Prussia , Russia , and Sardinia . A stormy discussion hacl taken place on the subject in the council of ministers , when they came to an agreement to request the powers mentioned to come to au understanding with England regarding
the matter . Sir H . Bulwer had been received by the Sultan , and had had numerous conferences with the ministers . The Canada , from Boston on the 30 th ult ., and Halifax on the 3 d instant , has arrived at Qi . eenstowne . i route to Liverpool . By telegraph we have a summariot ' her news . The total loss of life by the wreck of the Indian is noiv ascertained to have been 24 . The celebrated author Washington Irving , we regret to say , is dead . The advices from California state that the excitement on the San Juan affair was dying out , ancl it w-as believed
that General Scott would succeed in effecting an amicable adjustment between the two governments . There had been more fi ghting in Mexico but it was reported that a compromise hacl been proposed between Juarez , Robles , and Miranion .
INDIAN - NEWS . —By the arrival of the Panther at Marseilles we have received journals ancl correspondence from Calcutta to the Sth November , and Hong Kong to the 29 th October . The most important piece of intelligence by this arrival is the confirmation of the death of the notorious miscreant Nana Sahib . The Nepaul correspondent of the Calcutta finglishman , writing on the 27 th October , says : — " The government officials do not now disbelieve the report of Nana Rao ' s death . The Nana died on the 24 th September , of fever , at a place called Tara
Ghurrie , near to Dbany and Dukhur . He hacl suffered previously from repeated attacks , and at one timo was so ill that his attendants believed him to be dead , and the usual gifts were distributed amongst the Brahmins ; he , however , recovered partially , and did not die till the 21 th September . His dead body has been seen by credible witnesses , and his body was burnt in their presence , with the usual Hindoo rites . Tins this , the most villanous of all villains , has escaped from earthly punishmentwhich he so much deserved . Jola Persaudthe confidential
at-, , tendant of the late Nana , has now charge of the family ancl ivliatcvi-r treasure may be left . " Another correspondent writes : —A . letter that has reached us states . " that it is believed that the rebel force on the Nepaul frontier consists of about 6 , 000 of all kinds , of which about 1 , 000 are sowars ; this number includes also , camp followers , women and children , so perhaps , besides the sowars , only 3 , 000 sepoys remain . The greater number ol those arc encamped in the Dhang Dukur valley over tbe first ran ^ e
of hills , but still small bodies are dotted about at the edge ofthe Terai jungle all along the Nepaul frontier . Benee Madhub ancl Alummoo Khan arc also in the Dhang Dukur valley , but the larger body of men are attached to Job' Persaud , tlio late Nana ' . s confidential servant . This man has also tho charge of the late Nana Rao ' s family and treasure . They have still remaining with them about two elephants ' loads of government ammunition . A Goorkha force is said to lie approaching the outer range of hills , and the rebels are informed by their sirdars that this force is coming to assist them i . o-aiiist the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Apollo Lodge , Oxford ; served as steward to the Girls School in 1853 , and to the Boys School in 1854 ; ancl although only thirty years of age , had risen to some of the highest honours in the Craft . He was a true Alason , a sincere Christian , a sound churchman , an affectionate husband , father , and friend . Possessed of an ample fortune , he bestowed it with no niggard hand on both the church and the Craft . The beautiful parish church of St . Peter and St . Paul , Cattistoek , was rebuilt by him wholly at his own expense , a few years since . It is a truly Alasonic
structure , full of the most interesting ancl instructive symbols . Bro . Still's remains were interred at Cattistoek on Friday , the 14 th of October . The funeral service was read by tho Hon . and Revd . W . H . Scott , rector of Alaiden Newton . The following clergymen were habited iu surplices , hoods , ancl stoles : Bro . the Rev . John Kingston , curate of the parish : the Rev . S . Lane , rector of Frome Vanehurch ; Rev . J . AV . Clarke , vicar of Frampton ; Rev . Rooke , rector of Rampisham , the Rev . S . C . Malanrector of Broadwiudsoraud the Rev . C . B .
, , Afount , curate of Netherbury , the two last being brothers-in-law of the deceased . The chief mourners were his young widow ; Bro . Captain Charles Still , 3 rd Dragoon Guards , brother of the deceased , Colonel Dashwood and Keith Barnes , Esq ., his uncles . As the funeral procession entered the churchyard—which was crowded with tho parishioners—not a dry eye was to be seen . Deeply beloved , our young brother has passed to the Grand Lodgo above . YVere all our brethren like the good man whose bones repose beneath
the shadow of the noble church which he erected to the honour of the Great Architect of the Universe , Masonry would indeed flourish and abound . Bro . Still ' s costly and gorgeous Alasonic clothing , jewels , & c , have been presented by his widow , to Bro . the Rev . J . Kingston , curate of Cattistoek , for whose appointment to the vacant living also , the parishioners have unanimously petitioned .
The Week.
Tun COTJUT—Hor Majesty and her family will remain at Osborne a few days longer , returning to AY'indsor in the course of next week , for the Christmas holidays . There is no incident whatever to chronicle in the doings of the royal family during the past week . The Queen and her husband are living in the most complete privacy , and the only visitors of the week have been the Prince and the Princess Leiningeu . FOREIGN NEWS . —A Paris telegram of Saturday says the council of
state is preparing a project of law for reducing the customs duties . The samo telegram states that Afarshal Ranclon had tendered his resignation of the ministry of war . A Paris correspondent informs us that the governments of Rome ancl Naples have intimated their readiness to attend thc Congress , ancl that it is believed in diplomatic quarters that Count Cavour will be the principal representative of Sardinia . Count Pourtales has been recalled from Paris to Berlin , but it is expected he will return in time for the dilomatic reception on New Year ' s day . A
p trial has been going on iu France , in which a mother and daughter are charged with the murder of a child of the latter . The details are of a most painful character . A Paris letter says : — " The Lemoine trial is over . The speeches of the proem-em- imperial , and the counsel for Madame Lemoine , are so imperfectly reported , that I think it useless to trouble you with them . The jury found the mother guilty , and acquitted the daughter . The court sentenced Madame Lemoine to twenty years ' hard labour . Public opinion in Pariswhere this trial isI may saythe
, , , only topic of conversation , pronounces this sentence arbitrary and unjust . From the evidence I do not think that an English jury would have found tbe prisoner guilty of concealment of birth , aud , considering that there was no proof of the child not having been stillborn when it was destroyed , the sentence appears excessive in severity . The proud bearing of Alme . Lemoine , who refused to submit to the brow beating of the
judge , and declined to answer the impure ancl perfectly unnecessary questions put to her by him , has given rise to a general opinion that the severity of the sentence is to be ascribed to a mean desire of retaliation rather than to any wish to make an example , and to show that the law is no respecter of persons . Anything more discreditable to tho administration of justice iu France than the manner in which this trial was conducted it would be impossible to conceive . A telegram dated Elottro ( Alorocco ) , Dec . ' . ) , announces that actions had taken
place that morning between tho Spaniards ancl Aloors , in which the former had gained the advantage , the Al . oors losing 300 killed and 1000 wounded , and the Spaniards losing only 30 officers and 280 men wounded and 30 killed . The Madrid journals of the 6 th contain a proclamation of General O'Donnell to the Moors , in which ho promises thc inhabitants of Alorocco tho aid ancl protection of his soldiers , who arc only to bo feared in the moment of combat . It appears that the priests arc laying down their breviaries and shouldering thoir carbines , to show
their troops the way lo attack the Aloors . The third corps d ' arince had disembarked at Ceuta . Another action had taken place , iu which the Aloors suffered great loss , while the Spaniards lost only W killed and wounded . The Gibraltar Chronicle , of the Stli instant , states that it was rumoured at Alazagaii and Sani that osviug to the commencement of hostilities with Spain , a holy war had been proclaimed throughout the l- ' . mpire , which would soon bring down to the sea-board towns thousands of Aloors to defend their country and religion against the Spaniards ,
Trade in the interior was in a paralysed state . -The Milan Gazette states that Garibaldi , who for some clays past has been staying at Fino , five miles from Como , was iu danger the other day of losing his life , his horse having suddenly bolted , and got into such dangerous ground that it required all the general's coolness , intrepidity , and good luck to get safely out again . He was in company with a lady at the time of the occurrence , and rumour adds that he has since married her . The announcement of the marriage of Garibaldi is confirmed by the
Independence Beige . It took place at Como . The lady who has the honour of now bearing the hero ' s name is the daughter of AL Ramondi , one of the many thousands who had to Hy their country in 1848 , but who have now returned to their homes . A telegram from Paris states that the report of' the general ' s marriage was without foundation . A letter from Copenhagen of the 7 tb , says that the five new ministers had made their appearance on the previous day iu the Second Chambers , when AL Rottwitt read the royal decree constituting the new ministry .
The communication had not been made to the First Chamber , as the members were not in sufficient number . Prince Christian of Denmark has refused the governorship of Holstein , ancl the Danish government has consequently given up the project . AL Janson , a clergyman , has submitted a bill to the Swedish Diet , which will have for its object to charge all the clergymen of the country ivith the control of publications sold by hawkers . All the members of the Assembly adhered to AL Janson ' s proposition . The St . Pctersburgh Gazelle announces that
a speech hacl been made by the Emperor Alexander to the nobles of Pskoff on occasion of a general presentation . He said he had the fullest conviction that the question of the emancipation of the serfs would be terminated to tho mutual advantage of both parties . The
Presse of Vienna says a council of distinguished officials had been held on the Sth to concert measures for the re-establishment of the Imperial authorities in the three districts ou the right bank of the Po which still belong to Austria . A commission was appointed to install those authorities . The leading Protestants at Aliskolz , Koesniark , Grosswardein , Pestl > aud other places , who had protested against the Imperial patent of September , hacl been arrested on the accusation of exciting to political disaffection . The Greek bishop of Munkaes had been released from gaol and
sent home . He was ordered to be silent on the matter by the Austrian government . ——Letters from Constantinople of Deo . 7 , state that n note had been presented to the Porte by AI . Thouvenal , the French ambassador , demanding a firman favourable to the Suez Canal project . The demand was said to have been backed by Austria , Prussia , Russia , and Sardinia . A stormy discussion hacl taken place on the subject in the council of ministers , when they came to an agreement to request the powers mentioned to come to au understanding with England regarding
the matter . Sir H . Bulwer had been received by the Sultan , and had had numerous conferences with the ministers . The Canada , from Boston on the 30 th ult ., and Halifax on the 3 d instant , has arrived at Qi . eenstowne . i route to Liverpool . By telegraph we have a summariot ' her news . The total loss of life by the wreck of the Indian is noiv ascertained to have been 24 . The celebrated author Washington Irving , we regret to say , is dead . The advices from California state that the excitement on the San Juan affair was dying out , ancl it w-as believed
that General Scott would succeed in effecting an amicable adjustment between the two governments . There had been more fi ghting in Mexico but it was reported that a compromise hacl been proposed between Juarez , Robles , and Miranion .
INDIAN - NEWS . —By the arrival of the Panther at Marseilles we have received journals ancl correspondence from Calcutta to the Sth November , and Hong Kong to the 29 th October . The most important piece of intelligence by this arrival is the confirmation of the death of the notorious miscreant Nana Sahib . The Nepaul correspondent of the Calcutta finglishman , writing on the 27 th October , says : — " The government officials do not now disbelieve the report of Nana Rao ' s death . The Nana died on the 24 th September , of fever , at a place called Tara
Ghurrie , near to Dbany and Dukhur . He hacl suffered previously from repeated attacks , and at one timo was so ill that his attendants believed him to be dead , and the usual gifts were distributed amongst the Brahmins ; he , however , recovered partially , and did not die till the 21 th September . His dead body has been seen by credible witnesses , and his body was burnt in their presence , with the usual Hindoo rites . Tins this , the most villanous of all villains , has escaped from earthly punishmentwhich he so much deserved . Jola Persaudthe confidential
at-, , tendant of the late Nana , has now charge of the family ancl ivliatcvi-r treasure may be left . " Another correspondent writes : —A . letter that has reached us states . " that it is believed that the rebel force on the Nepaul frontier consists of about 6 , 000 of all kinds , of which about 1 , 000 are sowars ; this number includes also , camp followers , women and children , so perhaps , besides the sowars , only 3 , 000 sepoys remain . The greater number ol those arc encamped in the Dhang Dukur valley over tbe first ran ^ e
of hills , but still small bodies are dotted about at the edge ofthe Terai jungle all along the Nepaul frontier . Benee Madhub ancl Alummoo Khan arc also in the Dhang Dukur valley , but the larger body of men are attached to Job' Persaud , tlio late Nana ' . s confidential servant . This man has also tho charge of the late Nana Rao ' s family and treasure . They have still remaining with them about two elephants ' loads of government ammunition . A Goorkha force is said to lie approaching the outer range of hills , and the rebels are informed by their sirdars that this force is coming to assist them i . o-aiiist the