Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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entrusted and retired . On re-admission they were duly passed to the degree of F . C . by Bro . John Bowes , P . M . Bro . Rev . J . F . Black , B . A ., being a candidate for tbe third degree , was examined and approved . Bro . Home , P . M ., now assumed the chair , when Bro . Black was admitted and raised in a most solemn manner to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . again resumed the chair of K . S . and closed the lodge down to the first degree . The routine business was now transacted , the
most important item being the consideration of the report of the General Purposes Committee . For some time , it appears , the lodge meetings have , by the courtesy of the worshipful the " mayor , been held in tbe Town Hall ; but in consequence of the great increase in the number of members , combined with other obvious reasons , it was decided to remove to private rooms as soon as such could be found . The committee now reported that a housecentrally situated and in every way desirable as a home
, for the Craft , was to let , which at a small outlay for alterations would ensure privacy and a complete suite of rooms . After mature discussion , it was unanimously agreed to take the house , and at once render it suited for its new employment . The chance of success which the boy Wilson would have at the forthcoming election of candidates for the Boys' School was canvassed , and earnest hopes were expressed that he might be one of the favoured . The advocacy of the FREEMASONS
MAGAZINE was warmly and gratefully acknowledged . We believe the brethren are about to petition the Supreme Grand Caapter for a new warrant . Masonry is evidently making rapid strides in this ancient borough . To the discreet enthusiasm of the present W . M ., Bro . Edward Busher , his Wardens , and officers , coupled with the fostering care of the D . Prov . G . M ., Dr . Greaves , and aided by Bros . Savage , of London , and Bannister , of Liverpool , this is due . We congratulate our Kendal brethren on possessing such truly Masonic friends , and trust they will continue their exertion , and thereby become a model lodge .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . GAP . STON . — Lodr / e of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . —This lodge was opened at the Wellington Hotel , on the 6 th inst ., by Bro . T . Marsh , W . M ., assisted by the brethren and officers of the lodge . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Messrs . Corless and Hollander ; both were elected . Bro . Smithof the Ellesmore Lodge ( No . 758 ) was
, , also elected a joining member . Mr . Corless being in attendance , was initiated into the Order by the W . M . Bro . Jenkins was raised to the third degree also by the W . M . The business over , the lodge was closed in solemn form . At refreshment , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were regularly proposed from the chair , and duly responded to by the brethren whose names were associated with them .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . YAitBOKOUGn CHAPTER ( SO . 554 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on Thursday , the 9 th , at the Green Dragon , Stepney , under thu presidency of Comps . H . J . Thompson , M . E . Z . ; E , W . Davis , II . ; and Middleton , J . There were also present Comps . Bond , IT . ; J . XV . Thompson , A . S . ; Walter Lean ,
D . C . ; and Vasoy , E ., Principals ; J . Horatio Wynne , Treas . ; G . W . Mobbs and Taylor ; aud E . Sisson , J . and IT . elect of the Domatic Chapter ( No . 177 ) , a visitor , who rendered essential service in taking the position of P . S ., which duty he performed in his usual happy style . The business before the chapter was the admission of the Bro . Charles Walker , of the Prosperity Lodge ( No . Go ) , who was , according to ancient form , exalted to
this supreme degree . The chapter room whs on this occasion draped with black , and the companions appeared in Masonic mourning , in consequence of the death of the M . E . Comp . John Purdy , P . Z . 1 G 9 , who most ably assisted the father of this chapter , the M . E . Com ]) . Thomas Vesper , at its formation . The deceased was universally respected and lamented . A vote of condolence to his family was recorded . Several companions having testified to his worth and to the valuable services he had rendered to tbe chapter since the formation , it was closed in harmony at eight o'clock .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . GAKSTON . —Chapter of Harmon ;/ ( No . 220 ) . —This chapter was opened at the Wellington Hotel , on the 9 th inst ., by Comp . May , M . E . Z ., assisted ' by Comps . Thos . Wylie , P . M . E . Z . as fi ., and Leedliam , M . E .. T . ' The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Clias . Hartman , of the Union Lodge ( No . 331 ) , Nassau , Providence , was ballotted for and
accepted . The candidate being properly prepared , was exalted a Holy Royal Arch Mason in due form , Comp . James Hamer , P . M . E . Z . acting as P . Soj ., and Comp . Rev . J . Dunkley , Assist . P . Soj . The first historical lecture was delivered by Comp . J ., the symbolical by Comp . Hamer , and the mystic by the M . E . Z . There were present Comps . C . J . Banister , P . M . E . Z . and P . G . Dir . of Cers . of England ; Pearson , Ladmore , Wood , Ammersteine , Robinson , & c . Refreshment was done justice to by the companions , and they separated , happy to meet again .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT CALVARY ENCAMPMENT . —The members of this encampment met at head-quarters , 14 , Bedford-row , on Saturday , the 11 th inst ., to celebrate the anniversary of the martyrdom of Jacques de Molai , Grand Master of the Order of the Temple . Sir Knt . William Stuart , M . E ., and S . G . M . ( a member of the encampment ) , honoured the occasion with his presence . The encampment was opened according to ancient usage by the
eminent and reverend Sir Knt . Joseph Hill Grice , M . A ., E . C ., assisted by Sir Knts . C . Swan , P . E . C ., acting as 1 st . Capt ; Slmttlewo ' rth , G . V . C ., as 2 nd Capt . ; IT . J . W . Thompson , Expert ; Walter Lean , Standard Bearer ; Chancellor , Capt . of Lines ; W . Ganz , Org . ; IT . J . Thompson , P . B . C ., Registrar . There were also present Sir Knts . Comps . Stone , Rosenthal , Jno . Watkins , 3 I . lt . CS ., P . B . C . ; and other respected knights , The ballot was declared to be unanimous in favour of Comp .
Hugsrins , who was introduced and installed a Knt . Comp . by the E . C ., afterwards proclaimed by the Heralds , and conducted to his stall . Sir Knt . J . IT . Grice , E . C ., then informed the Knights that he had prepared a paper specially for this occasion , which , he trusted , would prove interesting and instructive to all present . He then proceeded to read a . most able document on the past and present history of the Knights Templar . The M . E . added : —lam unwilling to conclude without alluding to
an event in which it has pleased the Most High in His Almighty wisdom to cause us the deepest sorrow . In ordinary affairs , the loss even of any person with whom wo have constantly travelled the road of life , independent of other circumstances , is to endear his memory , and must affect every sensitive mind
with some sorrow . Every place which he frequented roeals his idea to our remembrance ; tiio recollection of him brings a melancholy thought to our minds , until by degrees the impression wears oil ' . How much more then ought some of us here collected regret that we have been deprived of one from among us whom we loved with all tbe affection of a brother ; one who , in addition to his high station in the Order , added to the qualifications which endeared him to all who knew him , who
was at all times right in his principles , regular in his attendance , affable in conversation , ever willing to communicate information , punctual , honest , and just in his dealing ! When such a brother as this is removed from us , it would ill become our duties to allow the event to puss without allusion to it , or without its making a deep impression on our feelings , and causing us to experience a regret for a loss upon which the more we reflect the greater grief must arisebecause it is irreparable .
, This humble tribute to his worth and good qualities is most justly due to the memory of Sir Knight John Purdy . At the conclusion , a cordial vote of thanks was ordered to be entered on the minutes to the E . C . for his valuable address ; and it was carried uem . eon . that this paper should be printed at the expense of the encampment , and circulated amongst the members . We would advise Kniht Templar to secure
every g a copy , as the perusal of it wi 1 furnish him , perhaps , for the first time with the history of his predecessors , in addition to giving him many interesting statistics relative to the Order , from the earliest times down to the present day . The encampment having been closed , the Knights adjourned to a banquet , at which the E . C . most ably presided , supported on his right by the M . E . and S . Grand Master , and on his left by the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
entrusted and retired . On re-admission they were duly passed to the degree of F . C . by Bro . John Bowes , P . M . Bro . Rev . J . F . Black , B . A ., being a candidate for tbe third degree , was examined and approved . Bro . Home , P . M ., now assumed the chair , when Bro . Black was admitted and raised in a most solemn manner to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . again resumed the chair of K . S . and closed the lodge down to the first degree . The routine business was now transacted , the
most important item being the consideration of the report of the General Purposes Committee . For some time , it appears , the lodge meetings have , by the courtesy of the worshipful the " mayor , been held in tbe Town Hall ; but in consequence of the great increase in the number of members , combined with other obvious reasons , it was decided to remove to private rooms as soon as such could be found . The committee now reported that a housecentrally situated and in every way desirable as a home
, for the Craft , was to let , which at a small outlay for alterations would ensure privacy and a complete suite of rooms . After mature discussion , it was unanimously agreed to take the house , and at once render it suited for its new employment . The chance of success which the boy Wilson would have at the forthcoming election of candidates for the Boys' School was canvassed , and earnest hopes were expressed that he might be one of the favoured . The advocacy of the FREEMASONS
MAGAZINE was warmly and gratefully acknowledged . We believe the brethren are about to petition the Supreme Grand Caapter for a new warrant . Masonry is evidently making rapid strides in this ancient borough . To the discreet enthusiasm of the present W . M ., Bro . Edward Busher , his Wardens , and officers , coupled with the fostering care of the D . Prov . G . M ., Dr . Greaves , and aided by Bros . Savage , of London , and Bannister , of Liverpool , this is due . We congratulate our Kendal brethren on possessing such truly Masonic friends , and trust they will continue their exertion , and thereby become a model lodge .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . GAP . STON . — Lodr / e of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . —This lodge was opened at the Wellington Hotel , on the 6 th inst ., by Bro . T . Marsh , W . M ., assisted by the brethren and officers of the lodge . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Messrs . Corless and Hollander ; both were elected . Bro . Smithof the Ellesmore Lodge ( No . 758 ) was
, , also elected a joining member . Mr . Corless being in attendance , was initiated into the Order by the W . M . Bro . Jenkins was raised to the third degree also by the W . M . The business over , the lodge was closed in solemn form . At refreshment , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were regularly proposed from the chair , and duly responded to by the brethren whose names were associated with them .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . YAitBOKOUGn CHAPTER ( SO . 554 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on Thursday , the 9 th , at the Green Dragon , Stepney , under thu presidency of Comps . H . J . Thompson , M . E . Z . ; E , W . Davis , II . ; and Middleton , J . There were also present Comps . Bond , IT . ; J . XV . Thompson , A . S . ; Walter Lean ,
D . C . ; and Vasoy , E ., Principals ; J . Horatio Wynne , Treas . ; G . W . Mobbs and Taylor ; aud E . Sisson , J . and IT . elect of the Domatic Chapter ( No . 177 ) , a visitor , who rendered essential service in taking the position of P . S ., which duty he performed in his usual happy style . The business before the chapter was the admission of the Bro . Charles Walker , of the Prosperity Lodge ( No . Go ) , who was , according to ancient form , exalted to
this supreme degree . The chapter room whs on this occasion draped with black , and the companions appeared in Masonic mourning , in consequence of the death of the M . E . Comp . John Purdy , P . Z . 1 G 9 , who most ably assisted the father of this chapter , the M . E . Com ]) . Thomas Vesper , at its formation . The deceased was universally respected and lamented . A vote of condolence to his family was recorded . Several companions having testified to his worth and to the valuable services he had rendered to tbe chapter since the formation , it was closed in harmony at eight o'clock .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . GAKSTON . —Chapter of Harmon ;/ ( No . 220 ) . —This chapter was opened at the Wellington Hotel , on the 9 th inst ., by Comp . May , M . E . Z ., assisted ' by Comps . Thos . Wylie , P . M . E . Z . as fi ., and Leedliam , M . E .. T . ' The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Clias . Hartman , of the Union Lodge ( No . 331 ) , Nassau , Providence , was ballotted for and
accepted . The candidate being properly prepared , was exalted a Holy Royal Arch Mason in due form , Comp . James Hamer , P . M . E . Z . acting as P . Soj ., and Comp . Rev . J . Dunkley , Assist . P . Soj . The first historical lecture was delivered by Comp . J ., the symbolical by Comp . Hamer , and the mystic by the M . E . Z . There were present Comps . C . J . Banister , P . M . E . Z . and P . G . Dir . of Cers . of England ; Pearson , Ladmore , Wood , Ammersteine , Robinson , & c . Refreshment was done justice to by the companions , and they separated , happy to meet again .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT CALVARY ENCAMPMENT . —The members of this encampment met at head-quarters , 14 , Bedford-row , on Saturday , the 11 th inst ., to celebrate the anniversary of the martyrdom of Jacques de Molai , Grand Master of the Order of the Temple . Sir Knt . William Stuart , M . E ., and S . G . M . ( a member of the encampment ) , honoured the occasion with his presence . The encampment was opened according to ancient usage by the
eminent and reverend Sir Knt . Joseph Hill Grice , M . A ., E . C ., assisted by Sir Knts . C . Swan , P . E . C ., acting as 1 st . Capt ; Slmttlewo ' rth , G . V . C ., as 2 nd Capt . ; IT . J . W . Thompson , Expert ; Walter Lean , Standard Bearer ; Chancellor , Capt . of Lines ; W . Ganz , Org . ; IT . J . Thompson , P . B . C ., Registrar . There were also present Sir Knts . Comps . Stone , Rosenthal , Jno . Watkins , 3 I . lt . CS ., P . B . C . ; and other respected knights , The ballot was declared to be unanimous in favour of Comp .
Hugsrins , who was introduced and installed a Knt . Comp . by the E . C ., afterwards proclaimed by the Heralds , and conducted to his stall . Sir Knt . J . IT . Grice , E . C ., then informed the Knights that he had prepared a paper specially for this occasion , which , he trusted , would prove interesting and instructive to all present . He then proceeded to read a . most able document on the past and present history of the Knights Templar . The M . E . added : —lam unwilling to conclude without alluding to
an event in which it has pleased the Most High in His Almighty wisdom to cause us the deepest sorrow . In ordinary affairs , the loss even of any person with whom wo have constantly travelled the road of life , independent of other circumstances , is to endear his memory , and must affect every sensitive mind
with some sorrow . Every place which he frequented roeals his idea to our remembrance ; tiio recollection of him brings a melancholy thought to our minds , until by degrees the impression wears oil ' . How much more then ought some of us here collected regret that we have been deprived of one from among us whom we loved with all tbe affection of a brother ; one who , in addition to his high station in the Order , added to the qualifications which endeared him to all who knew him , who
was at all times right in his principles , regular in his attendance , affable in conversation , ever willing to communicate information , punctual , honest , and just in his dealing ! When such a brother as this is removed from us , it would ill become our duties to allow the event to puss without allusion to it , or without its making a deep impression on our feelings , and causing us to experience a regret for a loss upon which the more we reflect the greater grief must arisebecause it is irreparable .
, This humble tribute to his worth and good qualities is most justly due to the memory of Sir Knight John Purdy . At the conclusion , a cordial vote of thanks was ordered to be entered on the minutes to the E . C . for his valuable address ; and it was carried uem . eon . that this paper should be printed at the expense of the encampment , and circulated amongst the members . We would advise Kniht Templar to secure
every g a copy , as the perusal of it wi 1 furnish him , perhaps , for the first time with the history of his predecessors , in addition to giving him many interesting statistics relative to the Order , from the earliest times down to the present day . The encampment having been closed , the Knights adjourned to a banquet , at which the E . C . most ably presided , supported on his right by the M . E . and S . Grand Master , and on his left by the