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Knights Templar.
P . E . C . ' s of this encampment . The usual toasts were given and responded to , and this memorable meeting was brought to a close . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Encampment of Jacques de Malay . —This conclave was opened in the Masonic TempleHope-streeton the
, , 10 th inst ., in the absence of the E . C , Sir Thomas G . Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., by fair Knt . C . J . Banister , P . E . C ., & c , assisted by the 1 st Capt ., Sir Knt . S . White , P . E . C . Sir Knt . Crankshaw , as 2 nd Capt ., and the rest of the officers . The muster-roll was called , and tbe minutes read and confirmed . The E . C . elect was then advanced under an arch of steel , and promised to support the laws , rites , and ceremonies according to the statutes of the Grand Conclave of England and Wales . He was then
obligated , and installed E . C , and placed on the throne of his predecessors by P . E . C . Sir Knt . Banister . After being duly proclaimed , the E . C . appointed the following officers : —Sir Knts . Edward Pierpoint , Prelate ; William Horner , 1 st Capt . ; C . Cotesworth , 2 nd Capt . ; II . S . Alpass , Treas . and Reg . ; J . Heyes , Almoner ; Hall , Capt . of Lines ; A . P . Sparks , Expert ; Berry and Fowler , Heralds ; Melladew and Busher , Standard Bearers ; Smith , Equerry . The ballot was taken for Comps .
Gilliam and Slee , and both were unanimously elected . The latter being in attendance , was properly prepared , aud installed a Sir Knt . of the Order by P . E . C Sir Knt . Banister with his usual care . The Almoner made his collection , which is never omitted in this encampment , and five guineas were unanimously voted to the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . Business being over , the encampment was closed in solemn form . Sir Knt . W . II . WrihtProv . G .
g , Chancellor , was the only visitor . The banquet was held at the Adelphi Hotel , at six o'clock , under the presidency of the E . G ., Sir Knt . S . White , supported by P . E . C Sir Knt . W . H . Wright , P . E . C . Sir Knt . II . S . Alpass , & c . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dul y honoured . Sir Knt . W . H . Wright returned thanks for the Provincial Commander and himself ; Sir Knt . Alpass for the P . E . Commanders and Officers . The health of the E . C . was proposed by the representative of the
I . P . E . C , and replied to in excellent style by the E . C , who proposed the health of the newly-initated Sir Knt . E . Slee . The toast was done full justice to , and acknowledged in suitable terms . The last toast brought a most agreeable erening to an end .
OUTRAGES UPON FREEMASONS . —THEIR LODGES BURNED AND DESECRATED BY GEN . GRIERSON . The desecration and burning of Masonic lodges by Grierson lias caused , as we learn by accident , no little excitement among the mystic brotherhood . The New England Masons have publicly repudiated their obligations , and declared that their
"brethren" of the South are not deemed Masons . Grierson , himself a Mason , accepts the New England creed and disregards the obligations of the Order . When he first entered upon his career of crime , as a soldier , he burned the Masons' Lodge at Rising Sun , in West Tennessee . The then commander of the department condemned Grierson's
conduct , and compelled him to make ample restitution . It seems , however , that he has received specific instructions to destroy every vestige of Southern Masonry . He burned the Masons' building in Verona and also at Okalona . The wife of a colonel in our service , who is a Mason , made herself known as such , and was ruthlessly driven from her house with an infant in her arms . Her house was plundered and burned .
Masons may fight each other to the death on the battle-field , hut when the field is lost or won their obligations as members of a world-wide fraternity are revived , the philanthropy supplants bloodthirstyness and barharity . It is said that the Masons at Verona , Okalona , and adjacent points have offered a large sum for the head of Grierson . If we are correctly informed , it becomes the duty of every Mason in the world to take his life . If that absurd old story about the death of Morgan has any
foundation , it is surely not improbable that some loyal Mason will put a period to Grierson's career of plunder , rape , and robbery . —Macon Beacon .
INDIA . ( From the Masonic Record of Western India . ) MHOW . LODGE OB ST . PAUL ' S ( NO . 389 , S . C . )—The monthly meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held on the 2 nd of December last . In consequence of tbe unavoidable absence of
Bro . Captain Ouchterlony , the W . M ., Bro . Steers presided . The lodge was opened in due and ancient form in the 1 st degree , when a letter was read from ex-Secretary Bro . C . B . Fowler to the W . M ., requesting the lodge to accept a handsomely bound folio Bible for use on the altar of tbe lodge . The W . M . 's answer of acceptance to the same was also read , thanking Bro . Fowler for his handsome and much-prized testimonial . The minutes of the last meeting wero then read ,
approved of , and confirmed . Mr . Bedford , having been balloted for , and elected at a previous meeting , was regularly introduced , and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry in due and ancient form . Bro . Robinson , Sec , then proposed that the thanks of this lodge be tendered to Bro . Allen , in consideration of the active co-operation given by him in working this lodge for the space of three years as Junior and Senior Warden , and the endeavours he has made to advance the younger
members in Masonic knowledge ; and that this resolution be printed on white satin and sent to Bro . Allen . This proposition was seconded by Bro . D . Nusserwanjee , and carried item , con . The lodge was then passed to the 2 nd degree , and Bros . Stanley , Cowasjee Mendosjee , and Sorabjee Dadabhoy , being found proficient in the 1 st degree , were passed to that of Fellow Craft . The lodge was then raised to the 3 rd degree , when . Bros . Blenkinsopp and Pallonjee Nusserwanjee , after strict
examination , were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The lodge was then lowered to the E . A . degree . No further work remaining , the lodge was closed with prayer at 9 . 45 p . m . We record , with great pleasure , the free and willing manner that the brethren have come forward with their subscriptions for Bro . Fowler ' s testimonial : the sum collected fully comes up to our expectations . The Committee has decided on purchasing a silver tea-service , for which they have forwarded the necessary amount to England .
BENGAL . LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OB TUE KIDDEUPOEE NEW MAKKET , OB THE MAZUC 1 IELLI BAZAAK . The 5 th of December will be long remembered in Calcutta-It is some time since such an imposing spectacle was witnessed . Thousands of spectators were present , European and native . At half past four in the evening the Provincial Grand Master
of Bengal , assisted by the lodges in Calcutta , Howrah , and Dum Dirai , laid the foundation stone of a large European market at Kidderpore . The fraternity mustered very strong . The brethren assembled at Mr . Grey ' s house at Kidderpore , about half an hour before the ceremony . At the hour appointed the procession began to move . The procession having arrived within a proper distance of the appointed lace of ceremony there was a halt . The ranks of
p the brethren opened tbe right and left , the whole of them facing inwards . The Provincial Grand Master passed up the centre , preceded by his Standard and Sword Bearers , the Provincial Grand Officers and brethren following in succession from the rear . The Provincial Grand Master's chair was placed to the East , the District Grand Lodge forming up on the same side . The three other sides of the were filled by private lodges .
square The music continued till the Provincial Grand Master had taken his seat . Prayers were then offered up by the Rev . Bro . F . Mazuchelli , and the inscription on the plate read . The ceremony proceeded by the Provincial Grand Treasurer depositing bis phial of coins in the cavity prepared for it in the stone . The Provincial Grand Master then descended to the stone ,
proved that it was properly adjusted by the plumb , rule , level , and square , which were successively delivered to him by the Provincial Junior Grand Warden , the Provincial Senior Grand Warden , and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; after which he received the mallet , and declared the stone truly and well laid with three knocks . The Provincial Grand Wardens then handed the cups of
corn , wine , and oil to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , who poured thein on the stone .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
P . E . C . ' s of this encampment . The usual toasts were given and responded to , and this memorable meeting was brought to a close . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Encampment of Jacques de Malay . —This conclave was opened in the Masonic TempleHope-streeton the
, , 10 th inst ., in the absence of the E . C , Sir Thomas G . Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., by fair Knt . C . J . Banister , P . E . C ., & c , assisted by the 1 st Capt ., Sir Knt . S . White , P . E . C . Sir Knt . Crankshaw , as 2 nd Capt ., and the rest of the officers . The muster-roll was called , and tbe minutes read and confirmed . The E . C . elect was then advanced under an arch of steel , and promised to support the laws , rites , and ceremonies according to the statutes of the Grand Conclave of England and Wales . He was then
obligated , and installed E . C , and placed on the throne of his predecessors by P . E . C . Sir Knt . Banister . After being duly proclaimed , the E . C . appointed the following officers : —Sir Knts . Edward Pierpoint , Prelate ; William Horner , 1 st Capt . ; C . Cotesworth , 2 nd Capt . ; II . S . Alpass , Treas . and Reg . ; J . Heyes , Almoner ; Hall , Capt . of Lines ; A . P . Sparks , Expert ; Berry and Fowler , Heralds ; Melladew and Busher , Standard Bearers ; Smith , Equerry . The ballot was taken for Comps .
Gilliam and Slee , and both were unanimously elected . The latter being in attendance , was properly prepared , aud installed a Sir Knt . of the Order by P . E . C Sir Knt . Banister with his usual care . The Almoner made his collection , which is never omitted in this encampment , and five guineas were unanimously voted to the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . Business being over , the encampment was closed in solemn form . Sir Knt . W . II . WrihtProv . G .
g , Chancellor , was the only visitor . The banquet was held at the Adelphi Hotel , at six o'clock , under the presidency of the E . G ., Sir Knt . S . White , supported by P . E . C Sir Knt . W . H . Wright , P . E . C . Sir Knt . II . S . Alpass , & c . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dul y honoured . Sir Knt . W . H . Wright returned thanks for the Provincial Commander and himself ; Sir Knt . Alpass for the P . E . Commanders and Officers . The health of the E . C . was proposed by the representative of the
I . P . E . C , and replied to in excellent style by the E . C , who proposed the health of the newly-initated Sir Knt . E . Slee . The toast was done full justice to , and acknowledged in suitable terms . The last toast brought a most agreeable erening to an end .
OUTRAGES UPON FREEMASONS . —THEIR LODGES BURNED AND DESECRATED BY GEN . GRIERSON . The desecration and burning of Masonic lodges by Grierson lias caused , as we learn by accident , no little excitement among the mystic brotherhood . The New England Masons have publicly repudiated their obligations , and declared that their
"brethren" of the South are not deemed Masons . Grierson , himself a Mason , accepts the New England creed and disregards the obligations of the Order . When he first entered upon his career of crime , as a soldier , he burned the Masons' Lodge at Rising Sun , in West Tennessee . The then commander of the department condemned Grierson's
conduct , and compelled him to make ample restitution . It seems , however , that he has received specific instructions to destroy every vestige of Southern Masonry . He burned the Masons' building in Verona and also at Okalona . The wife of a colonel in our service , who is a Mason , made herself known as such , and was ruthlessly driven from her house with an infant in her arms . Her house was plundered and burned .
Masons may fight each other to the death on the battle-field , hut when the field is lost or won their obligations as members of a world-wide fraternity are revived , the philanthropy supplants bloodthirstyness and barharity . It is said that the Masons at Verona , Okalona , and adjacent points have offered a large sum for the head of Grierson . If we are correctly informed , it becomes the duty of every Mason in the world to take his life . If that absurd old story about the death of Morgan has any
foundation , it is surely not improbable that some loyal Mason will put a period to Grierson's career of plunder , rape , and robbery . —Macon Beacon .
INDIA . ( From the Masonic Record of Western India . ) MHOW . LODGE OB ST . PAUL ' S ( NO . 389 , S . C . )—The monthly meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held on the 2 nd of December last . In consequence of tbe unavoidable absence of
Bro . Captain Ouchterlony , the W . M ., Bro . Steers presided . The lodge was opened in due and ancient form in the 1 st degree , when a letter was read from ex-Secretary Bro . C . B . Fowler to the W . M ., requesting the lodge to accept a handsomely bound folio Bible for use on the altar of tbe lodge . The W . M . 's answer of acceptance to the same was also read , thanking Bro . Fowler for his handsome and much-prized testimonial . The minutes of the last meeting wero then read ,
approved of , and confirmed . Mr . Bedford , having been balloted for , and elected at a previous meeting , was regularly introduced , and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry in due and ancient form . Bro . Robinson , Sec , then proposed that the thanks of this lodge be tendered to Bro . Allen , in consideration of the active co-operation given by him in working this lodge for the space of three years as Junior and Senior Warden , and the endeavours he has made to advance the younger
members in Masonic knowledge ; and that this resolution be printed on white satin and sent to Bro . Allen . This proposition was seconded by Bro . D . Nusserwanjee , and carried item , con . The lodge was then passed to the 2 nd degree , and Bros . Stanley , Cowasjee Mendosjee , and Sorabjee Dadabhoy , being found proficient in the 1 st degree , were passed to that of Fellow Craft . The lodge was then raised to the 3 rd degree , when . Bros . Blenkinsopp and Pallonjee Nusserwanjee , after strict
examination , were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The lodge was then lowered to the E . A . degree . No further work remaining , the lodge was closed with prayer at 9 . 45 p . m . We record , with great pleasure , the free and willing manner that the brethren have come forward with their subscriptions for Bro . Fowler ' s testimonial : the sum collected fully comes up to our expectations . The Committee has decided on purchasing a silver tea-service , for which they have forwarded the necessary amount to England .
BENGAL . LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OB TUE KIDDEUPOEE NEW MAKKET , OB THE MAZUC 1 IELLI BAZAAK . The 5 th of December will be long remembered in Calcutta-It is some time since such an imposing spectacle was witnessed . Thousands of spectators were present , European and native . At half past four in the evening the Provincial Grand Master
of Bengal , assisted by the lodges in Calcutta , Howrah , and Dum Dirai , laid the foundation stone of a large European market at Kidderpore . The fraternity mustered very strong . The brethren assembled at Mr . Grey ' s house at Kidderpore , about half an hour before the ceremony . At the hour appointed the procession began to move . The procession having arrived within a proper distance of the appointed lace of ceremony there was a halt . The ranks of
p the brethren opened tbe right and left , the whole of them facing inwards . The Provincial Grand Master passed up the centre , preceded by his Standard and Sword Bearers , the Provincial Grand Officers and brethren following in succession from the rear . The Provincial Grand Master's chair was placed to the East , the District Grand Lodge forming up on the same side . The three other sides of the were filled by private lodges .
square The music continued till the Provincial Grand Master had taken his seat . Prayers were then offered up by the Rev . Bro . F . Mazuchelli , and the inscription on the plate read . The ceremony proceeded by the Provincial Grand Treasurer depositing bis phial of coins in the cavity prepared for it in the stone . The Provincial Grand Master then descended to the stone ,
proved that it was properly adjusted by the plumb , rule , level , and square , which were successively delivered to him by the Provincial Junior Grand Warden , the Provincial Senior Grand Warden , and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; after which he received the mallet , and declared the stone truly and well laid with three knocks . The Provincial Grand Wardens then handed the cups of
corn , wine , and oil to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , who poured thein on the stone .